Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 425: Flowers and Boys (Part 2)

Chapter 475 The Flower and the Boy (Part 2)

on the street.

Wu Xiaode and Shen Xiujun stood opposite each other.

"—I've reduced my strength to the same level as yours, and you can attack at any time." Shen Xiujun said.

"But there is one thing I want to explain in advance." Wu Xiaode said.

"What?" Shen Xiujun asked.

"I'm very afraid of pain, if I beg for mercy, you can't stop just because I beg for mercy." Wu Xiaode said.

Without blinking, Shen Xiujun asked:

"Are you sure you asked me not to stop?"

"I asked for it, but you can't kill me, you can stop if you get slightly injured." Wu Xiaode said.

Shen Xiujun felt relieved.

As long as it was requested by him, then if he hurts him, his reputation will not be lost.

Shen Xiujun took out a headband and tied the loose hair into double ponytails.

"Brother Wu, come on, I'll teach you what a real fight is."

she said.

Wu Xiaode said: "You must teach me seriously, because I will learn seriously, if you perfunctory me—"

Shen Xiujun's expression froze.

It turns out that the pit is here.

Of course, I look down on sentient beings like him, and he would benefit a lot from just giving him some pointers during the battle.

But you must do your best.

If you don't try your best and let him notice, he will feel that he looks down on him.

A man who finds himself looked down upon by a woman—

Prestige will definitely drop!

Shen Xiujun's legs were slightly bent, and his fists were opened with both hands, sending out a wave of air all over his body.

The wind and sand were blown away by the aura of her body, far past the house, and flew high in the sky.

"Brother Wu, I will fight you seriously, just like my attitude towards feelings."

Shen Xiujun said.

"Thank you very much - thank you for letting me see the difference between sentient beings and you." Wu Xiaode said.

He rushed up.

Shen Xiujun stood still, holding his breath and waiting.

An extremely tragic breath rose from her body, as if it was invisible, but also as if it was a thousand weights.

Wu Xiaode's speed suddenly slowed down.

In his eyes, the opposite side is no longer the perfect girl generated through imagination.

The whole street seemed to have changed.

The girl was posing with fists, and she looked the same as before.

But I felt as if I was walking in a dark and long underground tunnel.

Boundless fear climbed up from the bottom of my heart, as if wanting to choose someone to devour.

Wu Xiaode broke into a cold sweat.

With just one punch, there is such a vision.


Can't stop!

He gritted his teeth, speeded up again, clenched his hands into fists, and hit Shen Xiujun's neck.

Time seemed to slow down.

Shen Xiujun slowly opened his mouth and said in an extremely slow voice:

"With all kinds of weapon techniques, the fist is the true meaning of despair and pain. Before the fist is moved, it is necessary to-"


She gently blocked Wu Xiaode with one hand, and punched Wu Xiaode with the other hand, hitting Wu Xiaode's shoulder.


Wu Xiaode was sent flying seven or eight meters away.

He lay on the ground for a few seconds.

The moment he was punched just now, in a trance, endless black shadows suddenly appeared in the dark and long tunnel.

This is a completely impure scene, but it directly appeared in his mind.

It grips its emotions.

-How did you do it?


Wu Xiaode laughed while lying on the ground, stood up, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

A strong fighting spirit appeared on his face.

"Brother Xiao Wu is really powerful. This punch can knock many mortals to their knees. The rest of their lives are like walking corpses. I never imagined that you can revive your fighting spirit."

Shen Xiujun said with a half-smile.

I have already received many personal guarantees from the other party, so I have to show my real skills to teach.

In this process, I will be strict with myself.

If the other party can't bear it—

Then I can't blame myself, and I won't lose my reputation.

It is best for him to lose his fighting spirit directly, and then he will keep gaining reputation by himself, and end this mission as soon as possible.

"Next, I will fight you with stronger strength, brother Xiao Wu, you have to be ready."

Shen Xiujun said.

"But I don't understand - your punches are different from the punches I've seen. I don't know how you punch them." Wu Xiaode said.

Shen Xiujun raised his arms, clenched his fists and said with a smile:

"Come again, I will show you the true meaning of boxing that all sentient beings have never seen before."

Wu Xiaode took a deep breath, let out a roar, and rushed up again—

Suddenly he stopped still and said:

"You make the move first, I'll take the trick and try."

