Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 284: "Shake Man" is a new addition to the Book of the Dead!

street corner.

Nina chanted the spell lightly, letting a halo shroud herself and Wu Xiaode.

"Okay, it's a long way from everyone here. I have a secret that I can tell you."

As she spoke, a pair of pupils turned into gold and silver respectively.

The golden color is the older Law Divine Beast.

Silver is a mythical beast that has not been born for a long time.

----The old woman has disappeared, it has re-turned into a pure energy body, attached to Nina.

"Mortal, you may not understand our existence - frankly, there was originally only one me, but the prisoners figured out a way to divide me into several, weakening my power."

"The children I have given birth to are actually a part of me."

"Understandable, just like genes." Wu Xiaode shrugged.

"Almost so," Nina nodded in appreciation, "The prisoners have begun to master the setting of the prison, so I will go back immediately and further strengthen its seal.

"Excuse me----what should we do in our world? Now everyone only has 1 point of soul power, and we can only wait for death."

Wu Xiaode couldn't help but ask.

Nina looked at him deeply, and seemed to be hesitant to say anything. After a while, she said softly:

"Do you remember? You went back to the past once, and then came back to get the Yingyuan sword that draws lightning indefinitely."

"Because of this, you defeated the dragon **** Aotian."

Wu Xiaode's eyes widened.

Like an electric light flashing through my mind.

He suddenly remembered that...

"Time is like a blooming lotus, full of flowers and fruits. The past and the future exist at the same time. When the past changes, the future changes immediately; and if there is any change in the future, it will also change the past."


Changed the past.

The danger Shen Feixue encountered was resolved by himself.

Then go back to the future...

Xia Huilan has mastered the power to forge the Ying Yuan knife.

It's also amazing.

Before Wu Xiaode could think about it, Nina looked around and saw that Satan, Leng Mei, Xia Salaman and others were standing far away, and there were no other suspicious targets.

Then she said softly: "Remember, the potential of the world is unlimited, even if it is set to only use 1 point of soul power----"

"If you find a way in the past, the future will change too."

"So go back!"

The voice fell.

Nina stretched out her hand and tapped a cloud of silver light into his watch.

On the dial, the pointer turned frantically, and then pointed to "Danger" steadily.

----I have to go back to the past era to protect the Queen Mother of the West!

The silver light on Nina disappeared.

"I was thanking you for saving my mother just now, and now my mother also has a gift for you," she said softly.

I saw that she stretched out her other hand and pressed it on the Book of the Undead.

"This book is your death power?"

she asked.

"Yes—can you see it?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"I have regained my strength now, so I can see your Book of Death," Nina said.

A faint golden glow ignited on her body and continued:

"Before you go to a past era, I can give this book a whole new ability, you can think about it, what more do you need?"

Wu Xiaode thought for a few breaths and said, "I hope there is one more ability in the Book of the Dead:"

"----Summon helpers from this moment and go back to the past to help me."

Nina said: "Yes, but the people you call must not be these people in the prison, including the devil."

Wu Xiaode was stunned and quickly asked, "Why?"

"The people in the prison actually have an inexplicable connection with the previous era. If they go back, they will destroy the existing connection - so you can only summon those existences outside the prison. "Nina said.

"Alright, I need this ability." Wu Xiaode said.

Nina's golden glow was completely poured into the Book of the Dead.

Several lines of small ice crystal characters suddenly appeared:

"You have acquired a new ability: shake people across time and space."

----This is a method of summoning across time and space, but it must be approved by the other party, and it cannot be an arbitrary existence in the prison. "

"This ability is recorded on page thirteen of the Book of the Dead."

Nina's body mixed with light and disappeared.

She looked like an ordinary little girl, but her eyes still showed two different kinds of light.

"Come on, when you find a way in a bygone era, and come back to this moment - the potential of the world will manifest, and it will help you deal with everything."

After Nina finished speaking, her figure gradually darkened.

She disappeared.

Only Wu Xiaode remained in place.

"Little Qi," he called.

"I'm here!" A little crow landed on his shoulder and responded cheerfully.

"Is your merit enough?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"That's enough, even though you just summoned the spirits for you, but you killed six demon gods, and the world is safe again - I now have 1 point of merit, enough to find the crow."

Xiao Qi was a little twisted, but also a little happy.

"Go, I'm done here, I'll find you and the crow next time." Wu Xiaode also laughed.

"Okay, then I'll go, bye."


The Raven Spirit rushed into the sky and quickly disappeared.

Wu Xiaode glanced at his own merits.

"Current number of merits: 5."

Destroying the six invading demon gods gave five points of merit!

----not bad.

He sorted out his emotions and walked towards the crowd.

"Boss, can the Law Divine Beast help us establish a setting for 1 point of soul power?"

