Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 303: Reasonable

The latest website: Level 30 Skeleton Demon possesses stunts.

It rushed out a few steps, turned into an afterimage and divided into three, rushing towards Wu Xiaode from different directions—

This is the "Three Points Chasing Shadow" obtained from the 10th level trial.

Among the Bone Demons, the level 10 "Three Points Chasing Shadow" is the highest level ability in this level.

The three afterimages simultaneously pulled out the bone blade from their waist, and volleyed out an elusive slashing trajectory—

This is the "Multiple Orbital Slash" obtained from the level 20 trial.

It is also the peak skill of level 20!

For decades, very few undead have acquired this skill!

The bone blade slashed towards the terrified human deceased—

This knife absorbed the experience and skills gained by the Skeleton Demon in countless battles, and combined it with the skills! This knife will kill the dead of the human race and shock all the undead watching!

"go to hell!"

The Skeleton Demon roared wildly.

Mutation and sudden birth one by one

The Skeleton Demon suddenly felt that something grabbed his ankle, and pulled back violently.

Almost at the same moment, the eyes turned into darkness.

The undead bystanders do not know what happened.

But from Wu Xiaode's point of view, you can see that the Skeleton Demon has a bronze hand on his ankle.

Another bronze hand covered the Skeleton Demon's face.


How difficult is such a fight?

Wu Xiaode rolled up his sleeves and unhurriedly threw a punch.


In a not very clear sound of impact, the front teeth of the Skeleton Demon were smashed, and the whole body was spinning in the air like a spinning top, hitting the ground, and rolling out dozens of meters away.

The whole place was silent.

Wu Xiaode spread his hands and said: "Hey, everyone has seen it, it's going to eat me, I'm just self-defense."

The level 30 masters of all ethnic groups looked at each other, stopped fighting, and surrounded Wu Xiaode.

"Amazing, the human race can even produce a level 30 master."

"I only understand now that the main purpose of today's game is to kill the human race."

"Yeah, the rankings between us change frequently, and it doesn't matter at all."

"But the human race is different, no one can let them go."

"Never let the race turn over, otherwise there will be no servants in the future."

"Yeah, you don't need to say any rules."

"Then you mean—"

"Kill him!"

The undead of all races said in unison.

Wu Xiaode listened quietly, and then he couldn't help sighing.

"Wait a minute, I have one last word to say."

He directed at the masters of all ethnic groups.

A master laughed and said, "Are you going to say your last words? You are already dead, and if you die again, you will turn into stone—well, you say."

"It's like this," Wu Xiaode explained seriously: "My sword can't be used, and my soul power is not enough to perform swordsmanship. As for boxing, I also need enough soul power, so I won't fight you."

"Do you think you can escape?" the undead master asked,

Wu Xiaode didn't look at him anymore, just called softly:


"Yes, Master." Something in the void responded.

"Kill them all."

"Understood, Master."

The void twisted.

Some invisible giant moved.

In front of the historical monument.

Wu Xiaode's figure appeared quietly.

The big liches surrounding all looked towards the historical stone monument.

I saw the densely packed race names carved on the stele began to move.

There is a noun that moves all the way up from the bottom to the top of all the racial names. - "Human Race".

The old lich in the blood robe gave Wu Xiaode a weak look and muttered:

"I haven't seen such a spirited human deceased for many years."

(This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 303 Reasoning

"So what?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"We the lich guarding the historical inscriptions are neutral and can't interfere in your affairs, and I don't want to watch you die - let's go, everyone."

The old lich waved his hand.

All the lich immediately rushed into the sky with it, quickly disappeared, and disappeared.

Wu Xiaode stepped on the historical stone tablet and understood after a little thought.

The Street of the Dead is indeed a gathering place for the undead tribes below level 30, which is true.

- But this does not mean that those high-level undead cannot enter here!

There's a human rebellion happening here.

Those undeads will definitely notify the higher-level undead powerhouses to come to erase the little troubles in front of them.

In other words, if I had the strength of a few hundred levels of the Demon God, I would also feel that the 30-level thing was just a little trouble.

"It would be nice if it were a video game," Wu Xiaode sighed helplessly, "High-level monsters are not allowed to appear in low-level maps."

The voice did not fall.

The whole sky became dark.

Wu Xiaode looked up.

A huge palm appeared in the depths of the sky, floating motionless, as if it would fall down at any time.

"Human, you are going against the decisions of all races, you know the guilt?"

A solemn voice sounded.

Wu Xiaode shrugged and said, "Are you talking about the status of human beings? Wait, I have a question for you."

