Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 264: shot

The world was silent for about a second.

The winged man stared at the nun, his mouth wide open, as if he couldn't believe she would do this.

- This coffin was not placed by myself.

It must be this woman!

The nun didn't care so much, and her figure disappeared in a flash.

But there were dense runes all around, covering the entire void, so that when she reached out and touched it, she was bounced back.

Can't go away!

The nun cursed, and suddenly her figure flashed, turning into a female angel with two feathers on her back, standing behind the winged man and said:

"With our strength, the bone dragon may not choose to fight hard."

"That's right, but what is that?" The winged man said vigilantly.

The two looked at the huge coffin together.

The coffin didn't move.

- Great Ulysses is sealed inside.

It's in suspended animation.

It does not dare to appear in this kingdom of death at all. Once it appears, it will break the state of suspended animation, and then it will really die.

Although it is the devil.

After all, there are only a few special groups, such as the demons in purgatory and the angels of the holy camp; because they also contain the attribute of death, they have the ability to go deep into the world of death and return safely.

In fact, purgatory is an extension of the world of death, dedicated to imprisoning extremely brutal and fierce high-level undead.

The Indian Garden of the holy camp is also a kind of world of death—

It is the celestial part of the dead world.


The winged man and the "female angel" took a few steps back together and looked up at the sky with full of alertness.

I saw a giant dragon with a deep blue chill all over its body hovering in the sky.

"It's here," said the female angel.

"Don't talk, I'll talk to it." The winged man said.

The female angel closed her mouth.

The winged man met the dragon's gaze, opened his arms and said, "Why are you so nervous? Lord of death, I hope you can relax."

The dragon roared filially: "Didn't you just say that you want to recite the scriptures? Why are you here? What are your plans for my world?"

As he spoke, the icy killing intent swept through with the whistling cold wind, freezing the entire street into ice crystals.

Winged male and female angels look at each other.


The bone dragon has not gone to its treasure house to check the situation!

So, while this time-

"There's nothing to say," said the winged man, pointing to the coffin in front of him. "There is a suspicious guy who has infiltrated your country, because the coffin that sealed it has some origins with our sacred camp, so I came to check it out myself."

The angry voice of the bone dragon echoed in the sky:

"Really? I can't believe you anymore. I want to inspect this coffin myself, what do you think?"

"Please." The winged man said.

He glanced at the female angel.

- What is in this coffin?

The corners of the female angel's mouth twitched slightly, even showing a little sarcasm.

This coffin was not released by himself.

So it was this pretentious archangel who released it.

After all, the holy camp is the most cunning and shameless, and deceiving the team to sell teammates is their routine operation.

The winged man looked at her expression, and was suddenly a little surprised in his heart.

Really not her?

Then this coffin—

and many more!

That bronze hand just now!

In other words, there is another guy hiding in the dark here!

The winged man thought to himself, his eyes began to wander around constantly, trying to find the hidden existence.

In the sky, a cold light flashed.


The huge coffin was blown open immediately.

All the seals were removed one by one, and the lid of the coffin popped up, revealing the scene inside.

I saw a figure jumping into the air, the figure flashed, and suddenly turned into a five-meter-high humanoid demon.

It has black wings, a human face, and it is full of dark and depraved aura.

"Great Lord of Death, Lord of Frost and Silence, you cannot kill me!"


It finally unlocked the form of suspended animation and appeared in the kingdom of death in the form of a living being.

The voice just fell.

Dark blue ice gathered from all directions and completely sealed him.

"Look, it's a living devil."

The voice of the bone dragon came from the sky.

It plummeted rapidly and suddenly turned into a pale gray-haired man, and landed heavily beside the sealed ice crystal.

Winged male and female angels are also attracted.

"A living devil..." the female angel said excitedly.

"He won't last long. This is the world of death. The power of death will quickly erode his body and turn him into a corpse." The winged man said.

"This is a rare slave," the gray-haired man, or the bone dragon, gave a gentle salute to the winged man, and said warmly, "Your Excellency, I'm wrong to blame you, I didn't expect that when you were chanting the scriptures, you would also be able to detect subtle movements outside. , even more alert than I am."

"But how did it come to the kingdom of death? The boundary from life to death is not something that the devil can break through. It's amazing, how did it do this." The winged man stared at the devil in the ice crystal.

"It's quite rare. It's my collection. I'll slowly open its mouth and learn the truth." Bone Dragon said.

It pressed its hand on the ice crystal.


The entire sealed ice crystal disappeared without a trace.

Ulysses knew immediately that he had been put into a certain space.

"Help, hurry, pass the power to me, or I'll die—"

It erupted into a low growl.

Yet nothing.

Everything is isolated here—

Do not.

Not everything.

Among the ice crystals, a mist appeared quietly.

I saw a bronze hand hidden in the mist.

This hand struggled, gathered a little sword energy, and cut the ice crystal with all its strength.

There was hope in Ulysses again.

But outside is a bone dragon...

How to do?

Either fight.

Or just become a dead devil and become a collection of bone dragons.

Is there still a choice?

Ulysses gritted his teeth. fight.

