Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 269: Goodbye Ghost Queen!

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A middle-aged man wearing a black frame stood on the top of the tower, looking down at the metropolis.


He frowned as he looked at the dimly lit night and the world.

Waited for the count.

A black shadow flew quickly in the sky and quickly turned into a slender woman and landed beside him.

"Gorgastaff, have you found anything?" Satan asked.

"There are a few good seedlings, but it seems that they only awakened today. The soul power is only 1 point, and the maximum is not more than 3 points." Ge Jiastave sighed.

"Those with a higher level are probably all dead in the collision with the parallel world No. 5432." Satan said.

"How can we do this? Why don't we go to other cities and countries to find it?" asked Gerstaff.

"...My strength...falls too much. Next, I have to take a break and find a way to raise my strength again, otherwise I will definitely not be able to beat another me at night." Satan said.

"Okay, you rest first, I'll go look for other candidates." Gerstaff said.

Satan nodded, stepped back and disappeared into the darkness.

After he left.

Gerstaff took out her phone and clicked it quickly, and said to herself:

"Look at the world map first... eh? Why is there an island designated as a restricted area?"

She clicked on a link.

- A picture quickly popped out.

I saw that there was a huge castle on that island, and countless black skeletons were walking around on the city wall.

Gerstaff was stunned.

"What kind of place is this... I've never heard of such a place in a prison."

"It's quite far."

She thought for a moment, put away her phone, and turned into a huge black shadow in a flash, flying towards the direction of the island.

the other side.

clean it.

Inside the box.

Wu Xiaode counted the manpower silently.

In the battle that night, the opponent had six demon gods in their prime.

Here, Ge Jiastave and Satan, plus the two bronze demon gods he formed, plus Xia Sui.

That's five people.

Five to six.

Among them, Satan's strength has been greatly reduced, which is a problem.

What about yourself?

Wu Xiaode looked towards the Book of the Dead.

I saw a line of small ice crystals appearing on the page:

"Current Soul Power: 25/25; Wish Power: 0; Merit: 1."

His soul power is only 25 points.

If you can improve your own strength, you will have a better chance of winning in the night battle.


After you improve your strength, you will gain skills such as death.

This is a power that all demon gods do not understand.

Boost your strength...

Wu Xiaode took out a peach.

The peach that bears on the Taoist peach tree is a hundred-year-old peach.

Eating it can raise a level.

But it's something from the last era.

... in today's era, it should be usable too.

Must try.

Wu Xiaode opened his mouth and bit on the peach.

- Sweet and delicious, mouth full of saliva.

He ate the peaches clean in three mouthfuls.

Waited for the count.

Suddenly, a force surged up in the body, scattered into the limbs and bones, and even gave people an illusion of fluttering.

at the same time.

Lines of small black characters appeared on the Book of the Dead:


"You have raised a realm, and the current soul power is:"


"You have reached the upper limit of your soul power, and you are about to enter the calamity of the upper limit."

"The Book of the Dead is the rare power of the kingdom of the dead."

"Your faction is determined to be: the kingdom of death."


"The battle is about to begin!"

A huge pulling force quietly emerged from the void, and with just one pull, Wu Xiaode was pulled.

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Chapter 269 Goodbye Ghost Queen! Free read: https://,!

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Not knowing where to go.


dead world.

in the boundless darkness.

Wu Xiaode suddenly appeared.

He found himself standing on a vast plain.

When the other dead monsters around him looked over, he had wrapped around him with a death magic mist, pretending to be a dead man.

In this way, those eyes staring at him were withdrawn.

The monsters all around are waiting quietly.

Slightly—induction, the fluctuations of their soul power are basically similar to their own.

It seems that they are all here to face the level 30 trial.

Wu Xiaode also waited.

Time passed slowly.

After about seven or eight minutes, the ground shook violently.

A huge tiankeng slowly unfolded in front of everyone, spreading all over the earth, extending a range of hundreds of meters.

In the tiankeng, it is unfathomable, dark and without light, and it is impossible to see the end at a glance.


The dead beings who participated in the trial exclaimed.

"Look, there's a skeleton snake down there!"

"A very rare death beast."

"Yeah, I saw a dark demon tiger in the deeper place."

"It's all raw dead beasts!"

"so many!"

There was a lot of discussion.

- A voice that shook the four directions suddenly sounded:

"This trial of the dead begins!"

"All beings who have reached 30 soul power, enter the sinkhole of death and find a battle summoned beast that suits you!"

"They're never easy to deal with."

"You will conquer them, conquer them, domesticate them!"

"If you successfully obtain the summoned beast, you can be considered to have completed this trial!"


The voice fell.

