Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 259: perish together? Do not!

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Let the time go back a little.

in the prison restaurant.

"Nina, the guy who is really imprisoned in the prison is coming, you hurry up and get out of here." Wu Xiaode said.

"What! Got it!"

Nina squeezed his shoulder and hurried away.

She directly broke through the void, drilled into the depths of the prison, and came all the way to the secret passage leading to the past.

The walls of the secret passage were covered with strange runes, but when Nina saw it, she seemed to be protected and breathed a sigh of relief.

"so far so good!"

"Finally back to this safest place..."

She leaned against the wall and squatted down slowly, with a tired look on her face.

-As a teenage girl, she has used the "Container of God" several times in a row. Even with the help of the law and beasts, she is already very tired.


"Even the mythical beast of the Law of Infancy is afraid of me, how can Brother Xiaowu be the opponent of that prisoner?"

Her voice suddenly became solemn again: "The prisoner is only a clone, and the way to enter the human world is to possess the body, so the result is uncertain."

"Can we help him?" she asked anxiously again.

"The way...Wait! The prisoner broke the setting of the prison, and it seems that your little brother Wu is going to participate in the war as a human!" She said indifferently.

"Come on, please—you have a way to help him in the settings, don't you?" she pleaded.

The Law Divine Beast did not answer.

Her eyes looked into the void, as if penetrating the endless barriers and seeing what was going on in that prison.


She sighed and said softly, "If I want to add a setting, I must also add--

"But his setup is 'one-on-one' r

"It's too dangerous."

"The group of strength he gave me does have some leftovers, but I don't have much experience, so I don't dare to add any settings at will, because I don't know if it will be a disservice."


Nina thought for a few breaths, and suddenly said, "Do you remember the settings he used when he rescued you last time?"


"Can you find a setting that can save his life - as long as there is such a setting!"



"I can set this up - but who will save him? The law cannot be shot in person, it must be faked by others."

"He has two companions in prison, and I'll contact them right away!"

Nina suddenly looked worried again.

"What's wrong?" she asked inexplicably.

"My strength is too weak, this setting may only be used once, and it will be broken by that monster." She replied lowly.

Nina was stunned for a moment, then she suddenly clenched her fist and waved at the void, saying firmly:

"Just once, as long as there is a little hope, I will save Brother Xiao Wu too!"


Satan was covered in dark mist, condensing into the phantom of the monster in mid-air.

This monster is different from the last time I saw it.

Its phantom is incomparably tall, revealing a sense of majesty and vicissitudes, but there are dozens of heads, all looking down in the air.

at the same time-

The flesh and blood on Satan's body also began to wriggle endlessly, bulging outwards, and growing heads with blurred faces.

Satan's strength is already terrifying, even if only one or two skills are enough to make Wu Xiaode vigilant, and now he has the blessing of a prisoner clone.

This is so scary.

Wu Xiaode had an ominous premonition in his heart, and immediately grabbed the Chixiao Divine Sword in his hand and kept shaking.

He was shaking so fast that the long sword turned into a blurry afterimage.

Quickly brush up your skills!

Lines of small ice crystal characters appeared on the Book of the Undead:

"You activated the magical power of the Akasaka Sword Spirit:"


"The long sword began to constantly refresh its skills. The list is as follows:"

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"Fatal injury;"

"element attached;"

"God Punishment;"


"Multiple evil shadows;"


"Legion Summons!"

- What skill is this?

Wu Xiaode stopped.

I saw that the Book of the Undead has given the skill description:

"The Legion Summons."

"Summon the legion under the command of a certain demon lord for a one-sided fight."

This can have it!

Wu Xiaode pointed his long sword at Satan on the opposite side, and immediately launched the "Legion Summoning".

The ground shook.

Countless voices sounded slowly from the ground:

"Call to the fragile humans waiting for me, and we will show you what the real battle is!"

"As a condition of our participation in the war, all the treasures on the prey belong to us."

Wu Xiaode said loudly, "No problem, let's go!"

rumble rumble one

The ground cracked, and demons riding warhorses slowly rose from the ground.

"Look, when we shot, everything was different!"

They were high-spirited, clad in armor, and armed with sharp blades—

The demon general at the head said loudly: "All demons, charge with me!"

The demons responded with a bang.

Wu Xiaode moved back a distance to make way for them.

- They're going to charge!

The demon gods under the ring also widened their eyes, watching this incredible scene.

next second.

A voice suddenly sounded:

"Master General, the opposite is the prisoner's clone of the prison!"

All demons stopped.

The demon general said, "Is it really a prisoner clone?"

"That's right, I specifically read the records in the Devil's Book, and I'm sure it's its clone - it's so terrifying that even Lord Lord can't handle it at all.

"So that's the case, hum!" The Demon General snorted coldly.

rumbling —

All the demons stood on the spot, put on a heroic battle formation, and slowly sank into the ground with the vibration of the ground.

The ground closes.

Everything went silent.

Dead silence.

Even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be heard.

Cold wind blows.

The demon gods looked at Wu Xiaode.

Wu Xiaode couldn't help his face, and couldn't help but say, "Are they just here to go through the motions?"

"Devils are all bullies who are afraid of toughness - don't expect these guys to dare to fight with prisoners. Even the devil will be controlled by it, and no one is its opponent." Akasaka Sword Spirit sighed.


Satan sneered and said, "Sad human beings, all worlds, all sentient beings, countless gods and monsters, no one dares to fight me----"

"And I only need one shot to kill you now."

Satan raised his finger slowly.

The premonition of death appeared in Wu Xiaode's heart.

not good!

It's really over this time!

Wu Xiaode's mind flashed, and he quickly thought about how to deal with it.

