Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 260: Ascension to death!

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The darkness is like the sea and the sky.

One after another light fell down like a waterfall, showing an incomparably holy meaning.

Wu Xiaode only felt that he had stopped in some unknown place.


Didn't he want to teleport to a safe moment in Shen Xiyao?

Could it be that the seal of the prison has not spared him?

There was some apprehension in his heart.

But the wall of sighs on the Book of the Dead is nothing different.

For a moment.

Coherent runes appeared quietly in the darkness—

These strange runes are from the prison at a glance.

They revolved around Wu Xiaode and kept rotating at a slow speed.

Wu Xiaode waited with bated breath, but found that these runes did not seem to embarrass him.

At this time, several lines of small ice crystal characters appeared on the Book of the Undead:

"The prisoner clone has been sealed again."

"You have completed the battle to defend the parallel world 1666."

"The Prison of Sin gives you more power to the Demon Seeds, making them as stable as ever, so that you can use them at any time."


"The Prison has detected that you have the title of Crown of Law". "

"This time, I will incorporate the laws of the prison into your name to further enhance the power of your name."

"Please wait."

Wu Xiaode breathed a sigh of relief.

what the hell.

It was a reward.

Nina has the power of the "vessel of the gods", so she can use the power of the devil within an hour.

But now the prison has rewarded himself, so that the power of the demons can be stabilized in himself.


Wu Xiaode reached out and touched it.

He now has the tokens of Cyclops, Succubus, King of Demons, and Fallen Angel Ulysses in his hands.

In other words, you can use their power yourself.

- It's good news.

In the dark void all around, the spinning and flying runes quietly lined up, exuding a gleam of light, one by one submerging into Wu Xiaode's body.

next moment.

Wu Xiaode only felt that there seemed to be an invisible force in him.

A line of small ice crystal words quickly appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"Thanks to the power of the law of the prison, your name "Tianzhiming Ghost" has evolved again. "

"You lost the ability to "watch the darkest hour of people" and gained a new "Tianzhi" power."

"The current effect of the title of "Tianzhi" is as follows: "

"1. During the battle, all the skills and abilities of the opponent and the moment when they are displayed will appear in your heart;"

"2. You can give your power to a creature to temporarily gain life and fight for you."

"—All things are born to support people."

"Furthermore, the effect of 'Ming Oni' remains the same."

"The reward for the prison has been distributed."


"Counting down tens of seconds, you are about to leave the current time and space and arrive where you are going."





All the small print stays on the page, constantly refreshing new numbers.

Wu Xiaode was a little puzzled.

The power of "Tianzhi"

Observing other people's darkest moments is actually very useful and can help you discover other people's weaknesses.

- Sin Prison suddenly replaced itself with a "temporarily given life to creation, so that it has its own power".

What's the use of this?

However, the prison is also a great power that imprisoned that prisoner, so it should can't go wrong.

Maybe this power is strong?

At this point the countdown returns to zero.

All darkness fades away at the speed of ashes in the wind.

The world becomes brighter.

Wu Xiaode found himself standing above the clouds.

The multicolored awns are all over the clouds.

far in the air

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There are divine birds coming and going, and the auspicious smallpox is flying all over the sky.

Looking up, the sky is as clear as a mirror, which can illuminate everything that exists or not;

Looking down, the thick soil is vast and boundless, to carry all living beings and all things.

The ethereal fairy sound came out of nowhere, and as soon as it entered the ear, it immediately raised countless majesty and solemn meanings.

Suddenly, a figure dressed in an ancient robe flew from another cloud, stood a few meters away, and said:

"Tianzun knows you are here, please follow me to meet."

Just as Wu Xiaode was about to ask, he found that the watch in his hand started to get hot.

- It seems to sense something.

"Ah - good." Wu Xiaode returned a salute.

The figurine nodded, stretched out his hand and squeezed a trick.

The clouds immediately carried the two of them into the higher blue sky and flew towards a palace above the extreme sky.

Wu Xiaode stood on the cloud and looked closely at the palace.

I saw that the whole body of the palace was made of azure brick walls, with emerald tiles on them, and the tiles were inlaid with various colored gemstones, exuding a colorful light, shining on the boundless sky.

This scene really shocked him.

- Is it the Heavenly Palace?

Wu Xiaode thought silently, and his expression gradually became solemn.

The clouds kept drifting forward, all the way into the palace, and came to the center of the hall.

I saw that the entire hall was covered with exotic flowers and plants, fragrant and fragrant, and there were many figurines of all kinds, majestic and quiet, standing around.

On a high platform in front, a long-haired woman wearing a colorful feather coat stood with her hands behind her back, looking at the boundless sea of ​​clouds beyond the high platform.

A round of divine light quietly appeared behind her, like the sun and the moon.

The wind blew her jacket.

"Tianzun, people have brought it."

The figurine bowed and stepped aside.

