Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 526: The second skill!

It's such a big goldfish and soul crystal fish! "

Maresa looked at the palm-sized goldfish soul crystal fish in his hand, and then at the huge shape compared with the other's open arms, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

As a world lord, and a strong one among many world lords, he does have a lot of gold reserves, and he also has some soul crystals.

—But I can't bear such a knife and knife! Do you want to kill this guy?

Just like before, anyone who dared to raise excessive conditions was killed by himself.

Everything is theirs.

This idea popped up, turned around in Maresa's mind, and was quickly extinguished by himself.

The fantasy world is no ordinary world.

If you can't bear it, you will make big plans, and you may not even see the sun tomorrow. Maresa took a deep breath, forced a smile on his face, and said, "Please wait a moment, I'll go see if there is anything left at the bottom of the lake."

He plunged down and stood at the bottom of the lake again, condensing a huge fish-shaped sculpture with each hand.

One uses gold and the other uses soul crystals.

The two fish are lifelike, as if they will swim away from his hand at any time.

Maresa felt pain again, and stood at the bottom of the lake for a while to adjust his emotions before refloating.

"Look, are these two fish?" He asked respectfully. "No." Wu Xiaode said.

Maresa stared at him with wide eyes.

—You are obviously so tall, why? Still not satisfied?

Wu Xiaode waved his hands and said, "It's really not my two, but forget it, you

If you are so thoughtful, if I don't accept it, it will be like looking down on you, so I'll accept it. "

"...Thank you," Maresa said.

Wu Xiaode took the two fish away, with a satisfied look on his face, he said: "I can see that you are a warm-hearted person, I have one thing to ask you." "Please tell me." Maresa said.

"My sister has been cursed, and she is not in good health now. If you have a way, please help her, and I will definitely thank you!" Wu Xiaode said.


This is exactly what I am good at!

Maresa smiled and said respectfully, "Where is your sister? I'll go and see her."

"Go south through this forest, you will see a small wooden house, my sister should be there." Wu Xiaode said.

Maresa said, "Then—"

Wu Xiaode interrupted him directly: "If you can help my sister, please come back and see me, I have something for you."

It's done! This is it!

Maresa suppressed the excitement in his heart, respectfully said: "Just wait for my good news."

After he finished speaking, he headed south. after awhile.

Maresa reappeared in front of Wu Xiaode with a letter. "How is it?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"The curse on your sister is too powerful. I tried my best to lift it a little... This is a letter from your sister." Maresa said.

At this moment, he seemed extremely honest and sincere.

— When I saw Jiang Shanglan just now, I immediately realized that her strength was far superior to my own. Not only above her, but most of the world's life forms are probably not her opponents!

Such an existence was unexpectedly cursed. ——It’s still that incomparably terrifying curse!

With all my strength, I was able to lift less than 10% of the curse. The water in this world is too deep.

Must not make random mistakes!

Wu Xiaode took the letter, opened it directly, and read:

"Dear brother, the person you sent is a kind-hearted and kind-hearted person. Although he is not strong enough, he helped me a little bit."

"You can see how to thank him."

After reading, Wu Xiaode put the letter away, looked at Maresa and said, "Our family is poor, and we have nothing to thank you for."

"Well, I learned two kinds of spells when I was young, and now I will bless you with one of them, maybe it can help you."

Maresa was waiting for this moment, and quickly responded: "Thank you very much." Wu Xiaode pressed his hands on his shoulders, and said: "This is a spell, please follow me:"

"Follow the wind and use the rudder."

Maresa followed and read: "Where the wind is at the rudder." The next moment.

He saw a long red blood bar appearing above his head, with a row of numbers on it:

"900,000." Look at the opposite side again.

There is also a line of blood bars above Wu Xiaode's head, but it is golden, and the numbers on it are:


100,000. . . . . It should be the value of the initial world-like lifeform. You can kill him at will.

— But his health bar is golden, full of an inviolable power of law.

I see.

If in tomorrow's battle for hegemony, he could see the strength of others clearly at any time, that would be like a tiger with wings added.

This assist technique is totally worth it!

"Thank you, Your Excellency, then I will take my leave." Maresa saluted.

"Well, go slowly, I hope you will have good luck in the days to come." Wu Xiaode grinned.

Maresa nodded at him, turned and left. Wu Xiaode is still sitting by the lake fishing.

after awhile. Jiang Shanglan appeared quietly.

"How? Did he help?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"He did his best, and the curse on me was lifted a little bit more." Jiang Shanglan smiled.

"That's good. I hope Satan will find more clients, so that you can recover faster." Wu Xiaode said.

Jiang Shanglan recalled the whole process and said:

"First, Satan collects the money, then accepts the mission from you, then collects another amount of money, and finally lifts the curse for me, so that I can see the blood bar—tsk tsk, Xiao Wu, are you a devil?"