He held the wild sword and activated another supernatural power above—

"Eternal figurine body."

"Turn the sword-bearer into some kind of existence from endless years ago, not bound by all the laws of today."

There is no other way at the moment, I just hope that I can turn into a figurine, break the setting, and use all the soul power I have accumulated to fight!


A crisp bell sounded from the ring.


A figure jumped onto the ring and said loudly: "The first round is over, both sides have a temporary rest!"

At almost the same moment, the spell in Satan's hands could not be released.

It looked at the figure suspiciously.

-Satan of World 1666!

Not only Satan, Leng Meiren also held a sign that said "Take a minute rest

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” sign and stood on the field.

"Why are you here?" Wu Xiaode asked in surprise.

"No one can catch that move just now." Leng Meiren said.

"But you are also exposed." Wu Xiaode said.

"Can we live without exposing it? It's going to kill me and the black dragon." Satan said.

While speaking, Satan looked under the ring.

"I have finally acquired 5 skills. Killing these demon gods is like chopping melons and vegetables. Unexpectedly, the prisoners came."

he sighed.

"There are 40 seconds left, your brain is so good, can you think of a way to deal with it?"

Leng Meiren stared at Wu Xiaode and asked with concern.

Wu Xiaode sighed.

- In fact, there is absolutely no way.

So I was ready to work hard just now.

Even if he were given a few more minutes, there was nothing he could do in the face of this absolute strength difference.

He was thinking silently when he suddenly saw a line of small words appearing on the Book of the Dead:

"You have been transformed into an ancient figurine."

"The current identity is not restricted by the law."

"You lost your 'human' identity and became a figurine. "

-and many more!

Lost your human identity!

I remember Li Kunlun said that once you change your identity, you must read the last note immediately.

Wu Xiaode reached out and took out the note from his pocket.

I saw that it said:

"You died here last time.

"That's why I had to return from the future."

"After you died, the prisoner clone began to destroy World No. 1666, but countless runes spewed out from the depths of the prison, and it stopped temporarily, saying that it would destroy everything in a few days."

"Remember, the body of the figurine can't beat it."

"Think of another way!"

"Think about it!!!"

The note ends here.

Wu Xiaode closed his eyes and went through the contents of the note in his mind.


Time is up!

Satan and Leng Meiren had to jump off the ring.

"Delusional to save yourself with such a fragile setting? Ridiculous!"

"Well, although it will take a little of my strength, I decided to let it shatter."

The phantom of the prisoner's clone stretched out his hand and pressed lightly towards the void.

The void suddenly gave off a silent vibration.

The invisible ripples dissipated in an instant.

The demon gods watching the battle immediately sensed the same thing.

- The suspension rule just now is no longer valid!

What a power this is!

Prisoners have such power, and it is only a matter of time before they can escape from the depths of the prison!

"Then go to hell.

The shadow of the prisoner's clone pointed to Wu Xiaode.

Between lightning and flint—

Holding the Chixiao Divine Sword, Wu Xiaode suddenly shouted, "Magpie Bridge is returning!"


He just disappeared from the ring.

Deep in hell.

Secret passages.

Wu Xiaode suddenly appeared here.

According to what Li Kunlun said just now, the prisoner clone is invincible and invincible.

It only temporarily stopped when those runes spewed.

-It dreads those runes.

Li Kunlun didn't know the origin of those runes, but he knew it!

I also know that Satan suffered a big loss from these runes, lost his main body, and only had a spare body, so that his strength was reduced by 70%!

That's right.

This secret passage to a bygone era is the power center area of ​​the Prison!

Maybe against prisoners, it's not enough.

But what if it's a prisoner's doppelganger?

Wu Xiaode stood there and waited silently.


Two lines of small ice crystal characters appear:

"World setting: "One-on-one, in effect.

"The target you specified must complete a one-on-one battle with you!"


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It's being sent here!"

Wu Xiaode took a deep breath and said softly:

"Come on... let me see if Li Kunlun's information is accurate."


The shadow flickered.

I saw that Satan, who was shrouded in a huge phantom, appeared directly at the other end of the secret passage.

The phantom looked down at Wu Xiaode and said:

"It's no use running away, you—damn! How did you know about this place!"

Its voice became full of anger.

I saw all the runes on the surrounding walls rippling like water waves, jumping out of the wall one after another, and starting to form an irresistible torrent.

The torrent first fell on Satan, and he was immediately immobilized.

The phantom was wrapped around his body by countless characters, and a desperate roar came out of his mouth:

"Collection! You dare to seal me, and you will be sealed here forever!"

Wu Xiaode quietly felt the power of the torrent, but felt that nothing in the world, even demons, and even bone dragons could survive in front of this power.

Neither can you!

Are they going to die together?

Do not!

There is another way!

He raised his wrist and looked at the watch.

This is a piece of strange immortal creation that I obtained in the past era!

"Wonder watch: 'One hand covers the sky,

"It chronicles a lot of safe moments, and if you want to go back in time, just say something to it.

"Principle: Designate one or two people and request to arrive at the closest moment when he/she is still in a safe state."

"Consume 10 million soul power each time."

Wu Xiaode looked at the prisoner who was gradually bound by the runes and said:

"To perish together? No, UU reading is sealed here, only you, not me."

The voice just fell.

There was a sudden ticking sound on the watch.

"Let's go, take me to that era in the past, to a safe moment in Shen Xiyao!"

Wu Xiaode said silently in his heart.

A ray of light suddenly appeared from the watch and completely obscured him.

Countless torrents of runes drowned the prisoner clones, rushing towards Wu Xiaode.

next moment.

He disappeared from the secret passage.

To be continued

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