Several burly dead monsters immediately jumped into the depths of the Tiankeng.

"That phantom death beast is mine!"

"Fuck! You can't beat it, it's mine!"

"Come on!"

"Don't rob me!"

More dead monsters rushed down.

On the edge of the sinkhole, there are fewer and fewer dead monsters standing.

In the end, only Wu Xiaode was left.

He couldn't help sighing.

In the last level 20 trial, all the dead people who participated in the trial were eaten by the bone dragon.

With the strength of the bone dragon, how could this kind of thing leak out?

So the low-level undead will never know that the death trial is just a feast for the high-level undead.

- That is, he owned the "Book of the Dead", and with the help of the soul power obtained from the live broadcast, he barely survived.

So what about this level 30 trial?

What is it like?

- In short, in order to improve your strength, you must do a fight!

Wu Xiaode moved his hands and feet, put on the black gloves, and tightened the Yingyuan knife and the wild sword on his waist, and was about to jump down.

Suddenly, a voice whispered in his ear:

"Your Excellency, you disguised as a deceased person and came here in person, do you have any opinion on us?"

Wu Xiaode stopped.

Scenes of memories flashed through his mind to help him search for the owner of this voice.

Take a breath.

He matched the voice to the owner of the voice.

Ghost Queen!

That's right, when I went back to three days ago, when I fought against the Cyclops, I finally put it in the world of death and let the big guys eat it.

At that time, a ghost queen brought her princess to dinner.

He also blessed the princess.

- The one who spoke just now was the Queen of Ghosts.

"Dear lady, you misunderstood. I came here just out of curiosity. After all, such scenes are rare."

Wu Xiaode Road.

Not far in front of him, a woman in a gorgeous long dress appeared quietly.

She wears a crown, and her skin shows a

To provide you with the fastest update of "Abundant Wu Virtue", which is a city of great fireworks!

Chapter 269 Goodbye Ghost Queen! Free read: https://,!

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An elegant and noble ice blue, with a shallow smile on his face, but his eyes are full of vigilance.

- This bright ghost is surrounded by the extremely rare fog of death, and it is completely invisible.

What does it come here for?

"You really don't have any opinion on us?" The Ghost Queen confirmed again.

"Of course, I remember we were good business partners - how was your daughter's trial?" Wu Xiaode smiled.

"Thanks to you, she successfully advanced." The ghost queen said.


Wu Xiaode thought for a while, and with a touch of the Holy Treasure Ring, he picked a precious emerald diamond from the gems of the demon **** Ulysses, and put it gently in the hands of the ghost queen.

"—Some thoughts, I hope you can accept it with a smile," he said.

"Thank you for your generosity - but why did you come to such a level 30 proving ground, what's the matter?" The Queen of Ghosts asked suspiciously, holding the gem.

"It's okay..."

Wu Xiaode hesitated, and suddenly a flash of light flashed, and he said, "I'm investigating the trial grounds of various levels, looking for some inspiration for breakthroughs."

"I see."

Maybe it's Wu Xiaode's calm look, plus the previous transaction between the two parties, and the precious gems just presented, in short—

The ghost queen thought about it, but she didn't expect to offend the other party.

She - has always been confident in her own instincts.

This ghost is really not malicious.

very good.

Just not the enemy.

The Queen of Ghosts smiled lightly, put away the gem, and bowed gracefully:

"Since you are here, I can show you the classical trial ritual—although it has disappeared for too long, but our ghost country still treasures this rare ritual."

"Thank you, Her Majesty." Wu Xiaode replied with a salute.

He glanced at the void.

On the Book of the Undead, lines of small words on ice crystals have already appeared:

"You have left the overworld."

"The current trial ground is the kingdom of death."

"You will be able to use the stored soul power!"

The reserve soul power used 10 million, and there are still more than 30 million.

Wu Xiaode calmed down in his heart, stepped forward, and walked into the distance with the ghost queen.

Not long after walking out, the Ghost Queen suddenly waved her hand behind her.

"Go back and rest when you've eaten enough."

She said without looking back.

The voice fell.

Behind the two of them, the Tiankeng with a diameter of several hundred meters gradually closed.

A shaking voice sounded from the tiankeng:

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The ground shook. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

A translucent snake-shaped monster with a single horn jumped up from the ground and flew into the sky.

As it flew, it kept chewing something.

Wu Xiaode stood on the ground, and he could vaguely hear the screams coming from his body.

This gigantic monster flew into the distance and gradually disappeared.

After a breath.

Wu Xiaode suddenly came to his senses.

The Tiankeng just now turned out to be the monster's mouth.

- Except for himself, all the undead have become its food, and it is eaten cleanly.

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