Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 261: Ten thousand immortals come to all!

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Banshee stood on the high platform, staring at the opening in the sea of ​​clouds.

Wu Xiaode sat beside him, holding a thick immortal book in his hand, his forehead sweating.

I saw that the fairy book was densely written all over the sky:

"All the righteous gods have been cursed by the people, and those who cause illnesses will be beheaded. Those who harm one person will be destroyed."

"All the righteous gods who receive more than one penny of private property in the eighth section will be put to death."


"All the righteous gods are subject to the judicial ultimatum or command, and those who do not follow will be executed. Those who deliberately violate the rules will be put to death."


The eyes are full of extremely strict laws.

Wu Xiaode couldn't help but said, "Being an immortal is so demanding."

"Yes, if the good deeds are not enough, the virtues are not prepared, and you cannot be a righteous god, that is, an evil god." The banshee said respectfully.

"Evil God...what's the end?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"You turn back, and there is a talk behind." Female Tianzun said slowly.

Wu Xiaode turned back and quickly found the relevant content:

"The evil gods arrogantly ate blood and beheaded the living.

The evil gods will be beheaded by those who enter people's homes rashly.

Fractals of evil gods who arbitrarily take over people's house characters.

The evil gods arrogantly enter people's homes and cause disasters.

The evil gods stole a rafter and a tile of a folk temple and executed them. Fractal above.

The evil gods arbitrarily occupy people's seats and behead those who receive incense.

All the evil gods are arrogantly subject to the fractal of those who have been searched by the people for more than one article.

The evil gods were beheaded by those who were sitting at the seats and burning incense.

The evil gods are arrogantly subject to the fractals of folk lexicons.

The evil gods are indiscriminately fractal by folk worshippers.


Fractal means extinction.

--The gods are all gone.

Evil gods can't do anything, and they have to be careful when connecting with human beings, not to mention coming from the heavens?

The first person to destroy is the Evil God!

Wu Xiaode couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead again, and said in a low voice:

"Aren't there any qualified ones?"

The goddess goddess frowned and said: "Hundreds of years ago, there were still many immortals who thought of the lower world, savored the world, and returned from rebuilding, but

In the past hundred years, the development of the mortal world has been too rapid, and all kinds of fascinating and fascinating things have emerged one after another.

No immortals dare to descend to the realm. "

"Why?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"I'm afraid that after I go down, my heart will be turned by things, ghosts will be fascinated, and I don't want to be an immortal anymore," said the goddess.

"--If that's the case, then why do you want to engage in such an ascension?" Wu Xiaode spread his hands.

He looked towards the cloud hole.

Every time a period of time, colorful auspicious light emerges from the cloud cave, and then, there are human beings flying up.

But every person who ascends will immediately usher in the bombardment of thunder light, and they will be destroyed on the spot.

-- This is the fractal.

"You're mistaken, Xiao Wu, it's not that we want to do such an ascension, it's people who do it."

The goddess said softly.

Wu Xiaode was stunned, stood up slowly, and looked at the colorful cloud cave.

Every once in a while, someone flew up.

But in the end, they were all annihilated.

"Aren't there any good people?" he couldn't help asking.

"Of course there are good people, but it is useless to be a good person in this life. He must be a good person for three lifetimes.

Gradually destroy the evil karma created in the previous life, and then we can talk about the merits of good and evil, and only when the merit is enough can we become immortals. "

The female Tianzun showed the color of memory and continued:

"I remember that there was a man who took sutras back then. He was a Buddhist son who sympathized with the suffering beings in the lower realm. He deliberately committed the crime of disrespect and went to the lower realm. He has been a good person who has practiced for ten lifetimes. , and still suffered ninety-nine-eighty-one hardships."

"It's too difficult." Wu Xiaode shook his head and sighed.

The female Tianzun sneered: "If longevity is not difficult, why is it difficult?"

While the two were talking, they saw that the cloud hole gradually closed.

A day and a night had passed by then.

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--Too many people have died, and no one is trying to become immortal anymore.

Female Tianzun said: "You have a magic weapon in your hand to go, you can send it off, and then I will tell you something."

Wu Xiaode was stunned and slowly looked down.

I saw the Chixiao Divine Sword flying up from his waist, and he said with a hum: "Good luck, Xiao Wu, I have returned to this fairy.

In the era where people live, it is time to temper it. "

"I don't mind, so we will continue with the entrustment when you come back?" Wu Xiaode asked.

The Chixiao Divine Sword was shocked, and he laughed loudly:

"Stupid Xiao Wu, the prisoner's avatar has been sealed by you, and the demon gods in other worlds are probably scared to death by you!"

Wu Xiaode said: "On the third night, the demon gods of the parallel world No. 5432 will occupy the world No. 1666."

Chixiao Divine Kendo: Satan and Black Dragon in the 1666 parallel world have both brushed the five skills in their hands, and are firm

On your side--"

"Plus Nina and the Law Divine Beast, and your own power."

World 1666 won't have any more problems for now!"

