Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 266: 3 evil spirits!

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Shen Feixue stood there for a while, and suddenly said:

"Master, my head doesn't hurt anymore, it's amazing!"

"Do you want to know the reason?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Please make it clear." Shen Feixue said.

"Did you make an agreement with someone to spend this life together in the past, and then you didn't do it?" Wu Xiaode asked.

The room was quiet.

Everyone bowed their heads and concentrated on the task at hand, all ears pricked up.

"The Taoist priest is really good - I did have a boyfriend when I was in school. He was very talented. He originally said that he would get married after graduation, but when we practiced together, I found that he was pursuing the one who was in charge of leading us. Sister, so I took the initiative to break up." Shen Feixue said.

"And then?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Then he was with that older sister, and I opened a mechanical design and manufacturing company myself, and I will never communicate again." Shen Feixue said.

"Is this the end?"

"That's not true. Later that sister ignored him and he came back to me."

"So shameless?"

"So I ignored him—but he found out something later."

"What did he find?"

"The company we interned at at the time was run by our family."

"What is this turning point..." Wu Xiaode murmured.

"That's why he pestered me for a long time. In the end, I found a team of personal bodyguards to **** me at all times. Only then did I survive his hatred." Shen Feixue said lightly.

She said it easily, but Wu Xiaode could fully understand what the man was planning behind these understated words.

no way.

In fact, there are many demons in human skins in the world.

It's just that human society has a natural screening net----


A large number of guys who are not very human at heart are filtered by this network and then thrown into prison, so society seems to belong to a civilized world.

But there are still a lot of people who are mentally distorted.

Maybe at some point, they'll show who they really are.

Or maybe they have a way to avoid legal sanctions, such people are actually more terrible.

In short----

Who has never met a scumbag?

Some survived, some did not.

A situation like Shen Feixue, being cursed with life by the other party and wanting to perish together, is actually just a very ordinary scene in the dark events of all sizes that take place in the world.

---- even seems a little naive.

There are so many more terrifying and twisting things than this one.

Wu Xiaode put down his thoughts and said, "The curse of that man has been lifted, and you can live with peace of mind in the future."

"...Thank you sir."

Shen Feixue sighed in a complicated mood.


Everyone looked at the table together.

I saw the cup and tea pot on the table vibrate slightly.

There was also the sound of the ground being hit hard in the mountains and forests outside.

Wu Xiaode was a little surprised.

----How dare these people come up to make trouble?

Do you want......

don't want.

When one side of the battle shows its strength, the other side still dares to come up and cause trouble, which proves that they must have complete confidence.

Wu Xiaode suddenly thought of Zhao Zhibing.

When she killed Guess, she threw a nuclear bomb for herself.

Although I don't know how far the technological weapons of this era have developed, mobile phones have become popular, and mobile armors can be dispatched at any time. Even after a while, human beings will achieve immortality.

The opponent is likely to use some powerful weapon.

He has the silent magic fog, he can escape and kill, but Shen Feixue is pregnant!

Even if she doesn't participate in the battle, just being swept by a layer of explosive shock waves may endanger her safety, and even affect the fetus in her belly.

Can't take risks.

Wu Xiaode made a decisive decision

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Chapter two hundred and sixty-six three-headed evil spirits! Free reading: https://,!

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, I muttered in my heart: "Come out!"

Beside him, in a place that others can't see, a bronze piece quietly stretched out, and he patted it lightly.

Once the bronze hand was captured, it immediately disappeared into the void and flew towards the backyard of the Taoist temple.

Taoist backyard.

The dense bronze arms had already flown in the void, and a frantic splicing, gradually pieced together into a five-meter-high monster.

This monster has three heads, a fox, a devil and a woman.

Lester, the king of evil spirits.

It has three special abilities of camouflage, summoning and gathering intelligence, which correspond to its three heads.

Its only weakness is that it is not very good at close combat.

