Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 399: Xiao Wu's mission!

The air almost freezes.

The people on the side of the All Souls Silence Association are almost desperate because the president has become a monster's prisoner.

But when this scene happened, they couldn't help but look over.

--What's the situation?

The speaker of the World Annihilation Council showed an uncertain expression on his face, and said respectfully:

"Your Excellency, do you think this certificate of mine can be used?"

The monster was silent for a moment.

The whole plain covered with long hair was dead silent.

Wu Xiaode, who turned into a crow of the undead, glides lightly in the sky, his eyes fixed on the speaker on the ground.

Time passed slowly.

At last the monster opened his mouth and said:

"I haven't received your certificate, but the person who holds this certificate is indeed one of yours, and he can be saved from death."

The Speaker froze.

Is it our people?


how dare

He couldn't help but look around.

Except for the dead elder, the other elders were all standing around him, unable to move at all.

But the monster said--

"The person holding this certificate is indeed one of yours, and he can be saved from death."

our people...

Then there is only Elian.

The speaker closed his eyes, carefully recalling what happened at that moment just now.

A bronze hand took the token away.


The **** kid!

A heavy and terrifying killing intent erupted from the speaker's body, his eyes regained his composure, and he said:

"I am the speaker of the World Annihilation Council. With my right, I can terminate the covenant with you."

"It does," the monster admitted.

"If I terminate the covenant with Your Excellency, then the voucher just now will naturally not count." The speaker said.

"If there is no covenant, of course I will not protect you anymore." The monster admitted again.

"Then I declare that from now on, our World Annihilation Council will no longer serve you and the powerful forces behind you," said the speaker.

"You are courting death. It's really strange. Why do you exist? Do you humans want to destroy yourself?" asked the monster.

The speaker bowed respectfully and said:

"The kid who stole my certificate wants my lord to kill him, as for us-"

"After that kid dies, I will sign a contract with you again to serve you and the camp behind you."

The voice just fell.

Countless long hairs flew up from the ground, condensed into sharp drill bits, and directly passed through the speaker's body.

Blood spurted out of his mouth, his whole body completely lost control, and he was pulled by countless hairs--

The body was instantly torn apart, turned into pieces, and fell to the ground.

The monster took the speaker's head.

"You think you can drive me to kill for you?" it asked sharply.

The speaker's head could still move, and he was tongue-tied for a while before saying, "Your Excellency, I don't mean that at all!"

The monster shouted viciously:

"Shut up! You foolish slave.

"Back then, your World Annihilation Council destroyed three hundred worlds in a row before you got the honor of serving us, but now you actually want to drive me? Despicable guy.

It squeezes hard--

The speaker's head was instantly crushed into a ball of **** mud.

he died!

He is finally dead!

The crow of the Necromancer soaring in the sky turned its eyes and looked at the remaining elders.


The elders all died--

As the last elder of the entire World Annihilation Council, wouldn't he be able to take the World Annihilation Council into his pocket?

on the ground.

The monster slowly raised its head.

"Hidden Treasure Chest..."

It murmured, and disappeared from the ground in a flash.

Wu Xiaode immediately realized that he couldn't move!

Two lines of small ice crystal characters appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"All living beings who are noticed by this monster will fall into a state of being 'unable to move'."

"All beings who are noticed by this monster will fall into a state of 'unable to use soul power'."

not good!

been found!

He reacted extremely quickly, almost at the moment when his body lost the ability to move, he immediately had a thought.

A bronze hand emerged from the void, grabbed him in human form, and threw it into the sky with all his strength--

Between lightning and flint, Wu Xiaode was wrapped in the silent magic mist, and flew directly into the depths of the sky.

In its place was an elegant man made entirely of bronze arms--


As soon as he appeared, he immediately applauded the soaring monster:

"Aha! You are really amazing. You discovered me even when I was hiding in the sky."

The monster stopped and looked at it.

Ulysses nodded and smiled, "I know what you're looking for."

He grabbed the voucher directly from the void.

"Look, I have a proof of immunity from death, you can't kill me." Ulysses said.

"When the alliance is terminated, the certificate is invalid." The monster said in a deep voice.

Ulysses didn't know what to say for a moment.

Fortunately, Wu Xiaode's sound transmission sounded in his heart.

He immediately began to repeat Wu Xiaode's words:

"Respected, Your Majesty, we guys from the World Annihilation Council are all your servants, how can we have the right to tear up the agreement?"

The monster looked at him coldly.

Ulysses said loudly: "No! We will serve you and your goals forever, this is our honor, we have no right to refuse, and we will never give up such an identity!"

"So the covenant is still valid!"

The monster slowly raised a hand, pointed at Ulysses and said:

"You are indeed a member of the World Extermination Council and you are better than that person just now, but unfortunately—"

"I just want to kill you right now."

"As a servant, it is only natural for me to kill you."


The hundreds of bronze hands that make up Ulysses' body collapsed into flying metal debris as if they were hit by something.

The monster waited.

-- No treasure chest appears!

This time, even the monster fell silent.

After a while it murmured:

"Ah... In the old idiom, this is called the golden cicada escaping its shell."

"It seems that the World Annihilation Council really produced a good servant."

"really interesting."

The monster grabbed the air, and immediately grabbed a handful of bronze fragments that hadn't dispersed yet.

