Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 290: border town

The sandstorm came with a rolling heat wave.

Wu Xiaode sat on the back of an evil poisonous giant scorpion, looking at the junction of the blue sky and the sand sea.

"This way, you can cross the border before dark, you can't go wrong."

He pointed in one direction.

Shen Feixue sat not far behind him and said hesitantly, "Master Martial Artist, you have thrown all the electronic equipment on our body, how did you judge the direction?"

Wu Xiaode waved his hand and said, "Trust me - don't miss your mobile phone and laptop, you should also

Know that the enemy can catch up with them. "

Shen Feixue smiled bitterly and said, "Of course I understand. Actually, I planned to escape before, but unfortunately I get lost every time I leave the city."

"Lost?" Wu Xiaode said in surprise.

"Yes, it's a bit like a ghost hitting the wall - I thought I had escaped every time, but the last one that appeared in front of me was always the gate of Jiangdong City." Shen Feixue said.

Ulysses whispered in Wu Xiaode's ear:

"It's the power of that curse, but I've helped her solve this problem."

Wu Xiaode nodded slightly.

What kind of **** was it that cursed Shen Feixue in secret?

This is a little weird.

However, to escape from Dongsheng Kingdom as soon as possible, this matter had to be kept silent.

Thinking of the previous battle in Jiangdong County, and the dilapidated temple and female ghost he met in the country of death, Wu Xiaode couldn't help sighing.

——Fortunately, when I came here, I brought four kinds of demon powers, plus my own death technique and the crown of the title of "Tianzhi Minggui", so I managed to save Shen Feixue.

Otherwise, if you change someone at random, there will only be a dead end in the end.

"Miss Shen, who did you provoke? Why did they have to kill you?"

Wu Xiaode asked curiously.

"The main reason is that my technical innovation is not suitable for Dongshengguo, and it has touched their bottom line."

"Can you be more specific?"

"Dongshengguo - how do you say it," Shen Feixue considered for a moment, then said, "This country belongs to the middle school of the old school.

They have handed over all the functions of society to artificial intelligence and robots, so that society has always maintained a fixed operating mechanism, and eliminated all inventions and discoveries that may threaten the operating mechanism of society--"

"This would maintain the old-school ideal: maintaining an 'absolutely fair, human society.'"

"In this case, it's the artificial intelligence that keeps Dongshengguo running." Wu Xiaode said with his arms crossed.

"Yes, they are." Shen Feixue admitted.

No wonder they are all such powerful combat armor...

Even nuclear weapons were used...

"In addition to the old school, there must be other forces in the world." Wu Xiaode said.

Shen Feixue smiled and said, "The Taoist priest may not have asked about world affairs for a long time. In fact, in addition to the old school, there is also the reformist school, which includes a total of 17 countries."

The "Renovation School adheres to the concept of 'truth first' and dares to try all new technologies and new sciences. The purpose is to make human civilization go further and evolve to the extreme. "

"What technology did you research to make Dongshengguo's artificial intelligence decide to obliterate you?" Wu Xiaode was curious.


"In the beginning, they welcomed me because I was researching the latest mobile armor technology." Shen Feixue said.

"Don't they exclude all new technologies?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Except for weapons science - weapons are a key element in maintaining a country's stability, and they are also something that robots welcome.

West. "Shen Feixue said.

As if she knew what Wu Xiaode was going to ask, she continued:

"If I were studying the three types of mobile armor technologies, namely general exoskeleton power, mechanical type and bionics, Dongsheng Kingdom would naturally treat me like a guest, but one day I suddenly had inspiration and made a new technology. breakthrough--"

"I was thinking, why not make a flesh-and-blood biomecha?"

Wu Xiaode listened to this sentence quietly, and for some reason, a ray of fear suddenly appeared in his heart.

Flesh... biomecha?

When Shen Feixue talked about her major, she immediately became confident and said incessantly:

"Monsters, like us humans, have complex balanced structures and skeletal structures. If we can use their corpses to make half-flesh, half-mechanical biological mechas, they must be stronger and more flexible than simple exoskeleton single-soldier mechas. , more able to withstand the blow of all firepower.”

"Wait! You just said - monster?" Wu Xiaode said.

"Yes, I'm talking about those monsters." Shen Feixue admitted.

Wu Xiaode nodded and stopped asking.

If you ask again, you will have to wear it.

I have come to this world twice, both for an extremely short period of time, and I still don't know what the so-called monster is.

- What trouble is this world in?

"Rest," he whispered.

