Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 503: 3 giants gathered together!

Wasteland world. It's the size of a football field.

When the rock giants were born, this narrow space caught Wu Xiaode's attention. "It doesn't matter, we have reserves."

Teddy said.

I saw the second rock giant lying on the ground, forming a dilapidated wall. -- May the wall!

"The giants can accept tasks on the Wall of Wishes and get rewards after completing them, just like you."

"But," Wu Xiaode wondered, "Where do these rewards come from? I have nothing to reward them." Ted showed a smug smile and said:

"You received a one-time skill upgrade before—"

"The skill called 'Sin Classroom' can absorb all the energy in the battle, and your opponent seems to have died in the "Sin Classroom"."

"I took a look, and in the depths of your world there is still energy emitted when two incredible beings fight." "These can be transformed into the world for use."

"Enough for a long time!"

Wu Xiaode was startled for a moment, and then came to his senses. — "Sin Classroom" can swallow power!

It seems ordinary, but with this one, compared to the original "anger", it is indeed stronger. With this in mind, Wu Xiaode simply focused his thoughts on the wall of wishes.

"Mission... what mission to issue?" he muttered to himself.

"It's only good for your world," Teddy said. Wu Xiaode overlooked the world again.

A wall of sighs.

A wall of wishes.

A world the size of a football field, with these two walls standing tall, and where the rock giants can move about, is no longer enough. — need more space!

Wu Xiaode thought for a while, and said, "Release the mission:" "Expand the scope of the world."

"Mission description: Try your best to expand the space of the world. May the wall reward you according to your merits." The voice fell.

I saw lines of small characters suddenly appearing on the wish wall.

The rock giants gathered around and looked at the small characters. not for a while.

They turned around, came to the border of the wilderness, and walked towards the darkness beyond the border with all their strength. "What are those darkness?" Wu Xiaode asked.

Teddy explained seriously:

"If your world doesn't have any reserves, there will naturally be an endless void beyond the world, but you have absorbed the power of six Horcruxes, and devoured the combat power of two incredible existences—"

"If the giants try their best to open the border, the world will naturally generate a new territory." Wu Xiaode looked down.

I saw a rock giant supporting the edge of the world with both hands, pushing forward with all his strength. As it moved forward, the edge of darkness receded.

Lifeless, gravel-strewn land loomed beneath its feet. --The world is expanding!

Even if it's just gravel, it can't stop the joy in Wu Xiaode's heart.

As the world expanded, he could feel his power growing. A rock giant stopped suddenly.

I saw a ray of light burst out from the wishing wall, flew across the void, and fell directly on it.


The rock giant let out a roar.

I saw that the rocks all over its body became harder and harder, and its body grew several inches taller, and its aura was different from before. Lines of small characters in ice crystals floated above the rock giant's head:

"Contributing to the expansion of the world, completed the task step by step, and received a reward for increasing strength." "Current species: rock giant."

"The level has been increased to: Level 1."

"Master the racial skill: Juli (primary)."

The rock giant moved its body, pressed its hands on the edge of the dark world, and continued to push forward. — Compared to before, it advances faster!

"It's great," Wu Xiaode said with emotion, "I feel that my strength is also improving."

"When you are promoted to level 1 world

world, you can further integrate your Book of the Dead into this world. said Teddy. "And then?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Birth World Skill." Teddy said. "Is the world skill strong?"

"Beating sentient beings is as easy as beating dog shit." Wu Xiaode fell into deep thought.

"What's the problem?" Teddy asked.

"Before... I used my "anger" to fight a world-like life form, but she could hardly beat me..." Wu Xiaode mused.

Teddy said decisively:

"Impossible! Unless your 'rage' is fused with the great surge, and it just hits her weakness." The great surge....

"Wrath" comes from the fusion and emergence of the coming of the **** of death, the power of darkness, and the inheritance of the emperor. I also paid 10 times the willingness.

