Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 368: evil spirits!

The evil spirits appeared directly in the palace hall.

No one expected this, and no one could have predicted it.

The second hand jumps one tick.

The monster raised its long, glowing arms full of eyeballs--

"Let everything be destroyed."

It made a playful and brutal sound.

The light was so bright that it was about to spread in an instant.

Wu Xiaode suddenly looked at Li Kunlun, Li Kunlun shouted in despair:

"It's too late!"

--His reality can indeed travel through the future, but it needs a little time to brew before it can be stimulated.

It's too late now!

Wu Xiaode felt the terrifying power fluctuations in the light, and his heart sank to the bottom.

Relying on the power of the dark power "seeing", I can indeed sneak into the world of death and avoid this attack.

But others can't!

At this moment, I can't save everyone!

The second hand moves again.

Suddenly a golden figure quietly descended.


Her golden eyes represent the mother of the law beast;

The silver eyes represent the son of the law beast.

She exuded an endless solemn and majestic atmosphere, floating in the air, her eyes - gold and silver, stared closely at the glowing monster.

Just listen to her say:

"Under the oldest biological setting, your body has finished laying eggs and hatching, and now it's time to die."

--The rules of the gods and beasts are set to fight!

There was a sudden sharp scream from the monster's mouth.

"No, I haven't got the right body--"

The light on it completely dissipated.

Eyeballs closed one by one, and fell into silence, so that its body returned to its original shape.

--but an octopus.

A ball of blazing light emerged from the octopus, and it hummed and said:

"Mortals don't want to stop the pace of the times, I have already met the level limit of 1000-"

"I will come again!"

The light cluster disappeared, only the voice of hatred echoed in the hall, which lingered for a long time.

"I see!"

Wu Xiaode suddenly realized.

It is impossible for a heroic spirit to interfere with everything in the real world, unless it obtains the bodies of sentient beings.

After this heroic spirit entered the world, he first obtained the body of an octopus, and used it as a springboard to launch a trap to kill Xiao Baihong.

Luckily Nina showed up just in time!

Wu Xiaode looked at her, only to see that all the prestige in her body disappeared, and the visions disappeared one after another.

--The law beast returned its body to Nina.

"Brother Wu!"

Nina greeted with a smile.

"It's a good thing you're here, otherwise the blow just now might have razed the entire capital to the ground." Wu Xiaode said happily.

"I also felt the means of the dark law beast, and only then did I realize that things have changed." Nina said.

Wu Xiaode was startled.

After killing those gods by himself, the beasts of the law of darkness seemed to have no movement.

Is it a bad move?

Nina's face was full of worry, and she said:

"This world will welcome the arrival of Heroic Spirits."

"This should be a good thing," Wu Xiaode scratched his head and said, "I heard that heroic spirits must reach level 1000, and must sign a heroic spirit contract with someone before they can come to our world and fight against the catastrophe with us."

"This was indeed a good thing in the first place, but after the dark law beast noticed it, it secretly added a setting:"

Nina said: "The evil spirits of the evil and chaotic camps can find those living beings who are compatible with each other, and descend in the form of occupying the bodies of all living beings."


Everyone couldn't help looking at Xiao Baihong.

Xiao Baihong stroked her hair and said distressedly:

"I'm really interested in killing, but I don't want to kill people indiscriminately."

Nina explained:

'The compatibility of compatibility is the key element between heroic spirits and sentient beings, even if it is the dark law of divine beasts

Sure, you can't get around it. "

"The reason why people are human is that they are rational and can control their own thoughts and behaviors, but the evil spirits don't care about these. As long as you have strong negative thoughts, they will match your compatibility."

Everyone was silent for a while.

In this way, the battle just now was actually a fluke.

Wu Xiaode asked directly: "Just now we were completely lucky, right?"

"Yes, the location where the evil spirit descended was the sea, and it happened that the predation and killing of animals were pure instincts, very easy to control, so it found the octopus." Nina said.

