Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 267: tell your sister

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Devil's Underground Palace.

Secret passages.

Wu Xiaode showed his stature.

"I don't know how much time has passed"

He walked out of the long secret passage, all the way up the steps, and soon came to a small door.

There was no such door before.

Wu Xiaode was a little strange, stepped forward and gently opened the door.

I saw a bustling crowd outside the door.

The lights are dimmed.

Busy traffic.

The bar across the street, Di Bar, opened for a while, and there was a lot of people inside.

Wu Xiaode slammed the door shut.

wait for a while

A line of small ice crystals appeared:

"You have already left for a parallel world at this moment, so from now on, you can appear in the world."

I see.

Wu Xiaode breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door again.

Lines of small words of ice crystals quietly appeared in front of him:

"Welcome to Parallel World 1666."

"The only person has been sensed by the prison, and the current world is recognized as the main world."

"The prisoner's avatar is sealed, and the power of the prison is restored to stability again."

"Feedback from the defense setting, the world setting has been selected and will not be changed for a long time."

"The current overworld setting is: "

"The upper limit of soul power is fixed at 40."

The upper limit will not be changed unless the source power of the world is greatly increased, otherwise anyone's upper limit will be locked here. "

40 soul power?

His soul power is only 25, which is far from enough.

Wu Xiaode looked at the wall of the pilgrimage, and saw that the remaining 30 million soul power on it had indeed turned gray.

In the main world, these soul powers cannot be used.


A voice sounded:

"Brother Wu, I maintain the setting of the world together with the Law Divine Beast."

"Nina?" Wu Xiaode looked around.

There is no one around.

Nina's voice came from the void:

"Brother Wu, don't worry, I'm fine now, but I'm hiding in the runes of the prison with the divine beast of the law, and I can't come out for the time being."

"If one day you reach 50 soul power, I will be able to come out, and then I will help you."

"Are you all right?" Wu Xiaode asked concerned.

"It's alright," Nina laughed, "I just woke up to my abilities, and I need a safe place for it to grow, so I stay in the depths of the prison with the Law Divine Beast."

Wu Xiaode said with a sigh of relief: "That's good, when I reach 50 soul power, I'll find you."

"Well, I'll probably grow up by then." Nina said confidently.

"What do you need me to do for you now? Do you have anything to eat? Are you comfortable?" Wu Xiaode asked.

Nina said in a warm voice: "Brother Wu, don't worry, I am in a separate world, there is no one here, there are only endless skyscrapers, there is no end in sight, I can live very safely here. "

"That's good." Wu Xiaode was relieved.

"Brother Wu, come on, I won't talk about it, someone is looking for you." Nina said.

Wu Xiaode felt something and turned his head to look.

A secret figure stood across the street and waved at him.

Cold beauty.

Lady Black Dragon, Gorgasthamei.

"Okay, Nina, we'll see you later." Wu Xiaode said.

"Well, I will work hard to grow, see you later, Brother Wu."

Nina's voice faded away.

Wu Xiaode crossed the street and walked quickly to Leng Meiren.

"Have you entered the overworld too?" he asked.

"Yes, the prison has not detained us. Welcome you back, come with me." Leng Mei said.

Wu Xiaode followed her into a clearing bar on the street, entered the box, and saw Satan sitting inside, tasting a glass of whisky with ice.

"Welcome back."

Satan raised his glass.

cold beauty will another

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A cup was handed to Wu Xiaode.

Wu Xiaode drank it, sat down and asked, "How is the situation?"

"When the prisoner clone was sealed by you, everyone sensed that a group of demon gods fled this world on the spot, and then I stood on the stage and killed another group. I'm afraid no demon gods will dare to come for a long time." Satan road.

"You also killed a group in the ring?" Wu Xiaode said with a smile.

"Yeah, you helped us raise a lot of points - so many good deeds made the prison accept us, and I also have five skills that can be used, naturally killing the Quartet." Satan said calmly.

Leng Meiren filled Wu Xiaode with a smile and toasted him with a smile.

"Good, now we're finally safe," she said.

"Congratulations." Wu Xiaode also said.

The three of them touched a glass and drank it all.

"It's not time to celebrate yet. According to your prophecy, it's already the early morning of the third day. When it's night, the demon gods of World No. 5432 will come." Satan said.

"It seems that everyone can only use 40 soul power." Wu Xiaode handed the cup to Leng Meiren.

There was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of Satan's mouth, and he said softly:

"It's very ridiculous. From now on, everyone only has 40 soul power, and there is no more than a drop. Presumably the battle scene will be ugly, and it will not be like a demon at all."

Wu Xiaode issued a certificate for a while.

In a word, why does the prison consider such a defense setting?

40 soul power

In fact, it is beneficial to human beings.

After all, the demon gods are monsters of hundreds of levels, and they can destroy the world at will.


The demon gods only have 40 soul power in the main world. If they use some powerful technological weapons, or are surrounded by many professionals, I am afraid there is still a chance to kill them.

on the other hand

After the demon gods know about it, I am afraid they will be a little more careful in the main world and stop trying to cause big trouble.

