Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 289: Go and return!

Let time freeze in this moment.

Pantao fell into her hands, and the weak voice of the Queen Mother of the West came from her ears:


The Book of the Undead was suddenly opened, revealing two lines of small ice crystal characters:

"You got five hundred years of Western Garden Peach."

"When you enter it, it turns into a jade liquid, and if you take it, you can prolong your life by three hundred years."


How to cooperate?

If it is a nuclear bomb, or even a weapon of mass destruction higher than a hydrogen bomb, a peach can't hold it!

When Wu Xiaode flashed this thought in his heart, he suddenly felt something and looked up.

A missile with a long tail light drilled out of the clouds in the far sky, flew over the river, and exploded instantly.

A strong light appeared between heaven and earth.


This is the center of the explosion, even if there is a peach, it will definitely die.

myself will die.

Shen Feixue would die.

The Queen Mother of the West in her womb will also die.

How to do?

Wu Xiaode was shrouded in despair, but his eyes became cold, and countless thoughts began to flash in his heart.

When the missile just flew over the Dajiang, the bronze Cyclops suddenly appeared, squatted on the ground, turned his back to the direction of Dajiang, and blocked him and Shen Feixue with his huge body.

The King of Evil Ghosts stepped on the shoulders of the bronze Cyclops, summoned the evil spirits with all his strength, and constructed a protective net.

-- But here is the center of the explosion, light is all-pervasive, and the temperature will rise in an instant. !

They can barely buy a tiny bit of time.

Wu Xiaode is still thinking about how to break the game.

Even if there is no way, think of the last moment!



He was shocked all of a sudden, as if he wanted to understand something.


The barren sword was drawn and pierced straight into the heart.

Wu Xiaode held the hilt of the sword, ignoring the blood on the corner of his mouth, and growled, "Go!"

all of a sudden.

The whole world was wrapped in the bright light and explosion that had just appeared, and instantly moved away from Wu Xiaode and Shen Feixue, turning into a shining star, disappearing in the dark night sky.

They arrived in another world.

The barren and gray land stretched as far as the eye could see, the ground was dry and cracked, and there was no vegetation.

There is a dilapidated temple not far away.

No one, no sound.

--Death World!

Wu Xiaode pried Shen Feixue's mouth open without hesitation, and placed the peach on her snow-white teeth.

Pantao suddenly turned into a jade liquid exuding immortal energy, which fell into her mouth and was swallowed by her subconsciously.

Wu Xiaode looked at the little white liquid left on her lips, reached out and gently fanned the wind.

The liquid sank into Shen Feixue's mouth.

Wu Xiaode breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly closed her mouth.

The Book of the Undead floated aside, and lines of small words of ice crystals had already appeared on the pages:

"You are in a dying state."

"Name skill is activated."

"You have switched to the 'bright ghost, form, and randomly summoned a certain layer of the dead world to replace the current world, ordering the law of the dead world to deprive all vitality."

"The current target person, Shen Feixue, has eaten five hundred years of peach, and his life force has increased by three hundred years."

"As a living person, in the world of death, one year of her life force will be deducted every second."

Three hundred years.

That is three hundred seconds.

five minutes.

Wu Xiaode breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel that his eyes were blackened and his body lost strength.


He shouted.

The dense bronze arms appeared from the void, splicing into the appearance of Ulysses.

Wu Xiaode reached out and touched it.

Ulysseston came to life and cried out, "Master, Gold!"

"I know!" Wu Xiaode said.

The Holy Treasure Ring moved.


Several gold bricks rolled to the ground.

Ulysses jumped up and hugged the golden brick, chanting loudly:

"Ah! The incomparably merciful Shengmang! You have mercy on all the sufferings of the world, and with your power, I will surely be able to heal one.

Cut the wounds!"

A group of holy light radiated from his hand and shone on Wu Xiaode.

The wound on Wu Xiaode's chest healed at a speed visible to the eyes.

At the same time, several gold bricks in Ulysses' arms also disappeared.


Wu Xiaode let out a long breath, got up from the ground, and said:

"Why is she still in a coma? Treat her injuries too."

"Huh? She doesn't seem to be injured, but to some kind of curse." Ulysses squatted on the ground and looked at Shen Feixue carefully.

"I remember you're good at removing curses, too."

Wu Xiaode slapped a gold brick on Ulysses' chest.

Ulysses grabbed the gold brick and said, "This curse is a little troublesome, I need a few minutes to release the spell.


"I'll leave it to you, I don't have enough money." Wu Xiaode said.

Ulysses squatted in front of Shen Feixue, muttering words, and began to cast a spell to remove the curse.

At this time, Wu Xiaode released Lester, the king of evil ghosts, and let him be responsible for vigilance.

He himself glanced at the Book of the Dead.

"Current character attributes:"

"Soul Power: 2/32; Wish Power: 0; Merit: 26;"

"Away from the world setting of the future era, you can now use the reserves of the Sunnah Wall."

"Reserve soul power: 34 million; wishing power: zero; merit: zero."

That's right, there is still a lot of soul power left in the reserve!

Wu Xiaode calmed down a little.

"Lest, you know the most things, let me ask you one thing."

"Master, please speak."

"I used the famous technique to teleport to this world of death, will I still be in the same place when I go back?"

"Theoretically, yes."

"Jiangdong City is being washed, it's not safe even after five minutes, I brought Shen Feixue again, can I avoid it when I go back?"

"That requires the help of a master who understands the art of space movement."

