Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 400: Unprecedented death trial!


Blow the earth.

Long black hair all over the floor was wrapped around everyone's legs and feet.

Nobody can move.

Only Wu Xiaode and the monster were floating in midair.

Wu Xiaode said: "You have fulfilled the wishes of countless people and completed the tasks they asked for, so when you face my task, you are actually very confident that you can complete it.

"This is for sure."

While observing him, the monster said: "Everything that all living beings desire cannot escape my prying eyes. Your most precious thing will eventually become mine, and you will turn into my collection of bones."

Wu Xiaode laughed and said softly: "How will you improve my reputation next?"

"Anything you want to achieve - I can see that you have a thirst for time," said the monster.

"Can you take a moment and play arcade games with me?" Wu Xiaode asked.

The monster pointed.

The void opened up a big hole, and inside was another world full of trees.

"This is the tree world."

monster said:

"The time flow of this world is different from other times. Its time has passed a thousand years, and other worlds have only passed one second. In order to prevent you from making fuss about time, we will do everything related to time here. .”

Wu Xiaode showed a regretful expression.

-- In this way, there is no way to delay the time.

"Do you want to play arcade? If you want to play arcade, I can play with you in this tree world, and then we will go back

Come. "

"If the reputation between me and you doesn't change after playing the arcade, it means you're playing tricks on me, then I can erase you directly."

The monster said coldly.

Wu Xiaode stepped into that tree world step by step.

He looked back and saw that the big hole with the two worlds had always existed.

The monster was standing on the other side of the big hole, full of surprise and said: "You really want to play arcade?"


Wu Xiaode took a deep look at it, and said seriously:

"I want to complete some professional trials. Such trials cannot take you there, but please help me."

The monster was silent for a while, nodded and said:

"You're telling the truth this time, okay, I'll help you."

It stretched out its finger, pointing at Wu Xiaode's waist from the air.

A few lines of small ice crystal characters suddenly appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"Your weapons: Huangjian and Diepo Dao have been blessed by Jiemo's supreme destructive power."

"Every next attack of yours has the power to destroy a world, and it can be retracted freely."

"Duration: 10 minutes."

The monster said, "Ten minutes is enough for you to pass any trial."

"But if I meet a powerful existence like you, can I get through it safely?" Wu Xiaode asked.

The monster said in a sarcastic tone: "Do you want to use my power to defeat me? No, it won't deal with me, but I can guarantee that you can use it to deal with any existence."

"That's good. I'll try it. If I can pass quickly, I will thank you." Wu Xiaode said.

This time he said it sincerely.

The monster sensed it immediately.

"Very well...go ahead and take part in the trials from your world," it said.

Wu Xiaode nodded, and immediately activated his death trial.


He simply disappeared from that world.


Wu Xiaode quietly appeared outside a majestic castle.

Lines of small ice crystal characters appeared on the book of the dead:

"The orthodox death trial has begun."

"Since you went directly from level 100 to level 153

, the strength improvement is very strong, so this trial will face an extremely dangerous situation. "

"Trial Description:"

"This castle is where the secrets of death were buried in the past, and there are countless powerful death monsters entrenched in it."

"In history, no 150-level tester has ever passed this test!"

"Go, conquer the entire castle, and kill those death monsters!"

"If you can create history and defeat these monsters, you are qualified to inherit the power of Death!"

Wu Xiaode looked at these small characters, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He slowly pulled out the Butterfly Soul Knife.

I saw a misty yellow halo surrounding the knife.

--This is the supreme destructive power of Jiemo.

"I heard that this thing can destroy a world with just one hit?"

Wu Xiaode said to himself, put out the knife rest on the spot, and suddenly made a move.

The knife light flashed into a criss-cross blurred afterimage--

A few lines of small ice crystal characters suddenly jumped out:

"The power of the Butterfly Sword has been activated."

"First, Akagi;"

"Any being cut by this knife, no matter what level of armor it has, will definitely be injured and cannot be immune;"

"Second, blowing snow;"

"According to your soul power, this knife can attack in the air, and it will definitely hit the enemy;"

Break the defense, separate the air, and hit the target.

Plus the "Supreme Power of Destruction" bestowed by Jiemo.


