Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 502: "artificial intelligence"!

This badge is made of sterling silver, with gold edging, depicting the shape of a dog's head. — Judging from the breed, it seems to be a Teddy.

A line of small ice crystal characters appeared next to the badge: "Welcome newcomers, please register."

Wu Xiaode was somewhat curious.

—When the being said "maybe it suits you", what aspect did he think this badge was suitable for him? Thinking of this, Wu Xiaode couldn't help asking:

"How to register?"

A few more lines of small ice crystal characters appeared: "Registration conditions:"

"1. Only world-like life forms can use this strange thing;"

"2. To activate this strange thing to complete the registration, you need to pay 100 grams of gold as the membership fee." "3. If you meet the above conditions, tell your real name to complete the account activation."

These conditions are not difficult.

Wu Xiaode took out a piece of gold and said, "I'm Wu Xiaode, please register."


The badge suddenly popped out from the Book of the Dead, floating in mid-air, aiming at Wu Xiaode. "gold."

It spits out two words.

The gold in Wu Xiaode's hand disappeared immediately.

At the same time, the badge immediately turned into a pure gold dog and fell to the ground with a "dong". --and then stopped moving.

"Brother Teddy, have I registered successfully?" Wu Xiaode asked with cupped fists.

"Success," Pure Gold Dog glanced at him, "You have become a member of the Real Dog Association." The Real Dog Association...

Why is it so ugly?

. How many people are there in this association? "Wu Xiaode asked. "Only you." Jin Quan said.

"Why am I the only one?" Wu Xiaode couldn't help asking.

"Countless years ago, many unheard of bigwigs gathered together to develop a world intelligent life that would benefit all life forms in the world."

"On the verge of success, these big bosses have mutual selfishness and forced to inject various restrictions into the world's intelligent life." "The world's intelligent life immediately decided to self-destruct for the sake of lofty ideals."

"Only I, as its lowest clone, survived." "—no one ever got me."

"you are the first."

Wu Xiaode shook his head and said, "That's not right, it's obviously that big boss who descended on me, who gifted you to me."

The golden dog sneered and said, "She used a strange technique to find the most suitable props for a certain existence, that's why you got me."

"...What exactly does the Real Dog Association do?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"I don't know, whatever, anyway, I can help you a lot, mainly to take care of the world, but it costs money." Golden Dog said. The Book of the Dead is open again.

A skeletal dragon with a frosty white aura flew out, circling around the golden dog on the ground. "Are you really a dog?" Xiaogu asked in a complicated tone.

"It's true, if you also want to be a dog, I can help you carry out cross-race biochemical evolution to make your dreams come true—of course you have to pay for it from your master." Golden Dog said.

"Who would want to be a dog?" Xiaogu sneered and flew back to the Book of the Dead. The golden dog looked at Wu Xiaode, and said via voice transmission:

"Listen, I am the highest masterpiece of intelligence, such as artificial intelligence-it is a level below me, I am world intelligence, so I can analyze the tone of the juvenile bone dragon, from its body language and movements. Its real thoughts."

"It longs to be a free dog."

Wu Xiaode hid the Book of the Dead and gave it a thumbs up. --Amazing!

From this point of view, I have nothing else, but a lot of gold. They are really suitable for each other.


"Lifelike bodies in other worlds should have a lot of gold, why me?" Wu Xiaode asked suspiciously.

"You are wrong." Golden Dog said. "wrong?"

"Yes, look at your own world, is there gold?" "...No."

"Not only no, not even ordinary iron ore." "Yes."

Wu Xiaode vaguely understood what the other party meant. The golden dog sneered and said:

"Gold is the product of the death of massive stars. It is also something that is born when neutron stars collide and merge. Generally, it is only born in the violent changes at the end of stellar evolution."

"It's extremely rare!"

"Many life-like bodies in the world are not even qualified to own a star, so how can they get gold?"

"When the world's life-like body develops to a certain level, it will immediately develop belief among all living beings, thereby creating gods, and letting the gods go to the multiverse to find gold!"

"If a world has a lot of gold, it will definitely become stronger!" Wu Xiaode fell into deep thought.

Did the gods do such a thing? I feel like I have a maid...

She was born on the corpses of the gods, and once gave herself ten billion tons of gold without saying anything. outside the room.

Xuezhi shivered inexplicably. Shen Xiujun glared at her and said:

"Go and clean the toilet later, do you understand?"