Lester shrugged his shoulders and said, "Time, space, and cause and effect are the most powerful laws. I, Cyclops, Succubus, and Ulysses are not good at it."

"Understood." Wu Xiaode said.


The two of them moved in unison, looking towards the dilapidated temple not far away.

I saw a long-haired black woman standing in front of the temple, unable to see clearly.

For a moment.

The woman came to Wu Xiaode.

Her face was blank, with no facial features, and her body exuded a cold aura.

"Don't... save her..."

As the woman spoke, her body began to grow taller, and quickly became a three-meter-high being.

Lester stood in front of Wu Xiaode and said in a hurried tone:

"Master, think of a way, we have no combat experience in the world of death."

"I know."

Wu Xiaode said calmly.

Lester's body instantly scattered into thousands of bronze arms, and these bronze arms were spliced ​​together at an extremely fast speed to form a bronze succubus.

Wu Xiaode reached out and patted her.

The succubus came to life.

"The world of death? Interesting, I often search for those perverts in the world of death."

The succubus giggled, took out a long whip, and faced the opposite monster.

- Succubus is an existence that can enter the world of death. At the beginning, Christina accepted the call of the undead, and then arrived in the world of death, and finally met Wu Xiaode.


The three-meter-high monster rushed up and fought with the succubus.

Wu Xiaode watched for a while, and gradually felt that something was wrong.

The succubus was already at the level of a demon god, and every time the long whip was swung out, it passed through the monster's body, but it couldn't hurt it at all, and could only be pressed and beaten by the monster.

After a while, she was injured.

Wu Xiaode gradually understood the situation.

Most of the succubus's abilities are in the art of control. In addition, there are a small number of melee skills that need to be used with whips.

The opponent is not affected by the control technique, and his body shape can directly penetrate the long whip--

This is finished!

"Master, it is not affected by all control techniques, I can't defeat it, you go! Go back to the human world!

The succubus shouted loudly.


Can't go back now.

Shen Feixue is just a mortal person, with a baby in his belly, how can he be exposed to the high temperature and radiation?

Wu Xiaode sighed and put his hand on the floating book of the dead.

——The strength of the rotten bone boy is not good. Although Christina can haunt the world of death, her ancestors can't beat it here, let alone her.

The female ghost in front of her was full of oppression, and it was not something that ordinary undead could deal with.


When Wu Xiaode thought about it, lines of small ice crystal words immediately appeared:

"You have activated a brand new ability: shake people across time and space."

"The object of this summoning has been informed of your request and has agreed to this summoning."

"She is coming!"


A stream of light shuttled from the void and directly blocked Wu Xiaode.


A word spit out in the streamer.

The three-meter-high female ghost immediately flew out, rolled and hit the ground, and flew back several hundred meters, returning to the dilapidated temple.

The streamer dissipated.

A graceful and luxurious woman appeared in front of him.

Ghost Queen!

She turned around and said with a smile:

"Mingki, the wisest decision I've made in the past few thousand years is to temporarily invite you to participate in my trial battle.

"It's nothing, I just sent you a text message - what happened after that?"

Wu Xiaode asked.

"Thanks to you, I immediately stopped the fight, leaving only a fake body in place, and the real body returned to the ghost kingdom, quelling the rebellion in one fell swoop." The ghost queen said.

"I probably need your help here." Wu Xiaode said.

Glancing at the ruined temple in the distance of the Ghost Dynasty.

—She is a dead world lord with a level of 679 like the bone dragon.

If even she couldn't deal with the current situation, Wu Xiaode had no choice but to take Shen Feixue back to the real world immediately.

"Usually we're extremely cautious about changing the past because we've all lived so long," the ghost queen said softly.

Afraid of any changes. "

"How?" Wu Xiaode asked.

The Queen of Ghosts said seriously: "To replace the events of the past is to replace the events of the future at the same time, because the past and the future are intertwined, and they determine each other--"

"So the consequences are unpredictable."

"You really thought about it and decided to intervene in this event buried in the past era?"

Wu Xiaode said, "I just want to change the past and find some hope for the future."

"Okay, for the sake of you saving me once, I can make one shot." The Queen of Ghosts said.

The two looked at the ruined temple together.

I saw that the female ghost dragged a huge coffin from the temple and was about to open it.

"Your Majesty, I'm not here to ask you to help defeat it - it looks too strong at first glance, maybe you will be injured too, isn't it?" Wu Xiaode said.

"Then why did you call me here?" The Ghost Queen said in surprise.

"Please teleport me and this woman back to the real world - the place I came from is being destroyed, and I hope to reach a safe place."

"This requires mastering the laws of space, do you think you can do it?"

The awe-inspiring look on the Ghost Queen's face was swept away, and UU Reading heaved a sigh of relief and said with a light smile:

"It turned out to be so simple - why didn't you say it earlier? They were almost ready to fight."

She chanted a spell and shouted in a low voice:


all of a sudden.

Wu Xiaode only felt that the world was spinning, and the whole person suddenly stepped on a piece of gravel.

This is a big desert.

The sun is shining brightly.

Shen Feixue was lying on the dune on one side.

Ulysses crouched beside her, having just finished chanting the curse-busting spell.

A line of small words of ice crystals quietly emerged:

"The Overtime Shaking is over."

"The Queen of Ghosts has returned to the future era."

"Thanks to her space magic, you have returned to the world."

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Chapter two hundred and eighty-nine go and return! Free reading.

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