Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 401: Brain bubbles!

Spirit world.

The emperor stood on the balcony of a palace, leaning on a railing to look out.


A down-and-out man with a long knife and a wine gourd staggered over and said with a smile:

"Are you looking at the affairs of the world again?"

"Yes, many tests are going on and worth watching." The Emperor said without looking back.

The man shook his head and said dejectedly:

"The last catastrophe, why didn't we experience it? Anyway, they all died, and this time the human world will be so unworthy of seeing, hahahaha!"

He sighed, suddenly laughed wildly, picked up the wine gourd and drank it fiercely.

The Human Sovereign was not affected at all, still looking down into the depths of the cloud and mist, and said lightly:

"The banner bearer has sounded the horn of attack, and the first true demon king who appeared in the past era to destroy the world is about to be born again."

"It's that guy. Its power is the law of cause and effect. Everyone must follow its rules. In the end, it snatches the most precious thing and kills it."

The man with the saber gradually lowered his voice and continued:

"Are you worried? Don't worry, we will fight it again, but I guess we are not its opponent."

"It's not that I'm worried." Human Emperor said.

"Rescue those people, otherwise, after a long time, they will really die." The man with the sword said.

"Indeed...but I want to wait..."

"What are you waiting for?"

"A thing that has never happened before, I want to see where he will go." Human Emperor said.

"Something that never happened?" the man wondered.

"Yes, there is a person who is different from us. When he was dealing with Jiemo..."

"Better than us?" the man asked.

"No, he's different from everyone I've ever met. He has a certain quality." The Emperor said.

"What traits? The traits of all living beings are nothing more than those hundreds of traits, which Jiemo has long known. Have you discovered any new hope?" the man asked.

"Hope... I can't say it's hope, but I think he has a kind of reflexes that others don't--"

The Emperor's lips moved, and finally said that sentence:

"According to the instinct of all living beings, in the hopeless situation, they will definitely go all out to fight, but he--"

"I have bubbles in my head."

The man listened quietly, and couldn't help but said, "What do you mean by being out of your mind? Could it be that he surrendered?"

Renhuang didn't know what he saw, and suddenly put his hand on his forehead and shook his head.

He just heard him say in a low voice:

"I really don't know..."

"Even Jiemo was a little overwhelmed by him."

Wu Xiaode stood in mid-air, folded his arms, and said unconvinced:

"Although your relationship with me has reached 'normal', even if you continue to achieve 'friendly', respect

Dear,, also unable to complete the rest of the task. "

He has left the tree world and returned to the world where the monsters are.

--After all, here, the passage of time is normal.

Continue to procrastinate!

Only 11 minutes and 26 seconds left!

Hearing this, the monster said in a deep voice:

"You are wrong--I have the ability to complete all tasks issued by sentient beings. Whether you want to resurrect the dead, turn back time, or reconstruct the world, it is not a problem in my eyes."

"I will take away your most precious thing."

Wu Xiaode flew forward for a while, and landed in front of the monster, stretching out his hand to gently touch its facial contour made entirely of long hair.

"What is this for?" the monster asked puzzled.

Wu Xiaode said softly:

"Above 'friendliness' and 'respect' is 'favorite', do you know what 'favorite' means?"

"Among the emotions of all living beings, love contains many meanings." The monster said.

Wu Xiaode laughed "hehe", his voice suddenly raised, and he said triumphantly:

"You only care about accepting tasks, but you don't know that the 'favorite' I set up here refers to the love between a man and a woman!"

"Just as you said, you have no gender."

"--I can't love a monster, you understand?"

"It's impossible for us!"

"you lose!!!"

I won a treasure mountain for nothing, and successfully completed the most difficult death trial in history--

Now is the time to kick this monster off!

Material women are specially borrowed here—no, the greed and indifference of human nature are borrowed to fight against evil.

Should not miss!

Wu Xiaode thought secretly.

The monster was silent for a few breaths, stepped back a little, and looked at him quietly.

"Let me see - you have 151 points of merit, and you are a real 'person'."

While looking at him, the monster stretched out his hands, quickly formed a curse mark, and shouted:

"Identity revealed!"

In an instant, strands of long black hair emerged from the void beside Wu Xiaode, forming lines of small characters out of thin air:

"Heir of the ancient emperor;"

"Successor of Death's Will;"

"A rare awakener with the only type of ability in the dead world;"

"The Spear of Time."

The monster watched silently and waved his hand casually.

All the small characters disappeared immediately.

It looked down at those strong men who couldn't move on the ground, and then at Wu Xiaode.

"You are a key person, I will never allow you to escape from my spell."

said the monster.

"Hey, we walk the rivers and lakes, and we pay attention to the fact that once a word is made, it is hard to follow. You can't complete my task. Do you have to use force?" Wu Xiaode asked.

--Can the opponent use strong?

