Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 524: Xiao Wu's rake plan!

That's a deal. "

The voice just fell.

The blood bar on Wu Xiaode's head turned golden.

The female boss lit a cigarette for herself, took a deep breath, and then said: "From now on, you will be in a neutral position, and no existence that arrives in this world can attack you, otherwise it will violate the rules of the hegemony battle. Deprivation of life directly." "Thank you for your trust." Wu Xiaode said hastily.

— This kind of remuneration has exceeded his expectations.

The female boss shook her head, laughed mockingly, and said:

"For tens of thousands of years, no Lord of Myriad Worlds has been able to accomplish anything. Only you have relieved the pressure of the seal on the Naihe Bridge."

"That's why I trust you."

"—Now, I have chosen to ask you to help, I hope you can give me some help in the next battle for hegemony."

Wu Xiaode couldn't help being stunned.

What happens in the whole world is watched by others.

Fortunately, I have been working hard to do things, if I steal women to play tricks, people will definitely not be so easy to talk to.

The female boss touched it casually, and handed a ring made of purple magic crystal to Wu Xiaode.

I saw two small characters engraved on the ring: "Naihe".

The Book of the Dead had already been opened, and a line of prompts appeared: "You are wearing an artifact:"

"The Ring of Forgetting Chuanjiang."

"Effect 1: You can communicate with the will of the world through it at any time."

"Effect 2: You represent the will of the illusory world, and can assist in the investigation and selection of contestants for the World Will."

"—Other functions of this ring have been closed."

"—If you don't do well enough, or even have a negative effect on the Contest, the will of the world will take back this artifact."

Wu Xiaode took off the ring of Shengzang from his **** and replaced it on his index finger, then put this ring of Wangchuanjiang on his middle finger, and said:

"I will do my best, but I have a small request." "What?" asked the female boss.

"Can you give me some time every day, let me leave the illusory world and return to my original world." Wu Xiaode said.

—My goal is that set of cards!

The female boss thought for a while and said, "You need to keep sending those guys to reincarnation, so that my pressure will be further reduced, and I will give you more free time!" "I have something to go back now-can you give me some more The super mission on the Naihe Bridge?" Wu Xiaode said with a smile.

"Of course, you can leave for a period of time every time you exceed three targets." The female boss said.

"Thank you for your generosity." Wu Xiaode said.

"Then, that's the end of our conversation. I'm going back to prepare for the hegemony battle." The female boss said.

She nodded at Wu Xiaode, then looked at Jiang Shanglan. Jiang Shanglan bowed to her solemnly. The female boss looked at her quietly and asked, "How is this world?"

"I like life here very much, thank you for building such a world." Jiang Shanglan said.

When the female boss heard this, she put her hand on her shoulder and said softly:

"I sympathize with what happened to you, how about it, from now on, you can work with him, and the reward is—"

Jiang Shanglan's blood bar immediately turned golden.

She opened her eyes wide in surprise, and looked at Wu Xiaode. Both of them saw the joy in the other's eyes.

——In this way, Jiang Shanglan's safety will be guaranteed at least during the period of the battle for hegemony.

"Thank you for your generosity!"

Wu Xiaode and Jiang Shanglan said in unison.

"Remember, as long as you help me sincerely, I will not be stingy." After the female boss finished speaking, a gust of wind burst out from her whole body. The next moment.

She looked at the two people in front of her in surprise, and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

—The will of the world has gone

up. "It's okay, let's hang out here."

Wu Xiaode took Jiang Shanglan's hand, turned around and left.

The two walked along the alley, walked to the entrance of the alley, and looked at the busy traffic outside.

"I didn't expect to have such a great harvest."

Jiang Shanglan looked at his golden blood bar and said with some emotion.

"From now on, I will let Jishan and Judgment help you lift the curse every day, and strive to restore you as soon as possible." Wu Xiaode said.

Jiang Shanglan pursed her lips and smiled, feeling very good.

"The competition will start in 22 hours, what should we do now?" Jiang Shanglan asked.

"The will of the world has given such a great authority, and I'm too embarrassed to stretch it too much—so, let's do something for her now."

