Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 496: Exceed!

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: [Aibilou]https://The fastest update! No ads!

"not found."

"The temple has nothing to do with this."

"It was a gang fight. One person held a three-edged thorn, killed the others, and then committed suicide." "Go back to the scene! The team can be closed here."

The police left the temple.

Several old and young guarding the temple gathered together and discussed for a while. After all, it was too late, so they all went back to rest. The entire temple returned to silence.

Inside the hall where the statue is enshrined.

A statue suddenly came to life. --Wu Xiaode.

"Thank you, thanks to you this time, otherwise it would be really troublesome." He said sincerely.

The voice responded again: "It's easy, it's easy, if you can get the mirror stone in the future, please give it to the will be useful to some extent."

"No problem." Wu Xiaode agreed. He looks at his phone.

It was already past 12 o'clock. All forget themselves. What's next? Well....

The other five venerables are probably not easy to get along with. They are all powerful world-like life forms.

—and I have just built a small world that will not collapse. How can this work?

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly saw a small notebook floating in front of him. Isn't it in Jiang Shanglan's hands?


It's past twelve o'clock, and now it's a brand new day, and I can start a new work task. want to start?


Whether it is to return to the world of heaven, earth and man, or to integrate the book of the dead with the world, you need the rewards of the mission! Judging from the Lion King's reaction, this kind of reward should be considered very good.

"Start working." Wu Xiaode said. The notebook was opened immediately. The world flickered away. for a moment.

Wu Xiaode found himself back on the Naihe Bridge. The notebook then expands:

"Today's mission."

"Extend the three unknown beings who were banned on the Naihe Bridge to further reduce the pressure on the 'Unreal World'." "You will be rewarded when you complete it."


"You have affected the world line, and the world line needs you to calm down and end it." "—The life and death of the world are in your hands, don't take it lightly."

Wu Xiaode was slightly startled. I affected the world line? Not right.

I've only been in this world for a few days, and I haven't done anything yet! killing more than a hundred scumbags count?

Wu Xiaode was a little surprised.

The gray mist on the Naihe Bridge gradually dissipated. A figure appeared in front of him.

"I go!"

Wu Xiaode couldn't help but swear.

I saw that the person standing in front of him was Huang Mao who was caught and killed by him before. — This guy has a very low sense of existence!

However, what extremely terrifying existence is actually sealed in his body? Wu Xiaode only felt numb all over.

How can there be so many coincidences in the world?

Killing him himself changed the world line?

There must be some secret hidden in this matter that I don't know. Wu Xiaode had a faint premonition.

At this moment, right here, I am about to face some things I have never heard of. Huang Mao's face was full of confusion.

But when he saw Wu Xiaode, his eyes suddenly revealed a look of astonishment. "It's you? You're actually an emissary from the underworld!"

He lost his voice.

An inexplicable fluctuation emanated from him. The ground cracked beneath his feet.

The dense cracks meander endlessly, spreading towards the entire Naihe Bridge. No, the bridge is going to collapse!

The softness on Wu Xiaode's face retracted, and he shouted sharply: "Do you want to be killed by me again?"

The yellow hair trembled all over.

The memory of the body being pierced by the triangular thorn came to mind.

Wu Xiaode didn't wait for him to think, stepped forward and grabbed his collar, and said loudly:

"You have done a lot of evil in your life, and now I have saved you. Instead of being grateful, do you want to fight me again?" "You?

I? "Huang Mao said in disbelief.

Wu Xiaode stretched out his hand to wipe it.

The good and evil of Huangmao's life suddenly appeared in the void. There are very few golden hooks, only two.

That was when he was a child, he once planted trees and rescued birds. When he grew up, he became completely bad.

Wu Xiaode whispered in his ear: "If you are allowed to continue doing bad things, you will definitely fall into **** and suffer countless pains."

"I killed you, your bad karma has been interrupted—" "You can reincarnate!"

