Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 504: Law of Many Grave Deck!

Among the collapsed mountains. On the mountain road.

A dead young man was lying on the ground, his body not yet decomposed.

—The world ushered in a catastrophe before, and almost most of the people and monsters died. This man is just one of them.

Even his corpse, among the corpses all over the mountains and plains, was an extremely unusual one. Originally, there would be no waves at all.

until this moment--

But I saw a thumb-sized girl in a green dress emerge from the gap between the stacked leaves. She sneakily touched the man's body and looked around.

-- Safe for now!

The girl in the green skirt breathed a sigh of relief, immediately drew out a short stick, and said quickly:

"Balahu, Barahu, resurrect, the dead soul wandering on the road to the nether world!" A ray of light from the short staff hit the young man.

He shuddered and came alive. "You saved my life?" He calmed down and asked. The girl in the green skirt apologized:

"It's not accurate to say that. I just saw you jumping in the queue on the way to the Nether World, so I called you back and told you something."

"What's the matter?" the man asked.

"It's wrong to jump in line," said the girl in the green skirt.

The man was stunned for a moment, but his mind still didn't turn around. Yes.

So many people died that I literally kept jumping in line.


For such a trivial matter, do you want to educate me? —even at the expense of bringing me back to life?

Resurrection should be difficult. That--

"Seeing how small you are, are you an ant demon? Or some other race?" the man asked. "I dare not say." The girl in the green skirt said.

"Forget it, I'm the boss of the DC area known as "Xiao Ge". To be honest, I never queue up." The man said annoyed.

The girl in the green skirt said coyly: "I know, that's why I'm looking for you—in fact, there's one more important thing to bring you back to life." "What?" the man asked.

"Let you die again—in short, you have never been saved." The girl in the green skirt waved her hands with a happy look.

The next moment.

A flash of sword light flashed from behind the man.

The man froze, and slowly lowered his head, looking at the long sword passing through his chest. "Save me...and kill me again?"

He couldn't figure it out at all. Darkness came.

Whether he wants to or not, he can only return to the nether world with this incomprehensible doubt. Netherworld.

The man fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

"Damn, what a bad luck, what is this?" He stood up muttering, looking forward.

—There are too many dead creatures, they have already lined up in a mighty long queue, and there is no end in sight.

Originally, I had already jumped to the front when I jumped in line.

As a result, he lived and died again, and returned directly to the back of the team. "You have to jump in line again...""

As soon as the man took a step forward, he was about to bump away the weak dead souls in front of him. He stopped suddenly.


If the other party is serious, I don't want to jump in line for the sake of education—

Then if I jumped in the queue, wouldn't I be resurrected again, and then after the education was over, I would get a sword and go back to the queue again and finally queue up again?

The man thought and thought, and silently retracted his feet. The long sword piercing the chest really hurts.

Totally don't want to do it again.

The man sighed and stood obediently at the back of the line. the other side.


Wu Xiaode put the sword back into its sheath, and pressed on the Luluo brooch. Lines of small ice crystal characters suddenly appeared:

"You killed the man."

"With the goblin's pineapple brooch, you will immediately obtain the other person's body and get his complete memory." "Did it work?" Chrissy asked.

"It's done."

Wu Xiaode pressed on the brooch, his whole body

Suddenly turned over and turned into the young man. It looks like a fool.

"Like it!" Chris praised.

"That's what it smells like!" Teddy agreed.

"Come on, the reason why this guy was chosen to take a sword is not because he has done many heinous things." Wu Xiaode complained.

"Now I will return to the "illusory world" for you, and take your place! "Chris said. "I'll leave it to you!" Wu Xiaode carefully took out the black notebook and handed it to her. Chris looked at the notebook.

I saw two lines of small characters written on the cover of the book: "The Lord of Myriad Realms: Wu Xiaode."

"Director: Naiheqiao."

Chris took out a piece of double-sided tape, stuck it on the name column, and covered it with a card with the name: "The Lord of the World: Chris."

"Director: Naiheqiao."

The black notebook suddenly struggled violently.

Chris grabbed the middle of the notebook and said in a low voice, "I'm a stand-in! Do you understand the stand-in?"

The notebook continues to struggle.

"Tomorrow he will be working at Naihe Bridge. Now it's time for a break. I'm just going to take a few scenes for him, and I will never replace his function."


Chrissy's tone gradually became harsh: "You are going to violate the labor law and meddle in other people's private affairs during their off-duty hours?" The black notebook suddenly stopped moving.

It looks like a real notepad. Chris nodded in satisfaction, then waved at Wu Xiaode and said:

"I'm going to the 'Unreal World'. Remember, you must rush back before the end of tomorrow to complete tomorrow's super mission." "Okay." Wu Xiaode said.

Chris burrowed into the leaves and disappeared immediately. There was only an extremely ordinary street **** left on the spot.