It grabbed these debris with one hand, and pulled it vigorously in the void with the other hand, and shouted:

"Spell backtracking, find the master!"


Wu Xiaode disappeared directly from the distant sky, and then appeared in front of the monster.

"Got you."

the monster growled.

Wu Xiaode was flying happily in mid-air, but he was teleported back directly, and he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

He obviously ran away.

-- Can they be caught in this way?

Then there is no other way but to face this situation.

"Hi, are you looking for me?"

He smiled and greeted the other side.

"Are you from the World Extinction Council?" the monster asked with interest.

"Yes, my name is Elian, I am 1.85 meters tall, I am well-shaped, love

It's good to listen to music and play basketball, but I can't name my favorite female stars for the time being. "Wu Xiaode introduced himself.

The monster looked at him again through the fog of silence.

--Wu Xiaode vowed to raise the Silent Magic Mist to a few more levels next time.

"You...have a lot of merit, you are a 'person'."

said the monster.

"I'm human." Wu Xiaode nodded.

It's better to be a human than to be killed and take the treasure chest as a monster.

The monster said in a stylized tone:

"Please post the mission. I will take your treasure chest when I complete your mission."

"You have three minutes to post the mission, after this time I will erase you."

--This is exactly the same situation that Dolores faced!

Could it be that he will also be taken as a slave by this monster?


Never do it!

Thoughts flashed in Wu Xiaode's mind, and he couldn't help asking:

"Can I do any kind of mission?"

The monster explained: "It must be something that has appeared in your human history. You can't just think about some missions that are impossible to achieve, or I will erase you directly."

Happened in human history?

Wu Xiaode thought about it, and an idea came to his mind.

He couldn't help but glanced at the Book of the Dead.

I saw a line of time appearing on the book:

"17 minutes and 29 seconds until the end of the 30 minutes."

17 minutes and 29 seconds.

That is to say, as long as he survives this period of time, he has completed the test of the heroic spirit and can go back.

How can a task survive such a long time?

Wu Xiaode's eyes fell on the monster.

--This is the guy summoned by the robber holding the flag, and his strength is extremely terrifying.

In human history, is there any task that requires it to spend a lot of time to do?

...I am afraid there is no real history.

There may be a little hope, though, in some of the things humans have created.

Then the monster spoke again:

"You still have 59 seconds, if you don't tell the mission in time, I will erase you."

"Yes, yes!" Wu Xiaode said hastily.

The monster looked at him silently.

"Right now, the state between you and me is 'hate,--do you understand that? Because we are

A state of immortality. "Wu Xiaode said.

"Understood." The monster said.

"My mission is-"

Wu Xiaode said loudly: "You must complete the faction reputation with me, so that my knowledge of you will become 'worship,'."

"'Hatred, to worship, huh?" asked the monster.

"Yes, the relationship between us started from 'hate,' to go through 'indifference,,' flat,,' friendly

‘Respect’, ‘Love’, ‘Respect’, and finally ‘Worship’. "Wu Xiaode said.

"So, how do I accomplish this task?" asked the monster.

"How do I know, this task has appeared in the history of mankind, you have to find out by yourself." Wu Xiaode


The monster suddenly laughed.

It let out a "hehehe" laugh, and said lightly:

"Do you really think that in this way, you can prevent me from obtaining your treasure chest?"

"Try it." Wu Xiaode said.

Slowly the monster raised its hand--


Countless golden sands fell from the sky, interspersed with densely packed rare treasures, all fell on the plain not far away, forming a high mountain.

Pointing to the mountain of treasure, the monster said:

"Look, in the ages long past, countless worlds were destroyed

After the destruction, the treasure I collected, it has no meaning to us but you all love it. "

Wu Xiaode looked at the treasured mountain, and saw that countless visions had begun to appear on the mountain.

What a treasure!

He couldn't help thinking.

The monster said: "Now, these treasures are all yours."

Wu Xiaode was stunned.

"You mean, give it all to me?" he asked.

"Yes, if you want to gain reputation from all living beings, money is the best tool to open your way." The monster said.

"What if I don't want it?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"During the mission, you must ask for it, and you cannot refuse it," said the monster.

"Okay." Wu Xiaode sighed.

In an instant, the treasure mountain turned into a suitcase and flew down in front of Wu Xiaode.

Wu Xiaode took the suitcase.


A line of small words suddenly appeared on his head:

"The monster took your reputation."

"You don't seem to hate it that much anymore.

"Your relationship has entered an 'indifference, period.'"

Wu Xiaode couldn't help scratching his head.


I really can't hate it for forcing me to collect so many good things.

What's more, it also killed the speaker.

Now the only problem --

It would be great if we could continue to mix in a little more time, and it must last for half an hour!

He secretly made up his mind, and said to the monster:

"That--do you want to continue to improve my reputation?"

The monster was silent for a said inexplicably:

"With so many incomparable treasures, I thought I could directly get to 'worship', why did I get to 'indifference'


"Because I've seen a lot of treasures. I'm not the kind of little girl who has never seen the world. She won't be bought with a little money—please keep working hard."

Wu Xiaode cheered it up.

The monster thought about it, thought about it, thought about it, and couldn't help but say:

"You humans really torment yourself, why do you let yourself carry out such a boring and tortured task?

"Hey, you can't afford it, come and brush up my reputation." Wu Xiaode said seriously.

Actually really curious.

What else can this monster come up with to bribe him next?

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