Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 302: Heaven has a way, you don't go

Latest website: It's still raining outside.

The cold wind whistled through the streets, reminding everyone how cold it was today.

Wu Xiaode looked away from the window and took a sip from the glass.

Here is the Undead Universal Rune Store.

Still under the control of the succubus, the ghost tree is adding firewood to the fireplace.

The room was warm.

Wu Xiaode picked up the map on the table and looked at it carefully.

The entire Street of the Dead has more than 3,700 shops and houses.

Here, the undeads of all races below level 30 learn the rights together.

Weapon trade, soul stone trade, catering, bar, dungeon, slaughterhouse...

Everything you need.

"Master, it's very prosperous here, we can have a good time shopping."

The succubus laughed.

Wu Xiaode frowned and said nothing.

More than three thousand seven hundred.

The Street of the Dead is so prosperous.

It represents the interests of various undead races, and is separated from the human race, making humans breathless.

In this social system, humans are food and slaves.

Even if everyone is only level 30, but the human race is targeted by all races, and there is no chance at all.

If the human race has the slightest sign of turning over, it will immediately usher in the slaughter of all the undead races!


Gotta figure out a way...

"Ghost tree people, I want to ask, why do you all oppose the human race?"

Wu Xiaode asked curiously.

The ghost tree man was full of killing intent, and said in a low voice: "It is said that the last era was destroyed by human beings. At that time, countless creatures were slaughtered and entered the world of death, and the native monsters of the world of death wantonly devoured them."

"Humanity is the original sin that caused the end of the era, and is responsible for all races."

"We hate humans."

"The world of death has long established rules that humans are not allowed to integrate into the mainstream of the world of death, and can only survive in the world of death as slaves."

Wu Xiaode listened quietly, and suddenly interjected: "Who said that the last era was destroyed by mankind?"

"The legend is like this." Ghost Tree said humanely.

"Why didn't the major groups stop humans? Why didn't they save themselves?" Wu Xiaode asked again.

"I don't know." Ghost Tree said humanely.

"Who said these things?" Wu Xiaode asked again.

"What is recorded on the monument of death--every place where the undead live has such a stone monument, which records the major events that happened in the past." Ghost Tree said humanely.

"Where is the stone tablet?"

"135 Street of the Dead."

Wu Xiaode quickly came to No. 135 Road of the Dead Street.

Sure enough, there is a towering stone tablet, which is engraved with some influential events in history in the language of the dead.

Wu Xiaode jumped lightly, jumped on the stone monument, and reached the top of the stone monument.

He saw the line:

"The destruction of the era was caused by the chaos of the human race, the lives of the people were ruined, the ten thousand races fell into the world of death and suffered, and the human race was guilty!"

Wu Xiaode quietly watched for a few breaths, suddenly a little surprised in his heart.

Because in this line of words, he sensed an extremely familiar aura.

This seems to be a super powerful technique, which comes from the handwriting of the gods. It is like the feeling of Dragon God Aotian when he releases the technique, and it is also like the fluctuation of the value technique when the golden armor godman launches an attack.

If everything is true, I have no way to question this record.

But if he relied on some kind of immortal technique that he did not understand, a false history was written on the stone tablet...

Wu Xiaode moved in his heart, squatted down, and pressed his hand on the line of historical text.

"Tianhe Navy."

he whispered.

The sound of rain and wind all around stopped at the same time.

Suddenly a serious voice came from the sky:

"Hidden evil intentions, bewitched all beings, and framed the human race for eternity with false history. This will definitely violate the laws of heaven!"


The top of the stele exploded (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 302 There is a way to heaven, you don't go

There was a small cracking sound.

The small characters that recorded the serious crimes of the human race exploded into powder and disappeared from the stone tablet.

A line of small ice crystal words immediately appeared on the Book of the Undead:

"You used the art of co-working to break this false historical record."

"This time, I used the power of Tiantiao to consume 1 point of merit."

"Current merit: 26 o'clock."


"The world of death, on all historical steles, this record has been completely erased."

"The undead minaret responsible for managing the historical stele has been alerted, and several big lich will come to check the situation."

Wu Xiaode was looking at the small characters on the Book of the Dead, when he heard a loud "bang", and another star flashed in the void.

—Breaking the fake history, so getting a star?

So I now have three stars.

To get the highest rating, six stars away!

Wu Xiaode thought to himself, and suddenly saw a few black shadows flashing in the sky, swiftly passing through the sky and arriving in front of him.

But it was a few lich wearing robes.

They have human bodies, but their skin is dead gray, their eyes are piercing cold, and they are full of magical power fluctuations.

Liches are immortal!

Never fight a powerful lich unless you can find its phylactery.

Wu Xiaode also became serious.

He summoned Lester into the mist around him, and then asked:

"Everyone, are you okay?"

Wearing a blood-red robe, the leading lich stared at him and said:

"Dead man, you changed the record of history."