Wu Xiaode put away the saber after chopping.

The blade light was like a phantom, fleeting, leaving only faint halo ripples in the void.

The world fell silent.


Thousands of whimpers and screams resounded in that castle.

These screams stopped abruptly.

This scene is unspeakably weird, but when the strong wind blows, the castle suddenly disappears.

--The entire castle, together with all the dead monsters in the castle, were directly cut into powder by Wu Xiaode's destructive knife!

Lines of small ice crystal characters suddenly appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"The trial is over!"


"This time the upper limit of soul power has been raised to 160 points."

"The current soul power is: 160/160."

"Because your level was 100 in the last trial, and this time it was raised to 160, so you have six chances to improve your skills."

"You can choose Reaper's natal skill: Greetings of Chaos; or other skills on the death side."

Wu Xiaode said without hesitation: "The six promotion opportunities are all used on the 'Silent Magic Mist'."

"Are you sure?" asked the Necronomicon.


Wu Xiaode said.

Wisps of mist emerged from Wu Xiaode's body, boiling like a torrent of water.

The Silent Magic Mist had already been upgraded to a very high level.

Coupled with Crow's "Incarnation of Crow of Necromancer", the concealment effect has increased by 50%.


Even at such a high level, it cannot hide from the eyes of that monster!

It has to be made stronger!

Wu Xiaode closed his eyes, quietly feeling the process of the law of death taking care of him, continuously injecting power into the silent magic fog.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

Time keeps ticking.

Suddenly, a flash of understanding flashed across his mind.

The silent magic fog is the embodiment of the fundamental law of all dead worlds. It represents "isolation", "secret", "


--Just as the dead cannot be seen by the living.

This is the embodiment of the fundamental law of life and death for all beings wandering in samsara

, is also an extremely rare power of the law of death.

While Wu Xiaode gained enlightenment--

Lines of small ice crystal characters also appeared on the Book of the Dead:


"Your death skill: Silent Magic Fog has been raised to six levels."

"It's a remarkable upgrade."

"The Silent Fog has acquired the following new attributes:"

"1. Nether and dark curtain (thin);"

"The concealment ability of the magic mist has been raised to the legendary level;"

"It is said that somewhere in the world of death, the netherworld covers everything, and those who enter it will lose all perception abilities;"

"2, Guying;"

"When you are in the magic mist, no power can restrict your actions. Even if someone hits you, you can't get any feedback, let alone know your existence."


"Your magic fog has reached a very high level. When you continue to increase the level of silent magic fog, magic fog skill: shadow follower (secondary) will automatically get a qualitative leap."

All fine print is collected.

Wu Xiaode felt a little uneasy.

The level of concealment has reached the level of the Nether Dark Curtain.

Going back this time, coupled with the crow's "Crow of the Incarnation of the Necromancer", once again increased the concealment by 50%, can it be hidden from the detection of monsters?

It stands to reason that the "solitary shadow" of the magic mist can prevent him from being caught.

But the opponent is a robber.

Is it possible to get away with its catch spell?

He was thinking secretly but saw the world of death around him suddenly disappear.

--I returned to the world full of woods.


There was a loud bang.

A line of small words suddenly appeared on his head:

"The monster took your reputation."

"You seem to be unable to use 'indifference,' to get along with it. After all, it helped you complete this unprecedented difficulty and unprecedented death trial."

"Your relationship has entered a 'flat, period.'"

Looking at these instructions, Wu Xiaode always felt something was wrong.


That castle of death is really hard.

Even the Book of the Dead said that in history, no 150-level tester has ever passed this test.

But with the help of the monster, he passed with a single blow.

That being the case...

There is nothing to be hypocritical about He looked at the monster.

The monster opened his mouth and said: "Is it already 'flat'? It seems that there are still 'friendly,' 'respect,' 'love

'Adoration,' adoration, I succeeded. "

"Yes, congratulations on passing two levels in a row, but I have a small problem here." Wu Xiaode said.

"What's the question?" the monster asked.

"Are you... a girl?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"I am the robber who destroys everything, without gender." The monster said.

Wu Xiaode breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while, and couldn't help but sigh again:

"It's really weird to keep attacking me even though I'm not a girl..."

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