"—I'm just a little bit confused. Skeletons were also human beings before they died, and zombies are also people whose souls have been sealed in corpses. Why are their statuses different?"

In the sky, another majestic voice said:

"Skulls and zombies, even resentful ghosts and other undead, although they were all human beings, they were transformed at the moment of death. They broke away from the low-level undead race and jumped to a higher death form. Of course, it is different. "

"They are nobler than humans?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Yes, their behavior and thinking are no longer the same as humans, and they are a higher death race." The voice in the sky said.

Wu Xiaode was instantly convinced.

"It makes sense, you see—" he said, pointing to himself, "I look like a dead human being, but I actually have a skeleton inside of me."

"Are you a skeleton?" the voice in the sky wondered.

"Yes, I just haven't left the human body for a while, but I know that some spells can turn me into a skeleton - so I'm actually a skeleton, and you can't treat me the same way you treat humans."

"Similarly, you can't deprive me of my right to be a skeleton just because I look human."

There was silence in the sky.

—Those powerful beings have never encountered such a tricky problem.

Even the countless undead watching on the Street of the Dead were dumbfounded.

You say you're a skeleton inside of you?

so funny.

Why don't you say that you are actually a bone dragon?

Everyone was thinking like this when Wu Xiaode raised a finger, cleared his throat, and said:

"As everyone knows the bone dragon."

"When it was first born, it could only find suitable skeletons from countless undead, so it is likely to be of various races during its growth, and it will not become a bone dragon until the end."

"Then when it's a dog—"

"Who of you dares to say that it is a dog, not a bone dragon?"

There was a dead silence again.

Now no one dared to answer.

Because it's a fact.

If you refute this human deceased, it is equivalent to thinking that the bone dragon was once a race, even a dog.

- Don't you think you're dying fast enough?

In the silence, only a loud bang was heard, and three shining stars appeared in the sky.

The Book of the Undead spread out, revealing lines of small words in ice crystals:

"In the dead world, race can be changed, and the most important thing is what you think you are."

"You fundamentally shake the rationale for human inferiority."

"The Tinder has begun (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 303 Reasoning

combustion. "

"You have obtained three stars, the current total number of stars: six."

"Please keep trying."

Wu Xiaode smiled indifferently.

To put it bluntly, it's just that human beings are not strong enough, and the way to ascend has been cut off since they came to the world of death. If someone can jump over this cut off road and grow up, they can shake the system. - For example, I grew up in the world.

There was finally movement in the sky.

A series of imposing voices whispered behind the clouds:

"I have a hunch that this kid is an annoyance."

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be a mess."

"Let's fix this trouble."

"Kill him."

"as early as possible!"

Negotiation is over.

The huge palm suspended in mid-air suddenly shook, pressing down on Wu Xiaode on the historical stone tablet with all his might.

- This is Wu Xiaode's death sentence, to kill him immediately!

Wu Xiaode looked at the huge palm and said with emotion:

"However, it's time to start playing the big scene?"

the same moment.

in the past era.

East Shengguo.

Gangdong County.

A dull voice sounded:

"A bunch of rubbish, it's not enough for me to fight."

The entire city has long since been reduced to steel ruins.

Those giant mobile armors with a height of tens of meters were all destroyed by an extremely violent method, and their figures were either twisted or shattered and scattered all over the ground.

A large, transparent, invisible figure roamed the ground full of steel scraps.

A flash of light suddenly flew from the sky.

"Nuclear bomb?"

The voice grinned.

It reached out and grabbed it, and the volley-flying missile instantly penetrated the sky, and was pinched into a ball one by one in its grasp.

The whole missile still exploded.

But at the moment of the explosion, the existence raised his hand and threw it out.

The missile shone like a sun with rapidly spreading light, but it still flew through the sky and exploded far away on the other side of the river.

Until the sound of the explosion completely dissipated.

In the void, the voice sounded again:

"...Master is calling."

The dense bronze hands suddenly appeared and disappeared completely.

the same moment.

future era.

Dead Country, Hidden Trials, Street of the Dead.

Wu Xiaode stood still on the stone tablet. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Hundreds of thousands of bronze arms were spliced ​​together and turned into a bronze giant with a height of tens of meters. They landed next to Wu Xiaode, and a thunderous roar broke out:

"court death!"

It held the skeleton long mallet and swung it violently, smashing the huge palm that was pressed down on the head into pieces.

Wu Xiaode said lightly: "Be polite and reason with them."

"What reason does the master want to tell them?" the bronze giant asked.

"Ah, wrong, I mean, tell them the truth about the dead world—"

Wu Xiaode clenched his fist, threw it away at will, and made a move of raising ashes.

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Chapter 303 Reasoning

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