Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 402: Xiao Wu's method!

"I know, you actually like to dress like this..."


Reputation reached "Friendly".

"Don't be funny, it doesn't matter what you wear, I know you're actually a monster.


Reputation drops to "Fair".

"Damn it, I've already said it, and now I'm a girl—see me walking around like this?"


Reputation reached "Friendly" again.

"No matter how well you dress, you're still a monster."


Reputation drops to "Fair".

"I used to be a monster, but now I'm not, don't believe me."


Reputation reached "Friendly" again

Wu Xiaode was furious, and protested while wiping his nosebleed:

"You don't talk about martial arts like this! I don't like women who are so straightforward. We humans want feelings, do you understand?"

*** pause.

"That's right... you guys are very particular about class recognition..."

Her figure changed for a while, and she turned into a cute girl again, wearing a long white dress with two long ponytails, swaying in the wind.

The girl was lost in thought.

This kid has several key powers, as long as he gets him, he can smash many plots of human heroes in one fell swoop.

Must think again!

Wu Xiaode peeked at the time.

three minutes left--

After three minutes, I have completed this test and can return to the original world.

...Suddenly remembered something.

People like myself entered here to obtain information.


This one seems to be important.

And now I have another chance.

Wu Xiaode's eyes flashed, and he suddenly asked, "I've got something to ask you."

The girl came back to her senses and smiled.

If her smile is seen by countless sentient beings, how many people will remember it for a lifetime.

"Ask, I'll tell you if I know."

said the girl.

In Wu Xiaode's eyes, there was a sense of exploration, and he said softly:

"How did you destroy everything in the past?"

"You said this--"

The girl paused for a while, giggled and said:

"Just kill them all, destroy them all, everything will die."

Her lively eyes turned slightly, as if she was trying to remember something.

--From this point of view, she is indeed already a human being.

"I remembered that among the guys we killed at that time, there were some powerful souls who were unwilling to reconcile, and all of them turned into heroic spirits."

"Heroic spirits have the ability to come to the world again."

"It bothers us a lot."

"So this time the banner bearer directly turned into an evil spirit and descended into the spirit world, calling us to wake up again."

"We will destroy all Heroic Spirits and the remaining world!"

After Wu Xiaode heard it, he secretly agreed in his heart.

That's right.

The Human Sovereign is preparing for the coming of all spirits.

The Lord of Time, with his own sacrifice, distributed many catastrophes on the long timeline--

For example, the banner bearer appeared in later generations, but the first demon king who robbed demons appeared in the past era.

Totally upside down!

The **** of death recorded all the death scenes of all living beings, trying to find a way to deal with the robbery.

And at this moment, Jiemo is right in front of him!

why not-

"Is it true that all sentient beings have no way to defeat you?"

Wu Xiaode asked unwillingly.

"Not at all, we are the gods of all living beings.

Enemy, the meaning of existence is to destroy everything. "The girl smiled.

She thought for a while, and added: "We are familiar with all the skills and abilities of sentient beings, and have naturally developed the corresponding means of crushing.

"There is no hope for all beings."

After hearing this, Wu Xiaode couldn't help sighing.

There is one more minute.

He looked down toward the earth.

The girl peeked at him and said softly, "I've already seen it."

"What?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"The dead old man who died before, has a grudge against you, right?" the girl said.

"En." Wu Xiaode said.

The girl glanced at him, and then looked at the many Elders of the World Extermination Council who were still unable to move on the ground.

"My love, just wait for me."

After she finished speaking, her figure fell to the ground in a flash.

She just nodded slightly--

All the elders of the World Annihilation Council immediately regained their freedom of movement.

Immediately the elders will defend, or flee, or attack--

A mischievous smile suddenly appeared on the girl's face:

"I want your treasure chest, my lover wants your life, we are a match made in heaven.

The second hand advances by one frame.


The bodies of all the elders burst open.

When the wind blows, the blood mist drifts away.

Only the bronze treasure chests remained in place.

The girl snapped her fingers.

The treasure chests were opened one after another.

Inside are all kinds of treasures.

There was a gloomy look on the girl's face, as if she was not interested in these things at all.

She raised her head and said to Wu Xiaode:

"Hey, my love, these things are treasures in the world, do you want them?"

at the same time--

There was a loud bang above Wu Xiaode's head.

The relationship between the two sides has once again risen to "friendly"!

This time, the other party did not achieve such a reputation through the external image, but actually helped him solve the problem!