The cold beauty asked worriedly.

Before Wu Xiaode could answer, Satan said:

"No, the beast of law must maintain all world settings that are beneficial to the prison, otherwise it will cause harm to the prison."

"Yes, I have other things to do right now, you rest first." Wu Xiaode said.

"Need help?" Satan asked.

Summer Salamander also looked over.

Wu Xiaode shook his head and said, "No need, but I guess the world will need everyone's help soon."

"----Let's rest first, there is not much time for rest. We will face all kinds of sinister situations in the future, and we will never have such a leisurely rest time again."

The voice fell.

Wu Xiaode suddenly disappeared from the spot.

past epochs.

Wutong Mountain, Jiangdong County, Dongshengguo.

Taoist temple on the mountain.

Wu Xiaode appeared quietly.

Almost instantly, a "ding dong" sound like a barrage of cannons came out of his mobile phone.

Open it up and take a look.

All of Shen Feixue's greeting text messages and missed calls.

It seems that during the time she was away, she kept in touch with herself.

"She's in danger..."

Wu Xiaode muttered to himself and called Shen Feixue.


Shen Feixue's voice full of surprises sounded in the receiver:

"Little Martial Daoist! You are finally willing to contact me!"

Wu Xiaode said: "I was in retreat some time ago, so you can't contact me, where are you now?"

He glanced at the current Book of the Dead:


"In the current era, you can receive a little merit every day."

"The current number of accumulated merits is: 21."

"You got 21 points of merit."

"Profile updated:"

"Soul Power: 2/32; Wishing Power: 0; Merit: 26."

Blackjack merit, that is, twenty-one days have passed since the last time I came.


The upper limit of soul power has also returned.

It's really refreshing to be free from the constraints of the prisoner's settings.

Shen Feixue's voice sounded again:

"Master, I have established a small mecha research and development base in the town under Wutong Mountain. You are welcome to come and guide me at any time."

It's right down the mountain, so that's convenient.

"I'll come right away." Wu Xiaode said.

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He walked out of the Taoist temple, suddenly felt something, and looked back.

I saw that the whole Taoist temple has been completely renewed.

----Don't think about it, this must have been repaired by Shen Feixue who paid for it.

The Book of the Dead moved slightly.

Wu Xiaode immediately sensed an idea.

"You want to come out?"

He tapped the Book of the Dead lightly.

I saw a cloud of frost quietly falling on the ground, rolled, and turned into a dog of bones.

That's right, it's a bone dog!

"You don't want to go down the mountain, just stay home on the mountain, and we'll talk later when I'm done with Shen Feixue's problem." Wu Xiaode said.

The bone dog nodded.

Wu Xiaode turned to leave, suddenly remembered something, and warned again:

"There are no pure skeleton creatures in the world, you better get a skin, otherwise it will scare people."

After he finished speaking, he flew down the mountain.

The bone dog squatted on the spot and pondered for a few breaths, then turned his head to look around.

The owner was right.

There are no dead monsters in the world.

Make your own skin.

But what kind of skin do you make?

It looked at an owl crouching on a branch.


Dogs have no wings.

The bone dog was a little worried, and suddenly heard a movement from the backyard.

It ran over quietly and hid in the corner to take a look.

I saw a mechanical creature I had never seen before just climbed over the courtyard wall, with rays of light in his eyes, scanning the surrounding situation.

It's kind of like a mechanical dog.


Humans are a race that uses machines.

It's better to make a skin than disguise yourself as a mechanical creature!

The bone dog figured out the joints and pressed its paws to the ground.

Take a breath.

Two breaths.

The cold frost quickly spread from under its claws, covering the entire backyard and the machine.

----This is the natural power of a bone dragon, the ice of hell!

Such a powerful frost elemental damage, let alone an ordinary reconnaissance mechanical dog, even the devils would not dare to underestimate it!

The mechanical dog was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and suddenly stopped moving.

The bone dog came out of the corner.

It swaggered in front of the mechanical dog, looked back and forth, and began to disassemble the parts of the mechanical dog. UU Reading

----Tear down other people's bodies and mend their own, this is the talent of the bone dragon!

Generally speaking, in the juvenile stage of any bone dragon, all its bones are obtained in this way!


The mechanical dog was torn apart.

On the other hand, the bone dog----

It's covered in steel parts, and it already looks like that.

Now no one will be afraid of themselves!

According to my senses, the world is being covered by disaster.

The place of all disasters is the awakening moment of the death leader Bone Dragon!

I need strength...

Hurry down the mountain to find Wu Xiaode!

The bone dog opened his alloy claws and ran towards the bottom of the mountain.

To be continued

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Chapter 284 "Shaking Man" is a new addition to the Book of the Dead! Read for free.

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