Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 369: Please enter the urn

"The possessed condemned prisoner is in Room 312, the Fifth Prison of the Imperial Capital, and his personal number is 1452." Li Kun


"Understood, I'll check." The emperor said.

In the hall.

Everyone was silent for a while.

If one were to face a level 1000 possessed evil spirit next, who could be its opponent?

Everyone sank into pointless despair.


There was a burst of applause.

I saw Wu Xiaode clapping his hands to attract everyone's attention.

"Okay, you all go to work. When I need it, just ask His Majesty the Emperor to help me."

he said.

"What will happen after 3 hours?" Zhao Zhibing asked.

"What should I do?" Wu Xiaode asked back.

"That level 1000 evil spirit will arrive in our world." Zhao Junyu said.

"Because the situation is getting more and more severe, you must seize the time to become stronger, especially you, Jun Yu, your ancestors are very optimistic about you." Wu Xiaode said.

Qian Mingkui hurriedly said: "That evil spirit--"

"I'll handle it, old money, you take them to the city of holy names, see if you can find a way to get some titles or something—"

"After all, titles are very useful."

Wu Xiaode said slowly.

Everyone looked at him.

He shrugged and said, "I have a special ability to restrain the current situation, but when it comes to privacy, I won't tell you."

Qian Mingkui breathed a sigh of relief.

"But -- what kind of ability is it?" Zhao Zhibing asked anxiously.

Wu Xiaode glanced at her apologetically.

"Sorry, this is really my way to suppress the bottom of the box, so I can't talk about it for the time being."

"Well, if you're sure there's no problem, I'd like to go after a name immediately." Zhao Zhibing said.

Wu Xiaode looked around.

"Kunlun will stay for a while, Lao Qian will take Xiao Baihong, Zhao Zhibing and Jun Yu to the City of the Holy Name first."

"Okay." Qian Mingkui said.

He turned into a giant eagle, carried the three of them into the sky, and disappeared.

in the palace.

The emperor, Li Kunlun and Wu Xiaode are left.

"Actually, there is nothing you can do, right?" Li Kunlun asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. In short, now we must put the vitality into the city of the holy name, so that at least the fire can be preserved." Wu Xiaode said.

He glanced at the emperor and cupped his hands and said, "It's just my sister Lan...

The emperor pondered and said: "I have a better relationship with Satan now. Xia Huilan's side, if anything goes wrong, I will immediately let Satan take her to hide in the magic palace for a while."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Wu Xiaode felt relieved, held the Book of the Dead, which was invisible to everyone, and placed it in front of Li Kunlun.

"Now let me talk about a kind of death power that I possess."

He spoke slowly, repeating the power of the shadow follower.

When he talked about Xiao Baihong's promotion to level 41 in the ancient era, Li Kunlun pressed his hand on the cover of the Book of the Dead without hesitation.

A line of small ice crystal characters appeared:

"You got the fifth shadow follower."

--Five shadow followers!

"Okay, you can go too - these two days have been overdrafting your 'virtual reality,' and you don't have time at all

Improve your strength. "

Wu Xiaode said seriously.

Li Kunlun lowered his head and sighed silently.

In the past few days of awakening, I have been using the "two phases of virtuality and reality" every day.

This is the first time someone has considered the issue from their own point of view.


I also need to become stronger.

Otherwise, what's the point of waking up?

Qian Mingkui fell from the sky.

"Then I went with him to the City of the Holy Name to practice for a while." Li Kunlun said.

"Well, old Qian, don't come back and take good care of your daughter over there, and practice by the way." Wu Xiaode urged.

"Ah, yes, elder." Qian Mingkui said.

He took Li Kunlun with him, and flew out of the palace with a shake of his figure, heading towards the world of the City of the Holy Name.

The emperor and Wu Xiaode were left.

"You took them all away, why on earth?" asked the emperor.

"On the one hand, they really need to continue to improve their strength, and the title is a particularly useful power of law." Wu Xiaode said.

"What about the other side?"

"Save a little seed of power for this world, because I don't know what will happen next."

After Wu Xiaode finished speaking, mist gushed out around him, and he began to communicate with the wall of wishes.

The emperor sat on the dragon chair, sighed, and said to himself:

"It would be great if I woke up too.

"You can't go, I need a helper." Wu Xiaode said.

"It's fine if I give you the authority." The emperor muttered.

At this time, the wishing wall appeared in front of Wu Xiaode.

A line of small ice crystal characters appeared:

"Do you want to accept today's commission?"

"Accept." Wu Xiaode said.

May a note on the wall fall with the wind and be picked up by Wu Xiaode in his hand.

Wu Xiaode looked at the note, and saw it said:

"It's a pity. I didn't expect that the evil spirits of the evil and chaotic camp took the lead. This is our underestimation of 'heaven, earth, people, and the world.'"

"After all, who would have thought, 'Heaven, earth and man, there is still a prisoner in the world, and there are laws and beasts making trouble?"

"We Heroic Spirits cannot interfere with these matters."

"--This situation that is about to overturn requires us to face it together."

A line of small ice crystal characters appeared:

"You have been entrusted by the human heroic spirits:"

"Together against the enemy."

"If you accept this request, all the heroic spirits will face the king of evil spirits with you."

"Whether to accept?

"Accept." Wu Xiaode said.

The figure of the Emperor suddenly appeared on the Book of the Dead.

"Fortunately, you have a wish wall and can summon heroic spirits, which gives us a chance to stop that evil spirit."

The emperor said.

"Is there any way to deal with it?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"The most direct way is to use your body to fight against the king of evil spirits." Human Emperor said.

"You are all above level 1000." Wu Xiaode asked tentatively.

