Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 275: war!

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A huge white shadow fell on the sea.

It shrank sharply like a blown balloon, and finally shrank into a glowing human form.

The light gradually disappeared.

The human figure appears.

- This is a long-haired man nearly two meters tall, wearing a jade crown and a wide white robe, tied with a black belt inlaid with gold patterns, and the hem of the robe is embroidered with blue tide.

He opened his long and narrow eyes and stared at Wu Xiaode, and said:

"I can't imagine that there are still people who can borrow the method of Gonggong in this era, but I am doomed to this world. Even if your God comes in person, I will still say the same."

The man stretched out Bai Zhe's slender fingers and pinched them into a seal.


The sea exploded, and a strange-shaped dragon emerged from the tide behind him.

This dragon is exactly the flying dragon from before, but it is a little different—

Its tens of meters long body no longer has any dragon scales, and its bright red flesh is covered with all kinds of strange faces, all of which make expressions of resentment.

The dragon's claws disappeared completely, replaced by thousands of feet similar to the entertainment.

The dragon's head also turned into a skull of white bones, with a pair of dark eye sockets open.

- This is simply a terrifying monster that emerged from a nightmare, and it can no longer be called a dragon!

The monster rushed into the sky, then flew down quickly, coiled around the white-robed man, and kept wandering in the void.

The foul-smelling wind was blowing, gradually becoming violent.

Wu Xiaode was almost blown away.

He tried his best to stand in the knee-less sea water, and said loudly, "We provoked you to provoke you, and you are going to beat people to death. Isn't God having the virtue of good life?"

When the other party heard the words "virtue of good life", he suddenly froze, his eyes showing the color of memories.

For a while, he didn't make a move.

Wu Xiaode looked at the other party, thinking about the countermeasures in his heart.

- This guy's strength is simply terrifying.

Why doesn't the prison limit its power?


You have to figure this out first, otherwise you have no chance of winning.

Wu Xiaode's eyes moved slightly.

You can summon two demon gods at once.

In this situation, Ulysses must be present, ready to heal and undo his sins.

The succubus soul needs rest.

Cyclops are suitable for attack, but what they need now is intelligence.

Lester, the king of evil spirits, is proficient in disguise, intelligence and summoning, so he might know something.

That's right, information!

Wu Xiaode's thoughts moved, and dense bronze hands suddenly appeared in the void, quickly forming the appearance of evil spirits.

Wu Xiaode patted it on the back.

The king of evil spirits suddenly lived.

The woman's head lifted up, looked at the opposite side, and her expression immediately became solemn:

"Watch out for this guy, it's a very weird being."

"You know it?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"This monster itself has no soul power, and only by borrowing soul power from you can it perform its previous spells."

"I see, I lost about 30 soul power."

"Anyone else?"

"The black dragon has no soul power anymore, so it seems that it has absorbed 40 points of soul power from the black dragon."

"70 points of soul power can release a lot of spells. Has it used any spells?"

"A technique of severing soul power, a technique of reincarnation."

"It seems that it still has the last blow left. If you survive, it will have to retreat and find someone to replenish its soul power before it can continue to fight." The king of evil ghosts said.

"What is it?" Wu Xiaode couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, it should be the remnants of the last era. With the end of the era, these souls turned into a twisted spirit." The king of evil ghosts said.


Since it is a spirit, why not return to the spirit world?

Just as Wu Xiaode was thinking about it, the man in the white robe opposite spoke up:

"It's true that God has the virtue of good life, but it belongs to us

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Heaven doesn't exist anymore, so I'm going to destroy your world - only then can I find the guy hiding in your world. "

"Are you sure that the immortal immortal is hiding in our world?" Wu Xiaode said.

"That's right, so you all die! As long as you all die, that guy can't hide anymore!"

The white-robed man raised his hands and quickly formed a seal.

The spell is done!

There is no room for redemption.

But seeing that weird flying dragon suddenly trembled, every face of flesh and blood on that tens of meters long body spit out a bright starlight.

The densely packed stars revolved around the white-robed man at a constant speed.

- What the **** is this technique?

Wu Xiaode gritted his teeth, took out the Ying Yuan knife and held it in his hand, and said loudly, "Evil ghost!"

The King of Evil Ghosts stared at the opponent's actions until the opponent's handprints were finalized, and he saw so many spinning and flying stars. Then he shouted loudly:

"Master, this is the technique of the ancient dragon race, the soul of the stars."

