Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 498: Sin classroom!

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The sky was completely soaked in blood.

The earth is composed of countless crimson flesh and blood tissues.

However, the whole world, like the ordinary world, has huge urban agglomerations.

There are even people coming and going on the street.

These people moved their bodies expressionlessly, like zombies.

"What is this place?" Shen Xiujun asked in a low voice.

"My skills have been weirded out, and they've been piled up to a fairly high level—see the situation." Wu Xiaode responded.

The two stood on the street made of flesh and blood.

Opposite them, the middle-aged man and five subordinates stood there, looking around constantly.


Feeling something in their hearts, they raised their heads at the same time.

I saw a woman standing on the top floor of a building with hundreds of floors, jumping down.

She was smashed to pieces in front of everyone, and lines of small words were quickly formed on the ground covered in flesh and blood:

"Welcome to the classroom of sin."

"This is the super-advanced mutant world of 'Rage'."

"During this battle, you will face the test of sin. One side will be tested, and the other side will be in charge of judgment."

"One round of testing is completed, and the two sides exchange identities."

"If the judge has a suitable reason to convict, the test party will be swallowed by the current world immediately."

"Start now!"

Everyone looked at these few lines of small characters, and they were a little puzzled. "According to our sins...?"

Shen Xiujun frowned, as if she was still thinking about the meaning of this sentence.

However, at this time, the test had already quietly begun.

street corner.

A stiff woman walked towards the crowd.

She staggered away for a while, stretched out her hand, and pointed at a thug next to the middle-aged man.

"It's you—come here, take me for a drink, and I promise to cheer you up at night."

The woman said in a stiff and numb tone.

Coupled with her weird smile and the "clack" sounds coming from her body, such a scene is almost creepy!

"Bastard! What are you!" the middle-aged man roared.

His whole body shook, releasing bursts of gray light—however, these lights quickly sank into the flesh and blood on the ground and disappeared.

—His power was directly swallowed!

An inexplicable fluctuation came from the depths of the ground, constantly echoing in the blood-colored sky of the entire world.

Everyone's heart trembled in unison. This feeling--


And it is a very high level of devouring causal law! Wu Xiaode tried to release a ray of soul power.

The soul power suddenly disappeared into the ground.

—So, no one can release the soul power unless they are allowed to!

"Boss, what should we do?" a subordinate asked tremblingly.

"It seems that we can only act according to the rules of this world first," the middle-aged man's expression changed, "First look at the situation, and then find a chance to kill that kid!"

During the conversation.

The woman staggered and was already standing in front of a thug.

She grabbed the thug's arm, leaned forward, and said with a grin:

"Come on, our bar is very fun. When you were alive, didn't you like to catch some girls and lock them in the bar and play slowly?"

A black glow appeared above the thug's head, which quickly turned into small characters:

"The current character is deeply sinful and is undergoing a test of sin. If he succeeds, he will be let go temporarily, and if he fails, he will be completely swallowed by the world."

The thug did not dare to move, but was dragged by the woman and walked towards the bar by the road.

There were a few coolly dressed younger sisters standing at the door of the bar.

They either exposed the bones on their chests, or showed half of their skulls on their faces, exuding a dark aura all over their bodies, and looked towards the thugs together.

"We've been waiting for you for a long time," said the girls.

The thugs looked at them, recognized several familiar faces, and shivered immediately.

"Boss, save me." The thug begged.

The middle-aged man's eyes flickered, and he said quickly: "Since this world is called the Sin Classroom', then the core rule must be "Sin". I just happen to be familiar with this rule."

"The most fearful thing about sin is repentance—as long as you sincerely refuse to sin and repent of your previous sins, you should be able to pass the test."

At this time, Shen Xiujun tugged on Wu Xiaode's sleeve. Wu Xiaode followed her gaze.

I saw a line of flickering marks floating above my and her heads:

"The judge."

—That's right, when the middle-aged men and the others face the test, they will be in charge of the trial.

Be sure not to let them go!

Wu Xiaode collected his mind and looked towards the field.

But seeing the thug listened to the middle-aged man's words, Dang even knelt down in front of the woman and begged loudly:

"I will never do such a bad thing again, please let me go."

The woman dragged him, gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "Don't do bad things? I'm just going to do some bad things with you, just like what you did before."

"I really regret it, and I swear I will never do it again!" The thug knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

The woman dragged him for a while, and gradually froze.

The other strange women at the bar entrance all looked at him coldly, but they didn't make a move.

The scene froze for a moment.