Wu Xiaode's face twitched.

"Don't attack feels too strange, I can't accept it..."

he murmured.

Fortunately, time has finally reached the end at this moment.

Thirty minutes over!

Wu Xiaode and everyone in the All Souls Tranquility Association glowed with light.

The light formed a thin line above their heads, trying to pull them upwards.

Everyone immediately felt amnesty.

Wu Xiaode also breathed a sigh of relief, and took out a handkerchief to wipe the cold sweat off his forehead.

Anyway, I persisted for thirty minutes!

What an amazing thing!

He felt proud again, looked down at the girl, and said in a provocative tone:

"For the sake of your hard work, let me give you a piece of advice:"

"Girls should not chase people easily. Although it is easy to succeed, men will not cherish the fruits that are obtained too easily."


"No, never see each other again!"

While he was speaking, those powerful members of the All Souls Silence Association rushed to the sky one by one, and disappeared under the traction of that light.

Only him.

However, his speed of ascension was much slower, and he only rose seven or eight meters after a long while.

How is it possible to leave like this?

Wu Xiaode also sensed that something was wrong, and couldn't help but change his face.

The girl saw a half-smile and said:

"You want to leave? No, other people naturally don't care, but you are still within my law of karma. If the bond between us is not broken, you can't leave!"


Damn bondage.

Isn't the bond between us the prestige mission?

"How to break the bond between you and me?"

Wu Xiaode hurriedly asked.

The girl showed a pitiful look, and whispered: "Even if you don't want me anymore, I won't break this bond, we will be together eventually."

Wu Xiaode only felt a chill rising from his back.


Can't you leave by yourself?

He looked at the Book of the Dead and saw a figure had already appeared on the wish wall.

--Human Emperor!

Human Sovereign said quickly: "The matter has come to this point, no one thought of it, and indeed no one is its opponent."

"How can I leave?" Wu Xiaode asked bluntly.

"Unless you can break the bond between you—that is, make its mission impossible!"

The emperor said.

"How can we make the task 'totally impossible to complete,'?" Wu Xiaode asked again.

Human Sovereign was about to say something when he suddenly wished the wall was blurred.

-- can't see anything, can't hear anything.

Wu Xiaode felt something in his heart, and looked up--

In the meantime, the girl was already standing in front of him, looking curiously at the Book of the Dead.

She can see the book!

"Are you asking for an off-site guide? It's useless. I have blocked everything from the outside world until you are successfully fascinated by me."

The girl stuck out her tongue and said triumphantly.

At this moment, Wu Xiaode calmed down instead.

--To make the task completely impossible to complete, you can cut off the fetters.

how to do it

Wu Xiaode's thoughts flashed, and he suddenly said:

"I can't be your lover."

"Why? There is no reason. After all, I am your favorite image, and countless men in the world want to marry me." The girl looked at him and said calmly.

Wu Xiaode looked up, the light became thinner and thinner, almost breaking off from his body.

If you break it, you will stay here forever.

How can this be!

He suddenly drew out the wild sword and slashed between his legs—

Burst Cheats--


The girl opened her eyes wide in surprise, and couldn't help covering her mouth with her hand.

She has never seen such a man!


It's not a man anymore!

Wu Xiaode grinned in pain, but said triumphantly:

"Hey, see? We can't combine, and the type I like will gradually change, and you'll be out soon!"

A line of small ice crystal characters suddenly appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"The bond has been broken!"

"It's impossible for you to bond!"

"Mission Impossible!"

"you're free!!!"

The light in the sky was bright, and all of them rushed down, grabbed Wu Xiaode, and lifted him out of this world.


Spirit world.

Renhuang and the sword-wielding hero beside him raised their heads together and covered their faces with their hands.

"Originally..." Saber Heroic Spirit couldn't help but said.

"That's right, UU Reading could have said, 'I have someone I like,'" Human Sovereign looked hopeless.

"And he does have someone he likes, just say that he is very specific, and he can refuse to let the monster achieve 'favorite,'" the man with the knife added.

"Then it's safe for now!" The two said in unison.

There was a silence.

After a while.

"I really haven't seen this battle before." Human Sovereign said out loud.

"I haven't seen Jiemo either." The man with the sword added again.

The two looked at each other for a while, and couldn't help but slow down together.


This boy's brain is really crazy!


The unexpected move actually made him break away from Jiemo's control!

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