Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 306: Xiao Wu's method

The latest website: On the White Bone Mountain.

There are coffins everywhere.

Wu Xiaode stood beside an open coffin and looked at a line of small characters engraved on the coffin board:

"It's everyone's responsibility to build a coffin at will."

There are also two lines under this line of characters, which represent the meaning of emphasis.

cover the coffin...

What means?

Suddenly, there was movement from a coffin not far away.

The slats were lifted.

A human man crawled out of the orange wood.

"Ah, this is the world of death, it seems that I am really dead."

With a sigh, he put the slats back and covered them again.

I see!

Wu Xiaode suddenly realized.

This should be the place where the dead awakened, so many people arrived in the dead world from the orange wood.

--When you're here, feel free to leave, but please put the coffin board back on.

That's what that sentence means.

Wu Xiaode carried the coffin board and continued to read the small print on it.

I saw a lot of stuff written across the board:

"Zhu Jiuqiang is here for a visit!"

"No littering in the coffin!"

"Maintaining the natural environment of Baigu Mountain is everyone's responsibility!"

"The world of death turned out to be like this. Who traveled here with me?"

"What the **** is this place?"


Wu Xiaode looked around and found no useful information.

"Hello? Did you just die too?"

A voice came from not far behind.

Wu Xiaode didn't have to look up to know that it was the human man who closed the planting board.

"Ah, yes." Wu Xiaode said

"We are dead now, then what should we do?" the human man spread his hands and said

"I do not know either."

Wu Xiaode looked towards the Book of the Dead.

May the eight stars gather on the wall, constantly emitting a dazzling light.

One more.

How can I get the last star?


The Book of the Dead has guided itself through trials.

Perhaps this time, it is also necessary to find answers from the regrets and wishes of the many deceased.

Thinking of this, Wu Xiaode said:

"Let's go down the hillside and see what this dead world is like."

The human man looked towards the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was bare and nothing.

The hillside is full of dense lasts, nothing else.

"That's the only way, let's go down the mountain to have a look." The man said,

The two walked together, walking down the mountain along a road that was obviously stepped on by countless people.


They turned to a large road.

There are more dead here, and every time you walk a certain distance, you will meet several dead people who also turn to the road.

Everyone formed a company and went down the mountain together. On the way, they all remembered the past, and they knew exactly that after death, there is such a world of death to stay in, and the heart gradually calmed down.

Some social cows talk about their own life from time to time and joke with each other, but they are also very happy.

time flies.

Everyone arrived at the foot of the mountain together, and saw two humanoid monsters in full body armor standing here.

They have two horns on their heads, dark blue skin, and a pair of vertical pupils staring at everyone, showing cruelty.

Wu Xiaode knew these two guys.

They are demons.

In the dead world, various demons and marginal races are also common. For example, the succubus also has the ability to roam in the dead world.

One of the demons held a torch in one hand and a sharp bone blade in the other, shouting at the crowd:

"Come here, put your shackles on, and go to work."

--Dense black shackles lay on the ground.

The other demon said lazily: "If you have a lot of flesh on your body, you don't need to work, go to the corral with me, (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 306 Xiaowu's Method

Move faster!"

Everyone was silent.

The joy of just dying, entering a new world, and meeting new people was gone.

The first demon seemed to be used to such a scene, and hummed:

"Don't feel good about yourself. Since you have entered the world of death, there are only two fates. One is to work until you die; the other is to be eaten; this is the reality of your human beings."

The second demon grinned and said:

"Recognize the reality, if you resist, I can eat you now."

It clenched the bone blade and strode towards the crowd.

--These guys are not yet sensible, but it doesn't matter, kill one first, and the others will be obedient.

The devil was thinking like this when he suddenly felt a pain in his body, and then he didn't know anything.

The same is true for everyone present. They only felt that the two demons were separated from flesh and blood, and only the corpse was left.

After a few breaths.

The flesh and blood of the two demon corpses were scattered, leaving only the bones

"It turns out that in that world, the dead will be turned into stones after death, but in this world, only bones are left."

Wu Xiaode pressed the hilt of the sword with his hand and said in a low voice.

I thought that the human beings in the previous world were already miserable, but who knew that this world was even worse.

--In that world, at least on the hillside, human beings are still free.

But in this world of bones occupied by demons, either become slaves or become blood eaters.


How to do this?

When they were on the Street of the Dead, they managed to defeat all races, and as a result, a high-level undead came, and without revealing their face, they destroyed the world.

In this world, the fate of mankind is even more tragic.

What can I do when I'm alone?

It is true that in this world, even if I do my best to lead the human race to overthrow the rule of these demons--

If the big devil is attracted, and the Ying Yuan knife in his hand is broken, how will he survive?

-- But there are many more dead worlds, and in those worlds, human beings are estimated to be in a similar situation.

If you are lucky, you can save a world, but in countless worlds of death, hundreds of millions of people are suffering.