"I'm here, Master." Lester's voice sounded in the void.

"Go and find out what kind of monsters this world is facing."


The invisible king of evil ghosts left the giant scorpion and disappeared in an instant.

-- After learning the lessons of entering the world of death, Wu Xiaode has now been enveloped in the silent magic fog all the time.


after an hour.

The giant scorpion stayed on the edge of a half oasis, half desert.

Here's a small town --

It is the kind of town in the true sense, no longer as exaggerated as the previous town in Dongsheng.

"We've really arrived at the border town of Uz, and we're safe."

Shen Feixue said happily.

"Won't the artificial intelligence of Dongshengguo pursue us?" Wu Xiaode asked.

Shen Feixue quickly shrank his head and whispered, "That's right, it's still very dangerous here, we have to be careful.


Wu Xiaode was a little speechless, and simply asked, "Do you have any money on you?"

"You threw away all my electronic devices. We need to connect to the Internet here and find a way to exchange some cash from Wusi." Shen Feixue shrugged.

"Don't exchange, don't make any traces, I'll find a way." Wu Xiaode said.

Shen Feixue glanced at him quietly.

--Daoist, is this going to support me?

I have saved myself once before, saved myself just now, and now I am running away with myself.

he likes me?

Otherwise, it is not relative, not related, and there is no common interest, why should you help me like this?

Only this explanation holds.

Shen Feixue calmed down, followed behind Wu Xiaode, and walked towards the town together.

This border town is nothing but a street several hundred meters long, with scattered houses built on both sides, which are quite simple and pocket-sized.

Wu Xiaode found the most prosperous place in the town within a few steps.

"Let's go in, I'll treat you to a drink and something to eat." Wu Xiaode said.


Shen Feixue glanced at him uncertainly, and seeing that he had already turned around and walked towards the bar, she had to follow silently.

—Xiaowu Daochang is still quite tall, about 175cm, no, should it be 180cm?

Also in good shape.

Being able to save himself is also very powerful.

She thought about it all the way, and walked into the "Oasis" bar with Wu Xiaode.

open the door.

I saw that the lights in the bar were dim, and there were people sitting at seven or eight tables, chatting and whispering.

When the two walked in, they were glanced at by several eyes, and then quickly retracted.

Wu Xiaode suddenly remembered something, turned back and asked in a low voice:

"Will the US Congress recognize our faces?"

"No, the criminal group in this country is very powerful. The president is the boss of a certain group, and it is not allowed to implement facial recognition technology on the streets." Shen Feixue said.

Wu Xiaode was relieved, walked to the bar, patted the table and said:

"A glass of draft beer, a glass of juice, and then get something to eat. The ingredients must be fresh and clean."

"Okay sir, which table are you sitting at?" the bartender asked.

Wu Xiaode looked back.

Shen Feixue had already found a corner by the window to sit down and waved at him.


After Wu Xiaode finished speaking, he walked over and sat beside Shen Feixue.

Waited a while.

The wine and food were served.

A glass of draft beer, a glass of juice, a steak.

"Please take your time," the bartender said, and then stepped back.

Shen Feixue looked at the food on the table and looked at Wu Xiaode uncertainly.


Wu Xiaode whispered in his heart.

The demon **** Ulysses standing in the mist whispered:

"The amount of narcotic in draft beer and juice is quite high. As for the steak, it's good, but eat it hot, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Wu Xiaode brought the juice and draft beer in front of him, and pushed the steak in front of Shen Feixue.

"I know you're hungry, so eat the steak first," he said, pointing to the steak.

"Can you eat?" Shen Feixue asked.

"No problem." Wu Xiaode assured.

Shen Feixue picked up the knife and fork and devoured it.


A tall and thin man with long hair came over with a wine glass and said with a smile, "Little brother, welcome to our town, come and have a drink."

Shen Feixue stopped the knife and fork.

"Okay, I'm done drinking, how about you?" Wu Xiaode asked as he raised his glass.

"When you finish drinking, I finish drinking too." The tall and thin man said with a smile.

Wu Xiaode drank it all.

Ulysses took a piece of gold out of his pocket and muttered:

"Master, this is a waste of money."

He waved casually.

Sheng Mang flashed, and Wu Xiaode's "narcotic" state immediately dissipated.

"You haven't drunk yet." Wu Xiaode looked at the tall and thin man and said.

The tall and thin man said with a half-smile:

"Brother, your alcohol intake is too bad - so, I will keep the woman, and your organs will also be kept."

