Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 304: Strong enemy!

Latest website: The rain is still falling.

Wu Xiaode squatted on the historical stone tablet and yawned.

The Bronze Cyclops has already killed a few rounds in the sky, but it seems that there are too many enemies, so it will take a while.

- Then wait.

It didn't take long.

A corpse was smashed under the historical stone monument.

Wu Xiaode's eyes were hard to see, only to see that this was a hideous skeleton with golden glow all over his body.

- High-level Skeleton Demon

Ulysses emerged, ran to the corpse of the child bone demon, took out the mace and began to strike.

"What are you doing? Everyone is dead, so forget it, don't cause public outrage."

Wu Xiaode told the truth.

"A level 120 skeletal demon, some parts of his body are already golden, and he can use a few more spells after he gets it." Ulysses said unwillingly.

"Knock!" Wu Xiaode said firmly.

Ulysses was happy then, and continued to knock on the golden skeleton.


Another high-level undead corpse fell.

- The Bronze One-Sun Giant has entered a state and is killing the Quartet.

dong dong dong dong!

All kinds of corpses fell one after another, smashing potholes on the Street of the Dead.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer bodies.

The battle comes to an end.


Just hearing a loud bang, another star appeared in the void.

The Book of the Dead opens:

"Current Astral: Seven Stars."

"At this moment, you can exit the hidden trial and get certain rewards."


"No." Wu Xiaode said.

A few more lines of small ice crystals appeared:

"You defeated all the undead powerhouses who questioned and challenged, and the status of the human race has changed a little."

"—But in fact, those who are interested in handling these trivial matters below level 30 are just ordinary high-level undead."

"The really powerful undead have no interest in this at all."

"Because whether it's a human race or any other race, it's just the dry bones piled up under their thrones."

"Next, you may see a truly powerful existence."

All the small print slowly disappeared.

The Book of the Dead turned a page.

Sighing on the wall, countless black mists circled endlessly.

Two lines of small characters appear:

"Although this place is called Illusion, this is only for the history of the main world. In other words, if you die in this trial—"

"You're really dead."

Wu Xiaode's heart was inexplicably tight, he stood up from the historical stone tablet, and said loudly:


A huge figure whistled from the sky and gently landed on the ground.

Cyclops, Astaroth.

"Don't worry, I'm watching over you, Master." The Cyclops hummed.

Wu Xiaode took out a brand new hilt, put it into the void, and hurriedly replaced it.

——This is the new handle of the Ying Yuan knife, specially made by Xia Huilan, it is said that it can better exert the power of the Ying Yuan knife.

He was busy preparing, and suddenly a faint whisper sounded in his ear:

"Woke up from a nap and found a little fun."


"Look how long you can live."

The voice just fell.

There was a sharp whistling sound in the sky.

"Ulysses, protect the master!"

The Cyclops roared.

Ulysses didn't say a word, his hands flashed one after another with holy light, and he released it as if he didn't want money, and landed on Wu Xiaode.

The One-Sun Giant stood in front of Wu Xiaode, raised the giant hammer in his hand, and swung it towards the void with all his strength--


A stream of light flew in, piercing the entire skeleton long mallet, and then passing through the bronze body of the Cyclops.

The Cyclops didn't even have time to parry, and his figure disintegrated immediately.

"Lord of heaven, (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 304 Strong enemy!

I beg your protection--come, holy angelic barrier!"

Ulysses exclaimed sharply.

A holy light burst out from him, and a wall with a huge cross hung on it, swept in front of him and Wu Xiaode.

A lot of holy light erupted from the cross, condensing into a shield of runes.


The streamer was like passing through tofu, piercing the sacred angel barrier several feet thick.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Ulysses was in front of Wu Xiaode, with a pair of broken wings growing from his back, and his whole body exuded boundless holy light.

At the moment when the power reached its peak, he opened his hands to grab the streamer.


The streamer passed through his rake, causing him and the holy angelic barrier in front of him to disintegrate into swirling dust.

The full defense of the two demon gods has been broken!

What is it that is so powerful that even the devil can't stand it?

Despite this, the two demon gods more or less bought a little time for Wu Xiaode.

After Wu Xiaode changed the handle of the knife, he pulled out the Ying Yuan knife without hesitation, and whispered in the face of the flying streamer:

"You buried the mud under the spring and smashed the bones."

The long knife squeaked softly, as if responding to him.

Due to the replacement of the knife handle, all the visions on the knife body were completely suppressed at this time, and they were condensed inside the knife body by Che Chen.

This knife can absorb soul power, and the more soul power, the more powerful it will be.

