Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 370: speak with evil spirits

Wu Xiaode opened his mouth and said in a treacherous tone:

"Mortal, you--"


A hard hit.

He beat himself to the ground, spitting acid foam from his mouth.

The tone changed.

Wu Xiaode's voice came out:

"Stop talking nonsense, I asked you just now why you want to destroy this world."

A strange tone sounded: "You have no right to ask me anything, on the contrary, I can see your desperate look right away."

He raised one hand again.

The flames of destruction burst from the hand--


His other hand hit his chest hard again, until his whole body was shaken and he almost jumped up.

The flame went out immediately.

"Damn it! I didn't come here to endure torture!"

The weird tone couldn't help screaming.

He opened his mouth again, and said in Wu Xiaode's tone:

"You can't go back now, I advise you to answer my question well, so that we may be able to coexist peacefully."

The treacherous voice suddenly roared: "I, the king of evil spirits amidst evil and chaos, want to answer you, a mere mortal? What do you think you are!"


The hand slapped it.

Burning pain in the face--

This kind of pain and insult that belonged to mortals made the evil spirit suddenly fall into a frenzy.

"You can only control one hand, hehehe, watch me cut you off!"

Its other hand suddenly cut out a cold light.

The hand that belonged to Wu Xiaode was cut off and fell to the ground.


He laughed maniacally and sealed the wound with ease, jumping up and down in the small room.

After jumping for a while, he squatted down again, looked at the arm on the ground, and whispered:

"You can't hit me now, **** kid."


A slap came over and hit the face hard.

He was stunned on the spot.

He raised his remaining arm slowly, and raised his middle finger.

Then Wu Xiaode's voice sounded:

"I can control an arm - the meaning of this sentence is - even if there is only one arm left, it is mine,

And you don't. "

Make a fist.

Uppercut, lowercut, swing, jab --

Hit continuously for one minute.


Wu Xiaode fell to the ground panting heavily.

There was a piercing pain all over my body.

He looked at the broken arm--

The only hand became the opponent's, and it hit him for so long.

...might as well get this arm back.

That way at least I have one arm to use.

He turned over, rolled over, let the incision of the severed arm be reattached to that arm, and whispered in his mouth;

"Breaks heal."

The arms grow back.

Not even blood came out.

"Boy, what on earth do you want?" it shouted.

"I asked you why you want to kill all living beings in this world - I asked you once just now, this is the second time, if you want me to say it a third time, I will stab you with a sword." Wu Xiaode said.

"You? Dare to stab yourself with a sword?" the evil spirit sneered.


The Huangjian at his waist flew out of the scabbard, Wu Xiaode's other hand deftly caught it, and pierced into his chest with a "poof".

The whole process was like flowing clouds and flowing water, as if it had been stabbed countless times.

--No hesitation at all!

The expression on Wu Xiaode's face froze for a few seconds.

"ah ah

Ahhhhh! It hurts so much!"

He fell to the ground, howling loudly.

How long has it been since you have endured such severe pain?

I am the king of evil spirits, even in the spirit world, I am a first-class existence. In the past, whoever dared to look at me more than once, I would kill him to ashes.

Unexpectedly, in the world, someone can stab himself like this with a sword!


damn it!!!

It moaned endlessly, and suddenly found that its body was gradually getting colder, and a feeling of suffocation emerged.



The evil spirit couldn't take it anymore.

I had died thousands of years ago, so now that I have just returned to the human world, I have to bear the feeling of death again?

The pain got worse and worse.

Consciousness begins to blur.

no more...

It suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a halo exuding a warm aura, covering itself.

Waited for a while.

The wound begins to heal.

The pain is still strong.

That was the more intense pain it produced when it rubbed against the flesh and blood when it held the long sword with the hand it controlled and slowly drew it out.


The evil spirit cursed, and threw the Huangjian on the ground with a "bang".

After a few breaths.

Healing disappears.

Wu Xiaode opened his eyes and sat up from the ground.

He suddenly said:

"I have a question."

In the Book of the Dead, Ren Huang saw that it was Wu Xiaode who asked the question, and said:

"what is the problem?"

