Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 263: Heaven's Will

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The gate of the Taoist temple is open—

When Wu Xiaode knocked on the door just now, the two doors fell straight down.

So when Wu Xiaode walked out of the backyard and stood in the front courtyard, he could see several men and women standing outside the gate.

They were in a semicircle formation, with guns in hand, looking carefully at the way they came.

A woman was guarded in the center by the crowd, wearing a wide long skirt, her lower abdomen was slightly bulging, and she also held a pistol in her hand.

These people were a little surprised when such a young Taoist priest came out of the Taoist temple.

Wu Xiaode was about to speak, when he suddenly saw a bright colorful light flying from the sky, quietly falling in front of the gun-wielding woman, turning into the Queen Mother of the West.

Wu Xiaode was stunned.

He found that only he could see the other party, and as for the woman with the gun and the crowd of guards around, no one could see this noble female goddess.

The Queen Mother of the West smiled at Wu Xiaode and compared her lips.


Wu Xiaode nodded slightly and bowed his hands.

- I try my best.

When the Queen Mother of the West saw this, she took two steps back, bowed slightly, and turned into a colorful cloud again, spinning around the gun-wielding woman.

All the colorful lights were completely submerged in the woman's lower abdomen.

This is a pregnancy.

The woman in the long skirt with the gun didn't notice it, and asked Wu Xiaode:

"Chief Daoist, do you have any place to hide here?"

Even though the situation was critical, her expression remained calm.

- She has long wavy hair, a plump figure, a pair of Danfeng eyes, and her eyes are very agile.

There were some splashes of blood on her fair face and arms, but she ignored it and just looked at Wu Xiaode seriously.

"Are you climbing the mountain? Come in and rest, don't worry, the security on the mountain is very good." Wu Xiaode smiled.

The crowd on the opposite side were all stunned.

"Is the security here?" The woman asked tentatively.

She didn't know if it was because of her dazzling eyes or what, she seemed to see a little mist lingering around Wu Xiaode.

But when you look closely, those mists have turned into nothingness and are no longer visible.

"We need to vigorously revitalize the tourism industry here, and there may be a security point on the mountain. The recent police presence will not cause any trouble." Wu Xiaode said with a smile.

He made a false gesture of reaching out and continued: "Everyone, please come in for tea."

The voice fell.

Lights were lit in the temple.

Hundreds of bronze hands cleaned the main hall, the stove was on fire, and the iron pot was filled with water and set on the stove to burn.

The chairs that can sit in the entire Taoist temple have been moved into the main hall.

Seven or eight bronze hands went to the glass vase, picked a few flowers in the backyard, put them in the vase, and placed them gently on the coffee table.

everything's ready.

"Sister Shen, what should I do now?" a capable man asked in a low voice.

The gun-wielding woman known as Sister Shen looked at Wu Xiaode and then at the light on the window of the main hall of the Taoist Temple, hesitated for a while, and said softly:

"Little Daoist, I believe you can see that we have been hunted down to this point. Could you give me a precise word, is there really a government inspection here?"

"Of course, Taoist priests can't lie, trust me - come, come and have a rest and drink tea." Wu Xiaode said.

Suddenly there was a flash of lightning in the sky.

Cold rain began to drip.

The mountain wind is cold and the rain is pouring.

A woman pressed into Sister Shen's ear and said, "I always feel that this little Taoist is not right, why don't you change the place?"

"Where else can I escape?" Sister Shen said coldly.

She looked at the heavy cloud of lead in the sky, lowered her head and caressed her stomach gently, pondering for a while, "All enter the Taoist temple."

Everyone immediately put away their guns, and followed her into the Taoist temple. A few people from the outside separated out and began to investigate the situation of the Taoist temple.

The woman followed Wu Xiaode into the parlour of the Taoist temple.

All bronze hands are hidden in the void.

The firewood in the room was crackling, bringing with it a

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Share warmth.

The tea is boiling.

Wu Xiaode skillfully brewed tea for everyone, and then he sat on the main seat and said with a smile:

"Forgive me for taking the liberty to say that even if you have a body, even if you are chased and killed, it is still a bit unwise to climb the mountain so late."

The woman surnamed Shen was dumbfounded.

Everyone would feel that it was wrong for such a large group of people to rush up with long guns and short cannons. Who knows that this little Taoist is not afraid at all. It seems that he didn't see it at all, and he even invited himself to drink tea.

If he wasn't crazy...

"Daoist," the woman surnamed Shen said respectfully, "the little girl was really desperate, and she was only halfway up the mountain and crashed into Guiguan."

"Oh." Wu Xiaode spit out a word.

"If I stay here, I'm afraid it will bring death to the Taoist priest. After I finish drinking this cup of tea, I will leave immediately. What do you think of the Taoist priest?" said the woman surnamed Shen.

"Since you have entered my Taoist door, you are my guest. Now I just ask, what business do you do?" Wu Xiaode asked.

— These people have guns, are in tight formations, are well trained, and are forbidden.

Not like a beggar gang, nor like a gangster.

Traffickers are not so professional in combat.

A drug dealer, that's possible.

But how could the dignified and dignified Queen Mother of the West, who is so high in the sky, give birth to such a sinful person?


Are these people killers?


Or an arms dealer?

The woman surnamed Shen sighed: "We make mechas.

"Xiaodao has been out of touch with society for too long. I don't know what the business here is. Please elaborate." Wu Xiaode said.

