Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 276: Abacus of both sides

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All the thunder and lightning disappeared, and the long sword returned to silence.

"You won't die so easily."

Wu Xiaode said calmly.

The vast sea was dyed red with blood, and it boiled like boiling water, but no corpses surfaced.

"What else does it do?"

While on guard, Wu Xiaode asked the King of Evil Ghosts in a low voice.

"I don't know, I have never seen anyone kill it like this. In fact, it has never lost." The King of Evil Ghosts said.

Wu Xiaode fell into deep thought.

The fact that he can slash the opponent is partly because of the effect of "Dream Man", and partly because of the constant injection of eternal soul power into the Ying Yuan sword, which awakens its power.

It's a pity that when Tianzhi faced this monster, he didn't remind himself what skills the other party would release.

Two lines of small ice crystal characters appeared in front of Wu Xiaode:

"This is the **** of the past era, and your name cannot obtain its corresponding skills."

"You have to advance your name further in the past epoch to get the relevant information."

- Really the **** of the last era.

It seems that there are contradictions between gods and gods, but you can do whatever you want, so why do you want to attack us mortals?

Wu Xiaode suddenly held his breath.

In the bright red sea water, a huge figure gradually appeared. I saw the weird blood bone dragon wrapped around the white-robed man and floated up from under the sea water together.

"How impressive, a mere mortal slashed me with a knife, it's a pity—"

The man in white robe said, his hands clasped together.


The void behind him suddenly opened.

I saw that the depths of the void were full of darkness and strong winds, and I could vaguely see many ruins and messy, unknown existences.

Is this to go?

"Stop fighting?" Wu Xiaode couldn't help asking.

The white-robed man gently stroked the skull of the dragon and said softly:

"Of course, your world is too restrictive, and I need to prepare again - for example, when I absorb the soul power of all sentient beings in one world, and come back to kill you - what do you think?"

Wu Xiaode was stunned.

Yes, the opponent's last move "Soul Soul Absorption" was restricted by his "Silent Magic Mist", so he failed to absorb any soul power.

However, if the other party changes the world...


The man in white robe suddenly smiled: "If you can beat me, it is worth hearing my name, remember that I am Ao Tian, ​​the Lord of the Dragon Palace."

"Long Aotian? Or Aotian·Long?" Wu Xiaode asked uncertainly.

"Ao Tian! The second sound, there is no need to add dragons in front! You bastard—wait for me to kill you!" The white-robed man roared angrily.

He quickly retreated into the void.

The whole void closed at once, as if nothing had ever happened.

Wu Xiaode was stunned for a while, then suddenly slapped the long knife and said in frustration, "It's over!"

It is indeed over.

Although the opponent has no soul power now, as long as he rests for a period of time, he can make up for the soul power that activates "Spirit of Ten Thousand Stars".

This technique can absorb the power of all sentient beings in the whole world!

He will definitely come back!

How to do?

Thoughts flashed in Wu Xiaode's mind, and suddenly thought of a way.

"Come on, take it."

He handed the Yingyuan knife to a bronze hand.

Lines of small ice crystal characters appeared on the Book of the Undead:

"You injected 2 soul power into Ying Yuan Dao;"

"You injected 2 soul power into Ying Yuan Dao;"

"You injected 2 soul power into Ying Yuan Dao;"


On the long knife, a shining blue and white electric light appeared again.

This knife can use soul power to motivate Leimang. The more soulpower injected, the greater the power of Leimang.

I happen to have 2 points of eternal soul power, and I can always inject—

Just keep injecting it.

The advantage is that the power of the Ying Yuan knife will become stronger and stronger, what is the disadvantage—

That means that his soul power cannot rise up.

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, can only maintain the state of 2/32.

Wu Xiaode waved his hand.

The magic fog came over, covering the long knife and bronze hand.

From a distance you can't see anything.

Keep injecting until the guy comes back.

Wu Xiaode is looking forward to the power of this knife to reach that level.

If it is filled in advance, then think of other ways - in short, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, and if one road fails, think of other ways.

He walked back for a while, cleared the fog, and saw Leng Mei and Bai Hu.

The two were looking at him as if they were looking at a monster.

Ge Jiastave was limited by the world, only 40 points of soul power, and he had never seen the kind of guy on the opposite side, so naturally his soul power was drained.

Now she saw that Wu Xiaode actually fought the opponent vigorously, and even repelled the opponent, so she silently weighed it in her heart.

I am a million-level soul power, and I have completely lost to that guy.

- The boss's soul power must be in the tens of millions.

Otherwise such a result would not be possible.

"It's a pity, I didn't kill him, but I have a vengeance." Wu Xiaode sighed.

"It's not your fault, who would have known that it was the Dragon Palace God from the last era - I think it's incredible that you can survive." Bai Hu said.

Wu Xiaode looked at Gerhardtaff.

Gerstaff took the initiative to say, "I saw that the island was full of skeletons, and I wondered if this might be some kind of undead spell. If it can summon so many kuji, under the limit of 40 soul power, He is also a great man.”