"Okay." Shen Xiujun said.

She punched like the wind, and struck dozens of times like lightning.

Wu Xiaode swayed his arms from side to side, repeatedly blocking, but he couldn't fight back.

When Shen Xiujun saw it, he said slowly:

"I can naturally accumulate a higher level of power that can restrain all living beings. If there are many such back and forth battles, my power will naturally form the emergence of restraining all living beings."

"It's like a torrent of time and fate, no matter how many heroes and heroes there are, they will only be consumed by it, and it's like this scene you've seen—"

As soon as she finished speaking, Wu Xiaode felt his mind was in a trance again.

Vaguely, I was standing in the dark and dark endless tunnel, with no one in front or behind.

But there seemed to be something huge crawling underground and on the ceiling.

— that was something that I couldn't resist.

I am about to die.


Wu Xiaode took a deep breath, he suddenly woke up, and said quickly:

"This punch is unnecessary!"

Shen Xiujun still lightly punched him in the chest.


There was a muffled sound.

Wu Xiaode spat out a mouthful of blood, and was beaten out again.

Shen Xiujun looked at the blood on his fist, and looked at the disgraced Wu Xiaode, feeling a little more joyful in his heart.

"You said it before—I can't stop."

Shen Xiujun said.

"Yes." Wu Xiaode gritted his teeth.

She laughed and said in a manly voice:

"Brother Wu."

"Punching is about ego. If you don't have enough ego, boxing won't do well."

Wu Xiaode got up from the ground, panting, "What is your ego?"

Shen Xiujun said proudly:

"My ego is purer, greater, and irresistible than all living beings."

"It is destruction."

Wu Xiaode closed his eyes and thought for a few breaths, then nodded and said:

"I kind of get it."

"Fist is an extension of all your energy. This energy is not rampant violence, but the whole of a human being as a flesh and blood body."

"Punching is taking all of yourself to be beaten, or to beat someone."

Shen Xiujun smiled silently.

Think about it carefully, how many sentient beings have you killed?

Can not remember.

But amidst all the killing and destruction not worth remembering, this man in front of him could be called a genuine talent and beauty.

And only such a person—

Only then are you qualified to drag yourself into this task.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help nodding secretly.

"Brother Wu, are you still doing it? One last move?"

Shen Xiujun asked.

"Come." Wu Xiaode said.

Shen Xiujun grinned, stuck out her tongue and said, "This time I will make the first move."

She bent her knees slightly, gently.

boom! !

Suddenly there was a deep hole in the ground.

a split second.

She crossed the street and came to him.

A fist magnified infinitely in front of Wu Xiaode's eyes.

Time seemed to slow down again.

Wu Xiaode only felt that he had returned to that dark and boundless underground tunnel.

Desperation and fear filled the air.

Wu Xiaode let out a furious roar, his mind lifted, and he punched suddenly.


Shen Xiujun's voice sounded.

She retracted her fist, raised her arm with her backhand, and hit Wu Xiaode directly with her elbow.


The dark tunnel is gone.

Wu Xiaode was sweating like rain, as if he had just been fished out of the water, he was so heavy that he could barely lift his hands.


Come on, my energy—

Take them all out and fight this blow with you!

Wu Xiaode clasped his hands together, facing the opponent's elbow like a cannon hammer.


Shen Xiujun said something briefly, and the elbow suddenly turned into a soft palm, lightly hitting Wu Xiaode's Pao Hammer fists.

She jumped up with strength, revealing her slender legs in black silk.


Wu Xiaode's pupils shrank suddenly.

It turned out to be a knee strike!

The power of the knee is so powerful that it is an efficient weapon that can attack, defend, and counterattack even in actual combat on the street or in the arena!

The opponent's two consecutive changes of tricks were like clouds and flowing water, as if they had been waiting for him for a long time.

And each time is more powerful.

——As she said, it is a naturally generated move to restrain sentient beings. It comes out naturally, and gathers more and more like a tide until the opponent can't resist.

"No! You can't lose to her!"

Wu Xiaode hastily raised his sharp elbow—

He suddenly froze.

All around is gone.

He found himself standing among boundless hair.

In the infinite void, a huge monster stood motionless, looking down at him, and he was standing in its palm.

Powerless to resist.

