Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 354: Rebuild the family!

"Currently, the parliament's reserve worlds are as follows:"

"Islands, mountains, plains, underground worlds, cities, etc., what kind of world do you think we should choose?"

Qiong familiarly opened the light screen in front of her, and pointed to each scene for Wu Xiaode to see.

--After becoming the "Hand of Destroyer" of the World Destroyer Council, Wu Xiaode is already the one with the highest title in the entire Council


No one else can come up with such a large amount of wealth.


Even if there is, I don't want to take it out.

Because the wealth dedicated to the will to destroy will be controlled by the book of the law of destroying the world, and has nothing to do with the families anymore.

So he's now being treated accordingly:

The Book of the Law of Destroying Worlds will provide him with generous treatment to help him rebuild the world of his family territory.

That screen of light is exactly the technique of the Book of Laws of Destruction.

Wu Xiaode looked at the scenes displayed on the light screen, folded his arms and said:

"It's getting colder, and we often deal with destruction and death, so I want a soothing environment."

"Like?" Joan asked.

"How about the island?" Wu Xiaode asked back.

Joan laughed and whispered:

"The Hellflame family used to be the underground world, and the Entropy family was the plain. In fact, I have always dreamed of seeing the sea."

She stretched out her white finger to touch the light screen a little bit.

Two dark blue stones fell from the light screen and fell into Joan's hands.

Joan kept one for herself, and gave the other to Wu Xiaode.

"The Stone of the World."

"Use this stone to return to your world immediately."

Wu Xiaode weighed the stone and said, "Go and see?"

"Not here?" Joan asked.

The two had already left the bank's underground passage, standing on a piece of devastated land.

--The entire world of the Annihilation Council seems to have gone through a catastrophe, and most of the people turned into corpses.

The rest of the people were busy setting up various defensive positions.

This is to prevent Xion from suddenly returning to this world for the next wave of attacks.

Wu Xiaode glanced at it and said with disdain:

"A bunch of moths, whatever they do, let's go."


The two held the World Stone and injected their soul power.

At this time, Sion was far away from the current world, and the spatial confinement it set up was completely erased by the bigwigs of the parliament.


Wu Xiaode and Joan disappeared from the current world.


Fine white sand covers the entire coastline.

The sky is clear and endless.

The blue coast unfolds before your eyes.

With a wave of Wu Xiaode's hand, he immediately cut two coconuts from the tree, opened his mouth, handed one to Joan, and held the other for himself.

"I didn't expect the council to have such a wonderful island world."

Wu Xiaode picked up the coconut and drank it.

Holding the coconut, Joan smiled slightly and said, "The Book of the Law of Exterminating the World is the richest one. It collects a lot of worlds and materials, and provides them to council members as task rewards to drive everyone to collect 'The End of the World.'"

She reached out to open a light curtain, looked at the options above and continued to ask:

"What about the buildings? What kind of buildings does the family use?"

"Let's build a village here. The purpose of the village is tourism and vacation, and strive to make people live comfortably." Wu Xiaode pointed to the place behind him.

Joan reached out and tapped the light screen.

A village suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

It is not so much a village as it is a large hotel complex.

There are sunshades, beach chairs, swimming pools, bars, surf clubs, diving centers, seaside cafeterias, and more.

"Want to buy slaves?" Joan

asked again.

"Replace it with a robot." Wu Xiaode said.

Joan is a little on the screen.

All kinds of robots suddenly appeared in the whole village.

A robot walked up to Wu Xiaode and asked respectfully:

"My lord, what can I do for you?"

"Go and get two smoothies to eat." Wu Xiaode said.


The robot goes.

Joan quickly clicked on the light screen: "It's done, that's right--you are the future head of the family, and I will prepare all kinds of clothes and outfits for you."

prepare. "

Wu Xiaode looked at himself.

The armor of the Demon Suppressing General is broken.

His upper body was naked, and there were even some tiny wounds.

He couldn't help sighing:

"I'll see for myself."

He flicked randomly on the light screen and selected a certain outfit.

next second.

He changed into a pair of colorful beach shorts, put on sunglasses, walked under the awning, and fell backward on the beach chair.

At this time, the breeze was blowing, and while drinking coconut, he crossed his legs and listened to the waves in his ears--

"Master, your smoothie is ready."

The robot held a plate and said in front of him.

"Thank you, let's cook, cook something nutritious, our mistress is exhausted and needs a delicious meal to replenish energy." Wu Xiaode said.