"Now this evil spirit is attached to me. If I die, my soul will naturally go to the world of death—what about it? What will happen to it?" Wu Xiaode asked.

The Emperor replied:

"Whether evil spirits or heroic spirits are already dead existences—if they die again in the human world, in the bodies of all living beings, they will completely disappear."

"I see." Wu Xiaode said.

No wonder it just released healing to heal the body.

It turned out that it couldn't afford to die.

Wu Xiaode raised his own hand--


He patted his face lightly this time.

"Tell me about the question I just asked."

"...Mortal, what you will do is to torture yourself and make me feel the pain. I am the king of evil spirits. Why would it be because of these trivial things—ah!"

It suddenly screamed loudly.

--Because Wu Xiaode grabbed Huang Jian again and pierced his chest with a sword!

This time, he nailed himself directly to the ground!

He spat out a mouthful of blood and laughed, "You don't have to answer my question, it's totally fine, but I guess--"

He grasped the hilt of his sword and began to dissect upwards.

The cold blade of the long sword cut through the stone slab on the ground, Wu Xiaode's back, muscles, bones, blood vessels and internal organs at the same time.

He went straight to the dying state!


A piercing howl broke out from the evil spirit.

Even in the era when I was alive, I never suffered from such pain!

The long sword didn't stop, and continued to move at a slow speed.

--from chest to skull.

"I guess no matter how strong your healing is, it won't work when I cut my head open."

Wu Xiaode spat out a mouthful of blood and said calmly.

Panting and screaming, the spirit suddenly snatched the hilt with the hand it could control.

That's what Wu Xiaode was waiting for.

With a flash of sword light, the arm was chopped off and flew away.


Only the arm he controls is left usable.


The long sword pierced into the chest again and moved slowly towards the head.


The roar of the evil spirit was mixed with endless pain and panic.

It is really troublesome if the head is cut in half.

--Unless the law of causality is used, it can be revived.

But how many times can such a spell be performed by oneself?

And it was so painful that I was shaking all over.

Not even hands.

In case when the head is split, I temporarily lose consciousness due to the collapse of the body, resulting in a mistake in the spell--

Don't you want to disappear in smoke?

All-powerful for countless years.

Finish today?

"Stop! I say! Damn boy!"

The evil spirit said repeatedly.

But the sword edge didn't stop, it almost cut to the neck.

Only half an inch away, it can cut the trachea, and no matter whether Wu Xiaode uses force or not, as long as the long sword falls--

With its unparalleled sharpness, the long sword can cut a head in half!

"Stop! Stop!"

"It's because I like to do evil by nature. Killing all of you will bring me supreme spiritual sublimation and help me evolve—and those dead souls can be my food."

The evil spirit responded like a cannonball.

--It answered Wu Xiaode's question!

Jian Feng finally stopped.


The long sword was drawn out and put back into its sheath.

Wu Xiaode opened his mouth and said, "Isn't it enough to say that earlier? I'll leave the treatment to you, hurry up."

" don't know how powerful I am..." the evil spirit said dissatisfied.

Wu Xiaode ignored it, looking at the Book of the Dead.

I saw lines of small ice crystal characters floating on the wishing wall:


"You have successfully completed today's commission."

"Because you directly prevented the King of Evil Spirits from moving in such a fierce way, the Heroic Spirits praised you and asked you what reward you need."

"--This is an autonomous reward selection."

What reward do you want?

What is there to say, what I want is of course--

"The upper limit of soul power, please help me increase the upper limit of soul power."

Wu Xiaode said.

Then two lines of small ice crystal characters appeared:

"For any race, UU reading level 100 is the most important watershed."

"We can only provide you with 1 point of upper limit of soul power. After you successfully pass the 100-level promotion trial, we can continue to increase your upper limit of soul power."

"Do you accept?"

"Accept." Wu Xiaode said.

A line of small words jumped out in front of him immediately:

"Your soul power has reached 100/100."

"The orthodox death trial can begin, it will test whether you have the ability to inherit the 'advent of the **** of death,'

force. "

"This trial cannot be delayed, cannot be scheduled, and cannot be stopped."



Wu Xiaode turned into an afterimage and disappeared from the prison.

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