Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 405: Meet again!

"Please get ready."

"But I don't have anything to prepare for."

Wu Xiaode shrugged.

That voice sounded again from the Book of the Law of Destruction:

"You must arrange many matters of the council well, and you must also arrange the trivial matters in your own life to a full extent, before you can carry out special strength improvement."

"This is because improving strength is a continuous, focused task process."

"During this complete training process, you can't even get out of your body for a short period of time to take care of anything else."

Wu Xiaode nodded slightly.

Makes sense!

He thought for a while, then reached out and patted Joan.

Two lines of small ice crystal characters immediately appeared:

"You appointed a human woman named 'Joan' to be qualified to contact the heroic spirit."

"After three days, she can go to Human Emperor's Secret Realm."

Joan felt it immediately, and asked uncertainly:

"I seem to have obtained the qualification to enter a certain space. Is this—"

"Human Sovereign's Secret Realm, Heroic Spirits have descended." Wu Xiaode said succinctly.

Joan opened her beautiful eyes wide and covered her mouth with her hands.

--How could she not know that this is an extremely rare authority, and it is the goal that the entire World Annihilation Council is trying its best to achieve.

The thirteen elders are all dead.

Just to get the qualification to contact the Heroic Spirits!

Now Ariane gave himself the qualification lightly!

"I'm going to improve my strength. Maybe I won't be able to catch up with what happens in three days. Now I entrust you with full authority to grant other people authority and qualifications."

Wu Xiaode said seriously.

When it comes to business, Joan immediately knows what to do.

"I understand. I will give priority to those families that have a good relationship with our Entropy family and are willing to move closer to us."

she said.

"Okay, I'll leave the affairs of the council to you. I'll deal with some other trivial matters now, and I will officially start improving my strength." Wu Xiaode said.

"Don't worry--after all, strength is the root of everything, and I will take care of everything else."

Joan spoke expectantly, even kissing him on the ear.

Wu Xiaode secretly sighed.

With Arian's character design, it's not a good idea to hide, otherwise it will be a mess.

"The council is in your hands."

He pinched Joan's face, and turned to look at the book of the Law of Destruction.

"Are you done with everything?"

The book of the Law of Destruction asked.

"There is still a little trivial matter, I just need to go back and take a look, and I can finish it soon." Wu Xiaode said.

"In that case, I'll give you the task of cultivation first, and you can start the task immediately after finishing the trivial matters." The Book of the Law of Destroyer said.

In the void, lines of black flame characters appeared:

"The practice mission has been bound to you."

"Task 1: The starting choice."

"This is the exclusive task of the chairman of the World Annihilation Council."

"Mission Description: You need to find "?,." within seven days

"If successfully found "?, this book will activate the real road to destruction mission; if not found "?,

, then you will enter the ordinary mission of the road to the law of destruction. "

After reading Wu Xiaode and his party, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

--This is still a branch task, depending on whether you succeed or not, there are different paths of cultivation.

He glanced at the Book of the Dead without a trace.

You see how many people can play!

Turning over the Book of the Dead, he turned the back cover of the book towards him, as if he didn't bother to respond.

--But in this mission, what exactly is "?"?

Wu Xiaode couldn't help asking.

The book of the Law of Destroyer made a cold and emotionless voice:

"This task comes from the source of the beginning, it is the ultimate task of this book, and only the previous Speakers are eligible to accept it.

"You just have to do it."

"Actually, you don't need to know anything."

Wu Xiaode tilted his head and thought for a few breaths, then asked again:

"Has the speaker ever found"?,?

The Book of the Law of Destruction says:

"Except for the first speaker, none of the previous speakers has found '?,'"

It also said:

"From now on, missions will be issued directly in your mind, and you will know their contents immediately."


Since everyone can't find it, let's resign.

I don't have to be the spokesperson of some destructive power.

Wu Xiaode smiled at Joan, hugged her gently, and left the parliamentary world in a blink of an eye.

Joan was left standing alone.

a long time.

"Hmph, I still haven't eaten it, but the improvement of strength is indeed the most important thing right now, and other things can be done sooner or later."

Joan said something to herself, then turned her mind and began to think about how to let the Entropy family establish prestige in the parliament.

Families and countless names came to her mind one after another.


The world of heaven, earth and people.

Sara Town.

Wu Xiaode appeared on the street.

He walked and thought about it all the way, and only felt that the cultivation task of the book of the law of destroying the world was really bizarre.

In fact, one can vaguely feel that this task contains some kind of secret.

This secret is by no means accessible to ordinary people.

With the power of the book of the law of destroying the world, whoever is said to be teleported will be teleported, and whoever is said to be killed will die, why dare not speak publicly?

It actually has to covertly mark "?" before it can release such a task.


Wu Xiaode walked towards the bar.

As he was walking, his face suddenly changed, and he raised his hand, exposing his wrist.