"That's right." Human Emperor said.

"If you fight with all your strength, what will the world be like?"

"Almost destroyed."

"...So is there any other way?" Wu Xiaode asked. "

"This is the method of our heroic spirits. If you can think of other methods, then use other methods." Human Emperor said.

"I'm somewhat prepared." Wu Xiaode said.

His eyes stared into the void.

A line of small ice crystal characters appeared:

"You used the ability of the shadow follower Li Kunlun: Reality."

"You are traveling through the future."

"Because your soul power has reached level 99, your real power is stronger than Li Kunlun."

"--You have directly arrived at the future node you want to go to."

All light and shadow flashed.

Wu Xiaode found himself in a prison.

In a small room, the other prisoners had fallen to the ground.

There was only one tall prisoner, kneeling on the ground panting and muttering non-stop.

"Body...for you..."

"Let me go out, let me get out of here, it doesn't matter if I kill everyone!"

The prisoner raised his head abruptly.

His eyes became a piece of black skin with cyan scales, and his hands and feet turned into claws.


The violent hurricane radiated from him, blowing away the corpses of other mortals and smashing them against the wall.

His tone suddenly became treacherous and erratic:

"Ha, it's over now? It's surprisingly easy."

"Kill all the creatures first, enjoy it."

A burst of destructive flames flashed.


Wu Xiaode returned to the original timeline --

He suddenly opened his eyes and found that he was still standing in the palace hall.

"Have you been to see it?" Human Emperor asked.


"Any thoughts?"

"There is one... but I want to know how the evil spirits choose their hosts." Wu Xiaode asked.

"When it connects with your world, at that moment, the person with the most evil thoughts will be selected by it." Human Emperor said.

"Can you make it impossible to return to the spirit world?" Wu Xiaode asked again.

"We can control the channel of the spirit world, but it already has a body - we can't control what it does in this world." Human Emperor said.

"The last question, His Majesty the Emperor, is there any way to make my evil thoughts blaze."

Wu Xiaode finally asked.

"So that's the case, but you have to understand one thing." Human Sovereign said suddenly.

There was an imperceptible appreciation in his tone:

"If the evil spirit occupies your body, then it is the master of your body, and we can only let you control one of your hands at most, and you can speak with your mouth." Human Emperor said.

"One hand? Enough." Wu Xiaode said.

He turned his head and glanced at the emperor on the dragon chair, and said:

"Your Majesty, please grant me permission to enter the Fifth Prison and be a prisoner in Room 312."

"It's done," said the emperor.

"I'll deal with it." Wu Xiaode turned and walked outside.

"Hey, if you can't fight, tell me, I will let Satan take us away." The emperor said.


Wu Xiaode's figure flashed, and he disappeared directly from the hall.

After more than two hours.

Reich Prison 5, Room 312.

The prisoners all fell to the ground, unconscious.

Wu Xiaode sat on the side, looking bored.

--All of them are in a coma, can they still have evil thoughts?

"are you ready?"

May the wall, the Emperor asked.

"Come on!" Wu Xiaode said seriously.

"Okay, the time is almost up, I will now teach you the method of breeding evil thoughts." Human Emperor said.

Lines of small ice crystal characters appeared on the book of the dead.

Wu Xiaode looked at it carefully, closed his eyes, and began to practice the method.

He received the empowerment from the inheritance of human emperor's martial arts. Seeing that this method of breeding thoughts should not be too simple, he quickly grasped the mystery.

"One more minute." Human Emperor reminded.

Wu Xiaode immediately activated the method.

for a moment.

Countless evil thoughts emerged in his heart, and killing and viciousness almost occupied every thought in his mind.

The minute hand jumps forward one notch --

time up.

Wu Xiaode suddenly raised his head.

His eyes turned black, blue scales grew on his skin, and his hands and feet turned into claws.


The violent hurricane radiated from him, blowing away the corpses of other mortals and smashing them against the wall.

his language

The tone suddenly becomes treacherous and erratic:

"Ha, it's over now? It's surprisingly easy."

"Kill all the creatures first, enjoy it."

Possessed by an evil spirit, he raised one hand high, emitting a terrifying light.

next moment--

I saw his other hand suddenly raised, and hit the lower abdomen hard with all his strength!


He punched himself kneeling on the ground, curled up like a shrimp.

--That's the key!

Human Sovereign's eyelids twitched.

This kid is so cruel to himself.

"Um... ah... ah..."

The small room was filled with the groans of evil spirits.

It hurt for quite a while, and when it recovered a bit, it couldn't help but say:

"Damn, what's wrong with this body? Why can't one hand control it?"

As soon as the voice changed, Wu Xiaode said:

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just asking you to enter the urn and catch a turtle in the urn."

The evil spirit wondered: "You are--"

"Of course I am the master of this body. Did you feel good just now? Do you want to do it again?" Wu Xiaode said.

He raised his hand and slapped himself across the face.


A crisp and standard slap sounded.

This slap was so powerful that even the nosebleeds came out!

"How's the taste?" Wu Xiaode asked. UU reading www.

"Madman... It's not easy for me to come here, I have already prepared the method of returning to the spirit world and coming again, don't you think-"

Before the evil spirit finished speaking, he suddenly saw a book that exuded the breath of death open in front of him.

The shadow of the emperor appeared in the book, and he said with a smile:

"Sorry, I have temporarily closed the passage to the spirit world."

"Wu Xiaode" was stunned.


He slapped himself again.


Blood splattered.

"Bastard, you are rushing to come to our world because you want to destroy all living beings, don't you?"

He grinned and asked viciously about the evil spirit on his body.

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