"But I finished drinking, you haven't." Wu Xiaode repeated.

The tall and thin man looked at him, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

How could Wu Xiaode look like he was going to faint?

"Boy, it's interesting."

The tall and thin man raised his glass and drank it too.

When the entire bar was watching Wu Xiaode and Shen Feixue--

Two bronze hands quietly appeared behind the bar.

They opened the cabinet, took all the bills out of it, counted them, and quickly disappeared.

After the tall and thin man left in front of Wu Xiaode, a bronze hand appeared quietly and stuffed a neat stack of banknotes into Wu Xiaode's trouser pocket.

"People here have to drink when they meet, and they are really bold and generous - eat quickly, the steak will not taste good when it is cold."

Wu Xiaode said leisurely.

Shen Feixue buried her head and continued to eat steak.

——Anyway, Xiao Wu is trustworthy.

Otherwise, he would already be dead.

Wu Xiaode silently recalled everything that happened before.

In the world of death, even the Queen of Ghosts was a little nervous about that female ghost.

If I hadn't summoned the Ghost Queen--

Is there a way to get out?

At that time, the situation was urgent, and forgetting to use the silent magic fog was the biggest mistake.

But the female ghost had already found herself and Shen Feixue.

If you use the silent magic fog to remedy, it is also a way, but I am afraid that the female ghost will attack in a wide range.

Once she was attacked like that, Shen Feixue was completely helpless.

What other means do you save your life?

Wu Xiaode thought for a few breaths, but felt that there was nothing he could do.


He found the Book of the Undead floating aside, and lines of small characters continued to appear on it:

"You consumed 2 soul power;"

"You consumed 2 soul power;"

"You consumed 2 soul power;"



He still has one last move, which he has been preparing since he met Long Aotian.

--I don't know how powerful Ying Yuan Dao is now after being infused with so much soul power.

However, it has been obscuring all its aura and traces by the silent magic fog, and I forgot to look at its condition.

It's not appropriate to look at this situation now, let's talk about it later.

time flies.

After Shen Feixue finished eating the steak, she couldn't help stretching, her face showing a tired look.

Wu Xiaode naturally saw it.

She was hunted down in the city, fainted in front of the Temple of the City God, and went to the world of death with herself. After returning, she crossed the entire desert, and she was naturally a little tired.

- She is still pregnant.

"Find a place to rest, I remember seeing a hotel on the street just now." Wu Xiaode said.

"Well, listen to you." Shen Feixue whispered.

The two got up and walked out.


A burly man walked over with the tall, thin man from before, and said with a big laugh:

"Welcome to our Oasis Bar. As the owner of this place, I have to make a toast. You can't leave without a drink."

"You guys are really enthusiastic - did you bring the wine?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Come on!" Dahan said.

Another full glass of draft beer was served.

"The dose of anesthesia is really terrifying. If I'm not here, the master will really be anesthetized."

Ulysses whispered.

Wu Xiaode drank the glass in one breath as if he had not heard it.

"Good drink!" The big man snorted, with a grim smile on his face.


Put the glass down.

Ulysses muttered "spending money again," and waved out Saint Mang.

The fog obscured the brilliance of the holy light, making Wu Xiaode look nothing strange.

Wu Xiaode patted the big man on the shoulder and said:

"I've never seen you so enthusiastic, I'll come back next time."

almost the same moment.

Two bronze hands quietly appeared in a room on the second floor of the bar.

They groped for a while on the wall, pressed a certain brick, opened the secret door, and found the safe behind the door.

The two bronze hands excitedly compared the scissor hands, and then tapped lightly.

"We're leaving, we should be staying at the hotel fifty meters away and have dinner in the evening."

After Wu Xiaode finished speaking, he pulled Shen Feixue and walked out.

The big man and the tall man, together with the entire bar, stared at his back. UU Reading


Wu Xiaode staggered.

"Hahaha!" The big man and the crowd burst into a victorious laughter.

Unexpectedly, Wu Xiaode immediately regained his stability.

He kicked the wine bottle on the ground angrily, then turned his head and said strangely:

"Is your laugh so low?"

All the people shut up.

The big man looked at Wu Xiaode like a monster, and couldn't help but say, "What do you think of our wine?

"Extremely thirst-quenching! It makes me feel full again, just like harvesting crops in autumn, bringing the joy of a bumper harvest."

Wu Xiaode gave a thumbs up and praised sincerely.

"...That's good." The big man murmured.

Wu Xiaode nodded at him, turned around, and led Shen Feixue out of the bar.

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