The woman turns around—

Wu Xiaode almost shouted.

Isn't this Shen Xiyao?

So she's a fairy?

But compared to Shen Xiyao, her majesty and momentum are more than tens of thousands of times stronger!

- What is all this about?

I saw Shen Xiyao glanced at Wu Xiaode, nodded and said, "You have a piece of my creation in your hand."

"Ah, yes." Wu Xiaode said.

He took the watch off.

Shen Xiyao waved, and the watch flew over and landed in her hand.

She looked at her watch, frowned slightly, and suddenly regained her composure, and said, "Come here and watch the ceremony with me."

"Watching the ceremony?" Wu Xiaode wondered.

Shen Xiyao stopped talking, just turned around and continued to stare at the boundless sea of ​​clouds outside.

Wu Xiaode had no choice but to walk forward slowly, get on the high platform, and stand with her.

"You are from seventeen years later, that is to say, this watch was given to you by me seventeen years later."

Shen Xiyao said through sound transmission.

Seventeen years later...

Wu Xiaode remembered the era when he went.

At that time, the immortals had been reincarnated one after another, and the figurines began to rule the earth.

"Also, I have read the records of this watch, you are actually from a later era, aren't you?"

Shen Xiyao said through sound transmission.

"Yes, I came from the post-century Yuan and arrived at the moment you mentioned." Wu Xiaode said.

A little round.

But the fact is already clear.

This time I arrived at an earlier era.

In this era, Shen Xiyao was still a **** in the sky, and was honored as "Tianzun".

Seventeen years later, she will be the girl Shen Xiyao on the ground.

That year, the human figure rebelled, pretending to be a bodyguard, and saving her three times in that city.

"I already know about you. Now it's safe here. Come watch the ceremony with me."

Shen Xiyao said lightly.

"What ceremony?" Wu Xiaode couldn't help asking.

-I have never dealt with immortals before, so I am not used to it.

Shen Xiyao explained:

"The science and technology of human beings in the lower world have developed to the extreme, and they have mastered all the functions and potential stimulation of the human body.

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In this way, human beings, combined with the cultivation methods handed down from ancient times, have been able to use machines to continuously improve the human body until they become immortals. "

"Becoming an immortal? Using technology?" Wu Xiaode said in disbelief.

"Yes, the various levels of cultivation are nothing more than to strengthen oneself, to refine the essence of spirit, to entangle the meridians like turtles and snakes, to absorb the power of billions of voids, to cultivate layer by layer, and finally to become a true immortal."

"Humans have completed the stylization of practice by means of decoding."

"Today is the first day when human beings practiced with an automated program, completed all the exercises, and ascended to the sky."

"In the sky, all the gods are watching."

Wu Xiaode was stunned.

"If this is really possible...will there be a lot of immortals in the future?" he asked.

"That's right, the Great Tribulation of the Era is approaching. Human beings are able to figure out this quick and easy way to become immortals, which has really helped us a lot." Shen Xiyao said.

"You mean—"

"The more immortals, the stronger our combat power, and there is a way to deal with the epoch catastrophe."

Wu Xiaode wanted to speak, but saw Shen Xiyao suddenly looking into the sea of ​​clouds and said softly:

"The historic moment has come."

"The first fully automatic human being is about to enter the fairyland."

Wu Xiaode followed her gaze.

I saw that the sea of ​​​​clouds opened a hole, and Wan Dao Xiaguang spewed out from the hole, like a turbulent water flow rendering a vision in the sky.

Above the heavens, countless Qionglou Yuyu appeared all at once.

The immortals stopped in the clouds and looked at the mouth of the sea of ​​clouds. For a moment.

A radiant figure rushed out from inside and flew into the blue sky.

- This is a middle-aged man!

He flew in the air, turned his eyes, and suddenly saw the immortals in the sky.


"My practice is really successful!"

The man waved excitedly.

The gods all over the sky showed a gratified smile.

Above the sky, a majestic voice sounded:

"Teach that new **** to wait in front of the jade platform, and the Jade Emperor will grant him an official title."

In the sea of ​​​​clouds, there were several figurines wearing immortal armor, and they responded in a loud voice:


They rode the cloud and flew towards the man.

The man stood in the sky, waiting quietly.

Wu Xiaode suddenly found that Shen Xiyao frowned slightly.

"Not good...why did Tiantiao come?" She said with a light pink lips.


Wu Xiaode looked into the air.

I saw a scroll suddenly appeared in the The moment this scroll appeared, all the gods in the sky retreated.

The flying figurines also hurriedly knelt in the air.

Tiantiao fell in front of the man and made an indifferent voice:

"Poor virtue should be beheaded."

"If you are unjust, you should be punished."

"Without success, killing intent, destroying form!"

The voice just fell.

I saw a waterfall-like thunder hit the man from the depths of the sky.

The man didn't hold it for a moment, and went straight to fly ashes.

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