Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 525: so big!

Maresa came out of Gold Bank and stood on the bustling street.

He looked around and only saw some mortals working hard to make a living. Everything is too ordinary.

Yes, this is the setting of the illusory world, and strange things are not allowed to happen in the human world.

more importantly--

Mortals cannot be harmed with awakening skills and soul power. Once violated, it will be death immediately!

Maresa's eyes showed awe-inspiring look, and he walked forward along the flow of people. There are still 22 hours before the battle for supremacy begins.

His own strength is so strong that there is no need to rush to find someone to form a group with, so this time close to a day can actually be used to show his kindness in front of the world.

for example--

He passed a beggar and threw a few banknotes into his bowl. Seeing these big bills, the beggar said quickly, "Thank you, thank you."

"Go get some food, then buy new clothes, take a shower, find a place to live, then go to work, and your life can start over."

Maresa said warmly.

Under the complicated eyes of the beggar, he stood up and walked towards the other side of the street. ——His strength is too strong. Even if he seals the fluctuation of breath in his whole body at this moment, he can still hear the beggar muttering in a low voice tens of meters away:

"This idiot gave me a lot of money, and asked me to find a job? Ha, how can you get money faster than being a beggar?"

Maresa froze. Damn.

If I didn't want to show my image in front of the will of the world, I would go back and tear you apart in minutes!

never mind. hold back, hold back!

He took a deep breath and continued walking forward. suddenly.

He saw a strange scene.

I saw a woman in a black windbreaker standing at the door of the cafe across the street, smiling at herself.

Broken white wings were exposed from behind the woman. However, the people around seemed to have disappeared.

— This is saying hello to yourself.

"Serving angels... Could it be that there are some big figures in the holy department here?" Maresa thought for a while, crossed the street, and walked in front of the other party.

"Which of your Excellencies is staying here?" he asked.

"The ruler of hell, the lord of the fallen angels, the morning star, satan is crowned here." The woman said.

Maresa shook his head and said: "I don't seem to have any friendship with you, and I don't want to be with anyone this time, so I won't meet him."

Holy side is good at dispelling spells.

What I specialize in is voodoo jinx.

In terms of compatibility, they should be tit-for-tat with each other.

If it weren't for a place like "Illusory World", I might have killed this angel long ago to find her purpose from her soul.

Maresa turned and walked in the other direction.

The woman didn't seem to hear his refusal, she still smiled and said: "Our sacred side has not participated in this battle for supremacy."

Maresa paused, and continued to walk forward.

"This time we are only responsible for selling information about the Battle of Hegemony," the woman continued. Maresa finally stopped.

Battle for supremacy -- and intelligence?

He thought for a while, and finally couldn't help but walk back, looked at the woman and said, "Take me to see His Majesty Satan."

The woman seemed to have known this before, turned around and walked towards the cafe.

The two walked through the lobby, came to the private room inside, and knocked on the door lightly. "Come in."

A deep and deep voice sounded from the private room.

The woman pushed open the door, stepped aside, and made a gesture of invitation. Maresa walked into the private room.

"Ah, it's Satan. I heard from your subordinates that you are here to sell information?" He asked bluntly.

The door of the room closed silently.

Satan put down the cigar in his mouth, took a sip of brandy from his cup, and then smiled and said:

"Yes, actually I have been staying in this world, so

It is actually not uncommon to get a little bit of information about the battle for hegemony. "

"But why are you willing to sell it to me? What are you planning?" Maresa asked, staring at him.

"I have a big family to support—you know how big my business is, so I always need to make money, so I have to have a little knack."

Satan crossed his legs and said with a smile: "I only do business with big men, and every transaction must be profitable for me, so as not to waste my time here."

Maresa hesitated.

"Your Excellency, let's not waste each other's time. If you are not interested in the information about the Contest, you can go out and turn left, and leave immediately; and I will wait here for the next big shot who can afford a good consulting fee." Satan said.

Maresa's heart skipped a beat.

In case the other party's information is extremely useful, and I didn't get it, but someone else got it--

Then once the battle for supremacy begins, wouldn't he be at a disadvantage? As for this Satan....

It seems that his main body is here, possessing all his mighty power, the outcome of a real fight is unpredictable, not to mention, if it affects the mortals outside, he will die!

"What's your intelligence? At least give me a direction, so that I can evaluate whether it's worth paying for something." Maresa said.

"The Contest has a small auxiliary technique, which was created by the will of the world itself, but if anyone wants to obtain that auxiliary technique, there is a way." Satan said.

Maresa heard her heart beating violently a few times.

The will of the illusory world has created an auxiliary technique to deal with the battle of hegemony? This is definitely not a simple technique.

If I can really get it... that would be even more powerful.

"Is this true?" Maresa asked in a deep voice.

