Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 367: The beginning of chaos!

Fumo Cave.

Underground dungeons.

Zhao Junyu was hanging in the air, with blood marks all over his body being strangled by the rope.

The following female disciples of Fumo Cave looked at him.

A woman laughed and said:

"Being able to form a century-old relationship with our saintess, I don't know if it is a blessing that you have cultivated in several lifetimes. I really don't understand why you refuse."

Zhao Junyu said calmly: "Your saint injured my temporary guardian and snatched me back, do you think

Can this be considered a century-old relationship?"

Another female disciple said disdainfully: "Hmph, don't die there, you are so stubborn, it is your blessing to see you--soul power

Just a little rubbish. "

She pinched the formula.

The rope immediately became tighter.

Zhao Junyu was strangled until his brows were wrinkled, but the corner of his mouth was full of sneer:

"My lord, I just awakened yesterday, and I haven't even been able to practice for a day, so naturally I can't beat you."

"But—wait for me, sooner or later—"

The rope got tighter.

Zhao Junyu was so strangled that he couldn't speak.


The gate of the dungeon] suddenly opened.

Two figures appeared at the same time.

Those guarding disciples shouted, "Who are you?"

"Let him down."

A burly humanoid being with a lion's head looked up at Zhao Junyu.

He has a token in his hand.

"Holy Maiden Order!" A disciple said in surprise.

Everyone looked at each other.

The other party has this token, and he must obey the order.

"Hurry up, don't provoke us, or you will all die."

Another slender, handsome man with pointed ears in a green robe said.

He and the man with the lion head exude an incomparably powerful aura. It only takes a little induction to judge that these two are peerless powerhouses.

That being the case, what else is there to say?

The rope untied quickly.

Zhao Junyu landed on the ground, hurriedly cupped his hands at the two of them and said:

"Thanks to the two strong men for the rescue, may I ask the names of the two Gaos?"

An unnatural look flashed across their faces.

"It is inconvenient for us to disclose the name." The lion-headed man said.

"That's right, don't ask about our names, your brother Wu asked us to pick you up - come with us!"

The ear man said.

"Xiao Wu?" Zhao Junyu was startled, and then overjoyed.

He followed the two peerless powerhouses out of the underground dungeon, and left the Demon Subduing Cave all the way.

I saw Zhao Zhibing waiting outside Fumo Cave.

She has recovered from her injuries.

Seeing Zhao Junyu, she also breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly, "Have you ever suffered?"

"No, they didn't dare to do anything to me."

Zhao Junyu said lightly.

He looked around, only to see some powerful masters all around, no worse than the two who saved him.

Zhao Zhibing's voice transmission sounded quietly:

"Don't ask their names, they seem to mind this very much, so they say they are inconvenient to disclose."

"Understood, sister." Zhao Junyu immediately understood.

Several strong men came forward, chanting incantations one after another.

not for a while.

The oval light door] opens.

The invisible air flow was sucked into the door, as if it was another world.

-- Orientation Portal!

The handsome man with pointed ears said: "The setting of the prison is constantly changing, and we are allowed to enter it, but due to some unspeakable things, we can't see Xiao Wu yet."

Zhao Zhibing heard the song and understood the elegance, clasped her fists and said:

"Everyone, if there is anything you need us to say, why not

bluntly. "

All the peerless powerhouses showed a cautious look.

The handsome man with pointed ears said solemnly:

"Please tell Wu--"

"The guy who summoned us must be dealt with, otherwise when the next era comes, it will definitely come out to make trouble, which will be a disaster for us and you."

After hearing this, Zhao Zhibing and her brother nodded to show that they had remembered it.

"Please go back!"

The handsome man with pointed ears said.

"Thank you all." Zhao Zhibing clasped her fists again.

She and Zhao Junyu walked into the oval light gate together.


The next moment.

Keep your feet on the ground.

I saw that this is the palace of the empire, the main hall of discussion.

Sitting on the dragon chair, the emperor quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Beside him stood Li Kunlun, Qian Mingkui, and Wu Xiaode.

the other side.

The saintess of Fumo Cave and the eight disciples looked stiff.

The saint's eyes fell on Zhao Junyu again.


It was hard to find a foothold into this world.

I didn't expect this world to be so powerful.

--Go back and change your plan immediately.

As for this trash boy with only 1 point of soul power in front of him, there is nothing to worry about.

Zhao Junyu narrowed his eyes.

