Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 355: he's returned home!


Joan seemed frightened by his thoughts, and explained hastily:

"Destroying Will is not an idiot, and I won't let you destroy the council.

Wu Xiaode asked regretfully:

"Those old guys are useless - I just kill them and replace them?"

"No! Destroying the will will never give you the power to use this matter." Joan repeatedly shook her head.

Wu Xiaode sighed and lay down again.

Then forget it.

Let the World Extinction Council go and fight Sion.

No matter who they are injured or destroyed, I welcome them.


A message appeared on the light screen again:

"The Elders of the Destruction Council have initiated an application, and have obtained the consent of the Book of Destruction Law, hereby release the following exclusive tasks:"

"Fight Sion."

"Mission description: It doesn't matter whether you live or die, you must go out and fight Sion."

"Mission objective: You must defeat it or drive it away. Once you fail, you will be wiped out immediately!"

"Mission Reward: You can get a world you specify."

"Task executor: Ariane."

"Send in 5 minutes!"

Wu Xiaode quickly read all the text.

"Can it still be like this?" He turned to ask Joan


Joan's face was pale, and she smiled wryly: "The elders have the power to issue compulsory tasks, and the Book of the Law of Destroyer will also consider how to defeat the enemy, so you were chosen."

"It's really shameless."

After Wu Xiaode said something, he immediately fell into deep thought.

The elders didn't make a move themselves, but they were determined to consume their own name skills.

What should I do?

Joan said quickly:

"Sion has seen you, if you show up, it will kill you - how is this battle going to be fought?"

Wu Xiaode was taken aback.


It knows me the way I am now.


"Joan, take care of our family. I want to change my identity to see Sion."

"Change your identity?"

"Yes, you forgot, Wu Xiaode died at my hands, I pretended to be him."

"...Is this useful?"


Wu Xiaode stood up, grabbed a bracelet casually, and disappeared from the current world in a flash.

Joan stood by the beach alone, looking at the blue sea.

--He said he was in charge of the fight.

Hope he doesn't die!

Otherwise, sooner or later everything here will be eaten alive by the parliament.

including myself.

Joan sighed, pulled himself together, and began to manipulate the light screen to build this brand new world of family territory.

past epoch.


Kunlun. In the world.

Wu Xiaode put down the teleportation bracelet and went straight to Pantaoyuan.


In other words, the dryads all gathered on the huge flat peach tree, and when they saw him enter the Ningshen Division, they immediately burst into laughter.

"Wu Xiaode, you're cheating outside again."

A goblin said with a smile.

"What's a lie? How can something like saving the world be a lie?" Wu Xiaode said seriously.

The other goblins burst out laughing again and again, filling the air of Ning Shensi with joy.

"Okay, I only have the last three minutes-you hurry up and get rid of the "disordered" magic on me

No, I'm going to deal with a strong enemy. "

Wu Xiaode said.

"Can it be canceled immediately?" asked a goblin.

"Yes, ah, no, it's better to delay by three and a half minutes

bell. "

"How difficult is this!"

The goblins chanted spells one after another.

The Book of the Dead was opened, and a line of small ice crystal characters appeared:

"After three and a half minutes, the 'disorder of form and spirit' on your body will gradually disappear."

After Wu Xiaode glanced over, he immediately waved at the goblins and said:

"I'm off to work, let's talk later."


There was a slight sound.

He directly teleported away from this inner world.

The World Annihilation Council dominates the world.

Wu Xiaode quietly appeared on the plain.

The members of the elders have been waiting for a long time.

"Arian, don't hate us, this is for the survival of the entire council."

An elder said.

Wu Xiaode took a deep look at these people.

He suddenly laughed, shook his head and said:

"I really can't do anything about you. A group of old fellows are afraid to stand up, but they want young people like me to die."

Another old man said solemnly: "It's not that we don't dare to stand up, but we don't have a name as powerful as yours, which is the name recognized by the will to destroy."

"I spent money—won't you take some money to make up for my loss?" Wu Xiaode spread his hands.

No one answered.

The old man at the head said: "Don't be petty, the task reward clearly stated that you will get a world you designated, and the book of the law of destroying the world has also witnessed this."

Wu Xiaode said: "Forget it, but this time I go, maybe I have to change my identity."


"That's right, I killed a man, and I will use his identity to deal with Sion."

"Why? What trick are you trying to pull off?"

"The main reason is that Xi'an hates me very much. If I go to see him directly, I won't even be able to use any moves, and I will be killed by him." Wu Xiaode said frankly.

The elders thought about it for a while and felt that it was all irrelevant.

If only he could drive Sion away--

Nothing to say!

"Go, Aryan, this is your glorious moment to serve the Council."

The headed old man said.

Wu Xiaode snorted lightly, his appearance gradually changed.

He returned to his original form.

"Wu Xiaode?"

All the elders were slightly startled.

"Yes, I decided to use this image to fight it." Wu Xiaode said.

Pretend to be yourself in public, and you can use your original identity openly and aboveboard in the future.

Serves multiple purposes.

"How did you kill Wu Xiaode?"

an elder asked with interest.

Wu Xiaode already ignored them, turned his head and looked in one direction.

--In that direction, an extremely powerful and familiar aura has long appeared.

Sion is over there!

Wu Xiaode's figure flashed and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

He ran fast across the field.

Everything around quickly reversed and disappeared behind him.

After a few minutes.

Wu Xiaode appeared in the ruins of a city.

not far away.

Hundreds of corpses were piled into a bed.

Xi'an sat cross-legged on the bed, concentrating on the jade slip in his hand.


Wu Xiaode said.