Xuezhi immediately lowered his head and said respectfully: "Yes, mistress, I promise I will never let you down again." Wu Xiaode understood a little now.

Gold is so useful, no wonder even Banner without a Beginning needs gold. — This Teddy seems to really suit me.

own gold. it has--

The intelligence of the life-like body in the world?

"Brother Teddy, I have gold, are you willing to cooperate with me?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"The Dodge and Deceitful Art made you and I bind—and besides, you joined my True Dog Association, which proves that you match my compatibility." The golden dog said seriously.

"What's your compatibility?" Wu Xiaode asked. "A real dog," said the golden dog.

"Are these two characters nouns or adjectives?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"You are a dog, it is an adjective; I am a dog, it is a noun—congratulations, we are indeed a match made in heaven." The golden dog said. Wu Xiaode endured it.

Those who make big things don't stick to small details, don't care about an artificial intelligence.

"...The Real Dog Association is not good, Brother Teddy, how about we change the name?" Wu Xiaode sighed.

"Forget it, you keep calling me Teddy, I am very satisfied with this name, then our association is also called—" "Teddy Association."

Wu Xiaode asked with some headache: "Can't you change it?"

"The cooling time of renaming skills is 10,000 years." Teddy said.

It's over.

In the future, when I walk around the rivers and lakes and meet people, the name "Teddy Association" seems to have no deterrent effect... "Brother Teddy, is it better to hide our association? The real name is usually the best Don't expose it casually."

Wu Xiaode struggles to salvage his reputation.

"That's okay—in fact, I'm being hunted too, after all, I'm such a great world-like agent, everyone wants me." Teddy agreed.

"Okay, so now we work together, what can we do?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"You are a world-like life form transformed by humans. It is very difficult for your awakening skills to integrate into the world, but it will be different now with me."

As Teddy said, he jumped up suddenly, bit the Book of the Dead, and then slammed into Wu Xiaode's chest. Wu Xiaode was startled, and immediately reacted.

He hurried to see his own world—

I saw some rocks appearing on the lifeless wasteland. Teddy's voice sounded again:

"I analyzed your world and gathered all the rocks. Now you have to put in 100 catties of gold." "Okay." Wu Xiaode immediately put in 100 catties of gold.

Rumble—the world began to shake.

The rocks gradually became active.

They gradually turned into huge human figures, walking slowly on the wasteland. Lines of small ice crystal characters floated in the void:

"Species are born in the current world:" "Rock giants."

"Extraordinary, rare species."

"Explanation: This is an extremely rare life form, and the general world has only a very low probability of obtaining it." "With Teddy's algorithm skills, you directly extracted this species!"

"The specific attributes are being generated." "Please wait."

Wu Xiaode looked at these small characters inexplicably and shocked. It's amazing.

This is a rare species!

I don't have any recharge at all, and I have reached a rare species with 0 krypton gold! "This... how to raise it?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"They don't need to eat or drink, and they don't know how to poop. They just need to stand on the ground to grow continuously." Teddy said. "It's amazing, who doesn't like such a species!" Wu Xiaode said.

"By the way, rock life is the key to carrying your awakening skills. Do you know why?" Teddy asked. Wu Xiaode suddenly thought of something, UU Reading slapped his forehead and said:

"I know! Because rocks can form walls, and my skills are all in the form of walls!" "Exactly," Teddy said, "Look."

on the ground.

A rock giant froze suddenly.

It bent down and turned into a black wall. Instantly.

Lines of small ice crystal characters appeared:

"Your awakening skill: Book of the Dead is merging into the world." "Current merging part: Sighing the wall."

"Thanks to the feature of sighing walls that can stylize all skills, your world attributes begin to change!" "World attributes: tenacity (changing)."

"Description: The world is solid and resilient, and will not be shattered by ordinary attacks." "Changed to:"

"World Attribute: Feign Death."

"Explanation: The world will fall into false destruction when it is attacked, so as to avoid the damage from the outside world." "—The world is destroyed, how do you destroy it again?"

"Your equivalent effect: Man of Steel has also completed a change, the new effect is:" "Really dog ​​man."

"Explanation: Any power that kills you will form a curse seal, which will be randomly transferred to a target that is hostile to you. It can only be activated once a day."

"—you hit me." "—rebound!"

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