When he was in prison, because he was reminded in advance by Li Kunlun, Wu Xiaode was surprised and killed it in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, if it used the summoning technique, the outcome would be quite difficult to say.

The hand captured by Wu Xiaode flew forward and embedded in the bronze creation of Lester, the king of evil spirits.

next moment.

The five-meter-high bronze creation made a sound, stretched its four claws, and moved three heads.

"Um...what is the enemy doing?"

It lifted the woman's head and squinted into the void.

There is nothing in the void.

But the woman's head looked very intently, and her ears were raised, as if she was observing what was happening far away.

It soon became apparent.

"Hehe," the woman let out a sarcastic laugh, "Nuclear weapons? People of this age really know how to play."

The devil head in the center said: "The master said, to ensure that the Taoist temple will not be affected, then I will come."

"It seems that I have nothing to do with me this time." The fox head on the left yawned.

The devil's head ignored it and said silently:

"The guardian mountain of the fel land, answer my call and come down here."

Void opens.

In the endless darkness, a huge vertical pupil about the height of a five-story building appeared, overlooking the king of evil spirits below.

"Come on, protect this mountain, don't let it suffer the impact of the earthquake, and make sure everything is safe on the mountain, this is your task."

The devil head of Lester, the king of evil spirits, said.

Its fox head said: "Come on, don't worry, this place has been shrouded in the demonic fog of death, and nothing can see you. Feel free to merge into this mountain."

The vertical pupil listened, stepped back, and disappeared into the deep black void.

After a breath.

The void suddenly opened to both sides.

The dark torrent rushed out from the void, and as soon as it landed on the ground, it immediately submerged into the ground, immersed in the depths of the ground, and disappeared.

The woman's head interjected: "The fel giant can be integrated into the mountain and protect the mountain from any harm, but those guys who dare to shoot at their masters, should they let them go?"

"Of course we can't let it go, otherwise we wouldn't come out for nothing," the fox head roared.

The woman's head glanced at the void and sneered:

"Those people are in the town at the foot of the mountain, and they have built a yard full of big people, including the world's government departments, and some heads of organizations."

"How to fight?" The devil's head considered thoughtfully.

"Blast a soldier," suggested the woman's head.

"Will there be too much movement?"

"It doesn't matter, killing them all makes the master feel at ease, that's what we have to consider."

"That's right.

The three-head plan has been decided.

Both the fox and the woman closed their mouths.

The devil opened his mouth and whispered:

"All the evil demons and demons in the dark and evil realm, follow my order and come to this world to kill mortals for the ultimate joy, and now come to me—"

dong dong dong dong!

Five soft sounds in a row, and five strange-shaped monsters appeared on the ground.

They look like alienated beasts—

But they have sharper claws, sharper teeth, and

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Chapter two hundred and sixty-six three-headed evil spirits! Free reading: https://,!

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It is full of corrosive poisonous mist and the power of various elements, and it is full of cruelty and tyranny that ordinary beasts do not have.

The devil's head continued to read:

"Come, come, come, come, come..."

The sound of a barrage of cannons was dense.

Countless evil monsters swarmed the courtyard, crossed the courtyard walls, and spread toward the barren hills.

A short count.

There are demon soldiers everywhere.

The devil's head stopped reading at this time.

The king of evil spirits growled, "Go, kill them all!"

The monsters turned around and ran down the mountain in unison.

Only the king of evil spirits was left standing still.

After a few breaths.

It suddenly said: "The earthquake is coming, don't let the Taoist temple be damaged in the slightest."

A huge vertical pupil appeared on the ground.

It was followed by a deep and deep response:


next moment.

The ground began to shake violently.

However, this situation only lasted for a second, and then it stopped immediately, making people feel that what just happened was just an illusion.


Wu Xiaode found a few clean quilts from the Taoist guest room and put them in front of several people and said:

"Sorry, the guest rooms are not cleaned up, but the quilts are all dried out. If you don't dislike it, you can stay here for a while. After all, it's still warm here."