It was then personally stylized by the Wall of Sighs.

This is not over yet. At that time, I received the blessing of Thunder Tribulation and reset the title of "Tianzhi Minggui". --It hurts so much to hit someone!

Perhaps it was all of this that just caused the life-like body in that world to fall into hysteria. She doesn't want to fight with herself!

But he was swayed by her like that, and almost died in her hands. — How could I let her go!

Besides, there are more important things.

Although he was tricked into the "illusory world" by her, he still had to go back to her world. This is for the "Laws of Many Grave Deck"!

It is said that this is the last ray of hope for the Laws against the infinite catastrophe. Unfortunately, time is running out.

Wu Xiaode suddenly had an idea.

"Teddy, I have a problem, see if you can solve it," he said.

"Come on, if I don't know the answer, it's useless for you to ask anyone." Teddy said.

"We are going to return to the 'Unreal World' in 2 minutes, but I don't want to go back, I have some vengeance to avenge." Wu Xiaode said. "Let me see your reserve skills...very good, since you have the goblin's treasure, I can find a suitable strategy." Teddy said confidently.

"Really?" Wu Xiaode doubted.

"Of course! You may not have heard that when the world's most incredible Big Three gather, all problems will be solved by them." Teddy said.

Big Three?

Why have I never heard of the Big Three?

"Brother Teddy, may I ask, what are the Big Three?" Wu Xiaode humbly asked for advice.

"First of all, you need artificial intelligence that is proficient in algorithms—I happen to be the ancestor of 'artificial intelligence'; goblins are synonymous with bugs, and they are the second giants that are well-deserved; with our strong alliance, plus you as a dog, we are the Big Three. , We will definitely be able to steal the day and change the day, and kill the Quartet! "

"Don't add me, thank you."

Teddy's ears moved suddenly. "The fairies are coming!"

It looked in one direction and said.

Wu Xiaode followed its gaze, and saw a thumb-sized girl wearing a green dress, standing outside the window making faces at herself.

-- Chrissy! ...the same moment.

The world where Li Chengfeng, the Swordsman of Ten Thousand Realms, once lived. The world has resisted the invasion of the catastrophe.

Even the threat of being forced to go to the "illusory world" framed Wu Xiaode to replace him. Everything passed peacefully.

The golden light shines all over the world. evil phoenix--

Or the will of the world befalling her.

She stands on the top of a high mountain, overlooking the whole world. "Damn..."

She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, looking a little angry.

He was entangled by Shen Xiujun and Xuezhi before, and fought in an extremely inconspicuous manner. One is robbery.

One is taboo life. UU reading www.uukanshu. com that's all.

What is really frightening is what they said: "Do you think you can deal with Brother Xiaowu? Dreaming."

"That's right, my master will definitely be back soon. If you offended him, I don't know how miserable the end will be."

If you want to divide your heart with a few words, you are not afraid. But I have a secret technique.

This secret technique can see how likely the other party's words are to become a reality. I used a secret technique myself.

got the answer.

— This is the reason why I didn't care about fighting again and ran back directly. Damn it!

We can't wait any longer, we must take advantage of the completion of the world's evolution, immediately transform the world, make it stronger, and catalyze more powerful world skills.

Xie Feng looked at the earth again.

After the catastrophe, the whole world was scarred. Not many monsters and humans survived. So

Xiefeng cast her eyes on the only remaining human city.

For some reason, the image of that boy reappeared in her mind. Humanity--

Humanity is now on his side.

If he really came back, wouldn't his world be turned upside down? no.

The human race cannot survive.

In the future, the main races for the development of our own world should be monsters and monsters. Just let the race be erased from this world!

Xiefeng swelled up infinite golden light all over her body, and said, "Adjust the rules of the world:"

"The monster discovered that cannibalism can reproduce faster, and can be protected by the laws of heaven and earth, so as to walk on the road of the strong!"

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