Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 500: Advent VS Advent!

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The middle-aged man patted the table and stood up, shouting excitedly:

"During the last trial, you obviously had no money, but now you have a pile of gold bricks. You are deceiving—" "You can't afford it now! I don't think you're dead yet?"

Wu Xiaode sneered, opened his mouth, and took another puff of his cigar before saying, "I only said three sentences at the door of the bar."

What he said before suddenly appeared on the screen:

"Sisters, I've never been to a bar, do I need money to go in?" "Sister, can I really go in? No money?"

"Okay, sister, I'm leaving now, sister." Both parties looked at these three lines.

Wu Xiaode exhaled a smoke ring towards the screen, and said lazily, "It seems that I never said I was poor."

The middle-aged man froze.

Wu Xiaode didn't give up, and continued:

"Besides, that was the last test. It seems illegal for you to use your current qualifications to question the last test."

The voice fell.

The girls block the screen and start dancing hand in hand. — This proves that Wu Xiaode is right!

He passed!

Wu Xiaode looked up at the timer, with a ray of determination in his expression.

He stood up, took out gold bricks one after another, and built a one-meter-high square on the table in the box. "Sisters, let's play dice."

he greeted.

"How to play?" The girls gathered around.

"Winner gets two dollars, loser gets only one dollar." Wu Xiaode laughed. "Wow, let's play with my little brother."

The girls took turns rolling the dice.

Wu Xiaode stood aside, looking at the TV screen.

The middle-aged man and the thugs in room 444 still stood still in place.

The girls in their box also stood there motionless, even turning their heads to look at the screen.

The girls watched the singing, laughing and dice games in Box 666, and their aura gradually became fierce. "It's your turn."

Wu Xiaode's expression became indifferent, and he said:

"You went into the bar, ordered a private room, and called your sisters to play, but you didn't even pay for it?" "Even if you are not tried for fraud, I will ask you to provoke trouble."


Before the words fell, the middle-aged man's expression changed.

He reached out and slapped the three companions continuously, and shouted in a low voice: "Give me all the strength!"

The three companions burst into screams in unison.

Their bodies directly turned into bones, and the bones turned into pus, which quickly evaporated into the void. Where they were originally standing, three **** of light appeared.

These **** of light revolved around the middle-aged man for a while, and all of them sank into his body. An inexplicable breath emanated from him.

Wu Xiaode couldn't help but twitch from the corner of his eyes.

—The countdown is not over yet, why did you flip the table? It seems that the plan cannot keep up with the change.

"Damaging public facilities, not paying for consumption, guilty of picking quarrels and provoking trouble!"

Wu Xiaode roared immediately.

The ground immediately turned into squirming flesh and blood, wrapping around the middle-aged man, pulling him deep underground. However--

No tugging at all.

The middle-aged man stood where he was, with white light all over his body, and an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Unexpectedly, the layout was so perfect, and the law of fate was used, but the result was side effects—" His appearance did not change, but his temperament was completely different.

In box 666.

Shen Xiujun suddenly took a step forward, stood in front of Wu Xiaode and said: "Be careful, the opponent has 'fallen'."

"Arrival?" Wu Xiaode asked in surprise.

"Yes, those people had all kinds of Horcruxes hidden on their bodies, they were forcibly taken out by that guy, and they released a descent." Shen Xiujun said solemnly.

She quickly made a seal with her hands. boom--

Endless long black hair spread out from her body.

"I don't know why this guy came directly to your "Sin Classroom". I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with." Shen Xiujun said quickly through voice transmission.

at the same time.

In room 444, the middle-aged man was slightly bent, his eyes narrowed.

——The entire box and the ground turned into squirming flesh and blood, trying to drag him to the ground. "Since we're here..."

He raised his fist high and punched the ground with all his might. The world became silent.

The flesh and blood on the ground spread out in all directions like rolling waves. Shen Xiujun's expression changed almost immediately, and she said via voice transmission:

"Brother Wu, run away!"

Wu Xiaode activated the "Sleepless City" without hesitation, and hid directly in the parallel world. A line of small ice crystal characters appeared in front of his eyes:

"Your "Sin Classroom" is about to collapse! "at the same time.

Suddenly a voice sounded behind him:

"That guy still has the strength of two strikes, don't go out until his "advent" is over! "Go out and die!"

— This is the existence next to Jiang Shanglan! I could only hear screams coming from the depths of the ground. The flesh and blood split open.

Deep underground, countless corpses were directly turned into meat paste, and then turned into blood mist, flying and dissipating in the void. A huge flesh and blood figure climbed with all its strength, trying to rush up, but gradually lost its strength.

It also turned into blood mist. --just one punch! Take advantage of this time.

The middle-aged man rushed forward, smashed through the wall of flesh and blood, passed through boxes, and appeared directly in front of Shen Xiujun. "The Robber?"

he said unexpectedly.

Shen Xiujun stretched out his hand and pointed, and immediately there were countless long black hairs tangled and knotted in mid-air, turning into a huge shield. rumble rumble--

All flesh and blood quickly dissipated.

The whole world was completely wiped out.

With one punch, the super high-level evolution state of "Rage" was shattered! The middle-aged man stood in mid-air and said:

"I have no grievances with Infinite Great Tribulation. Even if you are a robber, you shouldn't hinder me."

"Then why don't you go?" Shen Xiujun said crisply.

The middle-aged man was silent, and said again: "I have received their memories, and I already know that this incident was done by the boy you protected."