"And then?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"I shouted outside the island and asked if I could come out and fight with us, but a black skeleton came over and said that I can help only after signing a contract with me."

"Did you sign?" Wu Xiaode and Baihu asked in unison.

"I signed it—I signed it without seeing any problems with the content of the contract. Who knew that it would be unrestricted by the contract as soon as it came out. It's too strange."

Wu Xiaode fell into deep thought.

Yes, the first contract of fighting together is definitely not to attack teammates.

Not only is the other party not restricted by the contract, it is not even restricted by the upper limit of soul power in the prison, but—

His own Tianzhi can't see the opponent's tricks.

Could it be that the gods of the previous era could really not be restricted by all the laws of this era?

A flash of light flashed through Wu Xiaode's mind.

He suddenly grabbed the wild sword in his hand.

The introduction he wanted to see suddenly appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"Sword Weapon: Wild."


"Eternal figurine body: transforming the sword-wielder into a being from endless years ago, not bound by all the laws of today."

it is as expected!

The figurines gather the power of the gods and are created by the gods, so they are not limited by all the laws of today.

- And what about the gods themselves?

It must be the same!

Wu Xiaode figured out the joints here, only to feel suddenly enlightened.


He shouted.

Ulysses connected with him, and at this time took out a large amount of gems and fed it to a snow-white dove that had just appeared.

Seeing this, Gerstaff immediately showed disgust and said, "This shameless guy—"

"Be careful what you say," Ulysses protested. "I'm trying to break the contract for you."

Only then did Gerstaff shut up.

after awhile.

A snow-white dove flew out of the hands of Gorgastaff.

Pigeons fly and fly.

The pigeon was released!

- The contract between Gorgastaff and the other party became invalid on the spot.

This thing can only go so far.

I hope that after the contract expires, the white-robed man will never find his way back.

"White Tiger, go back and rest; Gerhardtaff, you must also find a place to rest, eat something, and restore your soul power."

Wu Xiaode said and waved his hand behind him.

Ulysses holds a

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Put the gems and chant: "In the name of the Holy, let you receive the blessing of double the recovery effect!"

Two rays of light fell on White Tiger and Gerhardtaff.

"It's time for me to take a break. Call me again when there are new enemies - I'm more and more interested in the souls of your enemies." Bai Hu said.

It reluctantly glanced at the bronze demon king and Ulysses, and then disappeared quietly.

When Gorgastave looked around, she saw nothing but two bronze statues.

The sky is still dark, and here is the endless sea again—

Nothing else gets in the way.

The boss just saved himself again.


Children, do you have a reliable man to take care of, it depends on today!

Leng Beauty suddenly put on my forehead and groaned:

"Boss, I'm a little dizzy."

In an instant, seven or eight bronze hands emerged from the void, and all of a sudden supported her swaying body.

There are even two bronze hands to massage her temples intimately. "Is it better now?"

Wu Xiaode asked with concern.

Then he snapped his fingers again.

Ulysses threw a handful of gold coins and shouted:

"Ah! Shengmang, infuse her delicate body and let her return to normal!"

Violent holy light fell on Gerstaff, so that she recovered a lot of soul power on the spot, and her body began to emit slight power fluctuations.

- At this level, it is not appropriate to be dizzy any more.

"I'm much better, thank you boss."

Gerstaff said with a stiff face.

"Well, you take a rest, and then go to other places to find suitable personnel." Wu Xiaode urged.


Gerstaff responded, gritted her silver teeth, and flew away in a flash.

Wu Xiaode frowned and said to himself:

"Why do I think she's a little angry?"

Ulysses walked over with bronze feet and patted him on the shoulder:

"Maybe it's not Light Infusion that she likes."

"I really don't know much about your demon world." Wu Xiaode shook his head.

Ulysses and the Demon King looked at each other.

- Why doesn't this master understand that demon gods also have emotions?

How did he get to where he is now because of his lack of knowledge about demon gods?

Wu Xiaode didn't think about it anymore.

He turned and looked into the depths of the sea.

—After the white-robed man left, are there other black skeletons on that island?

"Lest, look at that island."

Wu Xiaode pointed in one direction.

Lester's woman's head looked in that direction, looked at it for a while, and said:

"That island is full of resentment, and countless black skeletons are guarding a majestic castle."


The white-robed dragon **** is just one of those black skeletons.

Fortunately, Gerstaff only met one dragon god, and did not sign any contracts with other black skeletons.

Wu Xiaode pondered for a few breaths.

-From now on, the self in this time period will not return to the real world again.

At this moment, I am being tested in the world of death, and then I will go to the city of holy names.

Even if you reach the city of the holy name, you will not return to the real world.

I will return three days ago. UU Reading

That is to say, the self at this moment has left, and the self who returned three days ago can now reappear in the main world.

Connecting with other people in the world at this moment is legitimate and does not cause any fluctuations in what is already doomed.

As soon as he thought of this, Wu Xiaode took out his mobile phone, entered a paragraph, and sent the message.

After a few breaths.

A line of text messages appeared on his phone:

"I know, immediately block the island, and don't allow anyone to approach."

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