"Have you got an idea?"

Wu Xiaode stroked the ring of Wangchuanjiang lightly, thinking:

"Holding such a large-scale battle must consume a lot of resources. Now we have to raise some funds to make up for the consumption of the world, but there is a small problem here."

"--a commission."

He raised his hand and said to the ring: "If I get a large amount of money, how much can you give me?"

Waited for a few breaths.

A stream of water emerged from the ring of the Wangchuan River, forming a line of small characters in mid-air: "I am seven and you are three."

This is the answer of the will of the world.

Wu Xiaode nodded in satisfaction when he got this answer.

It's as if I didn't do anything, and I borrowed the power of the will of the world to empty the white wolf, so that I can get 30% of it, which is actually enough.

But speaking of rake--

With a casual pull, he took out a machine about 1.5 meters high with a huge light screen, and placed it on the ground.

--Holy betting machine!

This is something left by Satan. As long as he survives, he can get a generous commission from the gambling game of the heavens and the world.

"Now that I'm out of the fight and won't die in this fight, it's time for the game to be over."

Wu Xiaode said.

There was a burst of sound from the sacred betting machine, and a line of small characters appeared on the screen: "Please wait for the banker to come to communicate."


There was a soft sound.

I saw Satan coming out of a wall across the alley, with open arms, and laughed loudly:

"As soon as I saw you, I knew you were the mainstay of our sacred side!" "How much did you earn?" Wu Xiaode asked directly.

"The battle for supremacy is only suspended, but not over, so the bet is not over." Satan said.

While talking, he handed a small gray bag to Wu Xiaode. Wu Xiaode weighed it, pouring soul power into the bag—

He immediately sensed that there was a huge space in the bag, which was neatly filled with heart-shaped crystal gems.

"A high-level soul crystal?" Wu Xiaode asked in surprise.

"Yes, the hard currency that is more valuable than gold is the soul crystal. It contains the original power of the soul. Whether it is sentient beings, the world, or other types of existence, the purest original power can be extracted from the soul crystal. "Satan said.

"The game is not over yet, what are these soul crystals?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Those who bet on you that you won't last an hour are all settled - these accounts can be settled first." Satan shrugged.

Wu Xiaode looked back at Jiang Shanglan.

Jiang Shanglan had a tacit understanding, and whispered quietly: "One high-level soul crystal can be exchanged for one thousand tons of gold. This is the exchange rate in recent days."

Wu Xiaode got the letter, and looked into the small gray bag again. Um.....

Household doubled.

Satan opened a bottle of champagne, poured a glass for Jiang Shanglan, opened another bottle of whiskey, and poured a glass for Wu Xiaode and himself.

"Cheers, my friends, what a bountiful harvest." He raised his glass with style.

"The channel to make money is given by you, thank you in advance." Wu Xiaode

Had a drink with Satan.

Jiang Shanglan quietly looked at Wu Xiaode.

After Wu Xiaode clinked glasses with Satan, she then raised the glass, raised it slightly, and saluted Satan.

Satan naturally saw it, and his face became more and more kind. — This kid even handles Valkyrie?

No wonder he was able to be his partner at the last moment.

"Is there anything that needs my help now? You know, you will have a deep connection with me in the future, and I will definitely not hesitate to help you at this moment." Satan said.

"Help's impossible to talk about, but I really need people now, and the reward for this matter is not bad." Wu Xiaode said.

He raised his hand and asked the ring on his hand:

"Let's continue talking about the commission—can I control the blood bar function and open it to some contestants?"

Ring was silent for a while. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

A few lines of small characters floated in the air:

"You just said that you want to raise some funds to make up for the consumption of the world..."

"It's about this matter, you have to give me the permission to open the blood bar." Wu Xiaode said. "But the blood bar is of no help to the participants, and cannot provide any help in combat." Ring said doubtfully.

"Let me try." Wu Xiaode said.

He shook the gray cloth bag in his hand, and said with emphasis:

"Leave the matter of making money to professionals, and you just wait to collect the money." This move convinced the will of the world.

"Yes." Ring replied immediately.

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