Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 371: Xiao Wu's solution!

a pair of feet.

Fall down gently.

Step on the fine white sand.

The whole world is shrouded in a mist that never goes away.

Wu Xiaode opened his eyes and looked around.


The evil spirit looked around with him.

I saw that there was no one here, and there were huge skeletons everywhere.

The fine white sand on the ground seems to be paved after countless bones were turned into powder.

"Ah... so you trash have been hindering me all this time."

The evil spirit looked angrily at the mid-airway.

There is nothing in mid-air, only the Book of the Dead.

Lines of small ice crystal characters are appearing on the Book of the Dead:

"Since this is the world of death, may the heroic spirits on the wall who are helping you with the Emperor have appeared."

A giant wall emerges from the void.

There are dense figures on the wall. Although the faces cannot be seen clearly, Wu Xiaode can sense--

They all fight side by side with themselves through the entrustment on the wish wall.

Under their urging, the wishing wall exudes wisps of invisible power, which connects with the body, allowing him to use one hand.

--And the power of this hand is that of a wraith.

It's like saying--

The resentful spirit descended on him, and he lost the strength of one hand, but he gained it.

"Bah, rubbish! Bah, Emperor, I saw you, big rubbish! A group of human spirits are all rubbish."

The evil spirit spit on the wishing wall through Wu Xiaode's mouth.

Wu Xiaode looked at Renhuang who had a disgusted face on the wall, and couldn't help but said, "You can see each other now?"

"Of course, this is the world after death, so even though it is in your body, it can still see us." The emperor said.

The evil spirit suddenly laughed wildly, pointed at the emperor and the countless heroic spirits on the front wall and said:

"**** Emperor, I tell you, you will never be able to catch us when you come to the world, just wait for the world to be destroyed!"

Wu Xiaode took the lead and asked, "What does this evil spirit mean?"

The Emperor folded his arms on the wall of wishes and said:

"Xiao Wu, descending from the spirit world to the human world has to go through a complete set of rituals before we can safely pass through the boundary between life and death—so we are not as fast as the evil spirits, and they always take the opportunity."

"Evil spirits descend faster?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"It gave up the orthodox descent ceremony, sacrificed other evil spirits as sacrifices, directly crossed the boundary between life and death, and went to your world." Human Emperor said.

"The sacrificed evil spirit is finished?" Wu Xiaode asked.

He suddenly laughed wildly again:

"Hahaha, of course it is completely wiped out - I still have countless evil spirits in my hand, as long as I use them to sacrifice, I will always be in front!"


A slap across the face.

Wu Xiaode said: "I see, I will settle this matter.

"Just solving the problem of its coming will not improve the situation." Human Emperor said.


"There are other evil spirits."

"Looks like we're going to solve it together..."

"Yes, you have many ways. If you can solve this problem, the heroic spirits of our righteous and lawful camp can descend." Human Emperor said.

May the countless heroic spirits on the wall reveal their anticipation.

Wu Xiaode fell into deep thought.

"Wall of the Sunnah."

He said silently in his heart.

In the Book of the Dead, the wall of the Sunnah quietly appeared.

"Live broadcast target: all evil spirits."

"Start immediately."

Wu Xiaode still said silently in his heart.

He released the magic mist of silence again, making the entire Sunnah wall completely disappear in the mist.

At this time, all the evil spirits in the spirit world can already see him—

Only the Lord of Demons doesn't know about this.


Wu Xiaode suddenly drew out the wild sword and wiped it on his neck!

A head was about to fly out immediately.

As soon as all the evil spirits watched the live broadcast, they realized that a human head was about to fly out.

so bloody


They put down what they were doing one after another and looked at the live broadcast screen without blinking.

"The Art of Reversal of Life and Death!"

The voice of the king of evil spirits was filled with shock and anger.

The head landed firmly on the neck, and even the wound healed quickly.

"You're crazy! If I didn't save you at that moment, you'd be dead! Dead! Do you understand?"

The king of evil spirits roared like thunder.

Wu Xiaode continued: "You are clearly the king of evil spirits, but you want to come to the world and occupy my body. When I think of this, I don't want to live."

The evil spirits on the Sunnah Wall heard it, and then looked at the life-reversal technique just now, and immediately understood the situation on the screen.


--It's the king.

Hasn't it already come to the world?

Why did it appear in the world of death again?

The evil spirits watched intently.

