Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 305: Escape for heaven!

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when it is.

Over the Street of the Dead, five worlds of death appeared one by one, and they never dissipated for a long time.

--This is the effect of Ying Yuan Dao slicing through the void.

The black trident was unscathed.

It was flying leisurely in mid-air, observing the situation on the Street of the Dead.

Lester, the king of evil spirits, roared loudly:

"Who is it? The one who hides his head and shows his tail! Has the ability to fight!"

It led countless evil spirits, completely occupied the entire Street of the Dead, and challenged the black trident in mid-air.

the other side.

Wu Xiaode sat on the shoulders of the unicorn, and had long since left the Street of the Dead, speeding away in the vast wilderness.


Wu Xiaode said suddenly.

The Cyclops slowed down and stopped in a muddy wasteland.

Wu Xiaode stood up, wrapped in a silent magic mist, and turned his head to look in the direction of the Street of the Dead.

This is far enough away from the Street of the Dead.

I can't keep my head down and run--

Just in time to see what the Black Trident will do next.

But seeing the sky above the town of the dead, a voice sounded from the trident:

"Hiding his head and showing his tail? In fact, the one who hides his head and shows his tail should be the little guy just now. It's really interesting that he has disappeared without a trace."

"--then destroy them all."

The voice fell, and the trident frame suddenly turned into a black awn, stabbing at the Street of the Dead with all his strength.

Under the leadership of Lester, countless evil spirits have released various attack techniques in an attempt to fight against the black trident.

but nothing worked,

But seeing the black awn went straight under the earth.


The endless dark light rushed into the sky from the ground, and looked like a huge dark beam of light from a distance.

In the entire Street of the Dead, all existences, including the king of evil spirits, Lester, were all turned to dust in this black light.

The black beam of light lasted for a few seconds before slowly disappearing.

The Street of the Dead has turned into a bottomless gigantic pit.

The black trident was suspended in mid-air, making a sound of excitement.

"It's all been killed--but I haven't found the little guy to kill. Interesting, so interesting!"

Wu Xiaode's pupils shrank suddenly.

The other party killed everything on the Street of the Dead, just to kill himself.

There must be no enmity between the two sides in this matter.

-- so it's just for fun?

What else will it do?

The shadow in Wu Xiaode's heart grew stronger and stronger, and he only felt that there was an inexplicable ominous meaning.

He held his breath, his mind spinning rapidly.

The opponent's strength is enough to destroy everything.

And his only reliance is the extremely high degree of hidden magic fog of "Dream Man".


When the other party has been unable to find itself, what will it do?

The answer is about to come out.

"Astaroth." Wu Xiaode suddenly said.

"I'm here, Master."

"Return to the Street of the Dead immediately, use the fastest speed!"


The Cyclops didn't ask why he had just escaped and was going back now.

It faithfully carried out Wu Xiaode's orders, covered in mist, turned around, and ran towards the Street of the Dead with all its strength.

When the Cyclops galloped across the field with all its strength, things took a new turn.

The black trident flew for several weeks around the world of death that had been cut out in the sky, and suddenly hovered in the air again.

"A knife that can cut through the fifth-layer world is already qualified for me to kill with a little seriousness."

Wearing the black three is half joking and half talking to himself:


"The game has also come to an end."


With a slight shake of the black trident, countless black flames emerged from the halberd, forming a huge phantom in the sky.

This phantom condenses into a giant trident comparable to a mountain, (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 305 Escape to Heaven!

The sky and the sun are generally separated in the sky.

In the middle of the phantom, the black trident, as the main body, waved it twice at will.

As soon as it moved, the huge phantom also danced.

The trident in the phantom made a streak in the void, instantly splitting the void, causing the scenes of other worlds to emerge in the current world.

Wu Xiaode quietly felt the boundless power on the trident, and couldn't help sighing:

"This power... is amazing, Astaroth, we need to be faster!"

The Cyclops let out a low roar, and the figure tens of meters high turned into an afterimage, rushing straight towards the Street of the Dead.


Coming to the Street of the Dead!

The terrifying aura of destruction emerged from the trident and was continuously poured into the huge phantom.

A very random voice sounded from the black trident:

"I'll kill you in this world before you grow up-"

"This world will also be destroyed together. It is your funeral."