"What effect does it have?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Hundreds of thousands of stars are released to follow you, you can track all nearby living creatures, and absorb the soul power of living creatures until the opponent's soul power is exhausted and they die!" said the king of evil ghosts.

Wu Xiaode was shocked.

There is such a powerful technique!

If such a technique is released, isn't it invincible?

"—you know a lot, but what's the use? "

The voice of the man in white robe came from afar:

"I came from the sea, and I will absorb the soul power of all beings in the world, kill everyone, destroy this world, and restore myself to the strength of the ancient times."

"All of this is to find the God of the year."

"Don't hate me, hate you for being mortal if you hate me—"

Actually, I've been meaning to say that for a long time.

After the man in white robe finished speaking, he seemed to feel extremely relieved and laughed wildly.

He stepped forward and walked towards Wu Xiaode.

The stars surrounding him immediately moved forward together.

"Go, Master, this star can't be stopped."

The king of evil spirits.

Wu Xiaode stopped and said in a low voice, "Tell me the power of this technique again."

The King of Evil Ghosts was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "Wan Xing **** the soul, moves with the caster, can track all nearby living creatures, and absorb the soul power of living creatures, until the opponent's soul power is exhausted and they die."

Ulysses also showed a thoughtful look and said:

"I've heard of this technique too... It seems to have destroyed a lot of worlds. It seems that we have to move quickly, Master."


Just kidding, I managed to survive and invited Nina to my world again.

As long as you survive the pursuit of the six demon gods tonight, you can temporarily settle down.

- As a result, you are running away now?

Wu Xiaode waved the Ying Yuan knife.

A dazzling ray of thunder gradually ignited on the long sword.

Lines of small words of ice crystals appeared:

"You released 2 points of soul power and injected it into the Yingyuan knife, which inspired a little thunder."

"Since your soul power is permanently at 2, you can continue to inject soul power."

"You released 2 points of soul power into the knife."

"You released 2 points of soul power into the knife."

"You released 2 points of soul power into the knife."


The ray of lightning on the long knife kept jumping, making a loud and ear-piercing sound of lightning.

Wu Xiaode took a deep breath, put a knife on the spot, and said calmly:

"Even though your era is over, human beings are still human beings. It is wrong for you to kill people without the permission of God."

The corner of the white-robed man's mouth twitched, and his face showed a look of pity: "It's a pity that you have no merit, and you can't ask the heaven again, don't you?"

"Yes." Wu Xiaode admitted.

"Then go

To provide you with the fastest update of "Abundant Wu Virtue", which is a city of great fireworks!

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Die, pathetic mortals—I said I wanted to kill you. "The white-robed man grinned.

"Really? In the past era, you always wanted to kill?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"That's right, how pathetic and fragile you are. Heaven and Earth actually want to protect you. This is simply a wrong thing. You should all die!" the white-robed man shouted angrily.

next moment.

Wu Xiaode's body burst into the sky with mist, which quickly completely covered the surrounding sea.

The man in the white robe was also wrapped in the mist.

He sensed for a moment and found that these mists had no offensive power at all, so he couldn't help sneering:

"Blindfolding? It's useless, the stars will never be obscured by the fog!"

While speaking, the fingerprint on his hand changed.

Soul suck!

Go, **** that boy up!

The white-robed man shouted wildly in his heart.

The countless stars surrounding him moved in unison, and then froze in place, no longer moving.


The white-robed man's eyes jumped.


Why can fog obscure the stars?

Do not.......

This is not obscuring the stars.

The fog obscured everything around, so that the stars could no longer perceive any living beings, and had to stop in place.

These mists... how did they do this?

Never heard of such a technique.

But that's okay, I can direct them myself!

The white-robed man thought quickly, and the seal on his hand began to change again.

But a pair of cold, strong, solid bronze hands emerged from the void and gripped his hand tightly.

Fayin was interrupted immediately.


A muffled sound.

The long knife pierced from the back, pierced through the chest, and the thunder on the tip of the knife began to inject into the body.

The white-robed man twitched all over his body and could no longer resist.

"You have absorbed a total of 70 points of soul power. UU Reading used two spells. This is your last spell."

Wu Xiaode's voice came from behind him:

"As long as you break this technique, you will have no strength to fight again."

He gripped the long knife.

The light of thunder and lightning surrounding the knife became more and more fiery.

"Finally, I want to say, don't discriminate against human beings - the crime of racism is very serious now."

Blue and white thunder light soared into the sky.


The white-robed man let out a miserable cry, his entire body was completely chopped into several pieces by this knife, and flew into the sea.

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