Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 268: Sister Lan and Xiao Wu

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Wu Xiaode felt that he was a very frank person.


Xia Huilan is her sister who lives and grows up together.

A lot of things could tell her that there was nothing to be shy about—no, it had nothing to do with being shy.

Mainly for safety reasons, I didn't tell her too much.

It must be so.

Wu Xiaode thought about what he had experienced, and talked about it in a selective way.

Anything can be said.

In addition to awakening the power of death.

After all, prisoners and all demons are looking for someone who has awakened the power of death.

Xia Huilan couldn't know about this.

For her, the event itself meant danger.

As for other things--

The matter of the Devil's Den is directly referred to as Nina's fairy armor to save the field.

The things that I have experienced in the future, without mentioning the trial of death, all make sense.

Xia Huilan listened attentively until Wu Xiaode had finished speaking, then she reached out and removed the collar of his shirt and looked inside.

"It's really an elf armor..."

She caressed the armor on Wu Xiaode's body, and suddenly became excited.

"Xiao Wu, this armor is forged by the two casting methods of fairies and elves. You take it off and I will study it. Maybe you can copy the power on it."

"it is good."

Wu Xiaode took off the elf armor without hesitation and handed it to Xia Huilan.

Xia Huilan took it and played with it again, and then said:

"In many civilizations, all living beings think that fairies are too unreliable, but everyone does not know that they are actually the darlings of the mystery.

"So this armor can be restored to the fairy side?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"I'll try." Xia Huilan said.

She put the armor behind her, looked at Wu Xiaode again, and said softly:

"Xiao Wu, aren't you curious that I can create an epoch-making biological mecha like Xia Salamander?"

"Because I have an adventure myself, I guess Sister Lan also has some secrets, but Sister Lan didn't tell me, so I won't ask." Wu Xiaode said.

Xia Huilan laughed.

She smiled very happily, as if for the first time in days.

"Xiao Wu, there is something I'm hiding from you."

"The day before yesterday, I actually thought that I was dead, and you were dead. I don't know why, but I came back to life, and you are fine."

"It was like a dream----"

"When I got home from get off work that day, a few thugs pestered me, but you came up to stop me."

"I remember very clearly, you were stabbed to death, I was also robbed of my bag, and then someone stabbed me in the back, so I died too."

"But in the blink of an eye—"

"Everything seemed to be just my hunch, a dream, a wild idea in my head, and it didn't really happen."

"But in a blink of an eye, when I actually got to the alley, it happened again."

"This time—when it actually happened in reality, you beat those **** away, completely different from the episodes I remembered in my heart."

Xia Huilan sighed, her eyes full of confusion.

Wu Xiaode lowered his eyes.

In fact, according to the development trend of things, the result is basically doomed.

Xia Huilan and herself will both die.

However, he won a chance in the death cave.

With this opportunity, he returned to the world and completed a comeback.

So that gloom and death ending was changed.

In the words of the beast of law

"Time is like a blooming lotus flower, full of flowers and fruits, so the past and the future exist at the same time, and because of this, when the past changes, the future changes immediately; and if there is any change in the future, it will also change the past. ”

In this way, time should be a state and record.

It reveals that under a certain state measure, the event

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the presented record.

in other words----

Everything can be changed!

Wu Xiaode clenched his fists and asked softly, "Sister Lan, what happened later?"

"Later... I don't know why, I remembered a lot of things in my mind, and with each passing hour, I remember more and more things."

"I suddenly remembered that when I went to the company to report on the first day, I hacked the entire company's system and read all the mecha information."

"After waiting for an hour, I thought about it again, and suddenly I remembered that the reason why I went to see those mecha materials was just for interest."

"I remember the results of many mech-making."

"I even remembered the existence of which world outside I used to be before I entered the prison, how powerful I was, and what I did to shake the world."

"----Many things are changing rapidly and appearing in my memory."

"I know more and more things, and until this moment just now, everything slowly stopped."

Wu Xiaode was stunned.

