Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 408: Everyone is stubborn!

【Ample martial arts】【】

420 points of eternal courage!

That's level 420!

Is that right?

Wu Xiaode was extremely excited.

If this is the case, I will immediately increase the level of the "Silent Magic Mist" again.

—Until the robbery can't see the Book of the Dead, can't see himself!

He looked to the Book of the Dead.

The Book of the Dead naturally understood what he meant, and a line of small ice crystal characters immediately appeared:

”Please complete the exclusive job inauguration task first. "

"After completing the task, your level will be determined according to your new occupation."

"At that time, you can improve your skills."

I see.

What are you waiting for?

Wu Xiaode was about to speak when he suddenly felt himself flying.


He was obviously still sitting in the passenger seat of the off-road vehicle!

He collected himself, pondered for a moment calmly, and finally understood.

The lift span is too large.

I couldn't adapt for a while, so I had an illusion.

"Your breath has been getting stronger. "

Ulysses said suddenly.

Wu Xiaode silently felt the changes in his body and soul power, only feeling that he could not adapt to it for the time being.

The soul power is directly increased from 160 points to 420 points.

It takes a little time to get used to it.

"Well, you get out of the car and go to the supermarket to buy something—buy more ingredients, things that pregnant women can eat and use, and bring some diapers. I'll sit in the car for a while."

Wu Xiaode exhorted.

"Okay, I'll be right back. ’ Ulysses smiled.

He parked the car on the side of the road, shook his body, folded his wings, opened the door and walked out.

Wu Xiaode was left alone in the car.

He leveled the seat and lay on his back, while feeling the changes in his body strength, while looking at the Book of the Dead.

"Exclusive job placement mission..."

Wu Xiaode muttered in a low voice, a complex meaning appeared in his heart.

He always felt that he should be more cautious.

Human Emperor said that it is possible to create "emergence" at level 200.

If I get the opportunity to create "emergence" by completing the job-specific tasks——

What kind of "emergence" do you want to create?

There is no reference.

I don't know what to choose or what to do.

Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste.

Especially at such a critical breakthrough node.

Wu Xiaode can vaguely feel that this breakthrough in his exclusive profession is one of the most important opportunities in his life.


What I need to figure out is-

What kind of "emergence" is one's desire?

Can it deal with Robbery?

With this in mind, Wu Xiaode looked at the Book of the Dead.

The pages of the book flipped slightly, and a page that was just generated emerged.

I saw a water bottle painted on this page with three-color orchids inserted in it.

The flowers swayed in the wind, and small words in ice crystals appeared in the void beside them:

"The book of the law of destruction, return to the dream,,, regain the power of authority,,, death experience, ready-made three-color blue

Flowers, you can call upon their power at any time. "

"Additional Notes:"

"The thirteen pages fully embody these three abilities, so your 'advent' cannot be blessed by the pages and is lifted

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【Ample martial arts】【】

Lift. "

"You need to obtain new pages before you can upgrade your 'Descent'."

Wu Xiaode nodded slightly.

At this time, even though I have the fighting experience of the Emperor, and I have the memory of Li Chengfeng, the sword sage of the world, although I have some vague thoughts in my heart,

But it's not clear yet.


His eyes fell on an orchid.

A line of small ice crystal characters immediately appeared:

"Need to use it, death experience, do you? This ability will take you to experience the process of all the strong being killed by robbers."


Reaper collected all the fighting process.

You have to see, feel, think, and finally decide what path you should take.

Wu Xiaode said silently in his heart: "I want to use the 'death experience,'."

The orchid swayed with the wind, and slowly rushed the stamen towards him.

A line of small ice crystal characters jumped out:

”All battles are marked with robbers, please meditate on the image of a robber before you can query. "

To be marked with robbery. I have only seen two robbing demons in total, one of which is the banner bearer.

come times.

another. He is attacking his own heat demon.


I really want to kill this robber who attacked me!

Fight whatever you want.

You are obviously a monster, don't attack me! !

Wu Xiaode took a deep breath, meditating on the appearance of this robbery demon in his heart.


A line of small ice crystal characters appeared next to the petals:

"Locked Robber:"

"The first catastrophe - Breeding the Demon Lord. "

"When you go to sleep tonight, you can see all the fighting that has to do with it. "

"Please do well"

The last line of writing is still not finished, the book of the dead suddenly closed, and directly penetrated into Wu Xiaode's body.