After all, life matters.

...So, what about the fight at night?

"You and Gerstaff, plus my words, are already three people, and they may not be able to defeat the demon gods in the 5432 parallel world." Satan said with some worry.

"How many of them are there?" asked the cold beauty Ge Jia Sitaguan.

"Six." Wu Xiaode said.

"We already have three. Are there any other masters in the world? Find a few more, and they will definitely be willing to defend their homeland." Gerhardtaff said.

Wu Xiaode fell into deep thought.

He only has 25 soul power, and strictly speaking, he is not a master with 40 soul power.

But the prison helped him stabilize the seed of demon power.

He has four Demon God seeds in his hand.

If you use the Eternal Fallen Devil Hand, you can spell up to two devil gods at the same time.

Add Satan and the Black Dragon, and that's 4.

If you want to count, you can count yourself, after all, although you can't use the reserve soul power, but you have the blessing of death skills, and the combat power is not worse than others.

5 out.

In fact, Satan's strength is damaged, and it can only be counted as half.

At least one more expert is needed to compete with the demon gods in the parallel world No. 5432.

Where to find another one?

Professionals in the world are dying.

Although Zhao Zhengbing is strong and Xiao Baihong is not bad, their soul power values ​​are still a bit low.


Where the **** are you going to pull out another person with 50 soul power?

Wu Xiaode took a few breaths.


An image from a memory flashed in his mind.

It was in an abandoned passage.

"Take me as the blueprint of the biological part, load the brain wave overclocking processor, control the entire alloy torso, the outer layer is biological skin and hair, the whole body mecha and weapons are detachable, expandable, and can be improved—

Xia Yilan said so.

Then he looked at the young girl beside her.

"How much soul power do you have?" I asked myself.


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Point, as much as the world's upper limit is, I have as many as I can. "

girl smiling

- I have as many as the world's upper limit is.


Summer Salamander.

Her soul power should have reached 50 points now!

jingle bell one

The phone rang.

Wu Xiaode glanced at the number and turned off the phone.

Xia Salamander actually called at this time!

This is too coincidental.

Shouldn't Xia Huilan know that at this time she just went to the parallel world No. 5432?

"One more drink?" Gorgastaff asked, holding the glass.


Wu Xiaode took the wine glass and drank it all at once.

A burning sensation burned in his chest, but his consciousness became more and more conscious.


The summer salamander cannot be allowed to participate in this level of battle.

The combat experience and impromptu judgment of the Demon Gods are not comparable to ordinary people.

In case something happens to the summer salamander—

How should I face Sister Lan?

Satan said: "You take a rest first, and Gorgastamer and I will go and have a look. Maybe we can find some masters among the human beings to join us."

"That's right, you've got Intu's avatar, leave the rest to us." Gerhardtaff said.

"By the way, this is my phone number."

"Add a friend first."

After leaving contact information with Wu Xiaode, the two stood up and left the box.

Under the dim light, Wu Xiaode was the only witness who was sitting there.

Jingle Bell-

The phone rang again.

Wu Xiaode did not answer.

after awhile.

The door opens.

A girl walked in silently, with a faint fragrance, and sat gently beside him.

"Never answer the phone."

she said angrily.

"How did you know I was here?" Wu Xiaode said.

"The emperor gave me some central brain rights, so that I can collect some data, do some scientific research and mecha design, so I can find you as soon as I look for it." The girl said.

"I remember at this moment that I should have just separated from you and went to a parallel world alone, but I'm here, doesn't it seem strange to Sister Lan?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"It's not surprising—the mysteries of time and space are more profound and complicated than you think, Xiao Wu." Xia Huilan said.

"But it's too bizarre to travel through time—"

"Xiao Wu, parallel worlds are invading our world, and there are still boats on the island outside—what else is normal?"

Sister Lan is right, I think too much. "

"I just think you should hide something from me, Xiao Wu."

"Sister Lan, a lot has happened to me but I don't know where to start."

Xia Huilan's voice softened, and a pair of eyes as clear as water stared at him and said:

"It's okay, take it slow, we still have a lot of time."

"Some things, I'm afraid to tell you to scare you." Wu Xiaode said.

"Don't be afraid."

Xia Huilan reached out and stroked his face, and said softly, "Xiao Wu, have you seen any spam websites?"

"Ah?" Wu Xiaode was stunned.

Spam site?

How do you define "garbage"?

I do remember some sites, but...

People are brewing emotions here, and they are going to tell some big secrets of the world and the era. Sister Lan, did you want to mention this yesterday?

Besides, the first time I looked at various websites, it was sneaky.

Miss Lan, you—

Wu Xiaode has not yet figured it Xia Huilan has already pressed her gently, exhaling like a blue orchid and said in his ear:

"I have access to the Imperial Central Brain, so I've seen your browser history, Xiao Wu."

Wu Xiaode's eyes widened.

The soft and quiet female voice continued to ring in my ears:

"Xiao Wu, all those things you read, my sister has read it once—"


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Since there is nothing to hide, let's talk to my sister. "

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