Huang Mao stared blankly at the good and evil things in mid-air, and said after a while: "I don't study much, don't lie to me."

Wu Xiaode met his gaze without giving in.

Huang Mao's life about to be reincarnated suddenly appeared before Wu Xiaode's eyes. This time, he will be born in the primeval forest.

as a spruce.

—Wait, why is it spruce again? Wu Xiaode was a little puzzled.

After all, the scary middle-aged woman turned into a spruce last time. Are you still here today?

A few lines of small words suddenly appeared on the notebook:

"The longer the spruce lives, the longer the seal will last."

"This man is extremely dangerous and will live as a spruce for 6,000 years before coming here again." "Be sure to trap him!"

All fine print is collected.

Wu Xiaode coughed lightly, looked at Huangmao, and said solemnly:

"All those people who were hurt by you will turn into evil spirits after death, and they will trouble you, but I have found a way for you to avoid any harm."

"What way?" Huang Mao asked in doubt. "--follow me!"

Wu Xiaode dragged him towards the other end of the Naihe Bridge. Thanks for the time spent walking.

Wu Xiaode keeps reading what happened in Huang Mao's life, trying to find a breakthrough quickly. This person is from an overseas island country.

A massacre was committed in his hometown.

When he was desperate, he found a local snakehead fortunately, and was able to smuggle out to sea at the last moment before being arrested and escaped his life.

After coming to this huge country, without any proof of innocence, he followed that middle-aged man. Then do all the bad things.

—In the most desperate moment of his life, it was smuggling that made him survive! Wu Xiaode thought about it.

Lines of small words suddenly appeared in the notebook:

"We are constructing an exclusive transcendence place according to your requirements—" "3,"

"2," "1," "Complete!"

Just when the yellow hair was annoying, Wu Xiaode stopped in his tracks.

He pointed to the hidden path on the side of Naihe Bridge, looked around, and whispered: "Come here."

Seeing his expression, Huang Mao immediately became cautious.

"Dude, what the **** do you do," he asked in a low voice.

Wu Xiaode lowered his voice and said:

"Your family protected you—burned a lot of paper money for you when you went to sea, and performed a big ceremony. I have received all these benefits, so I will take you to escape from the gate of hell."


"Yes, I built a boat to send you and other brothers who have paid enough money to escape." Wu Xiaode patted him on the shoulder and said. The two walked down the steps on the side of the Naihe Bridge, and soon reached the river.

I saw a small boat parked here long ago.

Huang Mao looked at the boat and saw that there were already seven or eight people on board.

These people are either sloppy, or have a fierce look, and they look like gangsters. The boss of the boat is a shirtless man with tattoos all over his body.

Huang Mao's heart suddenly believed.

Based on these people, it can't be fake!

I can't do anything else, but I can hang around for so long in the rivers and lakes, relying on my eyesight!

"That's the head of the snake, don't make eye contact with him, he will think you are offended, you respectfully call Brother Gou." Wu Xiaode lowered his voice.

"Understood." Huangmao immediately said


He took a few steps forward, bowed to the boss of the boat, and said respectfully: "Brother Dog, please trouble me this time, brother will be rewarded for his prosperity in the future."

The boss of the boat said annoyedly:

"Stop talking nonsense, get on the boat—hey, and you, don't bring any more people here, we'll sail right away!"

"Okay, this is the last one. No matter how much business there is, I won't do it today." Wu Xiaode responded with a smile. He patted the yellow hair quietly.

Huang Mao is someone who has seen big scenes, so he understood at this moment, ran straight to the front of the boat, leaned on the outer edge of the boat with his chest, skillfully turned inward, and fell into the boat with a "boom".

— This is a shameless way of getting on the boat. If others don't push hard, they can't push people off the boat. It looks unsightly, but it is very practical in rough seas.

Even if he had to fight, he still had at least one hand that could be used to hold weapons such as knives and harpoons. Only bandits who travel to the sea all year round to beg for a living understand the benefits of this posture.