Wu Xiaode thought about it, and it was the same.


Finally don't have to worry about the world.

"Take the 5 points of merit, and you can keep in touch when you have time." He bowed to the Chixiao Divine Sword.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say, I left a mark on the wall of your wish, if you have something to call." Chi Xiaojian Lingdao"

"Well, take care of yourself."

"You too."

The long sword turned into a stream of light out of the high platform, and instantly crossed the sky without knowing where to go.

Several lines of small ice crystals appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"The commission has been completed."

"You paid 5 points of merit."

"Current merit: 0."

"And again:"

"This is an extremely distant past era, and you can use the Wall of Wishes in the current era."

All right--

It's the same as last time.

Wu Xiaode calmed down and bowed to the female Tianzun: "My affairs have been dealt with, I don't know what you are doing.

tell me. "

"Look outside." Female Tianzun said.

Wu Xiaode looked towards the sea of ​​clouds outside.

I saw a colorful streamer flashing out of the void, circling in mid-air, looking under the sea of ​​​​clouds.

A majestic voice resounded in the void:

"Zhu Rong has been reincarnated in the lower world!"

Two more five-color streamers circled alternately in mid-air, and suddenly fell into the sea of ​​​​clouds, and did not know where to go.

Cheng Yan's voice spread to all directions again:

"There will be chaos in the lower realm, and Gonggong and Jimeng will also ask the world to go to the lower realm!"

The voice did not fall.

But seeing the dense multi-colored divine light emerging from the sky, they all fell towards the bottom of the sea of ​​​​clouds.

The voice said quietly:

"The Nine Lights of the Heavenly Palace, the Twelve Yuanchen, the Milky Ways and the Celestials, and the Sacred Universe have all entered the mortal world and will be reincarnated and reincarnated!"

This scene is almost rare in the world. Wu Xiaode only saw his mouth grow up and was speechless for a long time.

The female Tianzun straightened her expression and asked:

"Xiao Wu, you are someone who came back from the future, what is your wish?"

"I originally just wanted to lie down, but since you asked...then I want world peace, no war and destruction.

"Wu Xiaode said.

"Very good, now I have to reincarnate in the lower realm, Xiao Wu, you go to the mortal world to find me and protect me, so it will be a

There is hope for everything. "The goddess said.

She was about to fly off the high platform as soon as she was in shape.

Wu Xiaode quickly stopped her and said loudly:

"and many more!"

"What else?" the goddess asked.

Human beings cannot become immortals, so why do all of you gods have to be reincarnated!" Wu Xiaode said:


--Could it be that he really covets the happiness and comfort of the world.

Wu Xiaode said secretly in his heart.

The female Tianzun stopped, smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you listen to this matter.

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"Actually, for five hundred years, no human being has become immortal."

"In the next few years, the world will soon develop the technology of immortality, and then even the energy problem will be solved.


"Do you know what that means?"

"Humans don't need to become immortals?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"That's right, the heavens and the yellow springs will become useless, because the human beings will not come -- this is the end of the whole world system --

The world system has reached a teetering crisis point. "

The Banshee went on straight:

"There are 129,600 years old in the heaven and the earth as an era, and an era is divided into twelve guilds, each of which is 18,000 years old. Now the 12 guilds are over, if you want to continue the era, unless the gods and the All the ghosts are reincarnated and reincarnated to meet the great calamity of that era."

"Can you defeat the catastrophe?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Not necessarily, if it fails, everything in the era will be destroyed; but if it succeeds--"

The female Tianzun smiled, and her figure jumped up slightly, floating towards the sky like a flying fairy.

"What will happen if you succeed?"

Wu Xiaode asked loudly.

Banshee's voice came from afar:

"--Hongmeng reopens, and the list of conferred gods will be established again!"

Wu Xiaode was shocked.

The next moment, I saw the book of the dead suddenly opened.

"??? issued a commission:"

"Bless me."

"Entrustment explanation: With my respect, in the human world, I am only a mortal body, and in the event of a catastrophe, my body will die and my soul will perish. Xiao Wu,

You have to protect my comprehensiveness. In this way, the world will always be a spark of hope. "

"Delegation reward: a little merit every day."

A little merit every day!

Wu Xiaode looked at the last sentence of the commission in disbelief.

What a joke!

This is a virtue!

If this female Tianzun goes to cast fat, she will grow up to the age of Shen Xiyao, which is about her eighteenth birthday--

Eighteen days or so.

Six thousand five hundred and seventy points of merit!

You know, every bit of merit is an extremely rare and precious thing.

How can this female Tianzun be able to give herself such a generous reward?

Wu Xiaode silently accepted the entrustment, raised his head, and watched the female Tianzun turn into a gorgeous colorful light in the sky, flying towards the sea of ​​​​clouds.

in the void.

The majestic voice suddenly rose and shouted loudly:

"--Respectfully send the Lord of the Great Heavenly Venerate, the Queen Mother of the West, reincarnated and reincarnated!"

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