Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 499: come!

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The bar door suddenly opened.

A burly man came out of the door. He pointed to everyone and said:

"The boss is happy today, you all come in to join us, drinks are free."

The middle-aged man hesitated and asked, "What if we don't go in?"

"Don't come in? The next crime test will be held in a bar, if you don't come in—"

The strong man grinned and looked at Wu Xiaode expectantly.

The middle-aged man also looked at Wu Xiaode.

I saw the logo of "Judger" appeared above his head. Damn.

Power cannot be used here!

You can't give the other party a chance to fabricate charges, otherwise you will be finished.

"Boss, look!" one of the men exclaimed. The middle-aged man looked down.

The ground made of flesh and blood began to wriggle continuously.

Spikes protruded from the ground, densely covering the surroundings as if alive.

Only the road leading to the bar is still flat.

"Let's go!" the middle-aged man said helplessly.

The crowd followed him into the bar. at the same time.

in the bar.

The screams of the previous thug stopped abruptly. This made everyone's faces even more ugly.

Wu Xiaode was walking at the back, when suddenly his whole body trembled. The Book of the Undead was then opened, revealing lines of small characters written in ice crystals:


"Sin Classroom' has devoured the enemy's strength, and a choice is about to emerge:

"A: Strengthen the current skills to better defeat the enemy;" "B: Feed back to you and improve your world."

Wu Xiaode was dumbfounded. What?

This is directly devoured? Give it to me? He couldn't help but pat his head.

That's right, no matter how the skill changes, the one who activates it is always me.

—If you don’t give the power of devouring to yourself, do you give it to the enemy? His mind sank, and his eyes turned to the few people in front of him.

These guys obeyed the middle-aged man without any objection at all, which always made people feel that something was wrong.

Is there no way to find out?

Just as he was thinking, he saw the burly man turn around and said to the crowd:

"Each of you has a box, drink first, and then take the test."

"The judge goes to box 666."

"Sin testers, go to box 444. The middle-aged man gave Wu Xiaode a surprised look.

However, at this moment, Wu Xiaode also showed surprise on his face—he didn't know what was going on now!

The middle-aged man felt relieved, and said, "Let's go, go to that box."

The two sides separated and each entered the box.

As soon as Wu Xiaode brought Shen Xiujun in, two strong men appeared at the door to guard them.

In the room, a girl with a half-body skeleton showing nodded and smiled at the two of them.

"Thank you both."

"My soul was sunk in the sea of ​​frost in hell. It was you who woke me up so that I could arrive here and take revenge on those scumbags."

After exchanging pleasantries, she immediately put a suitcase on the table and opened it in front of the two of them.

There is a timer in it. "4:31."

"4:30." "4:29." -


-- It's counting down!

"What is this?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"I don't know, that thug appeared after he died, and he couldn't absorb the power from it." The girl said blankly.

Shen Xiujun glanced at it, but said with a smile: "This is a special trigger. It is triggered after the soul completely disappears. As for what triggers, we really don't know."

Wu Xiaode pondered for a moment, then suddenly clapped his hands and said: "Wait no more, speed up."

"What do you want to do?" Shen Xiu

Jun asked.

"Before the time countdown of this thing ends, get rid of all those people, in case there is any change." Wu Xiaode said.

He looked at the girl with the suitcase.

—The girl nodded and said: "Since the master of the art has said it, the test will begin immediately."

The big screen in the box suddenly opened.

The scene of another box appeared on the screen. The middle-aged man was sitting on the sofa with a few other thugs, looking nervous.

Uneasy look. The girl took out the walkie-talkie and said, "Serve."

On the screen, the door of the middle-aged man's box opened suddenly.

Girls with strange expressions filed in and stood in a row in the box.

"Bosses, please choose a girl to accompany you." The middle-aged man and his subordinates looked at each other.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and hurriedly said: "Choose one of them, otherwise it will be against the woman's will again."

"Yes, boss!" All the thugs responded.

A thug seemed afraid of being picked on again, so he was the first to stand up and went to hold a girl's hand.

"Come and drink with me." He said flatteringly. The girl didn't move, but just looked at him coldly. She looked towards the middle-aged man as if she was begging for help. The middle-aged man said calmly:

"It's okay, even if we have no money, that kid can't convict us. After all, he was not convicted when he had no money before."

"And this is a new round of trials!"

"If the other party keeps entangled in fees, when it's his turn, he will be finished!"

The thug thought it was the same, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

"Come on, girl, I really didn't bring any money, but you're not too expensive, are you?" Said the thug with a hippie smile. In another box.

Wu Xiaode said softly: "The trial begins."