Wu Xiaode was a little confused.

Suddenly, the Book of the Undead turned to the page of the Wishing Wall, and a line of small ice crystal words appeared:

"Looking back, standing at the foot of Baigu Mountain, you can hear countless regrets and wishes."

Wu Xiaode turned his head back according to his words, took a few steps back, and stood at the foot of Baigu Mountain.

Messages began to appear on the original wall:

"It turns out that we are going to be eaten by monsters."

"I have been digging in mines for 1,200 years. Is this my fate after death?"

"Why can't I beat those demons? Why?"

"Who can save me?"

"It's good, this time I'm going to turn into bones, so I don't have to work hard to mine every day."

"It's good to live, it's too hard to die."

"There is absolutely no way to resist fate. Is this the final outcome of our human race?"


The dense small characters are constantly refreshed,

Wu Xiaode raised his head and looked towards Baigu Mountain, with a ray of enlightenment in his heart.

What White Bone Mountain.

This is clearly a mountain of corpses formed by the accumulation of the bones of countless human deceased people who died in this world!

The demons have eaten so many humans, and they will continue to eat and enslave them in the future, forever.

There were some noises from behind.

Wu Xiaode looked back and saw that several humans who had descended together were struggling to move the bone blades of two demons.

"Quick, grab the weapon, and if there is another demon, I can deal with it."

Said the man with great momentum.

They wanted to lift the bone blade, but found that the bone blade weighed nearly 100 pounds and could not lift it at all.

Wu Xiaode laughed and shook his head, and said, "Don't move that weapon, you can't hold it."

Everyone looked at him.

He had to (unfinished this chapter!)

Chapter 306 Xiaowu's Method

He explained: "Unless you are in a state of awakening your soul power, you can only use such a heavy weapon."

"Then how to awaken the soul power?" a deceased asked,

Wu Xiaode was stunned.

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and he wanted to quickly slip away, but he was firmly held back.

"Yeah, why don't humans start to awaken their soul power..."

Wu Xiaode took a few steps and unconsciously muttered to himself.

When I was on the hillside, I had seen that the dead of humans could also draw the power of the dead world.

But the process is too slow.

--Without the talent, I really don't know how long it would take.

Besides, other races will not allow you to cultivate like this all the time.

Unless there is some help...

for example--

Undead Universal Rune.

It can help the undead to hunt, gather, fight and live.

I learned the complete Undead Universal Rune by myself in the Street of the Dead!

Wu Xiaode closed his eyes and thought for a while, and found seven runes from his memory.

Two runes are used to help awaken soul power.

A rune is used to conceal the fluctuation of soul power.

There are also four runes that teach four basic fighting skills.


Now, all I have to do is to teach these to the people!

Wu Xiaode opened his eyes and looked at the human deceased around him.

Do not--

There are too few people.

I want all races to learn this!

How to do…

Yes, you obviously have a way.

A relaxed smile finally appeared on Wu Xiaode's face.

He put his hand on the Book of the Dead and said softly:

"Book of the Undead, open the wall of the Sunnah, live broadcast target: the existence of all human races in the world of death."

The Book of the Undead opened immediately.

The Sunnah Wall was aimed at him and the dead around him.

In order to hide his tracks, and not to be disturbed, Wu Xiaode released a silent magic fog to cover the surroundings.

After doing all this, he looked at the confused and nervous humans around him and said:

"Guys, here are some ways I can help you get stronger."

He squatted down, found some bones, and drew a kind of rune on it with his sword.

"Hey, this is called the Soul Gathering Rune."

"Have you ever felt an invisible force rushing towards you when it was painted?"

"That's right, it's to help you gain soul power."

"What is soul power? You can think of it as a fusion of blue bars and blood bars -- I believe everyone understands what I'm talking about."

"Okay, let's look at the second rune.


"Of course, we have to be careful, so the third rune is used to hide its own strength."

"The remaining four runes will randomly teach you the four basic powers of fists, knives, spells, and arrows. Pick the one you like to learn."

Wu Xiaode squatted on the ground, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, showed everyone how to describe each rune.

billions of worlds.

Countless human races.

All seen.

Wu Xiaode didn't think it was enough, UU Reading clapped his hands, stood up and said:

"Let's record another one."

"Maybe some of my friends are talented and talented, and their talents and aspirations are extremely powerful--well, I will add more strength to send you all to the sky and to the sky."

"Hey, look at it, this set of boxing is the foundation of Iron Wire Boxing, you have to study hard."


He explained the basics of Iron Wire Fist once, but still felt that it was not enough, so he took out some basic moves of Feng Xue Du Xing and Chang Yue Shu Ying again.

- He spoke so earnestly and so devotedly that he didn't notice at all that on the other page of the Book of the Dead, a brand new star was looming.

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Chapter 306 Xiaowu's Method

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