Elder Zhao hesitated: "Little Martial Daoist, the earthquake just now—

"It's alright, we often have minor earthquakes like this on our mountain. It's been like this for many years. Don't worry." Wu Xiaode waved his hand.

Several people looked at each other.

"Miss, go to sleep for a while, the old man will stay here, I will wake you up if something happens." Zhao Laodao.

"It's been hard work for Mr. Zhao and everyone, I'll stare at you for a while."

Shen Feixue was pregnant, and after a few days of chasing and killing, she was exhausted, so she lay down and lay down with her clothes on.

Soon she fell asleep.

Wu Xiaode waited for a while, then looked down at his watch.

I saw that on the dial, the only pointer slowly slid from "Danger" to "An".

Finally safe!

The Book of the Undead opened immediately, revealing lines of small words in ice crystals:

"Today's protection has been completed."

"When the other party is in a safe environment, you can always activate the power of the watch 'cover the sky with one hand' and return to the future."

Go back now?

Not quite right.

Wu Xiaode looked around.

There are seven or eight big living people here. Although I can leave instantly with the power of my watch, wouldn’t that be too shocking to these people?

Just as Wu Xiaode was thinking, he suddenly saw that Elder Zhao came over, holding a golden card in both hands, and said softly:

"Little Martial Daoist, no matter how the miss will thank you in the future, this is a little care on behalf of the chairman of our company, and please don't refuse."

Wu Xiaode glanced at the card.

With a collection of Ulysses and a collection of bone dragons on himself, it should not be a problem to meet daily needs.


They are part of the treasures of the devil, and part of the treasures of the dead world.

Not suitable to take out.

"Thank you very much," Wu Xiaode took the card with a smile and said, "It just so happens that the gate of our Taoist temple needs to be repaired."

"In addition, if there is any loss to the nearby mountain people, I hope you can help resettle them and save them from suffering. After all, this disaster is what caused you."

"Ah? Okay, okay, no problem!"

Zhao Lao was confused, so he agreed first.

- The other party is an expert outside the world, and he must be pointed in his actions.

Seeing that the matter was done, Wu Xiaode stood up and said to the crowd:

"You can go down the mountain after a night's rest. As for me, I have something else to do, so I'll go ahead and meet again later."

"Master, how can we find you?" Zhao Lao asked.

Wu Xiaode pondered for a while.

this time

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I can find this place because of the main jade plaque of the Taoist temple left by the Queen Mother of the West.

When I come back next time, I won't be able to find Shen Feixue.

----This time I used four demon gods in this battle.

Who knows what the future holds?

Must be prepared in advance.

"In this way, leave me one of your mobile phone numbers. I'll be done with work later, and come ask for a cup of tea when I'm free."

"Okay, okay, the Daoist is always welcome."

Zhao Lao took out his mobile phone.

Strangely, the phone has no signal at all.

Is it blocked?

He thought silently and reported his mobile phone number to Wu Xiaode.

Wu Xiaode took the other party's mobile phone number, turned around and went out, swaggeringly walked out of the Taoist temple, and disappeared into the wind, rain and night.

Silent all night.

At dawn, Shen Feixue and Elder Zhao all went down the mountain.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, everyone was stunned.

Shen Feixue looked at the surrounding scene, took a deep breath, and couldn't help but say:

"Elder Zhao, I now know what he meant by relocating the mountain people."

"Well, UU reading I really didn't expect that we are blessed with great luck." Elder Zhao sighed.

"Looks like he already knew what was going on outside."

"It must be so."

The road below the mountain was broken into pieces, houses collapsed, and farmland fell into the ground.

----This is a terrible earthquake.

Everyone looked back at the mountain.

The mountains are green like Dai, the pines and cypresses are green, and the streets are intertwined, and everything is the same as before.

"Little Martial Master..."

Shen Feixue murmured in a low voice.

To be continued

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