"Verdict: The current world must swallow this man immediately, without wasting my time."

He glanced at the timer. 20 seconds have passed.

Wu Xiaode always has a feeling that the timer must not go to "00:00".

Something must have happened at that moment! In box 444.

The thug fell into the ground immediately.

The flesh and blood on the ground bound him tightly, pulling him hard towards the depths of the ground.

"No! I didn't do anything!" screamed the thug.

He struggled so violently that he even knocked over the table.

The scene was chaotic.

At the door of the box, countless weird women crowded there, staring at these people quietly.

These people have been doing evil all their lives, and seeing this scene, they can't help but feel horrified.

at the same time.

The image of Wu Xiaode also appeared on the TV in their box.

The middle-aged man bravely stood up and shouted at Wu Xiaode:

"It's not right!"

"He has no money like you—being poor is not a crime, you can't kill him!"

Wu Xiaode said blankly: "He objectifies women."

Everyone was startled, and couldn't help falling into memories. Yes.

That thug just said--

"I did not bring any money, but you must not be too expensive...

The first half of the sentence is fine. The problem is in the second half of the sentence. It is indeed - objectifying women!

"Help me, boss!" the thug wailed. But it was too late.

All the weird girls present screamed in unison:

"Convicted, objectifying women! Die! Die!"

The flesh and blood on the ground squirmed crazily, directly pulling him deep underground, and it took a while for him to recover.

the other side. In Wu Xiaode's box.

Another half-skeleton girl walked in, put a suitcase on the table and opened it.

I saw that the box was empty.

"The opponent used some kind of special hand

Duan, with extremely strong power, forcibly took away the things hidden in that person's body. "

The girl said blankly. What?

There is such a thing?

Wu Xiaode suddenly looked up at the screen.

I saw a middle-aged man holding a glowing bead in his hand, and said with a sneer:

"This is my weapon. If I don't give it to you, how can you use it!" He crushed the bead with all his strength.

The world shook.

A few lines of small ice crystal characters quickly appeared:

"The opponent used incredible power to forcibly change the rules."

"The current rule is: both sides are judges of each other."

"Whoever is convicted will die!"

Almost at the same moment.

Several girls with strange figures appeared in Wu Xiaode's box.

"Brother Wu, what should we do?" Shen Xiujun worried.

"It's really unexpected that he has such ability." Wu Xiaode said in a low voice.

Shen Xiujun quietly transmitted voice:

"This ability is beyond the scope of ordinary world power, which is equivalent to forcibly changing the law of causality—"

"They must have a big secret." Wu Xiaode nodded slightly.

I didn't expect to meet such a group of guys. There is no other way at the moment.

No matter what secrets they have, I must face up to the difficulties and get rid of them!


The middle-aged man's eyes were bloodshot, and he roared like crazy:

"Boy, now you have to choose a girl to accompany you to drink! Choose for me!"

Wu Xiaode looked at the row of girls in front of him, pondered for a few breaths, and suddenly smiled and said:

"Sisters, I hope we have fun today." He stepped forward, took out a stack of gold bricks, and placed them in the hands of the first young lady.

A total of nine young ladies.

Every young lady got a large stack of gold bricks. "Objectify women!"

The middle-aged man roared immediately. The flesh and blood on the ground began to squirm.

Wu Xiaode's feet sank into the ground. "These are greetings."

Wu Xiaode was not afraid at all, and even put his arms around Shen Xiujun's waist.

"My girlfriend is here to play today, so I will pay some money, I hope everyone will have a good time."

"Of course, I never force people. If you sisters don't want to play here, please feel free, but you don't have to return the gold bricks.

"They're just my little thoughts."

"It's like treating my sisters to eat candy." The girls cheered.

With their cheers, the ground gradually loosened the flesh and blood that bound Wu Xiaode's feet.

— Girls don't feel objectified! So it doesn't work!

The first girl went to open wine.

The second girl put the dice, poker, wine glasses on the table. UU reading

Someone outside closed the door of the box. The music is already on.

The third girl came forward with a fruit plate and put a piece of fruit near Wu Xiaode's mouth.

"Little brother, come and eat grapes." She said softly.

The other girls dragged Shen Xiujun to the center of the arena, twisting their waists along with the music that shook the sky.

Another girl lit a cigar and handed it to Wu Xiaode's mouth.

Wu Xiaode closed his mouth, took a breath, and nodded to the girl.

The girl immediately smoked the cigar away.

Another girl brought a glass of wine and fed him a drink. The ninth girl gently wiped his mouth.

Then Wu Xiaode raised his head, looked at the middle-aged man on the screen, and said calmly:


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