Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 404: Take power!

"Originally, I gave you thirty lives. I thought it would be fine if you saw the world. If you get you back at any time, it doesn't matter if you die." Human Emperor said.

"The result?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Who knew you would cause such a big deal." Human Sovereign sighed.

"Look, I'm fine." Wu Xiaode said with a cheeky smile.

As a warrior, cut yourself to defeat the enemy--

This doesn't seem to fit well with the spirit of martial arts, so it's only natural for the Emperor to be angry.

The Emperor said: "Now I just hope it's really okay--you should be careful yourself, there are endless ways to rob demons,

Even we'll never know it all. "

Wu Xiaode was silent for a moment.

It turned out that His Majesty the Emperor was worried about this matter.

"I will be careful." Wu Xiaode promised immediately.

"Three days later, the Human Emperor's Secret Realm will open, remember to bring someone here."


"See you."

After the Human Sovereign finished speaking, he wanted to leave from the wall of wishes.

"Wait a minute--" Wu Xiaode shouted.

"Is there anything else?" the Emperor asked.

Wu Xiaode saluted respectfully and said:

"Your Majesty the Emperor, you are supposed to be my master. I have doubts in my heart, can you clear them up for me?"

"Let's talk." Human Sovereign said lightly.

"What level do I have to be to be eligible to create 'Emergence'?" Wu Xiaode asked.

The Emperor suddenly laughed.

He seemed to hear something extremely funny, and he laughed for a while before calming down.

"Starting to evolve at level 200, you will get an exclusive job, and the speed of improving your soul power will be greatly improved."

"As for 'Emergence,' it has been possible since level 200."

"It's just that very few people can do it."

"Hope you can."

"come on."

After Renhuang finished speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared from the wishing wall.

Only Wu Xiaode was left standing in the void.

The void flashed.

The entire transmission process is completed.

He appeared in the small conference hall of the main world of the Annihilation Council, which was originally the place where the elders of the council met to make decisions, and it was also the highest floor of the entire council building.

The room was empty.

Wu Xiaode casually sat down on a large chair, put his feet up on the table and looked at the clear sky and flowing clouds outside the window.

The sun shines in through the window, and it is quiet and peaceful for a while.

Wu Xiaode relaxed.

--The battle with the elders and robbers seems like a world away.

"This chair is really comfortable to sit on—tsk, the elders are quite good at enjoying it."

he said to himself.

At level 200, you are eligible to contact "emergence".

You can also obtain exclusive occupations to speed up the increase in the amount of soul power.

I am currently level 160.

Still short of 40 levels.

keep it up--

When you become extremely powerful, go back to the future and kill the monster that imprisoned Lan Jie.

Wu Xiaode thought in a daze.


A book with a thick black cover appeared in front of him.

The Book of the Law of Destruction!

A cold and ruthless voice sounded from the book:

"This time fourteen elders are selected to participate in the test."

"Get the result of the test:"


"Congratulations, Elder Elrian, you have been recognized by the heroic spirits. You can select talents from the council and send them to the Emperor's Secret Realm to contact the heroic spirits."

"Do I need to give a speech?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"No, after your permission, the above content will be notified to everyone."

"Additionally by

With too many elders dead, you have the burden of governing the entire council. "The Book of the Law of Destroyer said.

"What's it all about?" he asked.

"The elders usually vote to decide whether to pass various proposals." said the Book of the Law of Destruction.


I'm alone now.


"I am the only elder, so if I voted to pass, does the motion pass?"

Wu Xiaode asked.

"Yes." said the Book of the Law of Destruction.

"Why did you give me so much power?" Wu Xiaode asked alertly.

"I can't watch the battle process, because the elders voted to pass the motion, and no one is allowed to spy on the battle. The reason is that they are afraid of revealing the "end" they hold."

The Book of the Law of Destruction.

"So, did you see the battle process?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"I saw one thing, the part where you stood up." said the Book of the Law of Destroyer.

Wu Xiaode nodded.

From that shot onwards, the Speaker cut out the content behind it.

The book naturally doesn't know what's going on.

But it knows how hard it works.

"Erian, you are worthy of the blade of destruction of the worlds, and you are also worthy of the position of elder. This is the reason why I have given you such great authority."

The Book of the Law of Destruction.

Wu Xiaode sighed, feeling a little relieved at last.

He saw many buttons on the table, one of which was marked "Drinks, Snacks and Desserts", so he pressed it casually.

There was a knock on the door immediately.

Someone said respectfully outside the door:

"Can I come in, my dear elders?"

"Please come in." Wu Xiaode said.

The door opens.

A burly waiter in a tuxedo walked into the room with a large tray in his hand.

There were all kinds of shiny glass wine bottles on the tray, as well as several layers of desserts and snacks, which were placed firmly in front of Wu Xiaode.

The waiter saluted respectfully, his eyes swept left and right, and he said doubtfully:

"What about the elders?"

Wu Xiaode glanced at him and immediately understood.

These people don't know what's going on yet.

