Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 283: A little soul power!

Hey, I clearly told you to stand outside the street, just have a long experience, why did you rush over? "

"Because of my ability."


"No, it's another ability - as long as someone is ready to flirt, I can sense it."

"What kind of ability is this called?"

"Elements detect waves."

"...So you're here to block other people's flirting for me?"

"Of course, after all, it's hard-hearted."

Zhao Junyu squatted on the ground, talking to Wu Xiaode without any help.

Zu Ling has left.

But Wu Xiaode was completely exhausted, unable to move for a while, lying on the ground and resting quietly.


Satan from World No. 1666 came up, stood beside him, raised his head vigilantly and looked around.

"What's wrong?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Don't let your guard down - when all the demon gods in a parallel world die, a certain mechanism will be triggered, allowing the prisoners imprisoned at the bottom of the prison to perceive the situation here." Satan said.

Wu Xiaode thought about it.

Bronze Ulysses held the gold bar in one hand, and released abundant holy light in the other hand, allowing Wu Xiaode's power to recover again.

Wu Xiaode jumped up from the ground and said quickly:

"Didn't we seal a prisoner clone?"

"I guess it finally condensed a clone. If the clone is not dead, it will definitely come and kill us." Satan said.

"But the clone was sealed." Wu Xiaode said.

"Yes, it was planning to use its clone to dismantle the prison, but it was sealed by you in one fell swoop. At this moment, it must be burning with anger." Satan said.

A ray of fear flashed in Leng Meiren's eyes, and she said:

"If the prisoners want revenge, we may not be able to afford it."

"Isn't it still sealed in the depths of the prison? What else can it do now?" Wu Xiaode asked in confusion.

Satan said: "Don't be afraid of anything else... just be afraid that it will disgust us..."

disgusting us?

Wu Xiaode was stunned.

"That prisoner is very disgusting?" he asked with a bit of luck.

Satan's expression is serious and solemn:

"Yes, it's especially disgusting and torturous. Demon gods are generally submissive—no matter which parallel world they are in."

Wu Xiaode was completely vigilant now.

He suddenly remembered all kinds of past events.


From past experience, sometimes there are many opponents, and it is impossible to win at a glance, so it is not suitable for fighting;

Sometimes teachers or police officers are around, and of course it's not suitable for fights;

And sometimes-

For example, there are cowards around you, and you have no chance to dominate the battle.

In such a situation, there is only one last option left.

- Disgusting each other.

Of course, we do not advocate fighting, nor do we advocate fighting.

It's just that sometimes being bullied by some people is too hard, and it is not up to the standard of legal punishment, and there is no way to get justice, and it is impossible to fight—

For example, a provocateur is surrounded by a large group of people, and you don’t want to hurt innocent people, so what should you do?

You can only call the police first, then prepare the props, and immediately smear the other party's face when the police first arrive.


In this way, you have successfully disgusted the other party.

Even if the opponent is invincible all over the world, they will remember you for a lifetime.

-Because it's a face of shit.

Remember to apologize.

An apology must be apologized.

Also, after you succeed, you must hide behind the police uncle.

If he was too angry, he dared to do something to the police—

Things get interesting.

The prisoner's current situation is such.

Someone outside killed its clone, but it couldn't get out and kill those guys.

Just like Satan said.

The prisoner's only choice is to disgust the other party first, and then he can breathe a sigh of relief.

If he were a prisoner, he would certainly do the same.

"Honestly, I just hope the way the prisoners disgust us isn't too disgusting."

Wu Xiaode is full of vigilance.

Time passed slowly.

Take a breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

The crowd waited quietly for a while.


A faint voice sounded from the depths of the ground:

"You know what? It would take thousands of years for me to send a clone out—"

"Concentrate and concentrate on thinking every day, let the clone remember what to do, and prevent it from becoming self-aware and out of my control."

"It lasted five thousand years before I achieved success." "But you ruined my efforts."

The voice gradually laughed, and continued:

"Fortunately, in your world, there is already a crisis of the past era, and it will completely devour you."

"Although I am completely imprisoned here, I will never hesitate to use all my strength to help you reach your final despair..."

The prisoner's voice gradually fell silent.

Silence returned to the streets.

Dead silence.

Everyone looked at each other.

The world is as calm as ever, and nothing seems to have changed.

after all......

What did the prisoner use?

"Xia Salamander, look at the situation." Wu Xiaode said.


Xia Salamander's eyes flashed a dense stream of data, and quickly said:

"So far, no catastrophic events have been detected in the world."

Just as Wu Xiaode was about to continue speaking, he suddenly felt an irresistible force quietly emerging from the void, enveloped him, and pressed him with all his strength—

Lines of small ice crystal words suddenly appeared on the Book of the Undead:

"The setting of the world created by the prison is enhanced by some force."