Wu Xiaode turned around and looked in a certain direction.

—The only remaining human city in the entire world is over there!

But something is wrong.

A strong killing intent rushed into the sky, and it could be sensed even hundreds of miles away. "Not too good...""

With a flash of Wu Xiaode's figure, he turned into an afterimage, flying away from the collapsing majestic mountains. After a few minutes.

The city can already be seen ahead. Countless shouts of killing. scream. The roar of magic. The sky is full of blood.

Wu Xiaode stood among the clouds, looking down.

I saw countless monsters besieging the city, unleashing various attacks unceasingly, trying to break through the large formation protecting the city.

"It's strange... Human civilization has developed formations, refining tools, and elixirs, and is about to move towards a higher level of civilization. Why do you allow demons to attack human cities?"

Wu Xiaode murmured to himself in puzzlement.

Teddy praised: "That's right, you have already started to think about things from the perspective of the world, but according to my calculations, in three minutes and fifty-two seconds, the formation will collapse."

"Seventeen minutes later, the human city will be destroyed." "—After all, there are too many monsters."

Wu Xiaode pondered: "She is slaughtering the human race."

"Exactly, the will of this world is about to change its direction of development." Teddy said. Wu Xiaode looked at the battle situation below.

He stretched out his hand. Clang!

The long sword came out of its sheath, circled in the air for a while, and fell into his hand.

"What are you going to do?" Teddy asked.

"She wants the human race to be extinct, but I want the human race to prosper." Wu Xiaode grinned. With a long sword in his hand, he leaped forward and rushed towards the battlefield below. Instantly.

"City That Never Sleeps" activates!

Wu Xiaode was in mid-air, had disappeared until he landed among the monsters. --boom! !

The sword energy blew across the bodies of the monsters violently like the wind. Blood is flying all over the sky!

The rest of the monsters in the whole world should be besieging the city here. Kill them all!

Wu Xiaode killed a wave, and immediately disappeared into the "Sleepless City", directly across the entire battlefield, standing behind a bear demon. He took a deep breath, stood

Standing still, he said softly:

"Reminiscing about drinking on the Wuqiao Bridge in the past, most of the seats were heroes." "The long ditch flows silently."

"In the sparse shadows of apricot blossoms, play the flute until dawn." The long sword came out of its sheath with a violent sound--

A huge sword shadow instantly appeared in the void, passing through the bodies of hundreds of monsters. Soul power is empty.

full again. A big demon shouted:

"It's an invisible guy, covering a wide range of spells!" The monsters in the distance shot together.

In an instant, the sky was full of terrifying five-element spells, pressing down on Wu Xiaode's side. Wu Xiaode stood still, stretched out his hand and made a move.

Magical skill · universe in the sleeve!

The sky streamer was led by one of his hands, entered the void, and waved in another direction at will—rumble rumble!

The earth trembled, and the sun and the moon dimmed.

The simultaneous blast of many big monsters' spells directly killed all the monsters in a position.

At this time, Wu Xiaode had already left the area, ignored the cries and wailing of the monsters, and went straight to the other side of the city.

Raising the Huangjian horizontally, a long and extremely sharp line was launched, piercing through the battlefield. Before the monsters had time to react, their bodies separated immediately.

Wu Xiaode stood there and sighed.

To say how strong the soul power is, how deep the strength is - I don't have it.

But I was already on another level.

A random sword, a random move, can crush ordinary sentient beings. This is the bottomless gap between the world and sentient beings!

In this way, the mother of all things led herself into the "illusory world", and I should actually thank her. UU Reading After all, I now understand how difficult it is to transform from a human into a world-like life form. As he thought, he switched positions.

As soon as the long sword in his hand came out, he immediately beheaded a group of demons. "Walk!"

"Back, back!" "Can't beat!" "Humans have masters!"

The monsters screamed and retreated into the distance.

On the city, the besieged human monks cheered loudly.

Wu Xiaode stood outside the city, wielding his sword at random to kill those demons who were not dead yet. Sudden.

The Book of the Undead suddenly opened, and several lines of small ice crystal characters appeared:

"Current card task:" "Battle and practice."

"The current task requires you to kill evil spirits while cultivating."

"You have overfulfilled the task of killing evil spirits in combat, and you have surpassed the shackles of mortals in practice, and you have become a world-like life form."

"You have completed this task."

"The second card task is released:" "Follow up!"

"Explanation: This is a follow-up mission. You must follow her until a certain moment comes without the other party noticing."

"—Come on, witness the real secret of the world!" Wu Xiaode understood.

This must be the task set by the second of the law of the law of the grave deck. But with whom?

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly felt his surroundings spinning.

The city, corpses everywhere, crowds, and monsters all disappeared. A voice sounded:

"Watch me kill this troublemaker." "The world unfolds--"

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