"I just erased the false history - if you investigate carefully, you will naturally be able to draw the correct conclusion." Wu Xiaode said.

"Of course we know that the historical record is false, but humans are already the rations of many races. No one will care about the change of history. All races will only continue to treat the species as slaves - this is the real reality, boy."

The blood-robed lich said.

"I agree with this point of view, but our human race is a race that cares about righteousness." Wu Xiaode said.

"What do you mean?" asked the lich.

"When we know that we are not wrong, we will explode with power that the bidders do not understand, and it is still unknown who will die in the future." Wu Xiaode said.

"It's useless, if you don't believe it, we'll let the truth of the undead world testify." The blood-robed lich shook his head.


Wu Xiaode looked at it.

I saw the blood-robed lich chanting a spell and using a dead bone magic circle to point at the stone tablet. The stone tablet suddenly lit up.

The skyrocketing light rushed into the sky, and bursts of roars came out.

Perhaps he heard the movement, and many undead appeared on the street and looked over here together.

Wu Xiaode saw ghouls, three-headed dogs, ghosts, resentful ghosts, skeletons and other undead.

A thought flashed through Wu Xiaode's mind.

Before he could think about it, the blood-robed lich said loudly:

"Everyone, on the historical stone tablet on your Street of the Dead, someone found a historical flaw and made a correction."

"According to the rules, all races living in the Street of the Dead must undergo a status rearrangement."

"Now launch a ring fight immediately."

"—The strongest person within level 30 of each race must play!"

"Start now!"

The voice fell.

Wu Xiaode only felt that he had some kind of connection with the historical stone tablet.

The stone tablet shot a light on him, directly sucking him into the void.


Here is a super ring with thousands of square meters.

As soon as Wu Xiaode fell, he looked around.

I saw the void opened, and one after another undead fell on the ring.

"Who Rewrote History?"

A skeleton knight wiped the spear in his hand and asked in a buzzing voice.

"Who knows, Jane (this chapter isn't over!)

Chapter 302 There is a way to heaven, you don't go

Just looking for nothing. "A gray shadow werewolf growled.

Another monster fell.

This is a death bug that looks like a giant caterpillar, but has a human-like face.

It said in a sharp voice:

"But that's fine. It's been raining for so long. It's also a beautiful thing for us to come out and move around a bit and re-determine each other's status by the way."

on the radio.

The existence of various races grew, and soon numbered in the thousands.

A huge glowing text appeared above everyone's heads:

"The battle for status challenge is about to begin."

"In this challenge, you can't use healing, you can't hide, and you can't refuse to fight!"

"In a minute, the battle begins!"

Wu Xiaode listened silently.

Well, it's pretty convincing that the law of the jungle is the truth.

But the rule turned out to be "no concealment".

It's a bit bad for me.

He raised his head and looked at the undead, and saw that everyone was staring at the glowing text, but he hadn't looked at himself for a while.

While no one is paying attention—

Wu Xiaode simply took out the shackles and put them on his hands and feet again.

Then he sat silently on the edge of the broadcasting station.

One minute.

In one minute, the battle begins.

Sitting on the edge by himself, whoever wants to kill him will definitely expose his back to others.

And he is only human.

— Still in shackles, no threat at all.

Wouldn't it be better to kill someone else first and kill this shackled human later?

In a minute.

The battle broke out immediately.

On the broadcast stage, those powerful ones started to rampage, swiftly dodging left and right, and those with high skills released brilliant spells everywhere.

Wu Xiaode shrank, sat in the corner, and quietly observed the situation.


A figure covered in flames fell in front of him.

This is a lava monster.

It was kicked by someone.


The lava monster gave Wu Xiaode a vigilant look.

It saw the shackles on his hands and feet, looked at his race, and looked at the expression on his face, and turned his head away in disdain.

"Trash, kill you to dirty my hands."

The lava monster flashed and rushed towards the group of monsters.

Wu Xiaode was also relieved.


I only have two points of soul power, so I can't waste it.

Besides, no matter who it kills, it is a blood debt, and it must be enmity with the race behind it.

Why bother.

Jianghu is not only fighting and killing, but also human beings.

Wu Xiaode thought silently, proud of his ideological awareness.

At this moment, a voice caught his attention.


A skeleton demon pointed at Wu Xiaode and proposed loudly: "Let's eat that human together, recover some physical strength, and then continue to fight, what do you think?"


The undead roared.

"..." Wu Xiaode.

He suddenly found that there were very few undead left on the field. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

They all come from some powerful and ferocious races.

At this time, sitting alone on the sidelines, it seems very out of place.

never mind.

Heaven has a way, you don't go, **** has no door, you come by yourself.


All the shackles on Wu Xiaode fell to the ground.

"Everyone, I'm covered in internal organs. It's very unhealthy to eat. Don't eat me, okay?"

He stood up, moving his body as he did his last effort.

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Chapter 302 There is a way to heaven, you don't go

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