Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 403: Test completed!

"Can it work?" Wu Xiaode asked anxiously.

"You human beings will suture it urgently, and you can save it--I am a fallen angel, can it be better than yours?

Is it even worse if the medicine is not rubbish?"

Ulysses said disdainfully, and pulled out a gold brick by the way, and put it on his head skillfully.

In the past, when Wu Xiaode spent too much, he couldn't help complaining.

But this time he didn't complain.

--Because this healing is very important for a man.

"Rebirth of severed limbs!"

Ulysses snorted.

A group of brilliant holy light immediately landed on Wu Xiaode's body, gathering several inches below the dantian.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

The light disappears.

"A perfect spell, without any mistakes, congratulations on becoming a man again."

Ulysses said proudly.

The golden brick on his head completely disappeared.

-- It can be seen that this spell really took a lot of effort.

Wu Xiaode shook his waist.

Sure enough, I felt it.


If this body is complete, it is always a good thing.

--Although it is only a useful body.

Wu Xiaode was completely relieved, turned his head and looked around.

I saw that the only ones who came back with me were the strong men from the All Souls Silence Association.

They looked over with complicated expressions.

A burly man with a red headband on his head walked up to Wu Xiaode step by step.

"Thank you, Your Excellency. In fact, we all survived thanks to Your Excellency."

"On behalf of the Silence of All Souls Society, I thank you."

He saluted deeply.

"You're welcome, I'm also doing it for myself." Wu Xiaode replied.

"Excuse me... What is your relationship with our president? I saw that he lost to you in the first battle, and I still couldn't believe it. I guess—"

The voice did not fall.

Wu Xiaode directly activated the "Fairy's Luluo Brooch", swapped the body, and directly replaced the "Erian's Body"

, in exchange for his own body appearing in front of everyone.

Everyone suddenly realized.

--This Wu Xiaode, before the test came, sent the figurine forging method on behalf of the saintess Caijing!

He is our man!

"So that's how it is...I didn't expect you to be able to ambush in the World Annihilation Council, and now you have become their only elder."

The strong man sighed.

Everyone looked at Wu Xiaode with a little more kindness.

"You are all the backbone of the association, don't spread this matter, after all, I have a great conspiracy with the saint, so you must not let it out." Wu Xiaode said.

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

The chairman is over.

Right now, the most powerful person in the entire association is the saint.

--She is not only a saint, but also a descendant of the Emperor, and she holds knowledge such as the forging method of figurines, and even has the help of the young man in front of her.

This young man is not to be underestimated!

The president would rather lose to him!

That Heroic Spirit took the boss's strength to cast his blessing on him.

Even people like himself can come back alive because of him constantly dealing with monsters.

--In the coming era, who still can't see the situation clearly?

The saint and her partners are about to rise!

Everyone's hearts were brightened.

Seeing everyone's attitude, Wu Xiaode knew that his goal had been achieved.

He was about to say something when he suddenly saw a huge body emerging from the void.

-- Heroic Spirit, Melt!

its four faces a

Standing up and looking down at the people below, he said in a buzzing voice:

"I've seen everything you've been through."

"Those who came back alive--"

"Congratulations on passing the test, now you can teleport back."

"When the heroic spirit comes into the world, you can get the favor of the heroic spirit!"

Rong chanted a mantra at will.


Everyone from the All Souls Silence Association disappeared.


The only one standing in front of Rong was Wu Xiaode.

He activates the brooch again, transforming himself into Arion.

"Have you seen it all?"

Wu Xiaode asked.

"Yes, in fact, you only need to say 'I have someone I like,' and you can get rid of that evil robber."

Rong said slowly.

"No," Wu Xiaode said with a calm expression, "I'm afraid it will attack the person I like, absolutely not

Can give it this chance. "

Rong was silent for a while, then asked again:

"Apart from what I saw, what did you gain yourself?"

Wu Xiaode thought for a while, then said slowly:

"If Jiemo really 'knows all the skills and abilities of sentient beings, and naturally develops corresponding crushing methods, then sentient beings will not be able to defeat them no matter what."

"Last time it was indeed a bad loss." Rong agreed.

"Do it again this time, have you thought of any way?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Using heroic spirits to cooperate with all living beings to fight together, resulting in the emergence of superimposed laws-this is the method we thought of, it is different from all previous skills!"

Rong explained.

"Emerging?" Wu Xiaode repeated.

"Yes, the law is a watershed. On top of a single law, multiple laws are interleaved and superimposed, which will create brand new, random, and unpredictable powers and skills. Even the robbers can't predict it, and it is even possible to deal with them. " Rong said seriously.