Sion waved his hand impatiently.

A blood shadow appeared behind Wu Xiaode and rushed towards him.

Wu Xiaode slashed out with a sword without looking back.

The deep black flames of death streaked across the blood shadow, beheading it to the world of death in an instant.

Xi'an was startled, and looked up at Wu Xiaode.

do not know!

"You did a good trick."

It grinned.

"The old **** in the council want me to kill you." Wu Xiaode said.

"Only you?"

Xi'an put down the jade slip in his hand and began to have some interest.

Wu Xiaode sighed, folded his arms and said: "You also stayed in the Entropy family for 800 years, you must have heard of'

The hand that destroys the world, this name. "

Xi'an recalled it briefly and suddenly said:''It's a super krypton thing, and people who have been burned by money will not donate such a name--wait, are you--

Wu Xiaode had a thought.

A line of small ice crystal characters floated in the void:

"You changed your name."

"Tian Zhiming's ghost has been hidden, and the current name is displayed: Hand of World Destroyer."


A majestic aura of destruction emanated from Wu Xiaode's body.

Between heaven and earth, infinite power gathered on him, as if he could obliterate everything in the world at any time.

Sion stood up slowly, taking a defensive posture.

"I didn't expect...that someone could pay such a large amount of you really came to kill me?"

it asked warily.

The aura of the two sides collided with each other and gradually froze.

At this time, whoever attacks first--

The other side will fight back immediately!

The situation directly entered the situation of life and death.

"Do not."

Wu Xiaode suddenly said.

"I didn't come to kill you, and I didn't want to kill you at all, but because I have such a name, the elders are afraid of me, so they forced me to kill you."

Xion stared at him, and asked without blinking:

"Then what do you want to do?"

Wu Xiaode said indignantly:

"Those **** want to consume a will-destroying attack in my hand, so that they don't have to be afraid of me in the future---of course, they also want to kill you."

Sion watched him, waiting for his next words.

Wu Xiaode said seriously:

"My mission is to kill you, or drive you away. Please help me complete the mission, so that you don't have to face a blow that will destroy your will. I also save my money. We all have a bright future."

"What if I disagree?" Theon asked.

"Then I have no choice but to spend money to eliminate the disaster, because the penalty for failure of this task is obliteration, and I don't want to die yet." Wu Xiaode said.

Sion showed the color of memory.

With more than 800 years of insight, it is fully capable of judging one thing:

That's exactly what the elders of the council do.

Right now, the kid in front of him is an unlucky ghost who was pushed out.

Do you really want to fight this guy?

It is not easy to take a blow that destroys the will, and maybe he will be finished too.

But this kind of battle is very exciting. Do you want to let go of the scruples of life and death and enjoy this battle with all your heart?

Xi'an thought for a few breaths, then suddenly said:

"...Actually, I'm also a member of the World Extermination Council. I need to see your mission before deciding what to do."

Wu Xiaode was taken aback.


It is the super terminal of the entropy end family.

It is a member of destruction!

The Book of the Dead was quietly opened, revealing a line of small ice crystal characters:

"Sion wants to see your council mission, do you want to let it watch?"

"Show it -- but don't show it the name of the person who completed the task." Wu Xiaode said.


next second.

A light screen suddenly appeared in front of Xi'an, on which was Wu Xiaode's mission.

It read quickly.

Everything is as the other party said.


just let those old kings

Eight succeeded.

Fighting can be done at any time.

Wait until you get a set of forging materials for figurines, and then feel the blow to destroy the will.

Xi'an stood up with a smile, and said to Wu Xiaode:

"You are an honest and useless pawn. Even if they can't use you this time, they will try to squeeze every bit of value out of you."

"This is exactly the style of the World Extinction Council."

"Me, I'm not interested in this crap, and I don't want those dirty old guys to get their way.

After speaking, it nodded to Wu Xiaode and was about to leave immediately.

Wu Xiaode heaved a sigh of relief.

Xi'an is a guy who likes to dig into corners, he is nervous and obsessive-compulsive, and he doesn't like being taken advantage of by others.

As long as it is willing to go, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com's own task is complete.

"Thank you."

Wu Xiaode clasped his fists sincerely and said.

Xi'an didn't bother to look at this guy, and said casually: "I'll go first and come back later."

As soon as it moves, it will fly into the air.

The next moment.

Suddenly, a grand old voice sounded in the distance:

"Erian of the Entropy Family, why haven't you started fighting Sion yet?"

Wu Xiaode's expression changed.

How to use such a wide range of broadcasting!

He was obviously going to let Xi'an leave soon, but those old men obviously wanted to kill him!


I saw Xi'an suddenly paused in the air, looking back at him.

"Are you Ariane?"

Its expression became fierce and terrifying.

"I'm Wu Xiaode." Wu Xiaode said calmly.

"No...Arian is too cunning, and the elders of the council can't lie about this kind of thing..."

Sion landed on the bed made of human heads again, full of murderous intent.

Wu Xiaode sighed.

Everything counts.

The only thing not counted is the shamelessness of those council elders.

If you can survive this time, you must kill them.

None left.

Wu Xiaode put his hand on the sword and began to prepare for battle.


A thick male voice sounded beside my ear:

"After watching the drama for so long, I finally have the idea of ​​fighting."

Wu Xiaode was startled.

Who is speaking?

Does this sound sound familiar?

next second.

A few lines of small ice crystal characters quietly appeared in front of his eyes:

"The emperor said he had returned home."

"Attention now!"

"--The Ancient Emperor is ready to descend!"

Please pay attention to the latest chapter of Wude Sufficient ()

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