On the watch given by Queen Mother Xi, the hands were spinning crazily.

The entire dial is divided into two halves. One half is written with "An", and the other half is written with "Danger".

The pointer seemed to have a convulsion, and it spun a few times quickly, pointing to "An".

next second.

The pointer rotated a few times backwards, pointing to "Danger".

--It seems that this watch can no longer determine the safety of Queen Mother Xi.

Wu Xiaode glanced at the bar, then at his watch.


In a flash, he appeared directly at the door of the bar and kicked the door open.

Countless bronze hands hid in the void and rushed in together with him.

"Huh? You're back?"

A female voice sounded.

I saw Shen Feixue standing behind the bar, looking at him with a smile on her face.

Wu Xiaode was stunned.


Shen Feixue is doing well!

Is it really a problem with the watch?

Wu Xiaode looked Shen Feixue up and down, heaved a sigh of relief, walked towards the bar, and asked:

"Nothing happened, did it?

"No, everything is fine, but why hasn't Xiao Baihong come back? He cooks delicious food.

Shen Feixue chatted.

Wu Xiaode looked around.

Nothing unusual.

He gradually relaxed, picked up the wine glass that Shen Feixue handed over, and took a sip with his head raised.

"He probably won't be here recently, and I have something to go out, so I'll come and see you first."

Wu Xiaode said.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Shen Feixue said.

"I'll leave two more demon gods to protect you in secret—don't worry, you don't need to worry about them, you can live as you want."

Wu Xiaode said.

In the mist, the succubus goddess Skadi and the fallen angel Ulysses quietly emerged.

A little gratitude appeared on Shen Feixue's face, and she said softly:

"Okay, but it doesn't really matter. After all, my sister has been here all the time. She is very powerful."

"Your sister." Wu Xiaode repeated.

Shen Feixue's younger sister--

The curtain of the warehouse behind the bar was lifted, and a pure and lovely girl with a hot figure came out carrying a case of beer.

"Xiao Wu is back."

The girl said hello to Wu Xiaode, put the beer behind the counter and set it up.

Wu Xiaode looked at the girl.

Shen Feixue's younger sister, Shen Xiujun, is a rare cultivator in this world, with extraordinary strength, and it is said that she has already blazed her own path.

Thanks to her help in many previous battles, the danger was saved.

She has a good relationship with herself, and often has a tacit understanding in battle.

"Yes, I'll come back and have a look, and I'll be leaving soon."

Wu Xiaode nodded in response.

"What are you going to do?" the girl asked curiously.

Wu Xiaode couldn't help sighing and said: "Oh, the strength is too low, go practice and see if you can improve it."

-- Without relying on the power of the ghost queen, I can't even release the curse seal, descending and Tao power with my 160-level soul power.

Hurry up!

Wu Xiaode thought to himself.

The girl named Shen Xiujun glanced at him, her eyes flickered, and she suddenly smiled and said:

"You want to practice? Why don't you ask me, I'm the best at cultivating human beings—and I don't charge for it."

Wu Xiaode immediately jumped out of his reverie.


Shen Xiujun's strength is very powerful. Although she is proficient in the power of cultivation, a lot of knowledge is actually interlinked. If you have any problems, you should be right to ask her.

Wu Xiaode was about to nod, when he suddenly found a slight ringing on his wrist.


The watch suddenly broke!

Wu Xiaode had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he took the broken watch strap and dial in his hand.

He looked down and saw that the hands on the dial had stopped moving.

It finally pointed at the midline between "An" and "Danger", but the arrow of the pointer slightly deviated to "Danger".

What's happening here?

Wu Xiaode was surprised for a while, and put away the watch silently.

He was about to continue talking to Shen Xiujun, when suddenly a strange message popped up in his mind:


"Task 1: The initial selection has been completed."

"You've already found the '?,."

"This book will activate the real Road to Destruction mission!"

Wu Xiaode was stunned.


Why did I find "?"!

There are nothing but sisters Shen Feixue and Shen Xiujun in front of them.

Could it be that the so-called "?" refers to Queen Mother Xi who is still a fetus in Shen Feixue's womb?

He was thinking silently, but saw the Book of the Undead quietly falling behind him, and then gradually sinking into his body.

--it hides.

What followed were two sentences projected in his mind from the Book of the Dead. UU reading


"The girl across from you, Shen Xiujun, can see me."

Wu Xiaode was a little surprised.

Seems like...something is not quite right...

Can Shen Xiujun see the Book of the Dead before?

no impression.

As he was thinking silently, a new task appeared in Wu Xiaode's mind:

"The Road to Destruction mission has officially begun."

"You have found"?, from this moment on, this book does not need to hide anymore"?

,. "

"'?, that is, robbery."

"By virtue of your meeting with Jiemo this time, the Book of the Law of Extermination is about to activate a historical secret."

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