Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 497: The two sides enter the battle!

On the dim and misty river.

Streams of light flew over from a distance and landed on Wu Xiaode one after another.

"Hmm..." He hummed softly.

Just now, I was in a hurry to build a smuggling scene, and I had no helper, so the notebook invoked the sealing power of the "illusory world" and poured it on myself.

—I created avatars out of thin air.

The boss of the boat, the seven or eight wicked people who stowed away, and even the boat were all Wu Xiaode himself.

He explored the characters one by one to speak. Huang Mao finally won the trust.

—Huang Mao really went to reincarnate. All visions end.

Wu Xiaode turned around and walked along the steps towards the Naihe Bridge.

As he walked, he looked down at the box in his hand. —I never thought that there would be such a harvest.

But what the **** is going on with this box?

Thinking of the card given to him when the second sealer was reincarnated yesterday, Wu Xiaode became vigilant.

Huang Mao said that the things in this box controlled him and changed his life.

Then you have to be more cautious.

Just as Wu Xiaode put away the box, a line of small characters suddenly jumped out of the notebook:

"A special situation has arisen!"

"You must be fully prepared before you can face today's second sealer."

"The world source power consumed to seal it is skyrocketing, and the entire illusory world is almost unable to hold on."

"Be sure to send it to reincarnation!"

"—Given the difficulty of this task, you can find other helpers."

Wu Xiaode fell into deep thought.

By now, he has basically understood the power of the "illusory world".

— No matter how powerful you are, as long as you reincarnate, you will lose all your strength and can only live as ordinary people.

But you are going to die, it is possible for your power to wake up. This is the only weakness of "Unreal World".

That's why there is a place called Naihe Bridge.

It absorbs the source power of the will of countless worlds to drive the operation of the Naihe Bridge and seal those terrifying guys.

Another line of small characters jumped out:

"Please hurry up, the whole world has already consumed too much power to seal them!"

The small characters flashed non-stop.

Wu Xiaode suddenly came back to his senses.

The word "they" is used in this small print. Why is it considered "them"?

Wu Xiaode's thoughts flashed, and he suddenly remembered what Huang Mao said.

"If there are other people around him, you must not approach him, I always feel that our boss can control multiple people...

So it seems. I have to be careful. After all, he killed him himself.

—He is more intelligent, terrifying, and cruel than Huangmao.

"Are you allowed to find help..."

Wu Xiaode walked back and forth, thinking about how to deal with it, he couldn't help shaking his head.

If you look for other venerables, such as the Lion King—

It's fine if the other party doesn't kill him, and you still expect them to help?

After all, there is only one existence that I can trust and have strength!

"Take me back to Yang Shi, I will find a helper and come back." He said.

The next moment. The world went away in a blink of an eye.

He returned to the West Queen Mother Temple. It was still night.

The police had evacuated long ago, and the rest of the temple had been tossing about half the night, and they all fell asleep.

It was quiet.

Wu Xiaode coughed lightly, and said: "Are you asleep?" He waited for a while.

The voice rang in my ear: "What's wrong?"

"I'm in trouble."

Wu Xiaode said the matter directly.

In fact, there is nothing to hide. When Jiang Shanglan went to Naihe Bridge, the other party had already met him face to face.

The voice said slowly:

"This matter is indeed no small matter, and that villain had once harmed the young lady, if you hadn't appeared, the young lady might have

Something has happened--"

"Forget it, I'll walk with you." The next moment.

Wu Xiaode only felt his whole body go stiff.

A chill ran up his spine, wriggling around the back of his neck, and finally turned into something similar to a star.

However, this star not only emits a strange light, but also seems to have other functions.

A voice sounded:

"I'm behind you—don't look back, don't look at me, don't watch me."

"Is that all right?" Wu Xiaode asked uncertainly.

"One of your abilities is to 'come to yourself', so with your permission, I can easily link with you. "The other party said.

Wu Xiaode thought for a second that this was really the case.

I used to ask the spirit to come down to help me solve some things.

The voice continued:

"I'm the lady's weapon, I can't do it directly, so I can do one thing for you—"

"Once you start fighting, I can temporarily increase your skill level."

"Skill level?" Wu Xiaode asked doubtfully.

"Yes, each of your skills will be enhanced by a level

"And you can choose one of the skills, and I push it directly into the unknowable path, making it incredibly powerful."