"Your people provoked him first." Shen Xiujun said.

"That's not the case. According to the fate and world line I wove, the subordinates I send will be reincarnated in the 'illusory world', become villains, and accomplish one thing for me, but that thing has been changed by him."

When the middle-aged man said this, his whole body was shocked.

Billions of shining stars emerged in the dark void behind him, exuding endless and magnificent power. "Let's go, robber, I will find that boy and kill him."

The middle-aged man said lightly. Shen Xiujun shouted in a low voice:

"As long as I'm here, don't even try to hurt him."

The middle-aged man sighed: "Why bother? There are thousands of my worlds, even if you want to be my enemy, you can't destroy all my worlds...I just don't want to be enemies."

"I don't want to make a vengeance" hadn't finished the sentence, but he made a sudden move!

Hundreds of millions of stars turned into endless rain of light, spreading one after another, densely covering all directions, and sweeping towards Shen Xiujun. A gleam of determination flashed in Shen Xiujun's eyes.

——She is a human being, and she cannot completely transform into a robbery demon. At this time, she has to deal with the opponent's full attack, and she doesn't know what the result will be.

The endless light illuminates all darkness. Between lightning and flint.

Shen Xiujun suddenly lost her voice: "No, brother Xiao Wu, don't come out—"

Before her voice fell, her whole body suddenly turned into a card and flew back to the Book of the Dead.

The endless flying stars lost their target, and immediately drew a long arc in midair, returning behind the middle-aged man. at the same time.

A figure appeared opposite the middle-aged man. --Wu Xiaode.

"Huh? You ran out by yourself?" The middle-aged man said playfully.

"For an old Jianghu like you, of course I have to come out for a while—in fact, you can see her weakness, don't you?" Wu Xiaode said.

"How do you know?" The middle-aged man asked back.

"If it's a real robber, judging by your attitude, you probably don't want to offend her, but you shot before you finished speaking just now, obviously you can see that she can only keep her human body now." Wu Xiaode said.

"Smart people are the easiest to do bad things, you broke my business." The middle-aged man said. Wu Xiaode shook his head and said:

"Actually, I also knew that I changed the world line, but I didn't expect this world line to be artificially set."

"In this very young world, although you have some brains, you are too ignorant. You haven't seen the world, so you don't know how strong I am." The middle-aged man said.

"Of course I don't know, but—someone knows." Wu Xiaode said.

"Oh? Who are you referring to? That incomplete Jiemo just now?" The middle-aged man said disdainfully. Wu Xiaode took out a long box and opened it directly.

—This is the long box that Huangmao took out. I saw a beating heart inside the box.

The next moment.

Wu Xiaode still hasn't figured out what's going on—

The heart suddenly stretched out a sharp thorn, which pierced deeply into his body. A sharp female voice sounded in my ears:

"Hee hee, unexpectedly caught up, how did you find me?"

Wu Xiaode responded: "If I have to say that I changed the world line, there is only one thing—" "Jiang Shanglan was originally dead, but I sent him back to the world to be resurrected."

"She died by striking a mortal."

"The mortal who caused her death is standing right in front of me, trying to kill me." "But why do you know how to let me out?" the female voice asked again.

"Because his 'coming' used the power of all his companions, but failed to awaken the power of the yellow hair, and the yellow hair has been hanging around with them—"

"In other words, the yellow hair is probably not their companion."

"On the Naihe Bridge, Huang Mao was not sealed with them, but was divided into two groups. This is also evidence." "So one thing is confirmed—"

"Huang Mao is indeed not their companion!"

"If Huangmao is not his companion, nor is it the means that the existence has arranged long ago, why should he follow him?" "—there is only one reason: surveillance."

"Do you have evidence?" the female voice asked again.

"The basis is that the existence dare not be upright to kill Jiang Shanglan—even with his unimaginable strength, he still quietly let these people reincarnate, approaching Jiang Shanglan step by step, luring her to make a move, instead of Just kill her!"

"I bet he must be afraid!" Wu Xiaode finished.

He looked at the middle-aged man opposite, only to see hesitation on his face. "Who has come upon you?"

The middle-aged man asked tentatively.

Wu Xiaode opened his mouth, but couldn't speak. The female voice whispered in his ear:

"That's right, the watcher he fears is me."

"My child, many variables of fate are coincidences, but you have become such variables by virtue of your own talents." "You saved Lan once, and now is the second time. In return, I will save you."

"Lend me your body."

Wu Xiaode immediately found himself unable to move.

—Just like every time the Heroic Spirits descend upon him. Rumble! !

Wu Xiaode's body erupted with violent fluctuations, which turned into an unimaginably fierce gust of wind, blowing directly to the billions of stars on the opposite side shaking endlessly. UU reading

His hair suddenly grew longer, turning into long hair in a shawl, dancing endlessly in the wind. His voice also turned into a nice female voice:

"I finally found it..."

"You kind

The method of weaving the thread of fate is too disgusting...I want you to die! "The next moment.

He punched straight away.

The middle-aged man's face changed drastically, and he quickly covered his chest with his hands, trying to resist something. Boom.

There was a soft sound.

The middle-aged man trembled from the beating and spat out a mouthful of blood. "Damn."

He said with a gloomy face.

Behind him, those hundreds of millions of stars all over the void, like thousands of trees and thousands of flowers, streaked across the long stream of light and fell towards the depths of the darkness.

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