"The elders are in love."

Wu Xiaode said.

The waiter's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Go out, don't spy on the affairs of the elders, or you will be wiped out." said the Book of the Law of Extermination.

The waiter immediately turned and went out.

Wu Xiaode stretched himself.

One bronze hand unscrewed the wine bottle, filled the wine glass held by the other bronze hand, and handed it to Wu Xiaode.

Wu Xiaode began to eat and drink slowly.

"After you have a good rest, please start dealing with the affairs of the council." said the book of the Law of Destruction.

Wu Xiaode yawned and said:

"I need to seize the time to improve my strength--these things are too boring, can I ask someone to help?"

"Elders hold important powers and should not be easily delegated to others. If you must choose assistants to help handle affairs, you need to pass a vote of the council."

"Vote...then vote."

"Please start nominating." said the Book of the Law of Destruction.

Wu Xiaode said: "I nominate...Joan."

"According to the regulations, your nomination must be approved by all the elders, and the voting will begin immediately."

The Book of the Law of Destruction.

"I vote for this nomination." Wu Xiaode said.

"Unanimous vote!" said the book of the Law of Destruction.

"..." Wu Xiaode.

It feels a bit like play house.

But now only

I am an elder, and according to the rules, everything is reasonable again.

There was a flash of light.

Joan suddenly appeared in the room.

Her hair was **** and she was wearing a professional attire, looking beautiful and capable.

A thick account book floated in front of her, and she was quickly reconciling the accounts with a calculator in her hand.


Startled, Joan looked around blankly.

Wu Xiaode nodded secretly in his heart.

The power of the Book of the World-Destroying Law is so powerful that any member of the council can be teleported by it at will.

It only takes an instant to kill.

The butterfly sword in his hand was also given by him.

--Actually, what the entire council needs to care about the most is this book!

A thought suddenly appeared in Wu Xiaode's mind.


Joan put down the calculator in her hand, looked towards him, and asked uncertainly:

"Have you passed the test?"

Wu Xiaode nodded.

"Why didn't you see the other elders?" Joan asked again.

Wu Xiaode smiled, but didn't speak.

Joan folded her arms, her eyes flickered for a while, and an unbelievable surprise appeared on her face.

"They... can't come back"

she asked in a trembling tone.

Wu Xiaode nodded.

The Book of the Law of Extermination said: "After the vote of all the elders, Joan was elected as the elder's assistant. It has been approved and can assist the elder Elian in handling various affairs."

Joan's eyes flashed, and the whole person became anxious, and quickly shouted:

"Quick! Elian, nominate yourself as the speaker! The speaker is the most powerful person in the entire council!"

Wu Xiaode was slightly stunned, but immediately admired.

This woman reacts really fast.

She is familiar with the regulations and structure of the World Extinction Council.

As her own help, this woman will definitely be able to straighten out the affairs of the entire council.

"I nominated myself as the chairman of the elders, the Book of the Law of Destruction, what do you say?"

Wu Xiaode said.

The Book of the Law of Destruction said in an indifferent voice:

"Elder Arian nominated himself as the speaker, and the proposal was submitted to the elders for consideration and voting."

"The Board of Elders can vote at any time."

Wu Xiaode took a sip from his wine glass and said, "I agree."

The Book of the Law of Destruction says:

"Unanimously approved, the proposal is officially approved. From now on, Elder Ariane is the speaker of the World Extermination Council."

"Erian, you have obtained the authority to control the book of the law of destruction."

Joan let out a scream, threw away the calculator, pushed away the account book in front of her and rushed directly to Wu Xiaode.

"Erian, the council... is ours."

she said in a trembling tone.

After finishing speaking, he seemed to be afraid that Ariane would be unhappy, so he immediately waved his hand and said:

"No, I was wrong, Ariane, the council is yours now."

Wu Xiaode smiled lightly.

Elian liked this woman already, and he also used Elrian's character design to get to where he is today.

With more and more contacts, I have a little understanding of her actions.

There are many things that no one can do better than her, so--

Why create a divide?

He thought silently in his heart.

Joan stood in front of him, seeing him silent, feeling a little guilty.

"Erian, you are already the you still want me?"

She knelt on one knee and gently took one of his hands with both hands, not daring to make any further moves.

Wu Xiaode said:

"Don't think too much, I didn't kill you the first time just now

Did you call?"

Joan suddenly showed a reassuring smile~ put his hand on her beautiful face, and stroked it gently.

"I will always be yours."

She whispered in his ear, and then slipped into his arms quietly.

It's not easy for Wu Xiaode to push her away at this time.

After all, I am now Arian's character, and at this critical moment, pushing a woman away is actually tantamount to humiliating her.

He didn't think about these things, and turned to think of the previous thought.

"The Book of the Law of Destruction...I need to improve my strength now, can you help me?"

Wu Xiaode asked.

The Book of the Law of Destruction says:

"As the speaker, you must have strong strength. Of course I have an obligation to help you improve your strength."

"Please get ready."

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