Wu Xiaode glanced at her, and said angrily, "I'm doing this to help you. At the same time, Satan also has income. I also get a little money, and I also subsidize the illusory world by the way. Everyone has a bright future, why not?"

Jiang Shanglan couldn't say what he accused him of. Don't you want to restore your strength?

--I want to dream!

What he's doing right now can really help him. It really shouldn't be said about him.

She looked at the purple Wangchuanjiang Ring in his hand, and saw a soft light shining on the ring.

—The income just now can be divided into 70% by the will of the world!

For an unreal world without gold, that's a lot of money! So the will of the world is also on his side.

As for myself--

Of course he was on his side.

"Okay, I'm joking with you." Jiang Shanglan changed her tone and said softly, "But you just said that you had learned two kinds of spells when you were young. What do you mean by that?"

Wu Xiaode looked around and saw no one around, so he said mysteriously: "Don't worry, the business has just opened, this business secret will be presented to you immediately."

Jiang Shanglan was about to continue asking when he suddenly felt something. "Someone is here, looking for you," she whispered.

"It's business! Let's continue to do business—you go back quickly, we will wear off the curse on you today." Wu Xiaode said.

Jiang Shanglan took a deep look at him, then walked away in an instant, and walked towards the end of the woods. not for a while.

A strong man appeared in front of Wu Xiaode.

"Hello, I'm Huoyuanfa." The strong man said respectfully.

"Hi, just call me Xiao Wu." Wu Xiaode smiled. "I don't know if you are here..."

The two chatted.

Jiang Shanglan stopped paying attention and was going back to the wooden house to wait. suddenly.

A soaring golden glow emerged from the lake.

With a flash of Jiang Shanglan's figure, she immediately returned to Wu

Beside Xiaode, he looked around with a vigilant expression.

"How did I feel death—that person died just now?" She asked in surprise.

Wu Xiaode said blankly: "Yes, he intends to hijack me and ask for information." Jiang Shanglan was speechless for a while.

Wu Xiaode shook the fishing rod, re-baited, and continued:

"It's good. Before the start of the battle for hegemony, we got rid of the winking guys. This will make the world less burdensome."

"I don't even know the depth, but I dare to do it. The illusory world really doesn't like it...someone is coming again." Jiang Shanglan said.

"Well, you go back, I'm fine here." The two separated again.

After counting interest.

I saw another man appeared by the lake, talking to Wu Xiaode. soon.

The man plunged into the lake with a fierce son. …

the other side.

Maresa walked casually in the city, looking at the blood streaks floating above the heads of those people.

It's expensive, but it's worth it!

He even saw a world lifelike body with a blood bar of 500,000. — Not his opponent at all.

very good. It's so convenient.

Once the battle starts, he can use this blood bar to prepare for battle. but.....

Just now the neutral person named Xiao Wu said—

"...I learned two kinds of spells when I was young, and now I will bless you with one of them...

I am not a fool, I would ignore such an obvious task clue. In fact, there are two techniques!

One of them is the health bar, which is already that useful. --What about the other one?

What is another technique of this neutral person?

Thinking of this, Maresa couldn't hold back anymore, turned around and walked back. He soon came to the lake.

Of course, at this time, many world-like life forms have arrived here one after another, and they are doing tasks here.

"Huh? You're back?" Wu Xiaode asked in surprise.

Maresa looked at those world-like life forms, and when he thought that they would soon have to master the auxiliary ability of "blood bar", he felt unhappy.

But there is no way.

I can't kill this neutral person myself.

The golden blood streak on his head smacked of absolute judgment. Once he tried to make a mistake, his end would be extremely miserable.

"Haha, yes, I suddenly remembered something." Maresa said. "What's the matter?" Wu Xiaode asked in confusion.

"I remember you said that you know two kinds of spells...don't you?" Maresa asked quietly.


"Excuse me, sir, what is another technique?"

At this moment, Wu Xiaode had pointed the last person to the hut in the forest, and simply asked Maresa to walk in front of him, and then whispered:

"This technique is incredible. Only a real warrior will be taught by me." "I am a real warrior." Maresa said with her chest up.

"Really? Come on, you see, I have a mission here, which is to go to the Naihe Bridge for salvation..."

Wu Xiaode explained it in detail.

The cold sweat almost fell from Maresa's head. — This task is really dangerous.

But I don't know what the other technique is? Is it worth taking such a risk? "Go, after UU Reading completes the task, you will get the second skill."

"I promise it's worth it." Wu Xiaode said.

"Your Excellency, it's not that I don't trust you, I just want to know, what is the second spell?" Maresa asked respectfully.

Wu Xiaode patted him on the shoulder and said mysteriously:

"Have you noticed that now more and more contestants can see other people's health bars?"

Maresa nodded.

"Do you want to stand out from them?" Wu Xiaode asked. "Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

"—The second skill,

Hides health bars. "

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