He could completely sense the other party's emotions just now, and he could even deduce what the other party was thinking.

This revenge must be avenged in the future.

"It's over here, I'll take my leave."

The saint said a word and was about to leave with the eight female disciples.

"Wait a minute." Zhao Junyu said.

The saint stopped.

"What else do you want?" she asked.

"In the previous battle, my sister was injured by you in order to take care of me. In fact, you were not her opponent at all."

Zhao Junyu looked at the other party, and said lightly: "As for me, I don't think I am a burden, but I have just awakened, so naturally I am not your opponent."

"This account, after my strength improves, I will go to you to settle it."

"Let's go now!"

The saint glanced at Wu Xiaode.

Wu Xiaode didn't stop him.

Zhao Junyu is not mediocre, he is determined to take revenge himself, so let him solve it by himself.

"Forget it, I'll be waiting for you in the Demon Demon Cave."

After the saint finished speaking with a blank expression, she turned around and flew out of the hall with eight female disciples, soaring into the sky.

The hall fell silent.

This incident can be regarded as temporarily over.

Until then, Wu Xiaode opened his mouth and said:

"How are you? Do you need me to find someone to heal?"

"No, those friends of yours who don't want to be named have already healed my injuries." Zhao Zhibing said.

She turned to the emperor and said: "Father, I originally planned to take Jun Yu out to practice, but once I left our world, no matter where I went, I would attract the attention of others. I really don't know why."

"I don't know everything, I guess I should ask Xiao Wu about it," said the emperor.

Everyone looked at Wu Xiaode.

Wu Xiaode sighed and said:

"Don't go out recently, the outside world is coveting our world."

He told the story of all spirits descending into the world.

This news is too shocking.

Everyone froze for a while before slowly digesting.

Zhao Zhibing told Wu Xiaode again what those strong men entrusted her to summon.

Wu Xiaode nodded silently.

Zhao Junyu asked curiously: ''Those people are really strong, who are they?"

"...not easy to see through

dew. "Wu Xiaode said.

They are all peerless powerhouses.

And with the coming of all spirits, they are likely to come to this world.

If you name them "Cui Cui, Milk Dog" and the like--

How will they mess around in the future?


And they're right--

Now it is necessary to solve the matter of the dark law beast.

Its abilities are world-setting.

Once the birth of all spirits begins, I am busy fighting for the heroic spirits, and it suddenly sets up a world setting, it will not be possible to play at all.

And the matter of the law beast is related to the beginning of everything--

When he was in the death cave, the little girl gave herself the goblin armor, so that she could gain a ray of hope in the desperate situation.


This time, it was a battle between her and her brother.

I have to contact Nina as soon as possible, and try to find a way to deal with the dark law beast before the heroic spirit comes into the world.

Hope it's still in time!

He glanced at Zhao Zhibing.

For some reason, a thought suddenly popped up in my mind.

Zhao Zhibing is the head of the S-level club.

But when Xiao Baihong left, she said that she was looking for her--

she is here.

What about Xiao Baihong?


Could it be that someone else has sneaked into our world and attacked Xiao Baihong secretly?

Wu Xiaode hastily called out the Book of the Dead, and turned to the page "Shadow Followers".

There are five shadow follower cards on this page, namely Xiao Baihong, Odvia, Xiaogu and Christina.

There is also a blank card.

I saw that the card Xiao Baihong was on became dim and dilapidated, as if it would disappear at any moment.

Wu Xiaode's heart tightened, and he shouted:



The **** Xiao Baihong appeared in front of everyone.

Many places on his body were seriously injured, his flesh and blood were bloody, and in some places his bones were deeply visible.

"Who hurt you?"

Wu Xiaode asked in a deep voice.

Ulysses already had two gold bricks on his head, and he was quickly using healing techniques with both hands.

The holy light fell on Xiao Baihong's body.

The wounds all over his body healed quickly.


Xiao Baihong spat out a mouthful of blood foam, with a miserable smile on his face.

"Damn it, Takeshi, some heroic spirits aren't here to help at all—"

"It wants to **** my body!"


the other side. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

In the deep blue sea.

Countless eyeballs gathered from all directions, turning into a luminous body several meters high, full of eyes.

"It's a pity... that body that was born to be close to wind and thunder ran away..."

"I won't allow that."

"--that body is very important, I want to get it!"

It burrowed into the void.

The next moment.

This monster appeared directly in the palace hall.

Its strange body full of eyes appeared in front of everyone.

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