At present, he has experienced a lot of things, seen many monsters, and watched various big scenes, so with Xia Huilan's remarks, he gradually understood one thing.

----Xia Huilan woke up.

What must have happened in history is changed, and those who are doomed to die are not.

So she woke up.

But her awakening was a little strange.

Wu Xiaode lightly grabbed Xia Huilan's hand, ignoring the red cloud on her face, and asked earnestly:

"Sister Lan, do you have soul power?"

"Without soul power, Xia Tai has it." Xia Huilan shook her head.

"This is really strange...why are you different from others?" Wu Xiaode said inexplicably.

There was a deep meaning in Xia Huilan's eyes.

She grabbed Wu Xiaode's hand and said quickly:

"My strength has not fully recovered, and I still have more things to remember. I can vaguely sense that there are countless things in the void, they seem to be waiting for me, and they want me to gain strength again. "

"As of this moment, do you have any new memories in your mind?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"No, Xiao Wu, I feel that everything is stagnant, maybe this world needs more changes, so that I can remember more things." Xia Huilan said.

She snapped her fingers.

The box door opened.

The green-faced Xia Salaman walked in with a bag on his back.

"Brother Wu, we meet again."

Xia Salaman opened the long bag with a smile and aimed it at Wu Xiaode.

I saw a long knife as white as ivory lying in the bag.

Wu Xiaode said, "This is..."

Xia Huilan explained:

"In the memories of my awakening, this knife is the strongest. It is made of extremely strong alloy, and the surface is etched with some runes that conform to the laws of heaven and earth."

"When you swing this knife, the runes on the knife will screech as they rub in the void, summoning the power of thunder and lightning to attach."

"I'm here this time to put it in your hands."

Xia Huilan tilted her chin slightly and motioned Wu Xiaode to pick up the long knife.

Wu Xiaode held the knife and waved it gently, and a burst of thunder and lightning immediately appeared in the void, wrapping around the knife and jumping.

Two lines of small ice crystal words appeared on the Book of the Undead:

"Succeeded in summoning Leiman."

"This is the ancient Yingyuan manifesting thunder light, subduing demons and eradicating demons, slaughtering evil and eliminating evil, and is invincible."

"Good knife!" Wu Xiaode couldn't help but praise, "Does this knife have a name?"

"Yes, this sword is called Ying Yuan." Xia Huilan said.

"Ying Yuan?" Wu Xiaode answered.

"Yes, this word seems to come from a long time ago...I can't remember it." Xia Huilan showed a look of confusion.


She shook her head, chased away her thoughts and said, "I'll let Xia Salar participate in tonight's battle."

Wu Xiaode looked at Xia Yu.


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The girl smiled sweetly, as if she heard that she was going to the playground.

"There are demon gods on the opposite side. She doesn't have much combat experience, will she suffer too much?" Wu Xiaode hesitated.


Xia Huilan stood up and continued: "I'll take Xia Salamander back now, and see if I can add some weapons and functions to her. Then she will fight alongside you."

"But it's very dangerous. She is protecting you, Sister Lan, and can't let her leave you!" Wu Xiaode said firmly.

"Xiao Wu," Xia Huilan smiled, "Judging from your browsing history, you have some misunderstandings."

"Ah? Huh?"

Wu Xiaode was shrunk into a quail, his face was well-behaved and unknown.

Xia Huilan pinched his face and whispered:

"Girls are not so delicate and obedient----"

"A lot of times it's just pretending. In fact, we can also be on our own and even take the initiative to control the situation."

"See you tonight."

After he finished speaking, he walked out with Xia Salamander.

Xia Salamander followed behind turned back to Wu Xiaode with a smile that was restrained, and stuck out his tongue.

The door is closed.

Wu Xiaode didn't say a word, and stayed in the box in a daze.

For a while.

There was a slap on the table in the room.

"My laptop was obviously burned in that fire!"

"Why are you looking at my browsing history!"

"It's too much!"

He said angrily.

To be continued

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