"Yes." The robot went again.

When it left, various cooking robots began to get busy in the restaurant of the village.

Wu Xiaode took a sip of the smoothie and felt extremely refreshed.

"Joan, rest."

He patted another beach chair next to him.

Joan shook her head and said, "It takes a lot of work to prepare for the construction of this world, and I want to finish these things as soon as possible."

The robot came to her and handed her a straw.

"Ma'am, please."

Robot Road.

Joan looked at the coconut in her hand, then at the straw.

--Obviously just now, he was fighting to death in the underground treasure house.

The battle with Sion was also thrilling, and he was almost finished several times.

And now lying on the beach eating a smoothie?

Why did this guy just switch to vacation mode?


Joan glanced at the light screen and said:

"Someone is looking for you, someone from the council."

"Can they reach our world directly?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"No, unless you agree, our world is kept secret, and no one can enter—this is the benefit of giving the book of the law of destruction to the world." Joan smiled.

Wu Xiaode lay down in a more comfortable position and said:

"Don't let them come."

"Okay, I have declined." Joan said.

At this time, a line of small ice crystal characters jumped out and appeared in front of Wu Xiaode's eyes:

"Your twin angel seal has lost its target."

"The effect of the curse seal you obtained has completely disappeared."

Lose the target.

It means that the Mobile Armor no longer exists.

It was killed by Sion.


Sion is really great.

Will it go ahead and destroy the entire parliament?

-- Whatever it is.

I won't be in muddy water again.

The worse the World Annihilation Council is, the safer the world will be.


Another rushing sound.

Joan glanced at it, and said quickly: "Members of the council have used the emergency clause to force a call with you with the help of the Book of the Law of Destruction, and it will start in five seconds.


The light curtain opened in front of Wu Xiaode's eyes.

I saw a few old men with gloomy expressions appearing on the light curtain.

"Boy of the Entropy family, we need your power now—your name can summon the will to destroy."

An old man looked at Wu Xiaode and said through gritted teeth.

Wu Xiaode said: "My name is to summon the will to destroy, but only once, why should I use it for you?"

He put down the smoothie in his hand and said seriously:

"You have also seen that I am building a new world for the Entropy family - our family is dead, and I am the only one left, so I am very busy now, goodbye."

The old men on the light curtain fell silent for a while.

You are wearing beach shorts, lying on a beach chair and enjoying the sea breeze and eating smoothies. Is this also called busy?

On the contrary, Joan who was standing aside was really busy.

She continued to operate another light screen, and began to build various facilities for the entire family and do various preparatory work.

"Wait a minute, we could actually make a deal."

Another old man said suddenly.

"What deal?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Sion is wandering around the main world of the council, killing people everywhere, looking for some valuable materials, we can't let it kill any more," said the old man.

"That's right--in order to prevent it, all family members sacrificed heroically, UU Reading Now it's time for everyone to help." Wu Xiaode said.

The old man said: "We need your title skill, please use the will to destroy."

"This power is our family's last defense barrier, and it cannot be given to you." Wu Xiaode flatly refused.

"So we ask you to make a move, and you can put forward conditions."

"Don't mention it, get out."

The light screen turns off.

Wu Xiaode picked up the smoothie again and started eating slowly.

Joan glanced at him, and cautiously advised:

"It's better not to offend the elders. They are the power center of the council. I'm afraid we will have no good fruit in the future."

"Joan, do you think the entire council can't compete with Sion? Don't they have the means to suppress the bottom of the box?" Wu Xiao

De asked.

"There is. But there is a huge price to pay," Joan said.

"So they are not willing to pay the price, and instead want me to pay the price-but why?" Wu Xiao


Joan hesitated for a while, then said cautiously: "In the past history, families that violated the will of the elders did not end well."

"Ha." Wu Xiaode laughed.

The end of entropy family is gone.

No matter how bad it is, where can it go?

"The name skill was obtained after I worked so hard to open the treasure houses of various families. I want to give it to them? If they keep beeping, I will use it on them directly." Wu Xiaode said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly trembled and sat up from the beach chair.


Do you want to use the name skill directly and send it to the parliament world.

In this case.

Both Sion and the Annihilation Council were dealt with.

Wu Xiaode picked up the smoothie and took another bite, and began to seriously consider the possibility of this matter.

Please pay attention to the latest chapter of Wude Sufficient ()

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