Wu Xiaode was startled for a moment, but immediately came to his senses.


That robber can see the Book of the Dead.

That's why the Book of the Dead had to hide in his body.

That is to say—

At this time, the Jiemo named "Breeding Demon Lord" was looking at him!

An inexplicable irritability surged into Wu Xiaode's heart.

Now he has some understanding of the girls being spied on and captured.

If this guy keeps staring at me, how can I have time to grow up?

But then again—

As a handsome boy, when the world returns to peace and he goes to school normally, it seems inevitable that he will be stared at by many girls.

Right to adapt in advance.


The trunk of the car was opened, and Ulysses packed the big and small bags in.

"It's done," he clapped his hands and walked to the driver's seat, "Boss, shall we go straight back? "

"Take a rest, I have something to buy." Wu Xiaode said.

He opened the door and got out of the car.

You can't let that guy follow you all the time and pay attention to yourself.

— Time to show your might as a mortal.

Twenty minutes later.

Sara Town.


"We're back!"

Wu Xiaode and Ulysses carried large and small bags and put them on the bar.

"There are actually a few guests today. "

Wu Xiaode said unexpectedly.

Under the dim light, some people sat in the corner in twos and threes, whispering among the intermittent music.

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【Ample martial arts】【】

"It's all the gangsters nearby, they know they can't cause trouble here, so they come here to talk about things. "

Shen Feixue explained. Is someone causing trouble? "Wu Xiaode asked.

Yes, but our servants are all wights, eating a troublemaker in a few mouthfuls. "Shen Xiujun said lightly.

She put a few side dishes on the bar, filled another bowl of soup and a bowl of rice, and placed them in front of Wu Xiaode.

"Try it?"

Shen Xiujun smiled.

"Thank you Xiujun, these dishes happen to be my favorite." Wu Xiaode said.

He picked up the bowl—

The other party wants to brush their own reputation.

So this meal should be non-toxic.

eat it.

Wu Xiaode gobbled it up.

"Brother Wu, my younger sister is good at cooking." Shen Feixue said with a smile.

"Excellent! "Wu Xiaode gave a thumbs up.

"You are not too young, when will you find a girlfriend? " Shen Feixue asked.

Wu Xiaode glanced at Shen Xiujun.

There was a faint blush on the girl's face, and she looked a little embarrassed.


She patted Shen Feixue reproachfully.


What a witch.

If I hadn't seen your terrifying appearance with fluttering hair, I would have been fooled.

Wu Xiaode put down the bowl, took out his mobile phone and took a picture on the table.

The two women looked at the phone, and saw that it was the cover of a game—

"Stubborn man!"

Shen Feixue said casually: "Xiao Wu is playing a game? I heard that this game is very famous."

"Yes, the girl I really admire must be the unrivaled hero in the game. UU Reading Her level is far beyond stubborn bronze, order silver, glory gold, noble platinum, eternal diamond, supreme star, It's the strongest king—"

"This is the girl I will look straight at!" "

Wu Xiaode said loudly.

Shen Feixue smiled, only thinking that the little Martial Daoist really has hobbies at this age, which is quite good.

Shen Xiujun's eyes were fixed on the game screen of "Stubborn Man", and he felt a door opened in front of him.


Finally found the right path!

Walk through this road and become the strongest king all the way, and you can get his approval!

Don't you hurry up and earn your reputation?


cell phone-

I need to get a mobile phone first!

After Wu Xiaode finished speaking, he put away his mobile phone, buried himself in eating and drinking.

mock up.

Brush slowly.

Even if you are a robbing demon, with the ability to surpass human beings—


He transmitted the voice silently.

"Yes." Ulysses responded.

"I'll send you a voice transmission, don't show your face. "

"Okay, boss."

Ulysses put down his wine glass and turned to look at the gangsters sitting in the corner, as if interested.

"You exchange the gold, use the money to buy the game company of "Stubborn Man", modify the data in the background, and control her upgrade speed. "Wu Xiaode said via voice transmission.

Ulysses was startled, and only then did he realize what Wu Xiaode's actions were for.

Boss is mean, love it.


"No, I'll do it now."

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