He was secretly on guard, ready to turn into a crow of the undead and hide in the mist at any time.

I don't know if the other party will find me again this time.

try it!

Wu Xiaode looked at the monster, and saw that the monster seemed to be lost in thought.

next second.

Everything seems to have a new change.

This change seems a bit dumbfounding, but it is related to the heavens and worlds, the future of all worlds, and the life and death of all sentient beings.

The figure of the monster made entirely of long hair slowly changed, gradually turning into a woman.

This is a girl with an extremely perfect figure, wearing a maid uniform, slender snow-white legs, animal ears on her head, long hair like a waterfall, eyes as clear as gems, and skin that can be broken by blows.

The girl said charmingly, "Do you think I can do this?"

Wu Xiaode was stunned.

All the strong people on the scene were stunned.

In the spirit world, the Human Sovereign stroked his forehead.

" are a monster, the kind that has the ability to destroy the world." Wu Xiaode stammered.

"Let me be your lover -- it's the word 'lover, right? You will be happy." The girl resolutely


Wu Xiaode clenched his fist, and couldn't help saying loudly:

"It's useless, I'm a human, you're a monster, there's no way we can go any further!"

The girl flew forward, stood pretty in front of him, and said with a serious expression:

"No matter in any human world, I am the most popular girl among men."

"But I know you are a monster, I won't like you!" Wu Xiaode said frantically.

The girl frowned, and said coquettishly: "Huh! What kind of monster is not a monster, people are human from now on."

La. "

Wu Xiaode: "..."

The girl looked Wu Xiaode up and down with her pupil-like eyes, and suddenly said:

"I conducted a comprehensive analysis of the male pheromones emitted from your body. This is obviously your favorite female, but I overlooked something--"

I don't know where she took out a pair of black underwear.

The girl slowly put the black silk on her legs.

"is this OK?"

She lowered her head and asked Wu Xiaode softly.


Wu Xiaode spoke righteously, his head shook like a rattle.


There was a loud bang.

A line of small words suddenly appeared on his head:

"The monster took your reputation."

"You seem to be unable to get along with it with 'plainness', after all, it is such a beautiful thing now, it is the image of a dream girl in your heart."

"Your relationship has entered the 'friendship period.'"

The girl looked at the small characters in the air, with a half-smile on her face, and sighed softly:


Wu Xiaode said expressionlessly:

"You're mistaken, I just like the character I imagined, not you."

Without waiting for the other party to speak, he read quickly

"In the face of all difficulties, quickly use the bone phone2x, it is so strong."

A line of small ice crystal characters suddenly appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"You can read the commercials by yourself, Bone phone2x is very excited, and will come to the rescue soon!"

The next moment.

A video surfaced on the Book of the Dead.

--It is the weird and terrifying image when the monster first appeared.

Wu Xiaode took a few glances, and then looked at the well-behaved and stunning girl in front of him.


There was a loud bang.

A line of small words suddenly appeared on his head:


"You have seen through the true meaning of beauty, so you can see through the surface to see through the essence!"

"A monster is a monster!"

"You can no longer use 'friendliness' to get along with it, after all, you can always see through its beautiful appearance."

"Your relationship is back to 'flat, period!'"

Wu Xiaode breathed a sigh of relief.

The girl immediately sensed the change in the relationship between the two.

She looked unprecedentedly serious, and said:

"We can transform into all beings, it is a transformation of an absolute nature--"

"So I'm a real human girl right now."

"Nothing is fake."

"From body to soul, I am a girl."

"By the way, you seem to like more than one type, why don't I change again--"

The voice just fell.

The cute girl's figure gradually became a little taller, her body became plump and enchanting, and her face became more mature and intellectual.

She is still stunning, but her hair has turned into big waves, and she is wearing cool suspenders and professional skirts.

It looks glamorous, but it is wrapped in a body like fire.

The woman folded her arms, exuding a unique charm of an adult.

I saw her cocking her chin and pleading:

"I am now a heartthrob who charms all living beings, and there is absolutely no falsehood.

Wu Xiaode stared at her blankly.


There was a loud bang.

A line of small words suddenly appeared on his head:

"The monster took your reputation."

"You seem to be unable to get along with it with 'simple', after all, it has become a real human being now, and it is still such a beautiful woman."

"Your relationship has entered the 'friendship period.'"

Wu Xiaode only felt that he was very sad.

The other party is really supernatural, UU Reading can actually know himself perfectly

favorite type.


He silently looked towards the Book of the Dead.

The **** battle scenes of the monsters once again surfaced on the page.


Another bang.

Reputation dropped back again!

The woman raised her brows and snorted softly, "Are men just so unpredictable? But it doesn't matter, I will improve my reputation."

Wu Xiaode sighed, only feeling unspeakably frustrated.

He said slowly:

"I think we'd better fight directly, you don't want to be a woman anymore."

"--I beg you."

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