Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 990: Looking for materials

  Chapter 990 Finding Materials

   The sound of deafening and deafening surged in the air and the earth shook. Chen Xuan suddenly felt a little stuffy in his chest, and even vomited some blood.

   "I really didn't expect this Gu Yanran to be so powerful!" Chen Xuan clenched his fists tightly, and at this moment a little surprise appeared in the depths of his eyes.

   "This woman seemed to have hidden her strength in the past, which made a huge error in the initial judgment. And even now this woman's ability is not fully displayed, it is really hateful!"

   Chen Xuan's eyes were gloomy and uncertain to see the current situation. If he didn't want a way to improve his strength, he would almost kill himself if he shot.

   Ke is also at this time the strange sound from the space that attracted his attention. Chen Xuan listened carefully and discovered that it was Li Zhan who played against him last time.

  The man’s arm was cut off by Chen Xuan abruptly, so that everything in his storage ring was obtained by Chen Xuan. If it was not the critical moment that the mysterious big figure appeared, it is estimated that this person has been killed by Chen Xuan.

  I really didn’t expect this guy to appear here today! He narrowed his eyes and pondered Chen Xuan's heart for a while: "Last time I just cut off one arm of this kid, and the medicinal materials obtained were only half. Haha, is there another part of this kid's arm?"

  Chen Xuan wanted to refine and restore the holy medicine "Huiyuan Pill", and the key medicinal material was in Li Zhan's body. However, there is still a lack of a key medicinal material called the "Colorful Original Liquid", because the pill matter cannot be started.

  At this time, feeling the strong pressure from around him, Chen Xuan knew that the guy who helped Li Zhan was still nearby. But fortunately, Chen Xuan's ability has improved a lot at this time, even if he encounters this top and powerful warrior again, he has no fear at all.

   "It is not difficult to kill Li Zhan first as long as you take a quick shot. Take his treasure away and fight the kid, I believe there is a certain chance of victory!"

  Chen Xuan sneered at this time and simply distinguished the direction that Li Zhan was in. He sneered with a faint glow all over his body, exploding swiftly and quickly disappearing...

   Li Zhan was shockingly surging. His sleeves were empty and drifting with the wind. At this time, he stepped on the void and moved forward quickly.

   "You can't go wrong with the breath of the little beast right here..." An astonishing killing was surging in the tiger's eyes. He scanned the surrounding environment and his eyes were cold and ferocious in the depths, and soon his eyes fell in the jungle below his feet.

  The eyes that had looked rather bleak suddenly brightened.

  "The little beast is here!" Li Zhan was immediately excited! Without the slightest intention, he sneered at this moment calmly and sneered: "First call Qiu Liang to him, but in the second half of the second half of the foundation construction of the son of the household, it can be said to be terrifying. I believe that as long as he shoots this little beast. There is no possibility of survival at all."

   Senran sneered, Li Zhan turned and left.

   "Can I go if I'm here?" Chen Xuan walked out slowly from behind him. The incomparable spiritual energy fluctuations were sent into the heaven and the earth, which made a kind of obstruction within a few hundred meters of space.

   "Little beast, you cut off the connection between me and Guo Liang!"

   "Huh! Even so, how long can your weak power be cut off? When he comes, we will fight you before and after you will die!" Li Zhan roared! Although the attitude seems very vicious at this time, it feels a little bit fierce in every way.

  Chen Xuan moved his muscles and bones and looked at the young talent in front of him faintly. He said faintly, "I'm afraid you will not be able to hold on to that time."

   "Things looking for death!" Li Zhan's eyes suddenly congested. At this time, there was no retreat, he decided to fight back strongly. The fists clenched the terrifying and thick wave-like material power, and the rapid and violent changes became stronger.

  The pure aura fluctuations turning between his hands faintly turned his arms into a crystal-like appearance. call out! A fist suddenly came down and tore the space apart.

   "The weak."

  "Break it for me!" Chen Xuan sneered.

Previously, when Li Zhan was in the state of both arms and was at the peak of his combat power, he was not Chen Xuan’s opponent. Now he was frightened enough after his arm was broken, and he did not fully recover from the aftermath of the last battle. .

  I encountered Chen Xuan this time, but instead of begging for mercy, he was still trying to make a move. This was simply an act of seeking death. Chen Xuan quickly counterattacked, and his frightful fist slammed open with swift violent swiftness, and immediately collided.

  咚! The horror fist broke out. Li Zhan's eyes were so sad that he vomited a big mouthful of blood. Twitching all over, he flew out in a panic. At this moment, he could clearly see that he was really embarrassed.

  The heavy body slammed on the ground and smashed the ground into a huge hole! The breath of earth and dust rises and fills the space like a sandstorm.

  After Li Zhan got up from it. Chen Xuansen suddenly arrived in front of him, snorted, and the spiritual energy chain flicked across Li Zhan's arm and cut his right arm down!

  Li Zhan's painful sweat roared like a pig. This voice was very stern and contained amazing piercing power, because it caused the barriers arranged by Chen Xuan to shatter the fluctuations of the spiritual energy.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan clearly felt the sudden tension in the space.

   "Hehe, is this top-level strong man finally here?" Chen Xuan sneered, what he is looking forward to most now is to fight this guy. After all, people like Li Zhan are completely tasteless to him.

  If it weren't for the "Huiyuan Pill" material, he might not be interested in fighting this kind of person at all. Looking at Li Zhan, who was incomparably empty-hearted, Chen Xuan slapped him out in the middle of his chest.

  The heavy and violent blow force sent into his body, causing Li Zhan's body to be torn apart. Blood mixed with thick minced meat spurted out of his mouth frantically.

   Li Zhan snorted and flew upside down like a kite with a broken line.

  Chen Xuan looked into the distance, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and he was still looking forward to this upcoming relatively high-quality battle.

  The terrifying wind in the distance surging swiftly and violently. The astonishing and incomparable wave of killing and felling vented overwhelmingly, and within a few hundred meters of space was instantly shrouded, and people in this interior seemed to be trapped in a swamp, even their basic activities were restricted.

  Chen Xuan clearly saw that a terrifying young man appeared in this place where power was gathered.

  This person is just twenty-four or twenty-five years old even if he is not very old, but the heavy blows like mountains and rivers surging out of him feel irresistible.

  Chen Xuan suddenly squinted his eyes, and it seemed that the last time he forced a shot in the battle with Li Zhan, it should be the guy in front of him who looked very domineering!

  (End of this chapter)

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