Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 277: Ancestor Spirit's advanced commission!

It was just a little light.

This is the morning of the third day.

Wu Xiaode walked back to the beach, thinking about the battle at night.

- Six Demon Gods.

how to spell?

On the one hand, he was worried that Xia Salamander was not the opponent of the Demon God, and on the other hand, he was afraid that Satan would not be able to defeat the other Satan.

Ying Yuan Dao seems to be able to continuously absorb soul power and become more and more powerful, but—

Wu Xiaode looked at the Book of the Dead.

I saw lines of small ice crystals appearing on the page:

"You poured 2 points of soul power into the Yingyuan knife, and the power of the knife has been strengthened;"

"You poured 2 points of soul power into the Yingyuan knife, and the power of the knife has been strengthened;"

"You poured 2 soul power into the Yingyuan knife, and the power of the knife has been strengthened;"


This is for Long Aotian.

By the way, it said that it was not called Long Aotian.

What is it called?

No matter, in short, Ying Yuan Dao can't be used now, and he has to wait to deal with Long Aotian.

Then you can only fight with the wild sword.

I always feel that the odds of winning are not very big, after all, there is a Satan in his heyday on the opposite side.

Can I get some more help from somewhere?

While thinking about it, Wu Xiaode walked forward along the beach.


He arrived at the wharf where the workers went to sea.

Although it was still early, the pier was already lively.

A burst of aroma wafted.

- What a strong aroma of wine!

Wu Xiaode looked at the **** behind the pier subconsciously, and saw that there was a small market there, and there were even many stalls selling breakfast.

Wu Xiaode was also hungry at this time, so he went uphill and found a table to sit down.

"Boss, beef noodles, add two eggs, a cage of buns."

He looked at the sign in front of the booth and shouted.


The fragrant noodles were served, along with marinated eggs and steamed buns.

"Anything to drink? Baijiu?"

The boss asked with a cigarette in his mouth.

Wu Xiaode looked around subconsciously, and saw that many dock workers had already finished work, sitting there eating and drinking——

Even drinking in the morning?

I seem to have heard that some places have the habit of drinking early.

After a little thought, Wu Xiaode understood.

A whole night of physical work was too hard, so the workers counted on this meal, and then a little wine, so that they could go back to sleep more peacefully, so as to help restore their strength.

"No liquor, boss, is there anything else?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Soy milk?"

"Okay, make a bowl."

A bowl of soy milk is served on the table, the temperature is just right, and it tastes good when you take a sip.

Wu Xiaode took out a pair of chopsticks and ate it like a storm.

Halfway through the meal, he glanced at the Book of the Dead.

Two lines of small ice crystals appeared on the book:

"You recovered a little soul power by eating."

"Currently, the soul power has been put into the Ying Yuan sword, and the power of Leimang is strengthened."


Two points of eternal soul power are the bottom line. Once the new soul power is recovered, the recovered soul power must be used up immediately.

There is no way to do that.

He will always have only two points of soul power.

Even Leng Meiren has been drained of her soul power. Although she has received Ulysses' Saint Mang infusion, she still doesn't know the night.

Can it be fully recovered.

How can we fight tonight?

Wu Xiaode couldn't help but feel worried.


A black bird flew over and landed gently on the signboard of the noodle stall.

The boss turned a blind eye.

The other people around didn't even look at them.

Wu Xiaode was thinking about his thoughts, but he didn't care, just eating noodles.

The black bird landed lightly on his table and tilted its head to one side so that his side eyes could look at Wu Xiaode well.

Wu Xiaode glanced.

Well, it's a crow with clean and beautiful feathers.

- But the crow can't eat.

Wu Xiaode buried his head and continued to eat noodles.

Unexpectedly, the crow jumped on the edge of his bowl, lightly pecked at his chopsticks, and made a female voice:

"Hey, handsome boy, look at me, look at me!"

Wu Xiaode was taken aback and looked around quickly.

I saw that the people around were still busy with their own affairs, as if they had never seen each other.

- It turns out that this is a spirit!

In other words, only if you have awakened the special ability of death, you can see these spirits.

"Hello, what's the matter with you?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Young man, don't you remember me?" Crow glared at him.

Wu Xiaode was not impressed at all.

I only know the crow spirit who has always been called the crow.

Who is this?

He had no choice but to say:

"Ah—let me think about it—it seems to have an impression—you are!"

"Yes, it's me!" Crow said happily.

"You are!"

"it's me!"

"You are--"

"In that technology company, you and another crow spirit saved me!" The crow said excitedly.

Wu Xiaode patted his head.

I remembered now.

At that time, I went to the technology company where Xia Huilan worked, and I rescued a crow and a peacock together with the crow.

At that time, the crow said that this crow has a strong soul talent and is likely to become a spirit.

- It turned out that it really became a spirit!

"Haha, it's really been a long time!" Wu Xiaode said with a smile.