Wu Xiaode carefully recalled the Renhuang inheritance he had received, and found the part about "emergence" from all kinds of knowledge in it.

"It's very difficult—it's extremely difficult for all living beings to control one law, not to mention the intersection of multiple laws on it."

Wu Xiaode sighed.

"Back then we didn't understand the importance of 'emergence', so we were beaten by Jie Mo and were helpless. Now we understand that this is the only hope." Rong said.

Wu Xiaode nodded, and said, "What's the result of this test?"

Rong pondered and said: "It's a draw, we need a lot of masters—in fact, the more humans and heroic spirits fight together

Dou, the greater the probability of creating 'emergence'. "

"A draw... this is good." Wu Xiaode said.

Rong stretched out his hand, pointed at Wu Xiaode lightly--

The Emperor's Token suddenly emerged from Wu Xiaode's body, suspended in mid-air.

"The elders of the World Annihilation Council are dead, and you are the only one left. I can justifiably hand over the authority to you—on this token."

A ray of light flew into the Ren Huang Ling.

The Book of the Undead was opened immediately, revealing lines of small words written in ice crystals:

"Your Human Sovereign Order has gained new authority."

"In the World Annihilation Council, only those who you have given authority to have the qualifications to go to the Emperor's Secret Realm and conduct a two-way selection with the heroic spirits."

The token fell down and was picked up by Wu Xiaode in his hand.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he cupped his hands toward Rong Rong and said, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, you deserve it."

Rong waved his hands.

"Then I'll go back first?" Wu Xiaode asked.

Rong smiled and said, "Let's go back and make some preparations—three days later, the Emperor's Secret Realm will open, and those who get your permission,

You can come to the secret realm to try--they may get the hero

Spirit's approval. "

Wu Xiaode recalled the kind of strength that the Emperor had descended on him.

--Beating Sion is like chopping melons and vegetables.

This is simply an opportunity to greatly improve your strength!

I believe that the entire World Annihilation Council will fight for their heads.

And this parliament will be firmly grasped in his hands.

But that's nothing to be proud of.

I still have a long way to go.

--Must break through all past skills!

I must quickly find a way to improve my strength to the level of "emergence".

Only in this way can I have the qualifications to fight against Jiemo!

"Goodbye." Wu Xiaode waved his hand.

"We'll meet again soon," Rong Ye said.

A ball of light fell on Wu Xiaode's body, enveloped him for a moment, then left in front of Rong.

--He went back to the World Annihilation Council.


the other side.

The world of heaven, earth and people.

Sara Town.

The sun was setting.

There was a burst of brisk music in the bar.


Footsteps came from the street outside the bar.

I saw a young girl walking slowly to the intersection diagonally opposite the bar, squinting a pair of beautiful eyes, carefully studying the signboard of the bar.

"S-level club? A strange name."

The girl touched her animal ears, then looked down at the black silk on her legs.


Going in like this seems a little bad.

And apart from crushing all sentient beings, it has been too long since I have met a comparable opponent, which can make this law of karma a little fun.

But now he has finally found an opponent.

He is different from any previous opponent.

he has a...


Otherwise, in this kind of life-and-death battle, how could he think of such absurd and ridiculous tasks as "gaining reputation".


Be careful.

Right is a little respect for this game.


A mirror appeared in front of the girl as soon as she waved her hand.

He has seen himself like this before.

He has also seen mature and stunning women.


Merge the two images?

The girl thought silently.

Her figure began to change.

After counting interest.

She has become both delicate and pure as a young girl, and has a hot mature body and face, which has also completely changed.

But that's not enough--

The kid was very alert.

In order to avoid any flaws in everything, it is better to borrow a kind of "emergence" created by human beings.

"It's been too long...I've already forgotten the name of this technique."

"But it seems to be used like this--"

The girl thought for a moment, and said:

"A troubled woman exists in this world."

"She came to this small town, and every word she said related to her identity will come true immediately, and no one can question it."


A faint wave of spells emanated from the Skill. Exists!

The girl felt a little bit, and nodded in satisfaction.

She took a step forward and walked towards the door of the bar.

tuk tuk -

She knocked on the door of the bar.

"Who is it? Push the door and come in."

Shen Feixue's

The voice came from the bar.

The girl was about to open the door and go in.

Before that, she glanced back at the sunset over the desert.

The wild sand is about to swallow the afterglow of the sun.

The night is coming.

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