Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 991: Boa Constrictor Soul Eater

   Chapter 991

The stalwart young figure appeared in front of Chen Xuan's eyes. He vaguely heard from Li Zhan's mouth that the person in front of him seemed to be Qiu Liang.

  Moreover, there seems to be some content such as the Prince of Hubu Shangshu in the content. I didn't hear it very real, but this fragmented information was enough to let him know the identity of the stalwart young man in front of him.

  The strong from the empire!

  I have to say that this kind of person is very powerful and the forces behind it are even behemoths. The sect or some big forces are powerful, but it is still not enough in the region to compare with the existence of the empire behind the foundation.

   Offended them with a lot of pressure... Chen Xuanming looked at the stalwart young man in front of him, although Chen Xuan felt that the battle was very difficult after he knew the true identity of the young man in front of him.

  Unfortunately, after things have reached this stage, there are not too many choices.

  Chen Xuanming looked at the top and powerful warrior in front of him, he knew that today’s cruel battle is inevitable.

   "A good boy wounded my friend twice. I think you are really looking for death." Qiu Liang was full of martial arts killing intent.

  He looked at the young man indifferently and mockingly, and said faintly: "If I were you, then I would obediently roll over and begging for mercy, otherwise you may be miserable."

   "If I were you, I wouldn't say such stupid words. I also give you a chance. If you can let go and leave now, I can choose to let you go." Chen Xuan said seriously.

Qiu Liang first squinted his eyes, and then he pursed his mouth with an incredible expression: "I've seen arrogant people, but I have never seen you so arrogant. Haha, it's really a cheap bone with sharp teeth, it looks like I wouldn't give it to you. Click on the color to see if you don't know who is the real strong one."...

  Icely mocked Qiu Liang's mouth that he was not prepared to give Chen Xuan the slightest chance. Stepping forward swiftly and violently slammed in front of him.

The strong wind surging up like countless knives-like substances inside, rising swiftly and violently. This infinite killing power is truly terrifying to a certain degree, accompanied by the emergence of such aura. , The large area is a messy scene of fragmentation.


  Qiu Liang punched out fiercely.

  Chen Xuan counterattacked on the spot when the two sides collided with his body as if being hit by a martial arts mountain. He immediately withdrew his feet and broke the ground under his feet a lot.

With a single blow, Chen Xuan was not able to kill Chen Xuan, and Qiu Liang's eyes suddenly showed deep shock. At this moment, he ridiculed coldly, gathering the killing intent that was flowing from his body quickly and violently in his arm.

  The dazzling light surged from his arm, and the incomparably defeated snake appeared on his arm. This big snake looks alive and terrifying, and there is an incomparably eye-catching blood-red line in the center of the snow-white body.

The **** breath of   huhu emerged from the lines and diverged into the air almost instantaneously, covering up a large area of ​​space.

  The pulsation of the light of blood within the thick blood looks like a wave of blood. Guo Liang manipulates the power of the powerful blood snake in front of him as if he brought the light of a wind blade to his eyes.

   Boom! The big snake moving away from the core of the river of blood is even more harmful!

  Chen Xuan looked at the amazing attack in front of him without the slightest horror, and a confident smile surged over his handsome and hearty face.

  The **** air of waiting and the moment of the big snake. He clenched his fists tightly and the light of the aura of stars roared out, and the rushing and roaring material fluctuations radiated swiftly and violently. These substances and the blood waves in front of him became a cruel confrontation state.

  This kind of terrifying confrontation is terrifying. However, at this time, he could clearly see that in Chen Xuan's hands, the big sun-like stellar matter gradually gained scale, and he gathered these matter into a star shape and exploded fiercely.

  The astonishing light of stars surging with pure sun-like waves. This and the cold breath of blood in front of him produced innate restraint. Regardless of the strong and cruel feelings of the cold and cold breath, it is a pity that Chen Xuan was still torn and swallowed in this pure yang blow.

  At this time, the dazzling large sun fluctuations in Chen Xuan's fists suddenly smashed the blood mist in front of him, and he stepped forward with an astonishing piercing power to Qiu Liang's side.

  "Break it for me!" Chen Xuan's eyes roared like a knife and suddenly vented with fists like a big day. The punch that shattered the layers of blood in front of him immediately hit Guo Liang's chest.

  Guo Liang's body could not withstand such shocking blows and he retreated continuously. After retreating several steps, he coughed gently.

   "You hide so deep, little beast!"

   Feeling the astonishing combat power that Chen Xuan had gathered in an instant and the combat power that he had revealed on the surface, after the existence of quite an astonishing disparity, the prince of the household was immediately furious.

  If he knew from the beginning that this kid had such a combat power, how could he still use such ordinary power to give his opponent an unfavorable blow?

  Chen Xuan just sneered at the ability of this star's meteorite fist, of course, how can he dare to compete with you!

"Opportunistic things to see how you die!" Qiu Liang glared at Chen Xuan at this moment and saw that he was really annoyed at this moment, but there was a mocking mood in this anger, and he was full of emotions at this time. Kill all the amazing wind attributes.

  These killing lights converged quickly and became the shape of a big python. This big python is ten times stronger than the just now big snake. It can be seen that the surrounding space is a little weird and violent under the influence of such a terrifying effect.

   Chen Xuan vaguely felt that the incomparable martial skill in front of him turned out to be called "Big Python Soul Eater.", and felt that the power possessed and contained in it might exceed the maximum scope he can deal with now, and he squinted.

  This is what you forced me.

  "You must die, little beast."

   "Weak little crap, you will continue to confront me."

   "Hehe today I will let you die slowly and painfully."


A chain with the breath of a big python exploded and fell on Chen Xuan's body and smashed him away. He was seen this way for seven times. At this time, Chen Xuan was really embarrassed. .

   "Little beast, you are quite resistant to beatings, but I have enough for the son of the household now. I'm sorry you may be going to die now." Qiu Liang sneered and exploded the big python in his hand in the next moment.

  The big python moved towards Chen Xuan with an irresistible killing light. It's just that Chen Xuan didn't care at all at this time, facing his arrogant gaze, quietly taking out a pill.

  (End of this chapter)

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