"This is my compliment to you."

The voice fell.

The black trident pointed down.

The huge phantom that was as majestic as a mountain flew out and stabbed towards the ground with all its strength.

Wu Xiaode's heart sank suddenly,

I have never been afraid to use the worst case to speculate on my opponent, but in reality, I usually don't get to that step.

But this time.

The other party really wants to use this method!

It's the only way to not have to find yourself at all--

Destroy the world and everything in it!

No matter where you hide, as long as you are still in this world, you will definitely follow the world!

Simple, crude, direct.

The phantom of the huge halberd was still in the air, and it made a shrill whistling sound.

The next moment, it will stab the whole world!

Wu Xiaode knew that it was time for life and death, took a deep breath, and roared:

"Astaroth, throw me up, the target is the gap in the five-layered world of death--

"Throw it all out!"

The Bronze Cyclops agreed with him, and as soon as he heard the order, he immediately took him off his shoulders and held it in his hands.

The giant kept running on the ground, accelerating, putting his arms behind him, and accumulating strength--


The Cyclops let out a roar, and Wu Xiaode in the special arm flew out with all his strength. separated by a distance of hundreds of meters—

Wu Xiaode and the huge halberd phantom in midair staggered past!

Although the distance is still far away, and there is still "limited invincibility" in his body, he is still worried, and draws out the barren sword to block in front of him.

Luckily nothing happened!

The huge halberd phantom pierced the ground instantly.


The whole world began to crumble.

Everything fell into complete destruction.

The bronze giant stood on the ground, and as soon as he stepped out of defense, his entire body immediately scattered into thousands of bronze hands, all of which turned into powder.

The power of destruction begins to spread throughout the world.

At this time, Wu Xiaode successfully rushed into the sky and crashed into the void cut open by Ying Yuan knife.

--There are five dead worlds in a row!

Wu Xiaode randomly chose a world, slammed into it, and landed on a white bone mountain.

When he landed, he released a lot of silent magic fog, so that this time he hit the mountain without being noticed by any existence.

As soon as he got up, he immediately looked back.

I saw that outside the void, the black trident overlooked the world that was heading for destruction, yawning:

"Killing this promising seedling is a really refreshing thing to do."

After speaking, the trident drilled into the void and disappeared.

As soon as it left, the void gradually began to close.

Seven or eight minutes later.

Wu Xiaode watched as the vision in the void gradually disappeared.


He suddenly let out a breath and slapped his **** (this chapter isn't over!)

Chapter 305 Escape to Heaven!

Sit down on the White Bone Mountain.

Only then did he realize that from just now, her entire body had been trembling non-stop.

In the sky.

The void passages cut out by the Ying Yuan knife also disappeared.

He should have died.

But at the critical moment, he passed through the void and stayed in this world full of bones in one fell swoop.

--I'm safe.

The Book of the Undead floated in front of Wu Xiaode and opened it quietly, revealing lines of small characters on ice crystals.

"The higher-level undead have had a good time here, and UU reading has left."

"You survived this catastrophe."

"Given that you survived this level of attack, you get a star."

"Current starburst; eight stars."

Eight stars already.

But Wu Xiaode was not happy at all.

Before fighting with various other undead, both sides were serious.

That is to compete for the status of various races.

I couldn't defeat them originally, but with the power of "Tianzhiminggui" manipulating the demons, I finally won them.

Things are pretty normal here.

However, a higher-level undead who "woke up from a nap and found a little fun" came.

All this is just fun for it.

The joy of smothering seedlings...


The two sides are too far apart.

Wu Xiaode sighed and quickly cheered up again.

Not afraid of how strong it is.

I am afraid that I have no idea that there is such power in the world.

Now that you know it, you have a direction.

Accumulating a few steps, to a thousand miles, is not shabby at all.

Wu Xiaode took a rest, stood up silently, and looked at the Book of the Undead.

Eight stars.

With only one star missing, he can reach the perfection of nine stars, thus completing this hidden trial,


Wu Xiaode looked around. .

This is a dead world full of bones.

The dead world with its hillsides, grottoes, tunnels and the Streets of the Dead has been destroyed.

How can I get the remaining star?

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Chapter 305 Escape to Heaven!


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