Satan shook the wine glass in his hand, and said with confidence: "There is no lie, if you don't believe me, you can use the most vicious curse of your voodoo to establish a curse with me."

"So, what do I need to pay?" Maresa asked again.

"Money and goods come together, no one cheats, you know we've always done business like this, don't you?" Satan spread his hands.

Want money?

What the other party said made Maresa feel relieved.

The treasures on the sacred side are really good, and their spells are also very powerful, all of which are based on a huge material foundation.

With an incomparably strong material foundation, pile up that incredible superstructure. — Typical divine side style.

Besides, the other party opened the door to do business, and Satan himself came forward, so he wouldn't be waiting to lie to himself.

If there is such information—

You must get it yourself!

Maresa smiled and said:

"Let's make a price, Your Majesty Satan, I'm really interested." Satan reported a number.

Maresa's eyebrows twitched.

Satan stood up, poured him a glass of wine himself, and said gently:

"Once you win the Battle of Hegemony, what is this little money?" Maresa said nothing.

ten minutes later.

Only Satan was left in the private room.

He took a few deep puffs of his cigar and murmured in a low voice:

"Even the voodoo side who didn't deal with me paid such a large sum of money..." "This is the rhythm of becoming bigger and stronger."

Before the words fell, there was a knock on the door outside. "Please come in."

Satan said. Angel opened the door.

Another combatant stood outside.

"Ah, it's Satan, I heard from your subordinates, are you selling information here?" The combatant came in and asked bluntly.

The angel closed the door deftly, and went to guard the door of the cafe.

Satan put down the cigar in his mouth, took a sip of brandy from his cup, and then smiled and said:

"Yes, in fact, I have been staying in this world, so it is not unusual to get a little bit of information about the Contest.


-the other side.

Looking at the map in his hand, Maresa ran all the way to the outskirts of the city.

Thinking of the money he paid just now, even a strong man like him couldn't help but feel a pain in his flesh.

Fortunately, in exchange for that extremely important information:

"By a lake on the outskirts of the city, there is a hidden neutral person in the Contest of Contest. He is about to shoulder the construction work of the safe zone of the Contest of Contest. You go to find him and find a way to gain his favor. Once the reputation reaches Adoration, he will Give you the battle support technique created by the will of the world.”

"How would I recognize him?" I asked myself at the time.

"You can find him according to the map." Satan vowed. Maresa was worried about gains and losses.

Satan shouldn't lie to himself. He shouldn't be so stupid.

After all, although he is strong, the angels around him are very weak, and he can kill them all by himself.

Besides, the two parties have signed a voodoo contract.

Although the holy side has a special talent in lifting the curse, there is no need to send out a big man like Satan just to cheat himself of a sum of money.

Maresa was thinking about it when he suddenly saw a lake in front of him. It's over!

He flipped lightly and landed by the lake.

Satan said that after he came, he would definitely find that person. What about people?

Maresa's eyes turned and suddenly froze on a certain point.

I saw a young man fishing with a fishing rod under the bamboo forest on the shore of the lake.

A huge golden exclamation mark floated above his head. Very good, this kind of vision has problems at first sight.

Satan does not lie.

Maresa collected himself, walked forward, and muttered, "Hi, I'm Maresa."

"Hi, I'm Xiao Wu." The boy said. — To gain his favor.

Maresa said dryly, "You're in a good mood. You're here for fishing."

"Yes, I'm fishing." The boy named Xiao Wu said.

"You are busy fishing. There must be something that needs to be done by others. Do you think I can do something for you?" Maresa asked again.

Xiao Wu seemed to be attracted by this sentence, sighed and said:

"I caught a few expensive fish here some time ago. Since my family is poor, I can only find a way to catch them, otherwise my sister and I will starve."

Maresa couldn't help asking: "An expensive fish? What kind of species is it?" "A goldfish, a soul crystal fish." Wu Xiaode said.

The corner of Maresa's mouth twitched.

—Could this boy also be on the divine side, but he has such a big exclamation mark on his head—wait!

The exclamation point is gone!

There were also some slight fluctuations around. This fluctuation comes from the will of the world!

So, UU reading www.uukanshu. com This is the will of the world testing itself!

I have successfully entered the corresponding link, and I may have the opportunity to obtain that auxiliary skill!

Thinking of this, Maresa said loudly: "That's easy to say, let me find it for you!"

He jumped into the lake with a "plop", stood at the bottom of the lake, made two fishes out of gold and soul crystals, and then floated up.

"Look, I found these at the bottom of the lake, are they your goldfish and soul crystal fish?"

He held a fish in each hand and asked. Xiao Wu looked at it and shook his head again and again. "No?" Maresa was stunned.

I saw Xiao Wu put down his fishing rod, stood up, and stretched his arms. "It's such a big goldfish and soul crystal fish."

Xiao Wu said seriously.

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