The middle-aged man glanced at Wu Xiaode and hummed:

"Boy, as long as you have the intention of repentance and don't do any evil things here, you will satisfy the redemption rules of "sin". I can't think of any crimes you can accuse him of! "

All those girls looked at Wu Xiaode together.

"Crime, give him a charge, otherwise we can't move him."

"Please, we want revenge."

"He is heinous and has ruined my life, please give him a crime!"

"Please help us!" they said in unison.

Wu Xiaode looked calm, looked at the situation in the field, and said lightly:

"The world must swallow him immediately."

"He has already repented, even those monsters can't touch him anymore, why do you say that?" the middle-aged man shouted.

"He violated the woman's will." Wu Xiaode said.

"When he was alive, he violated women's will and did many bad things; now ladies and sisters are looking for him to pay, and he violated women's will again."

The scene fell silent.

Those weird women screamed in unison, saying in unison:

"Totally correct! The charge is convicted! Now it's all right!" "But he—" The middle-aged man wanted to speak, but Wu

De directly interrupted:

"Shut up, whether it is against the will of women depends on whether women agree with the current situation. As long as they disagree, they can be identified!"

"Drag it down and deal with it!"

The women cheered, grabbed the thug and dragged him into the bar.

not for a while.

There was a horrible cry from the bar.

The cry was louder and louder, as if it would never stop.

outside on the street.

A look of fear gradually appeared on the faces of the thugs.

— If this weird test continues, who can stand it!

The middle-aged man hurriedly cheered up the beaters around him:

"Actually, you can list the crimes at will... We have a lot of people. In this case, as long as we are the judges and rotate back and forth a few times, we can kill him."

Everyone felt something, and looked up at Wu Xiaode's head together.

The "Judger" logo above his head disappeared, and a "Sin Tester" logo replaced it.


The logo appeared on top of the middle-aged man's head instead,

--The two sides have rotated!

Almost at the same moment, several strange women appeared at the entrance of the bar.

They waved at Wu Xiaode: "Come on, handsome guy, come in and play." Seeing this, the middle-aged man laughed loudly and said:

"Hahaha, hurry up, now it's your turn, boy, watch how I can kill you!"

Shen Xiujun hugged Wu Xiaode's arm tightly, whispered: "Are you sure?"

"Try." Wu Xiaode said.

He touched his body, took out the phone, unlocked it, and opened the bank account interface.

— This is the mobile phone I bought in the world of "Heaven, Earth and Human". In that world, I have never saved any money in my bank account.

So a line of numbers is displayed on the interface: "Current balance: 0.86 yuan."

Wu Xiaode kept the interface still, and turned out the pockets on both sides of his trousers—

Both pockets were empty.

He held his mobile phone high, exposed his pocket, and walked towards the door of the bar happily.

"Sisters, I've never been to a bar before, do I need money to go in and play?"

Bar entrance.

Several strange women looked at him, at the balance on his mobile phone, and at his empty pockets, UU reading www.uukanshu. com was speechless for a while.

It wasn't until Wu Xiaode walked to the door of the bar that a woman hesitated and said:

"Maybe it's fun, you—"

At this moment, Wu Xiaode suddenly remembered that he was wearing jeans today, and there were two pockets on the back of the trousers.

When the other party was talking, he held up his mobile phone with one hand, and put the other hand behind his back, turning his pants pockets out to expose them.

"Sister, can I really go in and play? No money?"

He asked a little excitedly, and at the same time shook his buttocks and walked in front of the woman, letting the other party see his empty pockets.

on the phone.

The account balance of 0.86 yuan illuminated his innocent and curious face.

The young lady slowly closed her mouth. There was an eerie silence.

Suddenly, the leading lady shouted: "Poor ghost, go back."

"Okay, sister, I'm leaving now, sister."

Wu Xiaode responded with a smile, shaking the two empty pockets behind his buttocks again, and walked back to Shen Xiujun's side.

Two lines of small gray words floated above his head:

"The test is over." "The judge please convict."

There was another long silence.

From the beginning to the end, Wu Xiaode listened to the instructions of the little sisters.

Let him come and he will come. Tell him to go, and he goes immediately. — How does this convict people?

The middle-aged man thought about it, and finally said with difficulty:

"The sin is... poor?"

"Don't change the concept secretly," Wu Xiaode looked at

He said, "The content of your trial is my behavior in the scene just now, not whether I have money."

"You even got the concept wrong, and you dare to interrogate me?" The voice fell.

Two lines of small characters appeared in midair:

"Poor" is not a crime, and he was not guilty in this trial! "The two sides rotate again!"

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