"We are an underground mecha manufacturer not recognized by the government. Not long ago, we studied several technologies and achieved breakthroughs, but we accidentally leaked the news and let several big companies know about it." The woman surnamed Shen said.

Wu Xiaode breathed a sigh of relief.

so far so good.

As long as it is not a drug dealer or a human trafficker, there is no psychological pressure on him.

Just save them.

Wu Xiaode smiled and said, "You guys can rest here, everything will be fine."

Before he finished speaking, the coffee table vibrated gently.

Ding ding ding ding ding.

The teacups tapped the table intensively, causing the atmosphere to solidify.

Someone rushed into the hall in a hurry and said quickly:

"Two wild wolf-type tactical mobile armors have gone up the mountain, and they are already outside the Taoist temple at this moment."

The whole hall was silent.

Wolf-type mobile armor.

To deal with this group of people, in fact, as long as you come with such a mobile armor, you can start cleaning the battlefield with a single dash and strafing.

- There are two!

It seems that this time there is no escape.

The woman surnamed Shen turned pale and smiled bitterly: "Master, we won't bother you anymore."

Just as she was about to stand up, Wu Xiaode reached out and held her shoulders.

"As I said just now, the law and order here is very good, even mechas can't enter my Taoist temple, otherwise just wait for the police to trouble them."

Wu Xiaode smiled.

Suddenly there was a heavy vibration outside.

Looking out through the window, I saw two giant steel creations with a height of seven or eight meters walking slowly among the mountains.

Every time they took a step, the earth shook slightly.

People watched this scene with bated breath.

Despair engulfed everyone deeply.

Take a breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

As time passed, the two mobile armors were still searching in the mountains, but they had no intention of coming towards the Taoist Temple.

**...what's going on?

The Taoist Temple is clearly here, and it only takes a quick terrain survey and scan to immediately find out that there are several living beings in the Taoist Temple.

But the two mobile armors seemed to be blind and didn't even look here.

This is totally impossible!

While everyone was wondering, Wu Xiaode stretched his waist, stood up and said:

"Everyone, you are here

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I rested slowly in the house, and I went to the backyard to work for a while.

"Do you have anything else to do? Do you want us to help?" The woman surnamed Shen said hurriedly.

"No, in fact, an old gentleman in my view passed away. I'm going to dig a hole to bury him. I don't need you." Wu Xiaode refused.

He nodded at the crowd and left quickly.

Everyone looked out the window.


A thunderbolt fell from the depths of the dark sky, instantly illuminating the mountains.

The two behemoths were still searching back and forth in the mountains.

- They always turn a blind eye to the Taoist temple with its lights on.

The Taoist priests in this Taoist temple were too lazy to look at them again, and went straight to the backyard.

"Sister Shen, there is indeed a sitting Taoist priest in the backyard." A man whispered.

"Didn't they get killed?" asked the woman surnamed Shen.

"I scanned it with the life detector. He was completely unharmed, his body was as warm as ever, and his expression was serene and peaceful. He should have been sitting down," the man said.

"...that's weird," said another man.

The woman surnamed Shen sat on the chair, reached out and gently caressed her stomach, her expression a little dazed.

the other side.

Wu Xiaode was standing in the backyard, watching the rain with his arms crossed.

Dozens of bronze hands dug a deep rectangular pit in the ground.

Six bronze hands supported Lao Dao's body and gently put him in.

"Good way to go."

Wu Xiaode said softly.


Tianlei rolled from the depths of the cloud sky.

Thunderbolts flashed one after another.

The thunder light illuminated the mountain behind the Taoist temple, allowing Wu Xiaode to see the other two huge steel armors.

Dense holes appeared on them, as if they were ready to attack.


The entire Taoist temple was shrouded in a silent magic fog.

This is a death move.

No matter what kind of equipment these mechas have, they can't find the situation here.

Wu Xiaode looked at those behemoths coldly and felt that his fate was a little strange.

old days—

No, it should be the future.

In the future era, when Sister Lan was also researching new technologies, she offended the company's top management.

The development of science and technology is so bloody, even more cruel than those underworld.

Thinking of the future, Wu Xiaode's eyes gradually softened.

He waved his hand casually.

Immediately, dense bronze hands appeared in the void, and a dense metal crash sounded in the air, quickly forming a ten-meter-high bronze giant.

This bronze giant has only one eye.

It's just a dead thing despite being stitched together—

It could only stand motionless in the grass, letting the cold night rain beat its body.

Wu Xiaode stretched out his hand and lightly pressed it on the surface of the bronze giant's body.

The Book of the Undead was opened.

Lines of small ice crystal characters quickly emerged:

"You have launched a new 'Tianzhi,

"You have given the current creation, the seed of the sinful devil in your body: the power of the Cyclops, to temporarily gain life and fight for you."

The ten-meter-high bronze giant trembled all It opened its hideous single eye, moved its hands and feet, and then slowly knelt down on its knees, prostrate in front of Wu Xiaode.

in wind and rain.

The Cyclops looked at Wu Xiaode and remained silent.

Wu Xiaode said softly:

"Go and destroy all the enemies who search the mountains for me.

Then the Cyclops made a thick and magnificent voice:

"Yes, Master."

It quickly got up from the ground, with a ferocious smile on its face, and walked towards the outside of the Taoist temple.

To be continued

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