The bone-fighting dragon was caught off guard, maybe he could escape?

at the same time.

on the street.

The bone dragon took Ulysses and smiled at the winged man: "His Excellency Archangel, please forgive me for not taking care of my world, now please follow me back to the church, I will prepare enough gold for you. "

The winged man was about to say a few polite words when the female angel beside him also put away his fighting posture.

Seeing that everything will develop in the direction of everyone's happiness -

Void flashed.

On the frost-covered wall beside the three of them, a line of words "Swish" appeared:

"Long Zi, your treasure trove was overturned by these two liars."

The Winged Man was stunned.

The angel's eyes narrowed.

Bone Dragon—

The smile on the bone dragon's face is completely stiff

It pinched the Dao technique at will, and said in a low voice: "Check the inventory."

Before the voice fell, the sudden change occurred—

A bronze hand flashed from the void, slapping its face.

All this happened in a very short time.

The moment the line of words on the wall appeared, the bone dragon immediately checked the inventory and was slapped on the spot.

Although the winged man has a thousand lies—

Even if the female angel has all kinds of charms—

This time there is no room for expansion.

The bone dragon roared: "Archangel, I entrusted you with good intentions, but you came to steal my things, I want to eat you!"

A crack appeared in the void.

Ulysses got out and snapped, "Go to hell!"

Layers of lightning flashed on his dark wings, gathered together, and released a terrifying column of lightning towards the bone dragon.


The bone dragon was hit, and its body was raised high.

"You help him, and I'll open up the imprisoned space so that we can escape."

The female angel said calmly.

With a wave of her hand, she took out a long black whip, and instantly scattered thousands of whip shadows, hitting the surrounding void.

One after another rune was typed out by her, gradually scattered all over the ground, and then gradually disappeared.

The winged man—or the archangel saw the situation and knew that it was a critical moment. He immediately took out a golden book, opened it and said:

"I accuse you of being evil and shall be punished by this holy spear."

A dazzling golden light flew from the book, condensed a long spear out of thin air, and stabbed the bone dragon in the sky.

"Hurry up! I have to spend money on every move!"

he shouted loudly.

"Come on, block again!" said the female angel.

Thirty steps away.

in the house.

Christina covered her mouth, unable to say a word.

What's going on!

The battle of the bone dragon level is already the level of the collapse of the world, why would I see such a terrifying battle!

"The Guard is Here"

Wu Xiaode asked in her ear: "The three of them shot together, is there any hope of defeating the bone dragon?"

"I'm just a newborn succubus, I don't know who these people are." Christina said with a pale face.

She grabbed Wu Xiaode's arm, shivered, and said in a trembling voice:

"Brother, let's run away, this is not something we can participate in."

Wu Xiaode stroked his forehead, feeling a little tired.

After doing so many things with dirty hands just now, it is worthy to form the current situation.

Who knew that the female angel just wanted to run.

The archangel also made his move to buy her time.

They don't dare to confront each other at all?

Are bone dragons so scary?

At this moment, Wu Xiaode once again remembered the long list of titles of the bone dragon.

I had already estimated the strength of this death lord high enough, but now it seems that it is even higher than I estimated.

In the sky.

The bone dragon transformed into a dragon again, and an angry roar erupted from its mouth.

Its gigantic figure collided with the golden spear, and suddenly shifted a little to the side.

Then Ulysses arrived.

"Thunderbolt destroys the world!"

he growled.

The devil also used all his power.

I saw the thunder light turned into a tide, crossed Ulysses, and swept away toward the bone dragon.

"Foolishness! In the kingdom of death, your power is not worth mentioning!"

The bone dragon roared.

on the ground.

"Quick, quick, quick! If you don't escape, it will be too late." The archangel said in a panic.

"I'm working hard!" The female angel gritted her teeth.

The whip in her hand swung even more quickly.

Countless runes flew out from the void.

Seeing this, the archangel had no choice but to put his hand on the golden book again and chanted a spell.

One after another, blazing holy flames flew down toward the bone dragon like a rain of fire.

When it was, the bone dragon soared in mid-air, facing the thunderstorm rushing up from below while facing the rain of holy flames falling from the sky. UU reading

good chance!

Maybe there will be no such opportunity in the future!

Wu Xiaode opened his eyes slightly, stretched out his hand towards the void, and immediately grabbed a long sword.


Just listen to him quickly whisper:

"I remember drinking on the bridge at Noon Bridge, and sitting in the middle is mostly heroic."

"The long ditch flows silently,"

"In the sparse shadow of apricot blossoms, play the flute until dawn."

On the ground, endless sword qi swept over like a swirling gang wind, converging on his long sword.

The wind is blowing.

Christina screamed, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Wu Xiaode looked towards the void and said softly, "I want to kill that dragon."

Christina froze.

A line of small ice crystal characters appeared in front of Wu Xiaode:

"You consumed all your soul power, totaling more than three million points, to activate this secret sword technique."

The long sword was raised and pointed at the bone dragon in the sky—

all of a sudden.

A giant sword shadow slashed open the whole world and landed on the bone dragon!

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