Since the real world, Wu Xiaode has been continuously injecting power into this knife in order to deal with the dragon **** Aotian.

Later, he traveled to the past era and stayed for two full days, then returned to the real world, and then to the realm of death. For so long, the infusion of soul power has never stopped.

A moment of life and death.

He finally unleashed the power of the knife with the sword technique of "Walking Alone in the Snow"--


Only a crisp sound was heard, and the long knife was holding something.

Wu Xiaode, who was holding a long knife, stepped back from the stone tablet and made two deep marks on the ground.

- He blocked it.

The streamer dissipated, revealing a black trident.

The Ying Yuan knife just stood at the intersection of the two prongs and resisted the long load.


The fine cracks spread rapidly on the blade.

Ying Yuan Knife can't resist this black trident!

How to do?

Wu Xiaode took a deep breath, instead of retreating, he advanced, clenched the long knife in both hands, and continued to slash forward.

- This knife is only able to hold the opponent, and the move has not been cut out, and it is already about to shatter.

How to do?

The black trident is still stabbing forward, pressing on the knife with all its strength, and it has already crushed the Yingyuan knife completely!

- Now it depends on whether the move is released first, or the knife shatters first.

In the stalemate, Wu Xiaode suddenly roared.

almost the same moment.

Countless blue-steel hands emerged from both sides like waterfalls, rushing towards the black trident.

If you look closely, you will find that each bronze hand uses an iron fist

- Heaven, Earth and Human Sovereign Fist requires a certain amount of soul power, and at this moment Wu Xiaode did not use his sword when he had to prepare with all his strength.

Facing the attacks of countless bronze hands, the black trident stabbed lightly forward.


All the bronze hands suddenly scattered into the void like a dam bursting.

But after this moment of effort, Wu Xiaode turned back, made room, and retracted the long knife to his side.

After fighting for this one-and-a-half step distance, he was finally able to shoot!

"—I send the world full of snow."

In the soft moan, a thunderous ray burst into the sky on the long knife.

"Wind and Snow" has finally been cut out!

- This is the sword of thunder that even the Dragon God is afraid of.

Its power condensed into a line of lightning on the blade, and the underworld cut open the void, slicing the world in half

The black trident was slashed by this line and finally flew out.

It's not easy!

Even the two demon gods can't stop this (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 304 Strong enemy!


At this moment, Wu Xiaode looked away and saw that the Ying Yuan knife was completely shattered in his hand, leaving only the hilt.

Between the electric light and flint, he immediately disappeared into the silent magic fog and disappeared completely.

Advanced Silent Magic Mist—


In the next instant, the dense bronze hands gathered in front of him again, splicing into two demon gods.

Lester, the king of evil spirits.

The unicorn Astaroth.

"The giant takes me away, Lester leads the enemy." Wu Xiaode said quickly.

The two demon gods did not hesitate and immediately divided their work.

The Cyclops grabbed Wu Xiaode, put it on his shoulders, got into the silent magic fog, and ran with all his strength away from the Street of the Dead.

Lester stood on the spot and whispered: "The evil kingdom is coming."

dong dong dong dong--

Countless evil spirits descended on the Street of the Dead, more and more, densely packed and endless

These things are slow to say, but they happen in an instant.

When the black trident was cut off, the thunderbolt slashed into the void, severing the world, revealing the scene behind the void.

I saw that in the depths of the void, there is another world of death.

- The world of death is inherently heavy, and when Wu Xiaode's "Ming Ghost" is activated, it is also randomly sent to a certain world of death.

Daomang slashed into another world of death after the void, cut it in half, and broke through the void again, revealing the third world of death.

Leiguang's sword light has been slashing forward, slashing open the five-layer death world in a row, and this is slowly disappearing.

Everything that stood in front of the sword light was directly chopped into nothingness.

--It was just such a knife that knocked the black trident into the air!

"Quick, quicker."

Wu Xiaode sat on the shoulders of the unicorn and shouted in a low voice,

"Master, don't worry, my speed is constantly improving." The one-day giant buzzed.

It galloped at full speed on the dead field, trying to stay away from the Street of the Dead as much as possible. UU Reading

Wu Xiaode looked back with a cold expression.

This strength has exceeded the limit of what he can handle.

You have to hide first, save your life, and then watch the development of the situation.

Just hope the current strategy works.

He looked at the huge figure standing on the Street of the Dead.

--Rest, the king of evil spirits.

Lester, the king of evil spirits, waved his hands, preparing for a powerful sorcery, and roared at the black trident hovering in the sky:

"Who is it? The one who hides his head and shows his tail! Has the ability to fight!"

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Chapter 304 Strong enemy!

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