"The life of that octopus came to an end, so it was in a hurry to change its body." Wu Xiaode said.

"That's right, Xiao Baihong is its next prey."

Everyone couldn't help but sighed in unison.

Thankfully so.

Otherwise, if a level 1000 heroic spirit descends into the world, who can stop it?

Suddenly the emperor interjected:

"According to this, this world will be destroyed by evil spirits sooner or later-after all, there is no living being in the entire world who is their opponent."

"I took defensive measures," Nina said.

"What measures?" asked the emperor.

Nina said: "Now the boundary between life and death has just been opened, and there are not so many heroic spirits that can descend, about one per hour."

"So I unleashed all my power and formed a new world setting:"

"Only one Heroic Spirit can descend every 12 hours."

"Is it always like this from now on?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"At least it will be like this for the next few days until this setting can't prevent the complete opening of the boundary between life and death." Ni

Na said.

Zhao Zhibing suddenly walked up to the corpse of the octopus, pressed one hand on the corpse, and pinched a seal with the other.

After a few breaths.

She said:

"This creature is a body that was occupied nine hours ago."

9 hours.

In other words, in another 3 hours, a brand new evil spirit will descend.

--1000 level evil spirits.

How did things get to this point?

Nina shook her head and said: ''No matter how strong the heroic spirits are, they can't change things in the real world. This is our own mistake. "

"Yeah, I didn't kill that dark law monster in time." Wu Xiaode sighed.

Say so.

But that divine beast of the dark law can make all living beings serve it as long as it calls out.

Who can kill it?

"Think about the good, maybe next time it will be heroic spirits, not evil spirits." Qian Mingkui said.

Everyone looked at Nina together.

"The chance is half and half. I don't know who will come next time. Anyway, I have tried my best." Nina shook her head.

She backed away into the void.

"Are you leaving?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Too much power has been released, and we must quickly return to the depths of the prison, otherwise the prisoners will come out to act as demons." Nina's face was full of exhaustion.

She took one last look at Wu Xiaode.

"Brother Wu, I can only do so much here, I hope you don't take offense."

A smile immediately appeared on Wu Xiaode's face:

"Don't worry, I will take care of the matter here. As for the matter of the dark law beast, after I finish dealing with the next evil spirit or heroic spirit, I will take care of it."

The corner of Nina's mouth curled up.

"rely on you."

After she finished speaking, her figure flashed and disappeared completely.

The hall returned to silence.

"There are still 3 hours! Everyone, think of a way!" The emperor said in a deep voice.

"I'm coming! I'll go to the future to see if it's a heroic spirit or an evil spirit!" Li Kunlun said.

Qian Mingkui's eyes lit up, and he immediately said loudly:

"That's right, that's great--Brother Kun, you are a master of the 'dual aspect of virtuality and reality'!"

Li Kunlun stood where he was, closed his eyes slightly, and suddenly took a step forward.

He disappeared directly in front of everyone.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

The void flashed.

Li Kunlun was covered in blood and rolled to the ground, gasping for breath.

Wu Xiaode groaned inwardly.

Ulysses appeared behind him and began to treat Li Kunlun.

not for a while.


Li Kunlun said weakly.

Qian Mingkui excitedly ran forward to help him up.

"Brother Kun, what's going on with UU Reading" Qian Mingkui asked expectantly.

Li Kunlun smiled wryly, shook his head and said:

"Here comes an evil spirit."

"It took over the body of a condemned prisoner as soon as it came, and without any hesitation, it directly used powerful spells to destroy half of the world."

"Only Wu Xiaode can catch it."

"Then did we win in the end?" Qian Mingkui asked.

"Win? You say we beat it?"

Li Kunlun seemed to have heard something ridiculous, and his eyes were full of sadness.

He looked deeply at Qian Mingkui, and continued:

"That guy is the king of evil spirits, even Wu Xiaode is no match for him after exhausting all his strength."

"We're all dead, old money, you understand?"

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