"From now on, the world setting has become more stringent, as follows:"

"In the parallel world No. 1666, the value of all sentient beings cannot exceed 1 point of soul power, and skills and abilities other than soul power cannot be released."

"After the adjustment, since you have two points of eternal soul power, your theoretical soul power value in the current parallel world No. 1666 is:


Wu Xiaode's expression changed.

It is because he has two points of eternal soul power that he retains 2 points of soul power.

As for the others—

Everyone only has 1 point of soul power!

How are you going to fight the black skeletons on that island!

- They are not limited by the current world settings!

Soon, everyone around them noticed the change in things.

Satan said: "I only have 1 point of soul power that I can use now, how about you?"

"Same." Leng Meiren said worriedly.

Wu Xiaode looked at Xia Salamander.

Xia Salamander smiled and said, "Xiao Wu, I only have 1 point of soul power."

really disgusting-

1 point of soul power is not enough for anything!

The white-robed Long Aotian is in other worlds, using the "Wanxing Soul Absorption" to absorb the power of all sentient beings.

When it came back to take revenge, he found that he could only use 2 soul power—

Shouldn't it make it laugh out loud?

Satan frowned and said:

"What's even more disgusting is that this setting prohibits other abilities, and I can't release the world art now-the original world art is my instinctual talent, which can be released without soul power."

Wu Xiaode's thoughts flashed and he suddenly said:

"We can't fight now, but we still have one hope—"

"Satan, Gerstaff, is there any way for you to get me back to the first floor of the Demon God's Underground Palace, I'm going to the city of the holy name, and invite someone to come over for me."

"Who?" Satan asked.

"The owner of the 'garbage dump' in the city of holy names, she is an old woman." Wu Xiaode said.

Back then, he got the Death Soul Secret Language Silmaril in the world of death.

Chixiao Divine Sword said that this Silmarillion will make the old woman return to normal and regain her strength.

- Now that the six demon gods have been eliminated, it is the time to invite her to come!

"We can still do this."

Gerhardtaff said.

"Gergastave, we only have 1 point of soul power now. In order to save a little, let's recite the spell together." Satan said.

"Okay." Gerhardtaff said.

The two demon gods recited the incantation in unison, and a door gradually opened in the void.

Who knew that a burly figure suddenly appeared in the door.


Dark flames erupted from Gerstaff's hands.

Wu Xiaode saw it clearly, and immediately shouted, "Stop, it's my own!"

I saw that figure stumbled and rolled to the ground, jumped up and said:

"Finally back!"

- Qian Mingkui!

"Old Qian! Are you alright?" Wu Xiaode hurriedly stepped forward.

"It's okay - just wait, the old woman is here in person." Qian Mingkui said.

I saw the scrawny old woman slowly crossed the door and appeared in front of Wu Xiaode.

She had a kind face, smiled and said:

"Thank you for your gem, my mind is clear now - do you still want to join the 'Junkyard' in the City of the Holy Name? I can make the call and make you the master of the 'Junkyard'."

"No, mother-in-law, I haven't fulfilled my promise. After all, I promised to help you find your lost son." Wu Xiaode said.

"I want to ask, who actually guided you and let you cure my mental problems for me?" the old woman asked.

"It's a sword, it's called Chixiao." Wu Xiaode said.

"I see... It's really a very powerful sword spirit - because of the existence of the prisoner's clone, it dare not say it explicitly - in fact, what it does has a very far-reaching purpose, and I already understand its meaning." The old woman road.

Wu Xiaode was puzzled.

The old woman put her hands together, exuding bursts of golden light.

This golden light emitted a heavy and low hum, penetrating the entire world, as if calling for something.

"Mother-in-law..." Wu Xiaode couldn't help but said.

"Don't worry, in fact, the cause of the incident is the prisoner." The old woman said.


"Yes, while I was giving birth, the prisoner took advantage of the loopholes in the prison's settings to break the restriction and release a clone in one fell swoop. "

"I was injured by the sneak attack of its clone and lost contact with my child."

"My sanity was also cursed by its clone, so I fell into a state of madness."

"Now, I'm back."

Wu Xiaode was shocked.

If all is true, then the identity of the old woman will be revealed.

—She is a divine beast of law in the prison!

So her child—is it—

In the void, golden light flashed.

Nina appeared quietly.

Her expression was indifferent and full of majesty, obviously in a state of being possessed by a beast.

But when she saw the old woman, her expression gradually became surprised, and then she stepped forward and rushed towards the old woman.


She cried out loudly.

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Chapter 283 1 point of soul power! Free reading.

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