Just listen to the king of evil spirits scolding:

"I don't want to **** you at all, I'm wrong!"

"Can this be wrong?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Who told you to have such blazing evil thoughts at that time, I thought you were an extremely evil person who fit me very well!" said the king of evil spirits.

Wu Xiaode said in a frank tone: "But I actually have some mental problems--haven't you discerned this?



He slapped the king of evil spirits again.

Hearing this, the evil spirit king felt relieved.


How can a normal person stab himself with a sword?

That kind of proficiency must be achieved after many times of practice.

Because when people poke themselves, they will always subconsciously turn sideways slightly to avoid, the nerves of the body will also tense up, and the muscles will tense accordingly.

As long as this kid is even a little bit nervous, if there is such a shred of subconscious defense, the king of evil spirits will not be afraid of him.

Because at least he is a normal person, knowing fear and good or bad.

In the end, the kid was extremely relaxed.

As if he didn't mind it at all--

This is not neurosis, what is it?

The King of Evil Spirits was very angry, and said with a look of unrequited love:

"Who knew such a small probability event would happen."

There was a sharp pain.

The king of evil spirits sighed, "It really hurts."

It silently pulled out the long sword with the other hand, and then--

All in one discount!

"Break it!" the king of evil spirits said angrily.


Huang Jian's supernatural powers are activated!

Lines of small ice crystal characters appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"Desolate Sword and Sword Spirit released supernatural powers:"


"-Any damage to the sword will be borne by the enemy itself."


Wu Xiaode's body suddenly folded in half.

The king of evil spirits groaned: "Great healing, release."

cluck cluck cluck--

With the appearance of a group of intense healing light, Wu Xiaode's body slowly recovered.


Another slap.

Wu Xiaode said: "How dare you deal with my beloved sword."

The king of evil spirits was speechless.

--Who miserable than I am?

It's so painful!

Not only it, even the evil spirits who were watching the scene couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts.

Who wouldn't want to take advantage of the opening of heroic spirits to go to the world to play a game of killing?

But now look--

The risk is huge!

Even this famous king looked so miserable.

It is not certain what the situation is when I descended.

"I forgot to tell you." Wu Xiaode said.

The evil spirit king was silent.


a slap.

"Did you forget what to say?" It had no choice but to answer.

"You know that there are law beasts in our world, right?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"I know." The king of evil spirits said.

"I am very familiar with the law beast, after I go back this time, I will go to her and ask her to change the world settings." Wu Xiaode said.

"Oh! Seriously?" asked the Lord of Demons.

"Really!" Wu Xiaode said.

"That's incredible." The evil spirit king pretended to praise.

"It's really amazing, I also feel that I am very powerful." Wu Xiaode pretended to be crazy.

"Then what are you going to change into?" asked the evil spirit king.

--This king of evil spirits seems to be very easy to be a joker.

Wu Xiaode said: "Don't use the spirit of the orthodox Advent Ceremony, you will encounter a psychopath like me like you."

The king of evil spirits did not know what to think, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"In my spirit world, I'm not the only king of evil spirits, I'll just wait and see what they will do! Hahaha!"

The evil spirit king gloated.

Of course it doesn't know that this scene has already appeared in front of all the evil spirits.

The evil spirits each have their own calculations in their hearts.

-- Just kidding, this can't be faked, just use a random detection spell to know that the king is indeed trapped in a psychopath.

What a fart!

Wu Xiaode also accepted it as soon as it was good, and stopped talking about this topic, lest the king of evil spirits be suspicious.

There was a faint "rustling" sound from all around.

Among the white quicksand.

One after another, the white bones began to move.

The first bone appeared in front of Wu Xiaode.

"No one gets out of here matter who it is."

Bones said.

It suddenly drew a Bone Bow and released seven or eight arrows.

The arrow went straight to Wu Xiaode, almost hitting him in the face—

"It doesn't matter to me."

Wu Xiaode said leisurely. UU reading

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

A series of soft noises.

The arm belonging to the king of evil spirits was lifted up like lightning, and all the arrows flew away.

"Hell, this is your trial, why don't you stop it!"

The king of evil spirits couldn't help cursing angrily.

Wu Xiaode smiled.

At least I have a soul after death.

But if you die here with me, you will be completely finished.

-- so what am I in a hurry for?

"I just played for a while, and I'm a little tired. I'll leave it to you."

Wu Xiaode said with a yawn.

He is not going to take care of this trial.

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