—The understanding of power is not at the same level.

As the other party said, boxing is to fight with all of yourself.

But the other party's "ego" is too strong.


Wu Xiaode retreated violently and rolled seven or eight meters away.

Shen Xiujun's knee hit him on the cheek and the bridge of the nose, until he was sent flying, then he reached out to cover his skirt and fell back to the ground.

"Brother Wu, are you alright?"

Shen Xiujun said in a worried tone.

Wu Xiaode's face was covered with blood, the bridge of his nose was smashed, and he lay on the ground panting for breath.

He seemed to have lost even the strength to raise his hand.

Shen Xiujun took a look, only to feel that the tyrannical anger accumulated in these days has finally been vented.

"Shall I heal you?"

she asked.

Wu Xiaode said: "No need, I'm here to experience the blow just now, don't bother me."

The voice fell.

There was a loud bang, and a star appeared above Shen Xiujun's head again.

Three stars.

Only the last star is left to reach "respect"!

Shen Xiujun was excited, and said charmingly:

"Brother Wu, I'll go and get you something to drink. Come back to the bar after you've rested."

"Okay, continue fighting tomorrow." Wu Xiaode said.

"I'm fine, Brother Xiao Wu." Shen Xiujun agreed on the spot.

If you keep brushing like this, your reputation will soon reach the level of "favorite", and then it will be a decisive battle.

"Well, go get me something to drink, I want a cocktail." Wu Xiaode said.

"Obey, Brother Wu!"

Shen Xiujun turned around and walked towards the bar.

She goes into the bar.

The bar door closes.

There was no one else on the street.

Ulysses quietly appeared, holding the gold bar in one hand, while the other hand released a soft holy light, shining on Wu Xiaode.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this fight was really miserable. I know that a broken nose bridge is a particularly painful experience."

Ulysses shook his head and commented.

Wu Xiaode got up suddenly, drew out the Huangjian and stuck it in his chest.

Tianzhi Minggui!

for a moment.

He left the world of the living and teleported to a random dead world.


he whispered.

The ghost queen came across the boundary from the void, looked at him in surprise and said:

"How did you get hurt like this?"

"Give me the art of the world immediately, and I will go to your world." Wu Xiaode said.

The Queen of Ghosts is someone who is familiar with the world, and immediately noticed something strange.

She put her hands on Wu Xiaode's body, and said in a low voice:

"The Kingdom of Ghosts."

for a moment.

The two appeared in a steeple on an old castle.

With a wave of Wu Xiaode's hand, a boundless magic fog of silence was released.

This is the world of death that Jiemo is not good at dealing with, and he is teleported here randomly.

Odvia cast an extremely rare death technique—

A world art unleashed with the power of ghosts.


The silent magic fog that I have upgraded several times in a row.

Triple protection.

Even for Shen Xiujun to come, it will take at least a little time.


Wu Xiaode grabbed the Book of the Dead from his chest and turned to a certain page.

I saw lines of small ice crystal characters already appearing on the page:

"After seven minutes and fifteen seconds, the blessing of the **** of death will disappear."

"With the blessing of Death God, you released the 'End': Judgment Angel Seal of the Double Angel Talisman."

"When you said, 'You shoot first, I'll take over', the opponent shot and wounded you, and you didn't fight back during this battle."

"Activation conditions are met."

"The Angel of Judgment Seal has been activated successfully!"

"Effect: Immediately judge the other party, designate an ability of the other party, copy it to yourself as medical expenses and compensation for damages."


"This is an unprecedented copy, you can't choose!"

"You have obtained the power of immeasurable calamity!"

"But you may not be able to accommodate such terrifying power!"

A majestic blood mist erupted from Wu Xiaode's body.

He fell on the ground, UU reading www. There were bursts of wailing from

The Book of the Dead will automatically turn to the page of the Wall of Wishes.

Endless heroic spirits appeared from the wishing wall one after another, shouting in unison:

"Hold on!"

"There has never been such a thing!"

"This is the only time they get their power—"

"Wu Xiaode, you must persevere!"

Wu Xiaode kept rolling and crying on the ground, as if tormented by an invisible force.

His screams of pain resounded throughout the castle.

The blood water rolled along with his body, drawing mottled and fuzzy patterns on the ground.

— like a blood rose blooming on him.

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