"Hey, you yellow hair, where did you hang out before, come and talk." The man with the most fierce expression on the boat shouted.

After hearing the tone of Huang Mao, the last doubt in his heart disappeared without a trace. The other party opened his mouth to speak, and it smelled like that.

This is a kind of induction between desperadoes.

—The wicked are naturally able to see what kind of people are their own kind. Wu Xiaode stood beside the boat and shouted at the man:

"Don't touch my people, you are all smuggled to reincarnate, whoever dares to cause trouble, I will ask the boat boss to immerse him in this river as a water ghost."

The man said "Hey" and stopped talking.

The boss of the boat said loudly: "Okay, let's go, or we won't be able to leave if there are inspectors coming." "Go."

Wu Xiaode nodded to Huang Mao again.

Huang Mao didn't know what to think of, and suddenly ran to the side of the boat, and said to Wu Xiaode: "Brother, please leave me a contact information, I will go back and burn paper money for you."

Burn your sister!

Wu Xiaode secretly slandered, but said on the face: "There is no need for paper money. Now the inflation in the underworld is very strong, and paper money can't buy anything."

Huang Mao turned his head, and suddenly said: "Then let me tell you something." "Say." Wu Xiaode said.

"You killed my boss, didn't you?" Huang Mao asked.


" careful with him, he is a monster." "How do you say that?" Wu Xiaode asked in surprise.

There was a trace of fear in Huangmao's eyes, and he tremblingly said: "If there are other people around him, you must not approach him. I always think that our boss can control multiple people, just like those people are himself."

Wu Xiaode's heart tightened inexplicably.

Could it be that the yellow hair is just warming up, and the middle-aged man reincarnated later is the real thing? —Huangmao himself is a terrifying existence, sealed in this world. In the end, he was still afraid of his boss!

What's even more chilling is-

He didn't even think about it, and let the ghost messenger avoid his boss.

This shows that in his cognition, the boss is an existence that can even kill ghosts! "Okay, I see, you are very nice and interesting."

As Wu Xiaode said, he took out a bag of money and threw it to the boat boss.

"Don't short my brother's expenses, he should be given good food and drink on the boat." Wu Xiaode said. "Don't worry, we have been friends for many years." The boat boss laughed.

Huang Mao was overjoyed, and quickly looked around, only to see that no one noticed the two of them, so he leaned into Wu Xiaode's ear and whispered:

"I have something else."

He took out a box and showed it in front of Wu Xiaode. Wu Xiaode said strangely: "This is—"

"Shh, I don't know what it is, but it has been guiding me, and now I'm afraid." Huang Mao hurriedly said. "Afraid?"

"Yeah, it ruined my life, it ruined everything about me, it has untold magic, and now I leave it to you, do whatever you want with it - I bet it's still for sale

Some money. "

Wu Xiaode reached out to take it.

The box shrank back.

I see.

Wu Xiaode laughed and said:

"I'll take this, do you want something else?" "Please let me have a good birth." Huang Mao said.

Wu Xiaode stuck to his ear and whispered:

"I'm very satisfied with this thing, UU Reading I will let you live forever, at least a few thousand years, how about it?" Huang Mao was overjoyed, and handed the box to Wu Xiaode.

"A deal?"

"We can't tell lies." "Then thank you brother." "Yeah."

The two finished talking.

The boss of the boat shouted loudly: "Let's sail!"

In the mist, the boat drifted towards the river. Wu Xiaode waved to Huang Mao: "See you in Jianghu."

Huang Mao also waved his hand from a distance, and said gratefully: "Brother, I will remember you, see you in Jianghu." The boat gradually moved away and disappeared.

Wu Xiaode looked down at the box in his hand. Unexpectedly, there is such a harvest.

At this time, the notebook opened automatically, and a few lines of small characters appeared: "The first time the supersuccess was successful."

"The opponent has been reincarnated in the primeval forest and has become a spruce."

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