"Not long, only two days." The crow said strangely.

After all, it was saved on the first day.

Now is the third day.

Indeed, only two days have passed.

"I'm Wu Xiaode, you can call me Xiao Wu."

"I'm Qi, you can call me Xiao Qi."

"Xiao Qi, are you awakened? Is there any difference after becoming a spirit?"

Wu Xiaode asked with interest.

The crow spirit was also willing to chat with him, jumped on the chopsticks, jumped on his hand, and said:

"Actually, it's nothing, just awakened an ability."

"Oh, if it's inconvenient, you can leave it alone." Wu Xiaode said.

"It doesn't matter, my ability is 'spiritual communication' - you can think of it as a means of communication across the world, and I can send specific messages to specific spirits."

Xiao Qi continued chatteringly: "Of course, the spirit world is very dangerous. To communicate with the spirit world without authorization is to take great risks. If you are not careful, you will destroy the whole world, because some spirits are really terrifying to the extreme—"

"But as long as you have been in contact with a certain spirit, I can match you up and let you talk temporarily."

"Really good ability." Wu Xiaode smiled.

He suddenly turned his thoughts and said suddenly, "You are here to find the crow."

"Ah, not actually," Xiao Qi said awkwardly, "I'm not qualified to look for it yet."

"Why?" Wu Xiaode asked curiously.

"As a spirit, if you don't have a certain amount of merit, you can't ascend to the spiritual world, so I have to obtain a certain amount of merit first." Xiao Qi said.

"The merit is not easy to do." Wu Xiaode said with emotion.

"Who says it's not, humans can't see me anymore. Now is the age of technology, and it's not the age of ancient sacrifices. As a spirit, it is even more difficult to obtain merit."

Xiao Qi took a sentence, suddenly jumped on his shoulder, and giggled: "But fortunately there is you, you can see our spirit, so you can definitely help me."

"How can I help you?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"As long as it is beneficial to the world, you can bring me with you, and I can gain merit by contributing in the middle." Xiao Qi said.

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Wu Xiaode's mind.


The world faces so many disasters and problems.

Whether it was Zhao Junyu's ancestor or Qian Mingkui's sect patriarch, they all posted commissions on the Wall of Wishes because they were worried about the younger generation.

Would they be willing to help if they were made aware of the problems the world faces next?

There was no way to return to the world before.

Now that they have a wish wall, they can come back in the form of "upper body".

Will they be willing to take action?

Wu Xiaode suddenly became excited, he simply threw the chopsticks, stood up and said:

"Little Qi, come with me."

ten minutes later.

a hotel.

Wu Xiaode sat in the room with his eyes closed, holding the crow spirit in his hands.

"Are you ready?"

Xiao Qi asked.

"Okay." Wu Xiaode said.

"I'm about to invite the spirit - watch out, it's coming!"


A breeze emanated from Xiao Qi.

It flapped its wings, and suddenly a halo appeared on its body.

Immediately after.

It jumped on the windowsill and looked out at the sea and blue sky.

An old voice came out of its mouth:

"It's been a long time since I've been here."

Wu Xiaode looked at the crow's back, only to feel that it was full of vicissitudes.

- It is not the bird just now.


Wu Xiaode asked tentatively.

"This crow has told me about you. The six demon gods are really not easy to deal with. How do you want me to help you?" Crow said.

"Can the seniors come down to the realm and fight with us?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"It is possible to fight them, but our spirits exist in the extremely high spiritual world, and we cannot participate in the affairs of your sentient beings in the lower world unless there are corresponding rules in effect."


The crow explained: "For example, your wishing wall, UU reading through the form of entrustment, we can come down for a short time."

"But my commission today has been used up." Wu Xiaode said.

"Then there is no way, there is no basis and no evidence, the spirit cannot interfere with anything in your world." Crow said.

Wu Xiaode thought for a few breaths before saying, "So, what about tomorrow?"


"Yes, I can complete a commission once a day, and I can also issue a commission once."

The crow thought for a while and said, "If you can delay the war until tomorrow, and as soon as tomorrow comes, you complete my commission, then I can come."

First, procrastination;

Second, complete the commission.

If you procrastinate, you can find a way.

The most important thing now is to complete the commission.

Wu Xiaode thought for a moment and said:

"So, senior, can you think of a commission now, I'll make it almost complete first, and when tomorrow arrives, you will immediately commission it, and I will complete it immediately, so you can come?"

There was a smile in the crow's eyes:

"If you can really do such a thing, it's okay for me to come down and fight those demon gods with you."

"Please tell me a request, senior." Wu Xiaode cupped his hands.

The crow thought for a while and said, "The last time you helped me save Zhao Junyu, I glanced at him and thought he was a good seedling."

"Since I have the opportunity to support future generations this time, I hope you can help him."

"That's right, my request is—"

"Awaken Zhao Junyu!"

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