"But this is temporary, after all, you can't fully use my power."

"Will the battle start?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Yes, if something goes wrong, you will enter the combat state, and I will directly promote the evolution of your skills!"

"...Okay." Wu Xiaode said. He nodded to his notebook. dizzy. Keep your feet on the ground.

I returned to the Naihe Bridge. alright.

Now the only helper that can be found has been found. "let's start."

Wu Xiaode said.

The fog on the Naihe Bridge dissipated. The next moment.

Six figures appeared in front of Wu Xiaode at the same time.

The leader was the middle-aged man.

The five people behind him were also the villains who followed him to Cuiyun Mountain and intercepted and killed Xiao Wu.

As soon as the two sides met each other, they were both stunned. "It's you."

The middle-aged man's eyes showed deep hatred.

A dim light emanated from him, blowing in all directions.

The light passed over the bridge deck of Naihe Bridge, and the bridge deck suddenly burst into roars, revealing deep cracks.

"Do you still remember what happened before you were alive? But I want to say, it's actually helping you."

Wu Xiaode laughed.

"Help me? Let's have a good chat after I've skinned and cramped you." The middle-aged man grinned.

Wu Xiaode sighed, folded his arms and said, "Can't we talk first?"

"Prepare to die." The middle-aged man walked towards him. A line of small words appeared on the notebook:

"Quickly think of a way, the Naihe Bridge is about to collapse!" Wu Xiaode's pupils shrank suddenly.

I have saved five people, but no one is as powerful as the middle-aged man in front of me!

Naihe Bridge is the most powerful place in the entire "illusory world", but in the end, even the light on the opponent's body can't resist it.

"Be careful, he's coming over," the voice reminded.

The middle-aged man really speeded up and rushed towards Wu Xiaode——

Not only did he rush over, but his figure began to swell and change, and a murderous roar burst out from his mouth:

"Kill you, boy!"

In a critical situation, Wu Xiaode shouted loudly: "Illusory world"", fighting with this kind of existence will not be punished, will it? "

Two lines of small characters quickly appeared in the notebook: "Totally correct!"

"From now until the end of the battle, all your powers will not be suppressed by the world!"

at the fingertips.

The middle-aged man came to Wu Xiaode.

However, an incredible thing happened—only a muffled "boom" was heard.

Wu Xiaode's fist hit the middle-aged man's face first! The middle-aged man froze.

The fist stuck to his face without even scarring him.

"So you are so weak." He said disappointedly.

However, the gray light emanating from his body became more and more blazing.

Where he was standing, the bridge deck had been completely corroded and no longer existed.

A more violent breath was brewing in his body, and it would burst out at any time.

"That's right, I'm a newly born world-like life form, that's why I'm so weak," Wu Xiaode said with a calm expression, "But..." "I'm willing to spend money."

The voice fell.

The Book of the Undead suddenly popped up, frantically popping out lines of small ice crystal characters:

"You activated 'If you are a brother, come and cut me'!"

"Due to the huge disparity in strength between the two sides in this battle, you must pay twenty times the gold to activate the skill."

"You paid two thousand kilograms of gold." "The current time skill is in effect!"

"You hit the opponent!"

"The two sides have entered a state of combat—"

"All your skills have been strengthened by one level!"

Wu Xiaode roared suddenly: "Come on, push my "anger" to the highest level! "

"Coming." The voice behind him responded. The next moment.

A few lines of small ice crystal characters jumped out: "You have hit the enemy."

"Your death technique 'Wrath' is unfolding."

"—It completed some kind of unknowable and strange evolution in an instant, and became an unimaginable skill."

The six sealed people on the bridge disappeared together with Wu Xiaode.

As soon as they left, the collapsed Naihe Bridge began to recover slowly.

The sealers who were hidden in the gray mist also gradually calmed down, no longer restless.


Wu Xiaode landed on a land completely made of flesh and blood. UU reading www.

He didn't look around at all, and directly pressed his hand on the Book of the Dead, and said in a low voice:

"Sign the contract!" Bang -- a soft sound.

Shen Xiujun landed quietly with joy on his face.

"Brother Wu, is this your shadow entourage contract? I signed it right away?"

Wu Xiaode said in a low voice: "Let's talk about gossip later, the enemy we have to face now is not ordinary."

Shen Xiujun followed his gaze, and said in surprise: "It really looks very strong..."

"But I'm not afraid of them."

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